Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 604: Saint Bound and Travel


Early morning

A beam of light shines into the house through the window. Because it is blocked by the gauze curtain, it turns into golden scales when it falls on the ground.

The breeze blew the curtains, and tiny light spots flashed back and forth in the room. After the light spots hit his face, Richard finally felt something strange and opened his eyes.

However, Richard, who opened his eyes at this time, was not in a hurry to get up. The spring sunshine was very comfortable on his body. Richard squinted his eyes slightly again, and gently placed his hand on Messiah, his fingers unconsciously Rubbing against Messiah’s beautiful face was like stroking a kitten.

At this time, although Messiah’s hair was messy and there were still some traces of last night’s joy on her body, her beautiful face under the sunlight gave Richard a holy feeling.

Is it a natural change in temperament brought about by practicing light magic?


Messiah’s skin is as smooth as a baby’s, which makes people feel as if it can be broken by a blow. However, Richard’s hands are covered with calluses, which are a bit rough. He has used weapons for a long time, and it is difficult to remove them even if he reaches the holy level. Calluses on hands.

As soon as the contact came into contact, Messiah felt something, and she unconsciously murmured a few times before slowly opening her eyes.

Looking up, he saw Richard sitting on the bed with a hand on his shoulder. He felt extremely relieved, and then he simply crawled into Richard’s arms, wrapped his hands around Richard, and pulled Li Cha into his arms. Cha hugged him tightly.

Richard didn’t make any unnecessary moves. He changed his position slightly and hugged Messiah, enjoying the rare leisure time in spring together.

Both of them have been very busy recently. Needless to say, Richard, it has been less than a year since the Battle of Longxiguan, and wars of all sizes have not stopped. He is either fighting or going to fight. On the way, they were either preparing for war in the North.

In order to be able to help Richard as soon as possible, Messiah basically stayed in Snowfield City, where the magic power was most active, to practice. The two of them were in a hurry when they met, and they hadn’t been as gentle as now for a long time.

“Sir, do you need some breakfast?”

It wasn’t until the servant who came to deliver breakfast made a sound that the two of them broke out of this tender state.

“Put breakfast on the table outside, you go down.”

“Yes, sir!”


In the restaurant, Richard and Messiah enjoyed an exquisite breakfast. The Hunter family’s breakfast was not luxurious, but it was definitely the best in taste and nutrition.

Cooked milk with sugar cubes added, steamed eggs, cold side dishes, sliced ​​ham and a few Chinese pastries.

Richard also flirtatiously fed Messiah’s favorite Northland specialty pastry, osmanthus cake, into Messiah’s mouth.

Messiah also enjoyed the warmth of the morning, with a smile on her face, but she stopped after taking a few bites of snacks.

A pair of big blue eyes looked at Richard, and then said:

“Honey, can I ask you something?”

After his eyes met Messiah and heard Messiah’s words, Richard knew that what was supposed to come had come again.

However, Richard still answered with some luck:

“Can you tell me what happened first?”

Messiah didn’t play any tricks with Richard. Please promise me first before we talk about this mutual drama. Richard immediately answered after asking the question:

“This time I go south, I want to go with you.”

Sure enough, I want to go to the battlefield with him again.

Richard shook his head and refused almost instinctively:

“The battlefield is too dangerous. Messiah, when you go to the battlefield, I will have to distract myself from protecting you. Just stay in the North and wait for my good news.”

Logically speaking, judging from the level of magic that Messiah has shown before, he can at least play the role of a great knight when he appears on the battlefield, and will not be a hindrance.

But Messiah has a special status after all. At this moment, Richard will not have the idea of ​​a saint who believes that everyone’s life is equal. If an ordinary knight appears on the battlefield, he has to charge into the battle. On the battlefield with the orcs, Fight with swords and arrows.

But if Messiah followed him to the battlefield, Richard would not only dare not let the opponent directly participate in the battle, but would also send people to protect him to avoid accidents. Even the protective force sent should not be too weak. An elite swordsman It might even make Richard feel unsafe.

Doing so will inevitably occupy part of Richard’s high-end combat power, so for the sake of safety and convenience, Richard still does not want Messiah to accompany the army.

However, this time Messiah was obviously not so easy to dismiss. Seeing Richard shaking his head in refusal, not only did he not give up, but he also showed a more determined expression.

“My dear, the king is in danger this time. Big brother and my father are all in Golden Dragon City. I want to do my part…”

“With me here, there will never be any mistakes in the capital. Be good, just wait for my good news in Miracle City.”

In Richard’s opinion, there should be no safer place than Miracle City. Not to mention that the ancestor of the Charlemagne family, Aragon, lives next door. How powerful is this person? Richard has not yet known it. Accurate answer.

From the time he first entered the Saint level to the current realm of realm, Richard’s strength has improved almost rapidly. But as his strength improves, he increasingly feels that Aragorn is unfathomable and his previous perceptions were insensitive. It was okay at the time, but now that his strength has increased, he can see the huge strength gap between him and Aragorn more clearly.

With this ancestor of the Charman family here, even if the Lord of the Rising Sun comes in person, he should not easily pose a threat to the Messiah.

Not to mention, the City of Miracles is right under the noses of the Invincible Heroes. With the recovery of magic power and the continuous integration of the two worlds, these gods from the Invincible Heroes world, after paying a certain price, should be Able to take action.

If Richard’s base camp, the City of Miracles, is really attacked by a powerful enemy, the gods will not sit idly by.

Messiah staying in the City of Miracles is definitely the safest choice.

Unfortunately, Messiah seems to be determined to follow Richard on the expedition this time. She is still staring at Richard expectantly. Originally, Messiah was quite well-behaved and sensible. As long as Richard spoke properly, The truth is, Messiah will never mess around, they are both quite gentle, and they are definitely a model couple.

But this time, Richard did not dismiss Messiah for several words, but continued to speak:

“My dear, you promised me that as long as my strength is high enough, I will be qualified to fight with the army?”

“Have you arrived at the Great Magician?”

A great magician, even a great magician of a single element such as light, can play a huge role on the battlefield. Whether it is the Holy Healing Technique or the Sword of Holy Light, they are both useful and practical on the battlefield. Spells.

In terms of realm, a great magician is equivalent to a great knight. In terms of actual combat, a great magician is as effective as ten great knight-level masters. This is also the arrogance of the elven mages during the Elf Empire. Important reason.

Those elf mages are more powerful and can deal with more great knights. More than a dozen great knights can’t defeat one mage. It’s no wonder that the elf mages never take knights seriously.

Although a great magician is of great use on the battlefield, for the same reason, Richard is worried about Messiah going to the battlefield, and he does not lack the combat power of more than ten great knights.

In addition, in the past six months, the Magic Academy has trained dozens of mages who can release primary magic in the most active magic place on the entire continent. They can also be used as a few knights on the battlefield.

But Richard is also not prepared to take them to the battlefield. This is the fire he cultivated for the start of human magic civilization. The apprentices are selected from millions of children and cannot be taken to the battlefield right now. Go up and consume.

Messiah and the young people in the Magic Academy who are eager to try are not considered by Richard.

However, Messiah’s next words almost shocked Richard.

“No, Teacher Gandolf said that according to the classification of the Elf Empire period, I should be considered a light mage.”

“Pfft, what did you say? Magister?”

“Well, I have mastered a secondary forbidden spell of the light system.”

Looking at Richard’s surprised and exaggerated expression, Messiah didn’t react much. When she reached the level of magister, Gandalf and Luo Lin’s reactions were even greater than that of Richard.

Guys like Luo Lin, who have been educated in magic theory since childhood, have practiced longer than her, have outstanding talents and are even certified as heroes by the system, are now only peak-level great magicians, and have still not crossed the threshold of a magister. , who did not expect that Messiah would come from behind and become a magister before him.

Li Cha, who had been relying on the system to rapidly improve his strength, suddenly realized that the other party might be the real cheater.

There is a certain difference between the level classification of mages and knights. Under the magister, the strength level of magicians also corresponds to that of knights.

The magister is much broader, and the gap between the upper limit and the lower limit is wide. A tyrannical magister may only have a moment of enlightenment from a holy wizard.

Strictly speaking, Sandro was considered a magister when he was just recruited by Richard. Such a powerful peak magister could easily deal with several sky-level knights at the same time. The worse ones are much stronger than ordinary earth knights, and it is not a big problem to deal with several earth knights at the same time.

“What is the secondary forbidden spell you have mastered?”

“Holy Binding Technique.”

The secondary forbidden spell is also called the minor forbidden spell. It is not as powerful as the real forbidden spell, but it is much stronger than the advanced magic. Mastering the minor forbidden spell depends entirely on the individual’s talent and talent.

Even during the Elf Empire, most magisters could only master a few high-level magics, supplemented by more than a dozen intermediate magics and a large number of primary magics, and they could basically be said to be excellent.

Those who can master the minor forbidden spells at the magister stage will definitely be the focus of training in the era of the elven empire where magic is prosperous.

If we ignore the shortcomings of Messiah’s insufficient accumulation, Messiah who has mastered the Small Forbidden Spell is already considered to be the strongest group of magicians.

Although Richard himself has not changed his path and practiced magic, he has read a lot of theoretical books and is definitely one of the people who knows the most about magic in this era.

When Messiah said the spell Holy Binding, the effect of this spell had already appeared in Richard’s mind.

This is also a powerful single-target control spell. As long as the target is under the light, the holy light will bind your enemy for you. The light will materialize and turn into an existence like a fairy lock. The binding time is close to two seconds. Saints whose strength is less than the level of Jealousy are affected by the Holy Binding Technique.

Two seconds may not seem like a long time, but in a competition at the level of a holy master, it is absolutely very dangerous to be stagnant and unable to move for two seconds. If Richard’s opponent cannot move for two seconds, it is definitely enough for Richard to make a move. The sword was struck more than ten times, and the opponent was regarded as dozens of pieces.

Messiah has mastered the minor forbidden spell, which is also a very practical holy binding technique in the light system. This news made Richard hesitate.

Originally, Richard had never considered taking Messiah with him on the expedition, but at this time, Messiah’s ability was not only able to deal with miscellaneous soldiers or ordinary masters, but also able to deal with Richard. This level of combat worked.

It would be too much to leave Messiah in the north. The value of Messiah, apart from her identity, is already worthy of sending elite swordsmen and archangels to protect her.

Seeing that Richard was deep in thought, Messiah did not urge him, but patiently looked at Richard’s face, waiting for him to make a decision…


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