Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 609: Go south


It was getting dark, and the orcs who had been marching for dozens of miles on the Great Plains during the whole day stopped and set up camp. Even if the orcs did not have night blindness, the commander was not willing to let hundreds of thousands of troops march at night unless necessary. Long-term marching and adequate rest are also one of the guarantees of combat effectiveness. Cold weapon warfare not only tests the will of the soldiers, but also places high demands on the physical strength of the soldiers. You cannot expect a group of soldiers to march day and night for several hours. Tianzai fought fiercely with dozens or hundreds of kilograms of equipment.

Under the night, the orcs sat around the campfire in an orderly manner according to their own teams, enjoying dinner. Except for a small number of elite troops on the plateau, the orcs generally could only maintain the habit of two meals a day, and only consumed meat. There are more food and animal offal. After entering the central plains, the supplies become more abundant, and there is also a meal in the evening.

This evening meal not only had enough staple food, but also a lot of meat and meat. Many orc warriors had their mouths full of oil. This shows how much supplies the orcs had grabbed after entering the central plains. Most of them did not have any on the eastern plateau. After so many opportunities to eat with open stomachs, I never felt hungry again after entering the Central Plains. Therefore, no matter from any aspect, the morale of this orc army is quite high, even if there are no orcs due to military discipline. The warrior shouted loudly, but the pleasure on his face could not be hidden.

However, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Route Army in the Great Tent, the Great Shaman, the supreme commander of the millions of orcs, or the ancestor of the orcs, Gro. At this time, Gro’s expression was particularly solemn, and there was something on his young face. There was a sense of maturity and vicissitudes that did not belong to this age. Even if he changed into a younger body, the old temperament could not be worn away, so that other people except for the moment they saw Gro’s new body appeared. Apart from the astonished expression, they quickly got used to the young-looking Gro.

At this time, in addition to Gro, there were several senior orc generals and the elusive Envoy of the Rising Sun, Adelillo, in the camp at this time. They took advantage of this time in the evening to analyze the map and analyze the current battle situation bit by bit.

“General Skar acted very decisively after receiving the order. He immediately gave up the city of Kleis and headed north. According to the current situation, he should be able to reach the city of Sirgrad at the scheduled time.”

“Our army is in good condition now. We won’t need to rest and recuperate when we arrive in Slglud in four days, and we will be able to join the battle immediately.”

“More than 100,000 centaur warriors will also arrive with General Skaar.”

“Okay, don’t be careless these days. Come with me to inspect the camp before resting.”

Gero was quite satisfied with the speed at which the various armies were gathering. After all, the orc army was elite, and even if it was scattered, it could gather together quickly.

“Master Great Shaman, we are only attacking the city of Slgrad. Do we need to use so many troops?”

Just when Gro was about to leave the camp, someone among the officers present finally expressed the doubts that most people had. Gro’s sudden order seemed unreasonable to most of the orcs. Intelligence shows that there are only more than 200,000 defenders in the city of Sirgrad, and more than half of them are soldiers who escaped from the Longxingguan battlefield. In their eyes, this group of people just lost the battle, even if some masters among them have a few skills. The giant dragon wouldn’t let them go to war in such a big way.

The troops mobilized by Gro this time, in addition to his own east-route army of nearly 500,000 people, he also mobilized half of the army from the army that was originally planning to take Clay City and approach the human capital, which is also close to Half a million people, including centaurs and some scattered teams. In order to attack Surgrad, Gro gave up many areas that should have been occupied and gathered more than 1.2 million troops. This force is close to entering the border. Half of the orc army.

Not to mention, there is also the most important white dragon in this team. More than a hundred white dragons followed the Eastern Route Army under the leadership of the new patriarch Yisr. This force unexpectedly went north to attack Sirgrad. , if we attack Clay City directly, we can capture it in a few days at most. With the time it takes to march north, maybe even the Golden Dragons will be captured.

Sirgal does have a strategic position. After all, it is an important city connecting the north and south of the human kingdom. However, in their eyes, attacking a city of Sulgel where more than 200,000 human troops are stationed will not mobilize so much force. Arrange at most a partial force of 200,000 to 300,000 men, and with a few white dragons, we can win. There is no point in setting up this formation.

“Of course it is necessary.”

Before Gro could respond to the officers’ questions, Adelillo, who had remained silent, spoke first. Everyone present except Gro was focused on Adrilo, but at this time they would not Some people questioned whether Adelillo was qualified to speak on this occasion. As the most senior officers of the corps, they knew very well that it was this elf who contributed to the White Dragon and Centaur’s ability to unite with the orcs.

“The King of the North has mobilized an army of 500,000 from the North to move south along the Golden Dragon River. If you don’t capture Surgal, maybe his army will appear when you attack the Golden Dragon City. Behind your butts.”

“A mere half a million human troops, even if they appear in Golden Dragon City, will not pose any threat to us.”

“It would be fine if there were only 500,000 human troops, but there are nearly twenty giant dragons and more than thirty giants in the army going south. Besides, you have also fought against the King of the North at Longxi Pass. “Jiao Dao, in addition to the giant dragon, he also has many strong men.”

To say that among the human generals the orcs hate the most, it is definitely not the Dragon Knight or the Rose Duke of the West. Richard must be ranked first with an absolute advantage. Whether it was a round of killing and looting or the losses caused to the orcs during several rounds of pulling at Dragon’s Breath Pass, the orcs will remember them deeply.

When they heard the name King of the North, they had already taken it seriously. Now Adelillo said that the other party had nearly twenty dragons and more than thirty giants, which made them even more confident. The incomparable orc officers calmed down a little.

“There are more than twenty giant dragons. Doesn’t it mean that the golden dragon has torn up its agreement with humans? Why are there so many giant dragons in the human army? And why do giants also appear in the human army in the North?”

The orcs are definitely not unfamiliar with giants. The snowfield is vast, not only bordering the north, but also the orc kingdom. The orcs even sent a team to infiltrate the north through the snowfield, but after being educated by Richard They gave up this route. They knew how powerful those ten-meter-plus giants were. It was definitely not a good thing for these guys to appear in the human army. What made them even more confused was that those giants who had always been huddled in the snowfield and refused to come out. Why did the giants suddenly move south? Aren’t they afraid of the heat?

“Are you sure your information is accurate?”

“Absolutely no problem.”

The Rising Sun Cult, which is well organized and has been passed down for hundreds of years, is definitely an intelligence organization as powerful as the Black Prison. Although Richard has been deliberately concealing the number of dragons and giants, these two These creatures are so huge that spies from the Rising Sun Cult can easily find their traces in the North.

Although Adriello couldn’t figure out how the dragons and giants appeared in Richard’s army, it did not affect the discovery of their huge figures by the Rising Sun Cult’s spies in the Northland army.

“Don’t think so much for now. Before the human northern army arrives, quickly capture the city of Sirgrad, and then destroy the human army going south. After that, no human army will be able to resist us. By then, Archangel Adelillo, your purpose can be accomplished.”


Several orc officers followed Gro out of the camp to inspect the camp, while Adelillo did not move in the camp, with a solemn look on his face.

The orc army has broken through the Dragon Breathing Pass, and most of the central plains of mankind have been lost. The situation should have been decided. The decline of mankind is inevitable. No race will master magic to threaten the gods. He At the same time, he can also lead the orc army to eliminate the Hunter family in the North. This family protects the blasphemers. Although some accidents happened in the middle, the development direction has always been according to their own ideas.

But why is it so difficult to feel at ease when hearing the intelligence about the Northland army?

Is it because of the powerful men who always appear inexplicably in the North, or the dragons and giants that seem to appear out of thin air, or the funny **** who fell into the North just after waking up?

Just when Adelillo felt inexplicably agitated, he suddenly noticed something seemed to be around him and immediately shouted:

“Sir Shurper, don’t you show up even when you suddenly appear?”

Subsequently, a black figure appeared out of thin air in the camp without any warning. This envoy of the Lord of Shadows also sided with the orcs and wiped out the human kingdom, which seemed to be the consensus of all the awakened gods.

“Your Excellency Adriello’s moral perception is still so sensitive.”

“Your Excellency Shurper, if you have this free time, why not go and get rid of the human commanders in Surgal City.”

“Assassinating a saint who is good at melee combat in the middle of the army, Sir Adriello will really find something for me to do.”

“If successful, the Rising Sun Cult can give up part of the missionary area.”

“I can try.”

The envoy of the Lord of Shadows left as quickly as he came, disappearing into the night in an instant. Even Adriello could no longer feel his breath…

As the night progressed, there was no sound in the orc camp except for the occasional footsteps of patrol teams passing by.


Due to extremely good preparations, except for a small number of cavalry troops and advance troops who followed the Golden Dragon General on land, it took only three days for the half-million-strong army to board the ship from Piaoxue City. The last group of soldiers had already boarded the ship. After that, half a million troops went south along the Longjiang River. This river with an average width of 20 kilometers was covered with large ships transporting troops. The white sails on the ships almost completely obscured the river surface. The soldiers on the ships were all brightly dressed. , The figure is tall and straight, and under the sunlight, the golden scales glow together with the blue waves in the river, so majestic. The fleet, flying the golden three-arrow flag, sailed along in a mighty way. People from the Northland on both sides of the Taiwan Strait spontaneously cheered for the fleet. This showed that the Hunter family was quite popular among the people in the Northland.

Compared with going by land, going south by water is the fastest and lowest cost method, but even so, Richard encountered something that gave him a huge headache.

“Sir Richard, nearly one-third of the soldiers on the ship suffered from seasickness today. They vomited out the food they ate in the morning before they were digested. They lost all their strength. After traveling thousands of miles, we waited until we arrived. If we don’t take a break, it may be difficult to directly enter the battle.”

Among the generals who were on the same ship as Richard, in addition to system heroes like Sandro, there were also early confidants like Quill. This large ship, which carried nearly 3,000 people, was mainly composed of navy crew members and veterans. Soldiers of the Flying Bear Army.

Richard’s army encountered a common problem among all northern armies, which was seasickness.

Although there are several large rivers in the Northland, and the Jinlong River runs directly through it, in the final analysis it is still a Northland where water transportation is not very developed. Most people can’t swim or make boats at all. This sudden change On the ship, only one-third of the people were seasick. These soldiers were already in good physical condition. If it were ordinary people with weaker systems, at least half of them would be sick.

Even Quill in front of him didn’t look too good. Although he was not as seasick as an ordinary soldier due to his strength as a knight, he was obviously not used to staying on a ship and did not rest well.

“Let the camp prepare an extra dinner at night. If the seasick soldiers want to eat at night, they can have another meal. Don’t let them go hungry.”

“Yes, sir!”

Richard didn’t have a good way to deal with seasickness. For most people, just getting used to it would be fine, but the process of getting used to it was a bit painful. The only thing Richard could do was to have someone prepare some extra food. When the seasick soldier has almost vomited and feels hungry, he can eat something. If he vomits a few more times, he will get used to it.

“Hey, life is really fragile. If the ship is full of undead troops, Lord Richard will not have such troubles. They don’t need food and grass, and they won’t get seasick. As long as Lord Richard takes the lead, as long as the souls As long as the flames are not extinguished, they will continue to fight unconditionally for Lord Richard.”

After Quill went down, Sandro praised the benefits of the undead army next to Richard, but Richard still had no reaction. He just looked at the direction of the fleet and calculated when the army would reach its destination. .

Thousands of miles away, if the army of 500,000 people travels by land, it will take who knows how long it will take to arrive, but it only takes three days for the fleet to go down the river.

At this time, Richard had already learned that the orc army was marching towards the city of Sirgrad. The focus of the battle between the two sides had inexplicably changed from the Golden Dragon City to the city of Sirgrad. From the moment Richard led the army southward, In fact, the banner has been taken from the kingdom. The main goal of the orcs has changed from defeating the kingdom to wiping out the army of the North first…


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