Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 608: Orc’s movements


Golden Dragon City

It’s the good time of April, when old trees sprout green buds, smokey willows sprout new branches, and all kinds of flowers bloom on the streets of the royal capital, bringing the entire Golden Dragon City into the beauty of spring. In the past, this time was the most vibrant time in the city. The nobles in the city would always come out of the city in groups to enjoy the scenery. The traders took advantage of the time to do business along the streets, pushing the prosperity of Jinlong City even further. point.

It’s just that this spring day seems lifeless compared to the past. The Western Army was defeated, and the news that Clay City was surrounded by orcs has spread to almost everyone in the city. This matter can’t be hidden even if it wants to. After all, Clays City is too close to the Royal Capital and is almost the last barrier to the Royal Capital. People from Clays City had frequent exchanges with people from Golden Dragon City, and many people from the two cities were even relatives. Before the orcs besieged the city, in order to reduce the pressure on food and grass in the city, Clays City evacuated a large number of civilians, most of whom They all flocked to the Golden Dragon City, naturally spreading the true situation on the front line.

The Golden Dragon City is about to face the orcs’ army. The people of the capital, who have not suffered from military disasters for hundreds of years, are really scared. Most people are either hoarding food and preparing to take refuge, or looking for ways to leave the king’s capital first. Capital, go to the remote Western Region or Northland to take refuge, where can you still think about enjoying the spring time? The streets of Jinlong City have become unusually depressed, and the occasional pedestrians on the road are also in a hurry, with worried expressions on their faces. look. There were only a lot more soldiers patrolling the road, which added to the tense atmosphere.

At this time, the Forbidden Palace was even more majestic than before, and the number of soldiers guarding it had increased, obviously being wary of something.

In the side hall, Renn and several of his confidants were discussing something. Ever since the orcs broke through Dragon Breathing Pass, Renn rarely convened the kind of large court meetings with hundreds of people in the past. Whenever there was any important matter, it was Important high-level officials like Liang Xiang and Varys were brought together to discuss and decide.

“The orc army has completely surrounded Clay City, right?”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“According to the news from our Black Prison, the orcs have enough troops. They had the opportunity to complete the encirclement three days ago, but it was delayed until yesterday to complete the encirclement.”

“What’s the reaction in the city?”

“His Royal Highness did not break out of the encirclement. Instead, he took the opportunity to send away a group of civilians. He also expressed to the soldiers in the city many times that he would coexist with Clay City.”

The orcs just used a simple method of encircling three and missing one. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that there is no cavalry advantage and no air superiority. If the army of Clay City dares to take the opportunity to break out of the city, they will be immediately defeated. The men, horses and wolf cavalry were entangled, and even the dregs were eaten. The eldest prince just made the most correct choice.

It’s just that this kind of thing is easier said than done. In the face of the horror of life and death, many people will take a chance, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many successful cases in history.

After hearing that the eldest prince was completely trapped in Clay City, Ren was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a calm tone for a long time:

“Well done. With the strength of the Iron Guard, we should be able to buy some more time for the Royal Capital. The Golden Dragon Capital has not experienced a war for too long, and its movements are too slow.”

“It’s our fault, please punish us.”

When Ren said this, the left and right ministers looked at each other and immediately apologized to Ren first.

(It’s a bit repetitive, I’ll change it after I finish writing it, and I’ll read it later)

Since the Battle of Longxinguan, the relationship between the left prime minister and the right prime minister has been much better than before. No matter how they fight, they are the top group of vested interests in the kingdom, and they are at odds with the kingdom. The interests are basically bound. If the human nobles rebel and want to overthrow the Charman family, they may have the possibility of changing their families. After all, everyone belongs to the same class and will not make things too ugly.

But now the biggest crisis in the kingdom is the orcs, a group of aliens who once oppressed humans. Even if the orcs are now vigorously recruiting humans to surrender, they can all understand through various channels that the humans who surrender are also extremely unpopular with the orcs. You see, the orcs are also doing dirty work like cannon fodder. The orcs have done such an ugly job before they have completely defeated the Golden Dragon Kingdom. When the Golden Dragon Kingdom is gone, there is no need to think about how the surrendered humans will be treated. think. Therefore, whether out of carelessness or profit considerations, most human nobles have no intention of surrendering to the orcs.

Now that the situation is like this, the fight between the left prime minister and the right prime minister is no longer important. In other words, there is no need for the two to show it to Renn. Working together is what Renn wants to see most at the moment.

“Well, I also have the responsibility to recruit another group of volunteers as soon as possible. General Wood is complaining to me again today that there are too few people at his disposal.”

The biggest problem of Golden Dragon City now is that it has no scale, but the number of defenders is seriously insufficient. The Forbidden Army was originally one of the most elite troops in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, but most of them were sent to fight at Longxi Pass before. At this time, it is not To die in battle is to become a defeated army. The current defenders of the royal capital are mainly the small amount of imperial troops left behind and the garrison army that was urgently reorganized later. It can be said that there are regular troops with combat effectiveness, at most hundreds of thousands of people. Bikles City The situation is a bit worse.

In order to supplement the troops, the royal capital has recently been recruiting volunteers, that is, ordinary people to participate in the defense of the city. In these days, tens of thousands of people have been recruited. For such a large royal capital, this small number of troops is still only A drop in the bucket.

“Your Majesty, the recruitment of volunteers has slowed down a lot in the past two days. Basically, those who are willing to join the volunteer camp to help defend the city have already joined. Without coercion, it may be difficult to recruit more people. ”

Golden Dragon City has a population of over one million, and only 50,000 volunteers have been recruited. It may seem like a small number, but in fact, this is the result of the people generally supporting the kingdom. After all, without using coercive means, there are 50,000 volunteers. Duoqingzhuang volunteered to defend the city.

“What are the reactions of various noble families now?”

“Most of the nobles in the city are organizing their own bodyguards to prepare for a decisive battle with the orcs!”

After all, the Golden Dragon Kingdom is a country with a semi-centralized and semi-feudal system governed by the king and the nobles. The nobles are very powerful, and they usually cannot squeeze much power from the people. It still depends on how much power each noble family can contribute.

When Ren asked about the situation of the nobles in the city, the right minister immediately stood up and told Ren the “good news”.

However, Ren obviously does not believe that these guys can be so righteous. It may not be true that these people want to actively collude with the orcs to betray the country, but they can never be so selfless.

Ren turned his gaze to Wallis, the leader of the Black Prison, who was standing aside. The intelligence chief immediately stood up knowingly. He was not afraid of offending the nobles of Golden Dragon City and said bluntly:

“Every family has been smuggling supplies out of the city recently. The two marquises who have gone too far have transferred most of their property. Most of them went south, and a small part went to the west and north. Even if they had not ordered it before, They were not allowed to leave the city even though they were not allowed to leave the city, but there were still many nobles who left the city at will with the ultimatum in their hands.”


What is going on with the nobles in the capital? If Black Prison wants to investigate, he can find out which mistress’s house they spent the night at. Such a big move cannot be hidden from Black Prison’s investigation.

Being directly slapped in the face by Varys, the Right Prime Minister was also a little embarrassed, because he was one of the people who transferred his family property to other countries. Although he was here, he had no intention of escaping from the royal capital, and even prepared to live and die with the royal capital. Although he made preparations, it did not mean that he would not arrange a way out for his family. He had already purchased property in the south. Even if he died in the royal capital, his family could still live a wealthy life as long as they fled to the south.

The right minister stood there, speechless for a long time, but Renn was rare and did not get angry. Instead, after thinking for a while, he ordered:

“There is no need to check the customs clearance documents. Nobles of various families can leave the city if they want to, but private soldiers are not allowed to leave. Knights can only leave at most one person per family. Children and women can leave the city in advance. They have gold and silver wealth. You can take away as much as you want, but you can only carry part of the food rations. Let each knight lead his private soldiers to report to General Wood. No one from the family without private soldiers is allowed to leave the city.”

“Warys, keep an eye on them. If any family dares to leave the city or transfer food and grass against the rules, stop them immediately. Not only will the title be taken away and the fiefdom be taken back, but the entire family will be dealt with according to the old rules of the Pagat family.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

What is the old rule of Marquis Pagat? Because he participated in the rebellion, no one in the whole clan survived. Even the house was taken back and given to Richard. Now Ren is equivalent to running away without making any contribution. The nobility is tantamount to rebellion and will be exterminated directly.

If Renn had only used coercion, it might have caused a large-scale backlash among the nobles in the royal capital, but Renn’s brilliance was that while being tough, he also made certain compromises, allowing a knight to leave with a The elderly and weak in the family and part of the family property are equivalent to leaving a way out for every family.

Without being able to resist Ren, most of the nobles in Golden Dragon City would probably have to pinch their noses to admit it. There are hundreds of nobles in the city, and they can at least gather together hundreds of elite warriors and hundreds of knights. This is more effective than recruiting 100,000 volunteers from the civilian population.

“Where’s the Northland? What’s the reaction from our Northland King?”

“According to the information sent back by spies from the Northland, the Hunter family has begun mobilizing for war and the army is gathering. The Northland army previously occupied the city of Surgal. It is very likely that the Northland army’s army will directly attack Board the boat in Piaoxue City and go directly along the Longjiang River to Sirgel City. ”

“The Northland dispatched more than half a million troops this time, all of them armored elites. The spies also discovered many dragons and giants. If they can arrive at Sirgrad City in time, there will be nearly eight soldiers in the north. With an army of 100,000 people, even if the orcs manage to break through the city of Kleis, they will still be wary of Sirgel in the north and will not dare to attack the royal capital easily.”

When Varys said this, the left and right prime ministers on one side both had smiles on their faces. If in normal times, such a powerful military force in the North could control the barrier to the north of the royal capital, Sirgrad City, it would definitely It will make the adults in the center have trouble sleeping and eating, and they have to think of ways to reduce the vassal all day long. But in the current situation, the stronger the Northland reinforcements are, the better. As for whether the Northland will be too big to lose in the future, that will be after defeating the orcs. Something happened.

Even Renn smiled after hearing this:

“This guy has some conscience.”



Central Great Plains

The orcs’ siege of Clay City has never stopped, but the intensity of the attack has never been strong or weak. Every day, they drive a group of surrendered human cannon fodder to fill ditches and consume the materials and physical strength of the defenders. Real orc warriors Just thinking about it later, even the most important white dragon has not participated in the attack. The defenders are happy to see the orcs’ attack method. No matter what the orcs’ intentions are, they are willing to accompany the orcs to delay the attack for a while.

At the same time, another orc army bypassed Clays City, the only barrier to the east of the Golden Dragon City, and headed straight to the northwest…

More than fifty miles northwest of Clays City, the orc army marched quickly along the road built by the Golden Dragon Kingdom. From the air, the entire road was full of densely moving black spots. It was impossible to see the end of it, dozens of them. The orcs marched like an army of ants, swallowing up all the human villages on the road. It was a hellish scene all the way.

“General Skaar, why do we suddenly go to the northwest? If we attack with all our strength, Clays City can definitely be captured within a week. The human capital is right in front of us. Now we are dispatched to attack in the northwest. In another city, all the advantages are taken by others.”

The orc troops on this march were obviously drawn from the army that attacked Clays City before. Originally, Clays City was vulnerable in their eyes, and the Golden Dragon was regarded as their achievement. As a result, he was inexplicably transferred to the northwest to attack a city that he had never considered before. At this time, the generals in the army had some suggestions.

“You ask me, how do I know, but this is the great shaman’s order, just act according to the order!”

The commander of these hundreds of thousands of troops was obviously dissatisfied with the order to be transferred to the northwest, but he did not dare to show disrespect to the great shaman and could only yell at his subordinates. After all, his previous goal was to win The royal capital of mankind, and it was already very close to success. If it was suddenly transferred to another direction, anyone would be unhappy.

After being scolded by the coach, the others stopped talking and could only follow the order and continue to move towards Sirgler.

“Where are you now along the way to Skarna?”

“Reporting to Your Majesty the Great Shaman, General Skar has set out as ordered. We are still about two hundred miles away from Sirgrad and will arrive within five days.”

“Okay, order the army to speed up and meet up with Sgar under the city of Sgar within five days!”

“Yes, Your Excellency the Great Shaman!”

In addition to the nearly 500,000-strong army drawn from Kress City, there is also an east-route army led by the great shaman himself, which is also rushing towards Sirgrad. Originally, this army was going south. The troops who surrounded the Golden Dragon City and marched towards the Western Territory suddenly lost their minds. Two armies of orcs, numbering close to a million troops, rushed towards Sirgel…


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