Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 60: Cooperation


In the fields, a group of people are marching on the road,

The road led by Hunter is spacious and flat, enough for six or seven horses to ride side by side, and four carriages can also travel in opposite directions. Marching on this kind of road is quite comfortable,

Once you leave the Hunter Territory, the roads will become all kinds of strange. Each lord attaches different importance to it and the quality of the roads is also different. The roads in some remote territories are even difficult for a carriage to pass.

Richard has an inexplicable obsession with infrastructure construction, and road construction has always been one of the important things in the Hunter Territory.

The team was a bit dull, and there was almost no other sound except the clatter of horse hooves,

The leader is Viscount Nader. After signing the unequal agreement, he is leading the Nader family’s team back to the territory, preparing to greet the sheriff and tax collectors sent by the Hunter family.

Are the conditions of the Hunter family excessive?

It is indeed excessive, almost blatantly seizing the control of the Nader family over the villages under their rule, as if they want to eclipse the various lords.

Can the Nader family accept it?

Of course, you still have to grit your teeth and accept it, the Hunter family is just right,

In this era, the lords did not care so much about the people under their rule as they cared about how much tax they could pay.

The Hunter family ensured the Nader family’s income after seizing the Nader family’s right to manage the people.

On the contrary, Viscount Nader lost his determination to defeat the enemy. After all, after signing this agreement, as long as the kingdom did not fall, the Hunter family would not dare to swallow these taxes.

Compared with Viscount Nader’s thoughts, Clayman on the side looked relaxed.

“Brother, how will we deal with the people sent by the Hunter family after we go back?”

After leaving Ironwood City for some distance, someone in the team finally asked.

The speaker was a quasi-knight of the Nader family. He was considered the backbone of the Nader family, but he was qualified to express his own opinions on some matters.

The detailed explanation is that the tax collector sent by the Hunter family was not prepared at all and was already trying to find a way to counter the Hunter family’s infiltration.

“How to deal with it?”

Viscount Nader did not answer, but asked the other party’s opinion.

“Whatever the tax collector and the sheriff, when you come to our Nader family’s territory, you have to follow our Nader family’s rules.”

“If they don’t listen, do you still dare to kill them?”

Before Viscount Nader could speak, Clayman on the side asked in advance.

“Hey, if you can’t kill them, why don’t we kill a bunch of untouchables? If any untouchables dare to listen to them, kill a few to establish their authority and keep them until they go back in despair.”

Viscount Nader shook his head after hearing this,

“Don’t mention this again.”


Viscount Nader still has prestige, and when he rejects the proposal, no one will argue with him.

Viscount Nader’s rejection of this proposal is not because he is noble. If it is effective, he will not care about the life or death of some villagers.

The would-be knight who followed him to Ironwood City obviously did not enter Ironwood Castle together,

If he had followed him to Ironwood Castle and felt the power of the more than 20 knights, he might not dare to make such a suggestion again.

Viscount Nader was really frightened. Not to mention the thousands of flying bear troops that could be beaten at a glance, the power of more than 20 knights was like a mountain and he couldn’t breathe.

I really don’t want to mess with the Hunter family easily anymore. Now the Hunter family barely abides by some rules. Who knows if one day they will become ruthless and the Nader family will become the next Will family.

“I think we should fully cooperate with Mr. Richard and completely stand with the Hunter family.”

Viscount Nader was a little surprised by Clayman’s sudden voice.

This son has been a cavalry captain under the Hunter family for a few days, but he looks like he is a young boy.

“With the current strength of the Hunter family, their rise is unstoppable,

In the past, there was Piaoxue City to worry about, but now that the Jingbei Army has been defeated, there is nothing in the North to stop the rise of the Hunter family. ”

“Instead of resisting, it is better to take the initiative.”

Hearing Clayman’s words, Viscount Nader actually felt enlightened,

Thinking about problems from another angle can always produce miraculous results. Viscount Nader had always been thinking about how to fight,

After all, the two sides had the same title, but Viscount Nader failed to realize in time that the two sides were actually very different.

On the other hand, Clayman is a young man with a broad mind. If you can’t beat him, you can join. How easy it is.

After a brief thought, Viscount Nader discovered that Clayman’s proposal turned out to be the best way to maximize benefits at this moment.

I don’t dare to fight anyway, so why not be proactive?

If the Hunter family has the opportunity to become a behemoth like Lanster, as one of the earliest contributors, they will not be treated badly.

“Klayman, take some people back to Ironwood City, bring back all the officials sent by the Hunter family, and fully cooperate with their work.”


After Viscount Nader made his decision, he did not mean to drag his feet at all. He directly ordered Clayman to take the initiative to welcome the tax collectors and sheriffs sent to cooperate with the Hunter family.

Since you want to be effective, you must first make a good posture.


Ironwood City,

Richard didn’t know that just a short while ago, the Nader family had changed from being a thorn to being a licker,

At this time, he was inspecting the assembled Flying Bear Army in the military camp. From time to time, he patted a soldier on the shoulder and greeted him, showing the demeanor of a superior who loved his soldiers as his own children.

“Sir, ten bear-hunting crossbows are currently equipped, and the ordnance factory is still working hard to produce them.”

Of course Richard didn’t come to the military camp deliberately to perform. Performing was just something he did out of habit.

The real purpose is to check the armament situation and make some assessments of the combat effectiveness of the Flying Bear Army, which has been expanded many times recently.

The Bear Hunting Crossbow, a powerful weapon with a longer range, greater power, and faster rate of fire than ordinary bed crossbows, is naturally his focus.

Before, it was inconvenient to carry because it was a jungle battle, and the next battle is likely to take place in the plains and wilderness. Of course, the more long-range weapons that can directly kill quasi-knights, the better.

“Well, let the ordnance factory report anything they need to Manager Egger to speed up the production of bear hunting crossbows.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

“Sir, please report the rain.”

Just when Richard was about to continue his inspection, a soldier hurried over.

Richard took the letter in his hand, looked at it and said to himself:

“It’s so fast.”

The content of the letter is not good news. The fifth war zone adjacent to the sixth war zone commanded by Richard found traces of the ogre tribe, numbering more than a thousand, and followed by a large number of kobolds.

The strength of the fifth war zone is completely inferior to the power in Richard’s hands. Facing more than 1,000 ogres, it may be difficult to resist.

Save or not, that is the question…


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