Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 599: New products and surprises


Although Grandet had always been polite to Richard, even a bit condescending, he was quite cold and even a bit annoying in front of others.

In the past, when Grandet saw the heroes following Richard, he just ignored them, as if he couldn’t see them.

But obviously, he was even less interested in Sandro and even made a mockery. Sandro also turned around and smiled “hehe” at Grandet. Those who were familiar with Sandro would only need to hear Sandro’s smile. The sound made it clear that Sandro was going to do something bad again.

However, the two did not have any conflict in the end. Although they disliked each other, they were both working under Richard at this time and did not dare to attack each other.

Richard also felt Grandet’s dislike of Sandro, but he didn’t care. No one in the castle (human) would like Sandro.

“Show me this month’s new arrivals.”

“As you wish, my lord!”

With Richard’s words, Grandet didn’t care about staring at Sandro with his eyes. He walked over attentively and showed Richard this month’s new living creatures.

“Treasure category: God-given crotch

If the hero equipped with God-given Hip at the end of the weekend belongs to a certain town, the level 3 unit output of that town will be +4

Introduction: A magical treasure. If you collect five pieces, you can get a divine weapon and a divine weapon.

Price: 10,000 gold.

Pharmacies: Knight Stigma Potion X1

Effect: It can increase the probability of the top Sky Knights entering the Holy Level.

Introduction: This is another pinnacle work of the alchemist masters. The holy order is the power of the strong no matter in any time and space. It is truly free from the existence of ants. The alchemist masters are struggling for countless people under the holy order. A new door has opened.

Price: 50,000 Jinnar

Soldier type: Purple Dragon X1

Introduction: The purple dragon is the most elegant among the dragons. As a kind of high-level dragon, the purple dragon is smaller than any other dragon and its power is less than half that of other dragons. They always look elegant and decent. , but don’t be deceived by Zilong’s elegant appearance.

Being one of the high-ranking dragon clans, there is no doubt about the power of the purple dragons. Their powerful magical abilities make them powerful dragons that can be compared with the holy dragons.

Price: 20,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000 Jinnar…”

“God-given crotch? Is this the rhythm that wants me to gather the God-given artifact?”

There are five God-given artifacts in total. Although their attributes are average, they have the effect of increasing the biological production of the town. They are suitable for wearing to auxiliary heroes. The God-given magic foot carried by Christine has now exerted a good effect.

After adding Christine to Stonefortress, five marksmen can be added every week, and the weekly output is as much as that of halberdiers.

The key is that with Gru’s heroic effect, the marksman can be upgraded to a phantom shooter. It seems that five second-level soldiers are added, but in fact it is equivalent to an increase in the production of five fourth-level soldiers, which is still the most advanced among the fourth-level soldiers. The valuable kind.

Now there is another God-given crotch, which can be placed on another hero and returned to Forest City. The third-level soldier Great Elf Archer in Forest City can also be upgraded to a Phantom Archer. After adding four Great Elf Archers, each Zhou added 4 more phantom shooters.

Cumulatively, with these two treasures, Richard can get thirty phantom shooters in a week. With this speed, phantom shooters will soon become the most numerous unit in Richard’s hands. If there are too many, this is a unit that can slay dragons.

The potion category has the same sealed potion as last month, the Knight Stigmata potion, which is suitable for hanging high as a carrot. This thing is a bit ahead of its time for Richard’s men.

Except for the heroes and soldiers produced by the system, the local talents under Richard are now only in the first echelon and can only pass the earth level. More of them are still working in the great knights. Even early talents like Quil, After pouring a lot of resources, it just broke through the earth level not long ago.

Even if the resources are abundant and there are enough resources for the local talents under Richard to practice and ignore the bottleneck, the accumulation time is too short. Unlike the system heroes, their own strength is there, but they are limited by the rules. His combat power was suppressed by his level. As soon as his level increases, his strength will naturally increase.

For subordinates who are not produced by the system, the current highest goal is the sky level. Treasures such as Stigmata that involve the holy level are still too far away for them.

As for system heroes who can continuously improve their strength by upgrading, using Stigma Potion is a bit wasteful. Richard is not in short supply of one or two new Saint-level combatants now. He can buy Stigma Potion. He kept it there, waiting to be rewarded to Quill and other loyal and talented subordinates later.

In terms of soldier types, although there is no holy dragon, the strategic significance of the purple dragon is basically the same as that of the holy dragon. A purple dragon is equivalent to giving Richard a high-level mage immediately. On a large-scale battlefield, it will cause The damage is greater than that of ordinary saints. As long as the two purple dragons are well protected, they can even determine the direction of a medium-sized battle.

As for the resource products that Richard had always dismissed, this time Richard also won them for the first time. Although Richard has found substitutes for system resources in reality, these substitutes are large in quantity and affordable. Much more cost-effective than getting points from the system.

However, there are actually not many resources such as mercury and sulfur in the North. Now the biological nests in several system cities are consumed together, and the weekly demand is not small. If the kingdom is stable and trade routes are smooth, it can still last for a long time. Maintain, but now the situation is about to be chaotic. Whether the resources from the Central Plains can be delivered in time will be a problem. Richard has to think ahead and stock up on some supplies.

Although the request for 5,000 gold was a bit sinister, this amount of money was nothing to Richard, who had made a fortune from the Sea Tribe.

The war compensation given by the Sea Tribe is not only the treasures in the sea, but also the gold plundered from human ships over the years. Because gold products are almost not corroded by sea water, some have been left in the sea for hundreds of years. Jin Naer was all sent out by the Sea Clan, and now the one thing Richard is indispensable for is Jin Naer.

Two years ago, five thousand gold was still a painful number for Richard, but now it is no different than throwing some pocket money.

Fortunately, most of the gold that Richard obtained was digested by the gold-eating monster of the system, otherwise putting it into the market at once would most likely cause serious inflation.

“Master Richard, come again next time!”

Sweeping goods, going out, there is almost no time when Richard does not buy the goods in the market. Every time Richard comes, Jinnaer spends money like running water.

When he went out, Richard once again met Grandet’s old face that smiled like a chrysanthemum. When Richard walked by, Grandet changed his face instantly and looked at Sandro like a dead fish. Face, the speed at which the face changes is astonishing.

Richard did not pay attention to the slight quarrel between the two, but left the market and entered the tavern with Sandro.

At this time, the sky had darkened, and the dim lights of the tavern had already turned on on time. Richard skillfully opened the door and walked into the tavern, followed by Sandro.

It was only after entering the door that Richard realized that it might be inappropriate to take Sandro with him, so he took a few steps aside to distance himself from Sandro, making up his mind that if he met If it was a hero from an elf or a human race, he would temporarily draw a clear line with Sandro and pretend not to know him. If he was a hero from the Evil Alliance, then he would not need to talk anymore and just bring their boss up to recruit him.

At this time, there were four guests sitting in the tavern. As usual, Richard glanced at them first. They found an ordinary deserter, a lost drunkard, and a blue-skinned lizard archer. They were basically worthless. Only the last woman shrouded in a black robe, let’s just call it a woman, became Richard’s only choice.

Name: Aisha pace]

Race: undead pace]

Level: 21pace]

Strength: 19

Agility: 10

Physique: *pace]

Spirit: 34

Skill: Spiritualism (Master Level)

Specialty: Skeleton


1: Aisha has a deep research on skeletons, and the attack power of all skeleton soldiers under her command is +1 (skeleton warriors, skeleton shooters.)

2: When Aisha uses spiritualism, a certain proportion of the skeleton soldiers summoned will be directly transformed into skeleton warriors.

3: When Aisha casts the summoning spell, there is a certain probability of summoning a skeleton shooter.

Spiritism (Master Level)

Effect: After each battle, a certain proportion of corpses can be converted into skeleton soldiers.

Introduction: Aisha may not be the best magician in the cemetery (Diya), but she is definitely the magician who is best at making skeleton soldiers in the cemetery (Diya). She hopes to have an undead environment similar to Diya. In heaven, she is not interested in the living, and even hates the living. She is only interested in how to turn the living into skeleton soldiers under her command. Aisha hopes to work with the undead.

Aisha, the skeleton lover, appeared in the tavern again, and because of Richard’s improvement in level, the level and strength of Aisha who appeared this time were much higher than last time. According to Richard’s calculation, At this time, Aisha can control at least 50,000 to 60,000 skeletons.

Compared to Sandro, Elsa is definitely not that good, but she is still a famous hero in the cemetery, and she specializes in the arts. In terms of overall ability, Sandro is far ahead of her. Sandro’s Spiritualism can summon all undead soldiers from skeleton soldiers to bone dragons, as long as there is a suitable corpse, while Elsa’s Spiritualism can only summon skeletons, but only about skeletons, even Sandro Everyone feels inferior to themselves.

The skeletons summoned by Aisha are generally stronger. They can also summon special skeletons such as skeleton shooters to make up for the embarrassment that there are no long-range soldiers in the low-level units of the cemetery force.

Currently, the most numerous members of the undead army under Sandro are skeleton soldiers. If Aisha joins them, the strength of the undead army can reach a higher level.

Anyway, recruiting one is a move, recruiting two is also a move. Even the most dangerous Sandro is already under his command, so there is no need to exclude other undead heroes.

Take Sandru and walked towards Aisha. When Richard faced Aisha from the front, he felt a little regretful for a moment.

Without him, he is really ugly. Although Sandru’s skin is blue and black, he doesn’t look like a living person at first glance, but at least he still has a nose and eyes, and his skin is quite plump in comparison. There is a person Sample.

Aisha’s face is basically that of a skeleton, even uglier than a skeleton. At least the skeleton has no flesh and blood on its face, its bones are white and clean, and it looks clean.

Although Aisha’s facial bones are prominent, they are covered with a layer of skin, and her whole face is as rotten as a honeycomb. Fortunately, Richard has seen a lot of messy things, and he can bear it in his heart. He needs someone else. Maybe he can spit out the overnight meal.

Fortunately, Aisha did not notice anything unusual about Richard, but focused all her attention on Sandro beside Richard.

“Lord Sandro!”

The prestige of Sandro in the cemetery is unquestionable. Even a perverted guy like Aisha showed respect to Sandro when he saw him.

“I follow the guidance of Namtaru and am loyal to the noble Lord Richard, the chosen man of God. Since you appear here, Aisha, you must also be guided by Lord Namtaru and follow Richard with me. Sir, create a paradise for the dead…”

Things like the Paradise of the Dead are all Sandro’s casual remarks. This is what Richard is guarding against. Being able to carve out a plot for them to rebuild the cemetery north of the snowfield is considered to be the ultimate duty of Richard.

However, Richard did not open his mouth to refute and basically remained silent. Anyway, after Sandru said a few words, Elsa chose to be loyal to Richard without any hesitation.

Although these heroes have strong autonomy, the system has its own rules. As long as the recruitment is successful, a contract is signed. The heroes must obey the orders of the lord, let alone harm the lord to whom they are loyal.

What Richard had been guarding against for so long was just that Sandro was too independent and secretly doing things, instead of being afraid that Sandro would hurt himself.

After receiving the prompt from Aisha to join him, Richard stood up and walked to the bar, and ordered a glass of beer as usual. He had to consume it when he came.

After finishing the drink, he took Sandru and Aisha and left the tavern. As soon as the three of them went out, the lights in the tavern immediately went out. It didn’t look like there were still guests in the tavern.

Richard was not surprised by this. After instructing the two undead heroes to stay in the Stone Castle and not to move around at will, Richard went straight back to his mansion to rest.

Richard, who had been struggling recently, finally had a good sleep in his faithful Miracle City, and did not get up until the sun was high the next day.

Li Cha, who had just woken up and had not yet gone to sleep, was quickly shocked by the urgent information sent by the raindrops and lost all sleep.

“The Centaur clan appeared on the battlefield of the Central Great Plains, the Western Cavalry was wiped out, Chrysler City was besieged, and the Orc Vanguard Army has appeared near the royal capital…”




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