Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 610: Eve


“Tap, step, step…”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”



More than ten miles outside Slgrad City, it has become the front line for the battle between scouts from both sides. A group of cavalry and centaur warriors from the North suddenly encountered each other. Immediately, a fierce conflict occurred. It may not be appropriate to call it a fierce conflict. From the scene, it seemed that a large number of centaur warriors were chasing this small group of human cavalry.

Although the number of human cavalry is small, their style is quite tough. The light cavalry in the North may not be as elite as the cavalry in the West, but their fighting will and desire to fight are definitely better. When encountering centaur warriors Finally, the first reaction of these dozen Northland cavalry was to shoot a round of arrows at the centaur.

This kind of riding bow is not a big threat to the orc infantry. Even if it is replaced with armor-piercing arrows, it will be difficult to break through the thick armor of the orcs. Except for extremely lucky shots that can penetrate into the gaps in the armor, most of the time. It was just a loud noise, but when it was shot on the centaur, it achieved quite a lot of results.

The smelting technology of the centaurs is far inferior to that of the orcs. Even if they temporarily formed an alliance with the orcs, the orcs did not have a large amount of armor suitable for centaurs in a short period of time. Except for a few centaur leaders who obtained suitable armor from the orcs. , most of the centaur warriors still only have a mix of old iron armor and leather armor, or even just naked and supported by a piece of fur.

Although the riding bow in the hands of the Northland knights was ineffective most of the time, its quality was quite good, and it shot down two centaur warriors on the spot.

Two casualties were nothing to more than a hundred centaur warriors, but they completely angered these centaur warriors. The leading centaur warrior ignored the orcs’ instructions to conduct careful reconnaissance and roared angrily. He rushed forward.

It’s not that these centaur warriors are reckless, but that they are indeed qualified to do so. When it comes to cavalry, the most powerful Western cavalry in the human kingdom have been defeated by them, although there is a suspicion of bullying. , but it is undeniable that these natural cavalry have strong combat effectiveness.

They can become a serious trouble to the north of the Orc Kingdom with their crude equipment, which is indeed remarkable.

“Catch them and kill them all!”

Facing more than a hundred centaur warriors, the Northland cavalry naturally turned around and ran after firing their arrows without any hesitation. However, although the horses of this group of Northland cavalry were good, they were not red horses produced by the system. The flame horse is still not as fast as the centaur warrior who combines man and horse.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was shortened to about fifty meters. The centaurs tried to fire a few arrows at the cavalry of the Northland. The accuracy was quite good, but the equipment of the Northland Army was much better than the regular army of the Kingdom. , basically immune to the arrows thrown by the centaur fifty meters away.

After seeing that the bow and arrow were of little use, the leading centaur simply ordered his men to sprint with all their strength, picked up the tomahawk and long-handled pickaxe in their hands, chased the human cavalry directly in front, and used the most violent way to deal with it. them. Centaurs and orcs have been fighting for so many years, and they have faced countless orcs with heavy armor. Naturally, they have ways to fight against heavy armor.

“Lord Baihu! Human cavalry appeared on both sides. They seem to be here to support us.”

“Don’t blame them, keep chasing. If they dare to come up to help, kill them all together!”

“Yes, Master Baihu!”

Of course, the centaur warrior’s chief also saw a small number of human cavalry gathering on both sides, seemingly making an outflanking move, but he had no intention of worrying at all. The number of the other party was too small, and the total was only There are dozens of horses, and there is no way to hide more people and horses on the plain. He just glanced at the overestimating human cavalry on both wings and continued to pursue them regardless. Today he had to kill all those annoying human cavalry.

Thirty meters

Twenty meters

The centaurs are getting closer and closer. At this distance, the more than ten human cavalry who are running away cannot escape. Even if they try desperately to turn around, the horses cannot increase their speed. It seems that they are only being chased and killed one by one. It was over, but just when the centaurs were about to catch up with the human cavalry in front, the cavalry suddenly dispersed to both sides, and three human cavalry appeared facing them.

The three cavalrymen quickly launched a charge with their knight lances in hand. These three cavalrymen were a bit strange. This was the Centaur Baihu’s first reaction when they saw the three charging human cavalrymen. From their armor to their horses, they were very different from the group of cavalrymen they had just chased.

Especially the war horses. The three war horses under the crotch of the three human cavalry who were charging towards each other were strangely colored. The red and black colors were already unusual, and the red color was like burning flames.

What is more intuitive is the size. The Western Horses originally introduced and bred by the Northland Cavalry were only slightly larger than the Centaur, but the three war horses in front of me were completely larger than the Centaur and taller. The strong centaur warrior has half the head, and the knight on the horse can completely overlook the oncoming centaur warrior.

However, no matter how weird they are, there are only three of them, and as long as one charges, they can be overwhelmed.

Faced with three human heavy cavalry sprinting from 20 meters away, Centaur Baihu showed no intention of flinching, and instead faintly increased his speed.

The opponent’s acceleration distance is too short, and it is impossible to run at this distance. If the speed does not increase, the advantage of body size will not be able to be used…


Next, the centaur Baihu who was rushing at the front was knocked into the air. His originally huge body actually looked a little petite when it hit the red flame horse.

His common sense was completely broken by the champion knight in front of him. The Red Flame Horse showed him a short-distance extreme speed increase, and entered the sprint state in just a few steps.

The internal organs of Centaur Baihu who was hit seemed to have been hit hard. This kind of impact was unbearable even for the champion knight who had not used his fighting spirit.

Fell to the ground, the battle ax in his hand had flown to nowhere. He struggled to raise his head, but his consciousness gradually blurred. Before closing his eyes completely, he only saw three blooming rays of fighting spirit.



Three champion knights rushed into the team of hundreds of centaur warriors as if they were in no man’s land. The strongest centaur Baihu was only slightly stronger than the average knight, and could not even stay a second ahead of the champion knights. Didn’t hold on.

After more than ten centaurs were knocked away one after another, the speed of the champion knight was restricted.

After falling into a melee, the centaurs discovered that although they were more numerous and seemed to surround the three champion knights, they were actually unable to get close. The fighting spirit of the champion knights could directly kill those who came close. The centaur warriors and three champion knights happened to guard three directions. Before their fighting spirit was exhausted, the centaur warriors did not even have a chance to engage in hand-to-hand combat. It was obvious that the three champion knights surrounded them.

Half of them were killed by the champion knights, and without the leader Baihu, the centaur warriors finally stopped sieging and tried to escape.

At this time, they discovered that the dozens of human cavalry that had been wandering on the two wings and the dozen or so cavalry that had escaped before had surrounded them. They had never thought of confronting the centaur warriors from the beginning. Just waiting to come up and clean up the mess caused by the champion knight.




The centaurs who only focused on escaping completely lost their fighting power and were chased by human cavalry. Fortunately, they were natural cavalry, and in this case, a dozen of them actually escaped.


“Take our bodies with you and retreat!”

“If you delay a little longer, the Centaur Brigade will be here.”

With the powerful force of the Champion Knight, the human side annihilated a Centaur Centaur team at a very small cost.

However, the commander had no time to celebrate and urged his men to evacuate as soon as possible. They just made the centaurs pay a little price for their arrogance.

When the centaur brigade arrives, except for the champion knight, none of the dozens of cavalry here will be able to escape.

After tying up the bodies of the two dead and stabbing several suspicious enemy corpses, the cavalry team quickly left.

In less than ten minutes, there was another intensive sound of horse hooves here.

Thousands of centaur warriors rushed here and looked bitterly at the direction of the evacuation of the human cavalry…


Slgrad City

This city has been completely transformed into a military city shortly after Gru took over. The number of troops in the city is twice as many as civilians. Teams of soldiers patrol the streets to prevent a war. Someone is causing trouble in the city.

The originally smooth streets were riddled with holes cut by horses, iron caltrops, sandbags and other objects. In addition to the city wall, many corner houses were equipped with crossbows, cannons and other objects. It was obvious that the defenders were doing this. Prepared for the worst.

There are nearly 300,000 defenders. They seem to be a large number, but the real strength is the 100,000 troops that Gru brought back from the northern front. These 100,000 troops were originally trained elites from Longxingguan. , and followed Richard from the northern jungle to the edge of the orc plateau, and experienced many battles with the orcs, and they all ended in victory.

Compared with other human armies, they are not only elite, but also have no fear of the orcs, and even have a certain psychological advantage. Apart from these 100,000 people, the rest are the defeated troops gathered by Gru and the troops originally stationed in the city. Garrison Corps.

These people said that the rabble might be a bit too much, but the combat effectiveness was indeed worrying. Fortunately, Gru was good at leading troops, and he was able to rectify this chaotic group of soldiers to the point where they were barely capable of combat in a short period of time. But it was indeed a bit reluctant to let them fight the orcs right away.

The trump card in Gru’s hand is still the system soldiers and the generals under him.

“Lord Gru, the cavalry sent out had a good harvest today. Those centaurs were not prepared at all, and they lost at least thousands.”

“If you send more out…”

“Okay, let them come back and take advantage of it. Do you really think that the two hundred thousand centaurs don’t exist?”


“Also, let the woodcutter come back. The orcs’ vanguard has already arrived. If they collide, there is no need to determine the loss.”

Using champion knights and ordinary cavalry to trick the centaurs is just a small effort after all, and it cannot even slow down the movement of the orc army.

At dusk

Under the bright red light of the setting sun, the last cavalry entered the city of Sirgrad, and the soldiers guarding the bridge immediately pulled up the suspension bridge on the moat.

On the edge of the bare mountain that had been cut down in the distance, the beast-headed blood spear flag belonging to the orcs was raised high, and it first appeared in the sight of the humans in the city.

Then, along the contour of the low slope, a black line appeared, just like someone had drawn a black line on the ground along with the terrain with a pen.

This black line also followed the beast-headed blood spear flag and slowly approached Sirgrad City…

That’s not a black line. It’s the dense mass of orc warriors that change the color of the earth.

The orc army arrived at Sirgrad City before the Northland army…


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