Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 601: Untitled


The centaur race is also a race that has existed since the era of the Elf Empire. However, at that time, the status of centaurs was equivalent to that of orcs and humans. They were also slaves of the elves. Their biggest role in daily life was to be smart horses.

He pulls carts and transports goods for the elves, and assists in combat when necessary. He is also used as a coolie, and he shares the same fate as humans and orcs.

After the collapse of the Elf Empire, everyone did not have any affection because they were once the same class oppressed by the elves. After confirming that it was difficult for the elves to recover, they quickly started killing each other.

Although centaurs are vulnerable to the magic of elves, they have a huge advantage against humans and orcs who are also slaves. After all, the whole tribe is a natural cavalry that combines man and horse. The advantage of fighting in the plains is too great. Big.

The Centaur clan not only successfully occupied the entire northeastern grassland, but also competed with the orcs from time to time. They have always been a huge hidden danger in the northeastern part of the orc kingdom. The orcs have not attacked the Golden Dragon Kingdom for a long time. In addition to being afraid of the golden dragon, there are also On the one hand, the reason is that a lot of troops were involved in the Centaur.

If the Centaur population had not been too small, there might not have been any orcs marching westward, and the centaurs themselves would have crippled the orc kingdom.

The two powerful warring races of orcs and centaurs are next to each other, so their relationship is naturally not very good. Although they do not have the same blood feud as orcs and humans, there are many frictions, large and small, and when both sides are affected by the disaster, they cannot survive. , they will more or less try to figure out the other person’s ideas.

It stands to reason that there is no basis for cooperation between the two sides, but now, the orcs have not only used the part of the troops originally used to defend against the centaurs, but even the centaur army has appeared on the battlefield.

The centaur army that directly spanned the entire orc kingdom came to the central plains obviously not to cooperate with humans. Humans once again ushered in a powerful enemy.

“Western Army!”


There are a lot of centaur cavalry. From the chaotic sound of horse hooves, Adil can hear a lot of information. The opponent has at least 20,000 cavalry, a whole legion of troops. The speed is no slower than that of the Western Army. If they escape, they are likely to be overtaken by centaurs biting their tails and chasing them all the way.

Almost in an instant, Adil made a judgment that he could not retreat at this time and could only face the enemy head-on.

After Adil drew his sword and shouted to the Western Army, the Western Army cavalry almost instinctively picked up the word invincible. This is not arrogance, but the strong self-confidence of a group of warriors from the bottom of their hearts. Even if the war is not going well, Humanity has been defeated many times, and the cavalry of the Western Army have never felt that they are worse than their opponents.

The invincible shouts grew louder and louder. When the momentum accumulated to a certain level, Adil immediately gave an order loudly:



With Adil’s order, the entire Western Army quickly abandoned the orc infantry they were originally dealing with, and followed Adil’s flag to kill the charging centaurs.

A hundred or so Western Frontier Army soldiers who were still playing with the Divine Crossbow were afraid that they would be left behind. After deftly dismantling the Divine Crossbow, they mounted their horses and chased the team, leaving the orc army still a hundred meters away. A little embarrassed.


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

At a distance of seventy or eighty steps before contact, the two sides simultaneously fired a hail of arrows at each other. Centaurs, a race that is born with a human and a horse, almost everyone is a natural archer. In the forbidden state, They may not be as good as elven archers, but when it comes to shooting arrows while moving at high speed, there may be no race as good as centaurs.

Although the Western Border Army was elite, they still suffered a slight loss during the ejection before contact, losing hundreds of cavalry. This was because the Western Border Army was well equipped and the armor on their bodies had good defensive capabilities against arrows. Otherwise, the casualties would still be high. will be bigger.



The distance of dozens of steps is a distance that can be reached almost instantly for two high-speed moving cavalry. Neither side had time to put away their bows, so they just threw them away and grabbed short weapons and faced them.

The Western Cavalry is known for its bravery and fearlessness. Not only are they experienced in combat, they also do not take their own lives as their own. When fighting, victory is the ultimate goal. The Western Cavalry in the front row faced the oncoming Centaur. , his expression didn’t change, he held the gun straight and bumped into it, tearing a small gap in the Centaur queue in one go.

Although centaurs are top-notch cavalry that combine man and horse, except for a small number of warriors in the clan, most centaur warriors are not as big as the Western Horses under the Western Army. This was the last before the appearance of the Red Flame Horse. The collision force of a top-level war horse is stronger than that of a centaur.

However, the centaurs also suffered some losses at the beginning. These centaur warriors who have been fighting against the orcs all year round are not weak hands. How can the centaurs be easy to deal with if they can give the orcs a headache?

Although they suffered a slight loss from the Western Border Army in the initial contact, the Centaurs quickly adjusted and used their own flexibility to slow down the Western Border Army’s speed, and soon dragged the Western Border Army in. In the midst of a cavalry melee.

When both sides lost the speed bonus, the centaur’s advantage of being more flexible was quickly revealed. No matter how superb the Western Army’s riding skills were, they could not compare to the centaur who directly combined man and horse. The long-handled ax is very flexible. When the weapon is handed over, it can easily pull the Western Cavalry off the horse, or directly chop it on the Western Horse, knocking the horse over.

In comparison, the Centaur’s only shortcoming is that its armor rate is not high. Due to the productivity limitations on the grassland, most of the Centaur’s metal products are stolen from the orcs, and their armors are all outdated. The goods are inferior to the well-equipped Western Army.

Even so, facing a natural cavalry like the centaur, the Western Army was still at an absolute disadvantage in the melee.


“Kill out! Don’t stop!”

Half of Adil’s armor has been stained red with blood, and his face is covered with blood stains. I don’t know if it’s his own or the centaurs he killed. I don’t know if the soldiers carrying the flags around him have changed. Several, but the flag never fell.

At this time, Adil’s image, coupled with his roar, was like a madman. The centaur warriors on the opposite side were a little afraid when they saw his appearance, and they were a little hesitant when they rushed towards him.

Adil still ignored him and led the cavalry of the Western Army to charge forward. Finally, there were fewer and fewer centaur warriors in front of him, and the two sides finally penetrated each other’s ranks.

After that, the Western Border Cavalry followed and killed one after another. Just a rough look at the number showed that after this round of charge, the Western Border Army’s battle losses were as high as one-third. At least 3,000 cavalry could not escape from the Centaur. Rush out of the team.

However, this was not the time to feel sorry for the loss. Without Adil’s reminder, the Western Army cavalry immediately turned their horses and confronted the centaurs on the opposite side from a distance.

The two sides exchanged positions, and there were thousands of corpses in the middle.

“Chief Huhe, these humans are not weak at all.”

“Well, how many soldiers have we lost? It is estimated that close to 3,000 soldiers were killed just now. The humans on the opposite side are like crazy.”

“Soldiers are not afraid of death, they just die fighting for the orcs…”

“This is what the chief and the prophet want, we just have to implement it.”

The ogres on the grassland are slightly stronger than the ogres in the wilderness. Although the tribes live side by side, there is a chief who can give unified orders to each tribe. The prophet is a spiritual leader similar to the orc great shaman.

No one on the grassland could violate the joint decision made by the war chief and the prophet, so even though the centaur warriors from each tribe did not understand why they wanted to assist the orcs in fighting, they still honestly sent troops to the center On the Great Plains.

“Get ready to fight, those humans are going to attack again!”

“Yes, Leader Huhe!”

“Warriors! Charge with me!”


Soon the two sides violently collided together again. This time, even the step of drawing the bow and shooting at each other was omitted. It was the bloodiest collision from the beginning.

Both sides are elites, and even if the soldiers on both sides fall in large numbers, they have no intention of backing down.

However, this Western Cavalry was always at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and its combat power was slightly inferior to that of the Centaurs. After two or three rounds of fighting, except for the legion commander Adil and a small number of warriors, they once again penetrated the half-circle through the charge. Except for the cavalry queue, which retreated smoothly, most of them were wiped out by the centaurs around the castle. Without the support of the cavalry, the castle finally fell under the siege of the orc army.

“Chief Hu He, do you want to chase those escaping human cavalry?”

A Centaur Qianhu looked at the hundreds of escaping Western Cavalry and asked the leader next to him.

The centaur leader shook his head:

“No need, the soldiers are exhausted. After all, we are just here to assist the orcs in fighting, so just do our best.”

“Yes, Sir Leader!”


After reaching some agreement with the orcs, the reinforcements of the centaurs were of course not only more than 20,000 people, but ten tribes and more than 200,000 centaur elites crossed Longxi Pass and entered the Central Plains to fight.

With the centaurs participating in the battle, the orcs’ disadvantage in facing the Western Cavalry was quickly made up. The Western Cavalry, which was at a numerical disadvantage and did not have an advantage in combat power, was quickly defeated in front of the Centaurs. , if there is a battle of equal numbers, even if the Western Cavalry cannot have the upper hand, they can still fight one or two. But at this time, on the central plain, not only are there twice the number of centaurs fighting with them, the orc infantry is also ready to cooperate with the encirclement and suppression, even if the Western Cavalry No matter how elite you are, there is no way you can persist in this situation.

Soon the Western Cavalry, which suffered heavy losses, could only retreat to the rear and lick their wounds. Without the restraint of the Western Cavalry, the few remaining castles on the Central Plains were torn out one by one. In front of the Golden Dragon City, only The city of Clays was an isolated city besieged by orcs…


Miracle City

A group of senior generals from the Hunter family gathered in the conference hall to discuss the military situation. Even his old father Sauter, who never liked to attend meetings, did not go out to watch the circus, but sat in the conference hall.

A few days have passed since Richard received the first piece of information. More detailed information was sent back to the Northland one after another by Yusidu’s people, which basically outlined the current situation on the Central Plains.

“The situation is like this. The orcs have besieged Kress City for nearly a week. There should be enough food and grass in the city, but the number of troops defending the city is too small. Counting the defeated army that retreated from Longxing Pass, there are also There are less than 300,000 defenders, and they cannot hold out for long under the attack of the orcs.”

“The orcs’ wolf cavalry has already spied on the Jinlong River. When Clays City is lost, the royal capital will not be able to defend it either.”

“How long can Clay City defend?”

“The staff analyzed that it may fall at any time…”

“The gap in military strength is too big…”

During the discussion, the generals in the North were not optimistic about the situation in Clay City. Even system heroes like Catherine shook their heads at the map.

“Kleis City should not fall in the short term. Let’s first think about how the Northland should respond. According to Yusidu’s intelligence, the Kingdom’s envoy has already gone north, and he will definitely summon our King Qin next. .”

Others have no confidence in Clay City at all, but Richard is willing to believe that Clay City can buy some time.

For no other reason than because the person who calls the shots in Clay City now is his uncle, the eldest prince.

The main force defending the city is the Iron Guard under the eldest prince. Richard has had some contact with him and is one of the few elite troops in the kingdom. In addition, the eldest prince has perfectly inherited the advantages of the Charman family. Come out, but it is certainly not an exaggeration to say that he is a momentary hero.

In particular, the eldest prince’s talent is mainly focused on military affairs. He has been running Clay City for so long. Even if he cannot defend it in the end, he should not be too incompetent.

When Richard mentioned the envoy from the royal capital, the generals below suddenly fell silent and felt a little embarrassed.

Barely anyone under Richard’s command took the king seriously. If there hadn’t been an invasion of orcs, their biggest wish might even be to break into the Golden Dragon City, seize the bird seat, and let their own master sit there too. Chair.

In a sense, the decline of the Charman family is a good thing for them. The biggest problem is that the kingdom is losing too quickly and they are not ready.

“Sir, there are millions of orcs in the army, and there are white dragons and centaurs to help. Our northern army has no chance of winning when we go south.”

Although this is said to be uncertain, it is actually very immodest. Such a powerful orc is just not sure to win in the eyes of the Northland general?

The system creatures have indeed given Northland the confidence to compete with the orcs in a corner.

“General Catherine, what do you think? Should we send troops south?”

“If we wait a little longer, we will be more certain, but the kingdom may be gone by then.”

When Catherine said this, several local generals present began to roll their eyes.

The kingdom is gone? Good thing!

It’s just that as a human being, no one brings it to the table.

Li Cha, who has the ability to make decisions with just one word, still did not express his position. He just glanced at the people on the table again, as if he wanted to hear more opinions…


At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded, attracting everyone’s attention.

Lord Sauter, who had always just fooled around in meetings, actually took the initiative to speak…


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