Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 607: Untitled


“Light, obey my call!”


It was around ten o’clock in the morning, and it was another sunny day. The room with the window open was particularly bright under the sun.

The light was sufficient and met the conditions for the Holy Binding Technique. After chanting for a few seconds, Messiah waved her hand, and the light in the room began to become distorted. To the naked eye, the light in the entire room became distorted. Very strange.

Not only is it bright and dazzling, but it also affects people’s sight. In Richard’s perception, the surrounding things should not change in any way, but through the naked eye, the tables, chairs, lamps and lanterns in the room are still there. The paintings hanging on the wall are all twisted and deformed. The table that was originally supposed to be square now looks like it has been rolled into a circle.

Soon, Richard no longer had the intention to pay attention to the strange changes in the light in the room. Being targeted, he really felt the power of this small light spell.

His figure became blurred in the distorted light, his head went under his feet, his arms seemed to grow out of his face, and his thighs went directly to his head, and the stitching monster didn’t even look like it. As for putting it together like this.

Fortunately, this was just a trick of light on vision, and it did not really turn Richard into that state. Otherwise, the body would be broken into pieces like this, and the great angel would not be able to save him even with his resurrection technique.

However, although Richard’s body was not harmed at this moment, he felt uncomfortable at all. As a master of the Holy Realm, Richard’s perception is very sensitive, not only to the surrounding environment Perception, as well as the preliminary perception of rules, the rules involved in Richard’s technique happen to have a little bit of intersection with light.

However, at this time, Richard’s perception of his surroundings was completely confused. At Richard’s level, even if he closed his eyes, he could still understand the environment dozens of meters around him as if he had his eyes open.

But now he opened his eyes and didn’t know what the thing in front of him was, because what Richard saw when he opened his eyes now was no longer the beautiful face of Messiah opposite him, but half of his own face with surprise.

And at this time, not only did Richard feel confusion, but his body was completely out of control. He was very conscious and tried his best to control his body movements, but his current state was like a ghost on the bed. , no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t move even a finger.

Less than three seconds passed longer than several hours. Richard clearly knew that in these less than three seconds, he had completely turned into a piece of meat on the chopping board. There is no way to react to anything outside.

If he is attacked at this time, he can only rely on the armor and his own flesh and blood to resist. It may be difficult for people below the knight to cause any damage to Richard within three seconds, but facing the same For a master of this level, three seconds is enough for the opponent to twist off his head and kick him hundreds of meters away.


“Honey, are you okay?”

Li Cha, who was freed from the control of the Holy Binding Technique, sat down directly on the ground, his face was slightly pale, and thin cold sweat broke out on his body.

Although the time he was controlled by the Holy Binding Technique just now was short and it did not cause any real harm to him, it caused great pressure on his spirit. He was unable to resist and had no control over his life and death. He didn’t want to feel the dynamic feeling at all anymore.

Seeing that Richard sat down on the ground with an ugly expression, Messiah had no time to feel proud. She immediately came to Richard and squatted down, looking at Richard with concern, with a glimmer of light in her hand, ready to release the relationship. Healing Spells.

“No, I’m fine.”

Richard grabbed Messiah’s hand and stopped the other party’s movements. He was just too mentally stressed just now. He was not really injured. The healing spell would definitely not have any effect. He just needed to take a short rest. It was restored.

After sitting on the ground for a few seconds, Richard stood up with Messiah, walked a few steps to the chair and sat down. Except for some thin sweat that had not completely dried up, his face had basically recovered. .

Messiah finally felt relieved when she saw that Richard was fine, and a hint of pride appeared on her face unconsciously.

“Honey, how about it, I’m great!”

“Awesome, of course! Messiah is the most talented person I have ever seen.”

Richard lacked words and didn’t know how to describe his previous feelings. Anyway, if Messiah could master a powerful single-target attack spell, she might even be able to kill Richard directly with the Holy Binding Technique.

Of course, the lethal spell must hit Richard within three seconds, and it must be powerful enough to immediately make Richard lose the ability to resist. Otherwise, due to the huge gap in strength between the two, when Richard regains his ability to move, Messi will Ya has no chance at all.

Messiah didn’t know how frightened Richard had been just now. When she heard Richard’s compliment, she couldn’t help but smile and narrowed her eyes. Richard couldn’t help but put his hand on her head and rub it. Rub it.

“Then, can I go on an expedition with you?”

When Messiah raised this question again, Richard finally wavered.

The Messiah who has mastered a small forbidden spell such as the Holy Binding Technique has a very different meaning on the battlefield. If we talk about an ordinary magician, even if he has reached the combat power of several earth levels, Richard can It won’t be a big shock.

But Messiah, who has mastered the Holy Binding Technique, is different. Even if Messiah can only release it once in a short time, it is enough to affect the combat effectiveness of the same level as Richard.

This single small forbidden spell cannot escape the control of even Richard in the Realm of Domain. In the same way, the terrifying strongman of the orcs will also be affected by the Holy Binding Technique.

Although the opponent is strong, even stronger than the current Richard, he has definitely not reached the level of jealousy. Only Aragorn has been the only one to spy on that state for thousands of years.

As long as you don’t reach the state of jealousy, you will be affected by the Holy Binding Technique. Think about it, on a sunny day, find an opportunity to challenge the strong orc in a one-on-one fight, and Messiah secretly releases the Holy Binding Technique to control the opponent. Even if it only lasts for one second, it will be enough for Richard to dismantle him in a fierce battle. Eight dollars.

I don’t know that Richard will show off the speed of thirteen knives per second. After one second, the opponent will not even be able to get a complete body together.

It’s just a question of Messiah’s safety on the battlefield…

Under Messiah’s expectant eyes, Richard finally nodded. A holy binding technique that was enough to directly change the balance of high-end combat power was worthy of Richard sending a group of people with enough combat power to protect Messiah’s safety. .

After going to the battlefield, the two elite swordsmen will follow Messiah inseparably. They don’t have to do anything but are responsible for Messiah’s safety. Even the Protector Sword Master will take care of her nearby. To Messiah.

Messiah only has two tasks, the most important is to ensure her own safety, and the second is to choose the opportunity to use the Holy Binding Technique on the terrifying orc when they fight, allowing Richard to kill the strongest orc in one fell swoop. combat power.

In the next few days, the Northland has entered an extremely busy state. Hundreds of thousands of troops will be assembled within half a month, which will test the efficiency of the entire Northland.

Transporting grain and fodder, mobilizing troops, requisitioning ships, and gathering farmers and soldiers, everything was going on at the same time. The war machine in Northland was finally fully wound up and running at full speed. Even Viscount Sauter, who had always been leisurely, Under the influence of this atmosphere, they all became serious. They no longer even attended their favorite circus, but patrolled the territory every day with their swords in hand, showing that the Hunter family attached great importance to this expedition.

On the contrary, Richard was free when everyone was busy. Beidi had actually long been accustomed to running on its own without Richard. Richard only needed to make a general decision, and then With little need for his intervention, the bureaucrats in the Northland can do things beautifully.

As for Richard himself, he is taking advantage of these few days to enjoy the rare time together with Messiah, and by the way, try more to see if he can give birth to a little life…

Clyse City

If the atmosphere in Northland at this time is fulfilling and busy, the atmosphere in Chris City is tense and desperate.

After the centaurs entered the war, the Western Army, which had been galloping across the Great Plains and played a great role in containing the orcs, suffered heavy losses and basically lost its combat capability.

Without the restraint of the Western Army, the orcs quickly uprooted all the castles and strongholds around Clays City, completely turning Clays City into an isolated city. Although there were nearly 300,000 defenders in the city, But it is not enough in front of the millions of orcs. Everyone knows that the fall of the city will happen sooner or later. Their only role is to support it for a while and buy some more time for the royal capital behind them.

The only favorable condition for the defenders is that they have sufficient supplies. After the eldest prince took charge of Clay City, he violently conquered the nobles inside and outside the city and hoarded a lot of supplies such as grain and grass in the city. In a city with hundreds of thousands of people, food can last for more than half a year.


“Come on!”

Below the city, the orcs used that light to launch a tentative attack just as the sky turned white.

Although it is a tentative attack, the intensity is not bad at all. The Central Plains is the most important territory of the human kingdom. It is not only the royal capital and several big cities that are valuable, but also any town from the perspective of an orc. They all look extremely rich.

The orcs not only plundered enough food, but also obtained a large amount of materials, and captured many human craftsmen.

The attacking orcs did not lack siege equipment at all. When they came up, there were hundreds of shield vehicles at the front, covering the attack of the army behind them.

Behind the shield vehicle were many soldiers carrying long ladders, and a few of the most threatening Jinglan were slowly advancing.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Hundreds of trebuchets hit the city wall of Clais City intensively with stone bombs. The sound of the collision of stones never stopped for a moment, and circles of dust were swaying on the city wall. From time to time, There will be soldiers who did not hide well and were hit by stone bullets, splattering blood all over the ground.

Those who were more lucky were killed on the spot, while those who were less lucky were hit half to death by stone bullets and fell to the ground screaming. Their companions did not dare to come up to end the pain in advance, so they suffered more for nothing.

However, although the noise caused by the intensive throwing of stones by the orcs was large, it was still difficult to pose a great threat to Chris City. At most, it was only a blow to the morale of the defenders. After all, the walls of a large city like Clay City were It is made of large pieces of bluestone. A stone bullet hitting it will not pose any threat to the wall except leaving a crater.

With such a thick city wall, even early artillery had no way to deal with it, let alone some trebuchets. In the end, they had to get close to fight to decide the outcome.

As the orcs’ shield carts got closer and closer to the city wall, the long-range weapons on Clays City also began to fight back.

The dense arrows hit the shield car and made a “duo, duo” sound, making it difficult to penetrate the reinforced shield car.

But occasionally, a giant arrow fired from a bed crossbow will directly hit the shield vehicle head-on. The powerful force will directly cause the shield vehicle to explode. The thick wooden planks that originally protected the soldiers behind will immediately turn into roaring gods of death and scatter in all directions. The sawdust flew up like shrapnel from an exploding artillery shell, knocking down the person pushing the cart.

“Damn! These weaklings!”

When the shield cart was shattered, the soldiers pushing the cart were also exposed. At first, they were behind the shield cart, and they were far away. The human commander on the city wall couldn’t see clearly yet. When he saw it clearly, After that, I couldn’t help but curse angrily.

Because the soldiers pushing the shield cart were not orcs, but human soldiers wearing armor. Judging from the armor on their bodies, many were the garrison of various cities, and some were directly from Dragon Breath Pass. The fleeing soldiers actually surrendered to the orcs and were sent as cannon fodder for the siege.

“Set me an arrow! Don’t be soft!”

“Hot oil! Hot oil is ready!”

“I’ll burn these soft bones to death in a moment!”

The commander was surprisingly angry. He hated the humans who participated in the siege even more than he hated ordinary orc warriors.

On the other side, Prince Wolf, who is the supreme commander of Clays City, and his adjutants were also watching the battle high on the city wall, observing the orcs’ tentative attack.

For the appearance of humans in the orc team, the eldest prince’s reaction was very calm. No race lacked warriors who were willing to sacrifice, nor did they lack weaklings who just wanted to survive for a while.

What he is more concerned about is the strength, layout and combat strength of the orcs, so that he can make some targeted adjustments.

“The orcs have sufficient supplies. It is just a tentative attack, and so many siege equipment have been mobilized.”

“There are a lot of troops. I’m afraid there will be more in the next few days. The next battle will not be easy.”

“Your Highness, before the orcs have completed the encirclement, why don’t you retreat to the royal capital first? If it’s too late, you won’t have a chance.”

“If I leave, who will guard Clay City?”

“And we, the Iron Guard! The Iron Guard will not let His Highness down, as long as His Highness leaves safely…”

The adjutant was persuading excitedly, but the eldest prince stopped him. He had no idea of ​​leaving, and he never had the option of withdrawing from the royal capital.

“My Iron Guard is the Iron Guard. There is no need to mention this matter again. Come with me to inspect the city wall again and see if there are any places that have not been considered…”

“Yes! Your Highness!”

Withdraw the royal capital?

Hey, if he dares to escape back to the royal capital alone, the father on the throne will dare to kill him and sacrifice the flag. The Charman family has never tolerated a prince who ran away from battle.

Fortunately, that boy was sent to the North…

When he turned around, the eldest prince subconsciously looked to the north, where all his hopes seemed to be…


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