Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 61: Messenger


Of course we must save. The Sixth War Zone where Richard is located is bounded by endless forests to the west and north, and the Fifth War Zone is to the south.

If the ogres are to attack, they must either enter the ironwood forest directly from the wilderness, and walk for days and nights to infiltrate from the forest,

But anyone with a little common sense knows that it is actually very difficult for a large group of people to cross the jungle, and they will generally not do it unless it is a last resort.

When the number of people and horses increases, it becomes a big problem to enter the forest for drinking water and logistics.

The logistics level of the ogres themselves is not high, and can even be said to be very primitive. The ironwood forest is not like the plains, and there are so many human villages that can supply them on the spot.

Thousands of people are really going to enter the woods. If they are not prepared first, hunting alone will never be enough to meet the needs of the large group of people.

This is also the reason why the ogres that attacked the half-elf tribe last time only had a small tribe and did not bring a large number of kobolds with them.

Furthermore, a city in the forest is now installed in the Ironwood Forest. Elf sword dancers and centaurs are patrolling day and night. The possibility of ogres infiltrating again is extremely low.

As long as the fifth war zone is not lost, Richard’s territory will naturally not suffer too much damage. War will always destroy production. If the war can be prevented outside the territory, no lord will be willing to do so on his territory. fight.

Well, Richard has regarded the entire sixth theater as his own territory.


Ironwood Castle

The messenger from the Bande family came very quickly. Less than a day after Richard received Yusidu’s report, the Bande family’s letter of request for help was placed in front of Richard’s case.

The Band family only has the title of Baron, but its lord, Baron Band, is also the war zone commander appointed by Piaoxue City,

Just because the Bender family has two powerful knights, if compared to other territories, it can be said that it is a powerful party and is qualified to hold this leadership position.

Generally speaking, viscounts and barons are lower-ranking nobles. Viscounts may have slightly larger fiefdoms, but there is no qualitative difference in the strength of most viscounts and baron families.

Even many of them just relied on one knight from generation to generation to maintain their title.

The barons don’t have much respect for the viscount, they just rely on their strength to speak for themselves.

Only after reaching the earl level, larger territories and resources can lead to qualitative changes from quantitative changes. If nothing else happens, the family’s strength can be guaranteed to be stable. Each generation can support three to five knights and become a true noble family.

So it is not surprising that the Band family can win the leadership of the five theaters with the title of baron.

Richard is sitting on a chair, carefully looking at the letter for help sent from the Bender family,

The messenger stood aside respectfully and waited for Richard’s reply,

The mission of this messenger is not just to deliver a message. He is also the messenger seeking help from the Hunter family. He is also a quasi-knight of the Bender family, and he is also a well-spoken middle- and upper-class member of the Bender family.

In addition to delivering the letter this time, he also has another task: to persuade the Hunter family to send troops, and if necessary, he can agree to some conditions.

The messenger had been observing Richard’s expression, hoping to see some clues. Unfortunately, Richard remained expressionless until he gently closed the letter and put it down.

The Bender family can reach this point with the position of baron, and there are indeed some tricks.

Richard couldn’t help but sigh after reading the letter.

The Bande family didn’t say much in the letter, except to express their feelings and reason, and talk about some empty words about human justice.

He also listed with Richard the practical issues of how much military rations would be provided and how much departure fees would be paid.

In addition to paying for all the food and grass consumed by Richard’s troops in combat, the two viscounts and four barons, including the Bande family, will also pay an additional 5,000 gold nairs for the departure fee, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

Of course, this also illustrates the criticality of the situation,

When the Jingbei Army was defeated, Marquis Wade led the remaining troops to retreat to Fort Hel, unable to stop the ogres from advancing eastward.

In addition to leaving a considerable number of ogres to monitor the Jingbei Army, tens of thousands of ogres crossed Helburg and poured into the Northland,

For a time, war broke out in the North, and a large number of villages were massacred. More villagers fled as refugees, and even the castles of several small nobles were breached.

Piaoxue City is currently too busy to take care of itself, and the Bender family does not expect to receive support from Piaoxue City now, so they can only ask for help from the nearby Richard.

“The gold nard is increased to ten thousand.”

Richard was not polite either. His first sentence after putting down the letter was to ask for more money.

Although the Bender family is very good, the basic process of paying off the high price still needs to be walked through.

“This, I’m afraid, is too much.”

Richard’s lion opened his mouth and made things difficult for the messenger.

Although he has been given certain authority to increase the amount, Richard’s method of super doubling is obviously not within his authority.

“For ten thousand gold, I will send troops immediately. The vanguard will be able to set off today.

There are no less than twenty knights in the team. ”

Li Cha saw that the other party was in a bit of a dilemma and directly offered his conditions.

When he heard Richard say that there were no less than twenty knights in the reinforcements, the envoy of the Band family brightened.

The Bande family had done their homework in advance. When Richard showed the Crusaders before, he never thought of deliberately hiding their strength.

Those who are interested will naturally know that the number of knight-level warriors in the Hunter family has exceeded the number of two palms,

This is also the reason why the Bender family gave priority to asking Richard for help. They knew that the Hunter family had this strength.

I thought I already understood the power of the Hunter family, but I didn’t expect that I still underestimated it.

The Hunter family was actually able to directly send twenty knights. Apart from the Lanster family, they were probably the only family in the North with such strength.

Of course, the Bender family’s envoy only thought that these knights were hidden by the Hunter family before, and never thought that they had only appeared recently.

“Sir Richard, are you sure?”

“Twenty knights, just a few more, I won’t take any money from one less.”

“Okay, just 10,000 gold nards, please Sir Richard to send troops as soon as possible.”

Although it slightly exceeds the scope of Baron Bender’s authorization, the envoy of the Bender family is obviously not a pedantic person,

It is not just the Bande family who are paying, but also the noble families in the Fifth War Zone. Although ten thousand gold is a lot, they can still make up the money if each family contributes a little bit of blood.

After all, money is nothing compared to the life of the family.

“Don’t worry, the vanguard will be dispatched immediately, and the follow-up reinforcements will not be less than 2,000.”

Richard is willing to send troops so quickly, except for the fact that the Bande family is relatively wise,

It was also because the griffins who were conducting reconnaissance from a distance had discovered that the ogres had begun to plunder the villages under several nobles in the fifth war zone.

Faced with the raging ogres, several nobles closed their castle doors tightly and did not dare to fight against them.

After all, the Jingbei Army has been defeated. Who has the courage to fight the ogres in the wild?

If we don’t send troops, if the nobles of the Bender family can no longer bear it, his territory will be the next to suffer.

“Then I will go back with the adults.”

The envoy from the Bande family is obviously waiting for Richard to send troops to act together.

Richard didn’t care, and he didn’t intend to fool him, so he just let him go down and rest first.

“Call officers above the commander-in-chief to the meeting hall.”

“Yes, sir.”

A messenger who was waiting at the door ran away, fearing that he would delay Richard’s order for just a second…


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