Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 597: The end



On the deeper sea south of Harbor City, a giant dragon let out a high-pitched roar to show its existence. Overlord-level creatures like giant dragons never keep a low profile, even if they are recruited from the system. The dragon, without Richard’s orders, would show its true nature from time to time, emitting deafening roars at high altitudes to frighten the surrounding creatures.

The roar of the giant dragon immediately startled a group of seabirds flying on the island below. If you look closely, you can see that some sea people are also running around in panic on the island. Generally speaking, sea people rarely stay here. Those on land, except for a short period of time when they rob human ports, will only come to land when they reproduce. To the south of Harbor City, there is no human port for the Sea Clan to plunder. It is obviously a clam farm for the Sea Clan.

Although the giant dragon is still in the air and has not landed, its roar has already scared the sea people to tremble. The fear of the giant dragon by most creatures seems to be an instinct engraved deep in their genes. Even the sea people here Being very unfamiliar with giant dragons, it is inevitable to have an instinctive fear of them.

The giant dragon in the sky seemed to be very satisfied with its intimidating power, and lowered its altitude slightly. It patrolled the not too big island, and finally flew north again. There was actually another island there. A large human fleet.

“Unexpectedly, there is another sea clam farm so close to Harbor City, which can be reached in two or three days, but we have never discovered it.”

“General Paul, if it weren’t for Lord Richard, we wouldn’t even be able to build the Harbor City, so how could we get here.”

Although the kingdom’s shipbuilding technology is not bad, its exploration of the ocean is not in-depth. It usually only trades along the coast or goes fishing, and will not leave the mainland more than a thousand miles away. The reason is also very simple. When you encounter the Sea Tribe on the coast, under normal circumstances, the Sea Tribe does not move much in the shallow sea areas along the mainland, and generally does not take the initiative to attack humans. Most of the time, the two sides can maintain a peaceful state. But once the human fleet goes too deep into the ocean, it will be regarded by the sea tribe as invading their territory, and they will immediately besiege and destroy the human ships that they think are too deep.

The purpose of the Sea Clan’s doing this is also very clear, that is, they do not want humans to discover the clam farm in the depths of the ocean. Therefore, humans in the south have been trading and fishing for so many years, and they only vaguely know the location of the clam farm where Harbor City is now located. The clam field here is already regarded as a forbidden area for the Sea Clan. Before the establishment of Harbor City, any human ship that dared to approach would be attacked by the Sea Clan. Most of the time, all the humans on board would be killed by the Sea Clan. There will naturally be no records of exploration in the distant ocean.

“That’s right. Fortunately, Lord Richard surrendered to the Hai Clan, so we have a chance to come here.”

At this time, Paul was riding a huge dragon boat heading south, surrounded by several smaller boats. He formed a fleet, carrying 3,000 sergeants and a considerable number of civilians. While sailing on the sea, the dragon circled the island and then returned to the top of the fleet. It landed steadily on the dragon boat. A group of sergeants around it immediately brought up a large amount of meat for the dragon to eat.

“There is indeed a bay suitable for berthing in front of the boat. Let the paddlers work harder and get to the island immediately before dark.”

“Yes, General Paul!”

After being explained by Richard, Neptune showed great cooperation. Not only did he draw a very detailed sea map, he marked out all the sea clan’s clam farms, and even the topography of the islands where the clam farms were located. The description is clear, and humans have basically figured out where is suitable for parking ships and where is suitable for building cities. Most of the so-called marine clam farms are large islands with fresh water and ocean currents passing through them, which can provide abundant fish resources. These islands can be used as marine clam farms, and humans can naturally build cities to stay there for a long time.

In Richard’s plan, he will build cities and garrison troops in all the clam farms with fresh water resources. Each island where troops are stationed must have a small port, and then establish a communication route for the wind bird. , to facilitate communication between each other.

Richard does not believe the Sea King’s verbal and contractual surrender. Only by truly grasping the weaknesses of the Sea Clan can he gradually control the Sea Clan. Garrisoning troops in all clam fields is only the first step. For the time being, he can only rely on Garrisoned troops and giant dragons to intimidate the Sea Clan. In the future, he plans to build a more powerful fleet that can easily fight against the Sea Clan on the sea and can threaten the fleet of any Sea Clan clam farm at any time.

With a powerful fleet and the submission of the Shanghai tribe, Harbor City finally unlocked the seventh-level soldier lair, the Sea Dragon Maelstrom. In another year and a half, there will be a fleet on the sea, and there will be human garrison and garrison in the clam field. With the cooperation of the fortress, the water and the systematic army of Harbor City, the rope to control the Sea Clan will only get tighter. In addition to the elves in the heyday of the Elf Empire, Richard may be the second land person who can effectively control the Sea Clan. Powerful.

Neptune’s surrender may be just a temporary measure to regain strength through temporary surrender, but he doesn’t know that time is always on Richard’s side.

At this time, Paul took Richard’s order and led the fleet to prepare to establish the first stronghold in a relatively critical clam field…


Harbour City

The entire city is in a state of excitement. The outer city walls change almost every day. The prototype of a new city has almost appeared in front of us. Materials and personnel from the North are arriving directly through the teleportation array. In Harbor City, the city has been completely activated. Immigrants from the North continue to appear from the teleportation array. Immigrants from the southern part of the kingdom have also been arriving boat by boat recently. After defeating the Sea Tribe, Harbor City has completely relaxed restrictions on immigration. Anyone can see that, A prosperous large city will rise on this island.

Nearly half a month has passed since the crucial battle with the Sea Tribe. After Sea King chose to surrender and fully cooperated with Richard, he handed over the location of all clam fields, and issued an order for all his men to give up resistance. In the end, Richard did not break his promise. After confirming the accurate location of the clam field and collecting part of the pearl treasures sent by the Sea Tribe, he released the Sea King and a large number of captives.

Neptune left the clam farm with a bunch of defeated soldiers in dejection. When he left, Neptune had a worried look on his face and did not feel the joy of finally regaining his freedom. Next, he will face greater troubles. Whether it is a big defeat or a declaration of surrender to a human being, it will greatly damage his prestige and shake his rule over the entire Sea Clan. Although he tried his best to downplay Richard’s human identity, constantly emphasized his messy titles, and tried his best to exaggerate Richard’s strength, the Sea Clan was not a fool. It was a fact that he lost to humans and bowed to humans.

As the king of the Sea Clan, he was defeated by humans and captured, and finally surrendered to humans. He also reached a series of agreements with humans that harmed the interests of the Sea Clan. It seems that this Sea King is not qualified to continue to rule the Sea Clan. or. In particular, the subsequent actions of human beings to station troops in all the clam farms have stepped on the bottom line of many large ethnic groups. Although the Sea King has just returned to the sea, in fact, there has been an undercurrent surging among the Sea ethnic groups.

To the southwest of Harbor City, where the Royal Court of the Sea Clan is located

A large group of patrol guards were stationed around the royal court, including some bloodline warriors leading the team. Many chiefs of the big sea clans are gathering here to discuss something.

“Sea King will return to the royal court today.”

“Is that coward who surrendered to mankind and betrayed all the positions of the clam field worthy of being the King of the Sea?”

If someone usually dared to arrange the Sea King in the royal court like this, he would have been accused by the people around him. But at this time, a Sea Clan leader raised a question and was actually echoed by many people present, while the rest remained silent. The faces of the people also varied, and they were all obviously thinking about how to face Neptune, who was about to return.

“Your Majesty is also accompanied by the elites of the Royal Court, as well as General Falk, who are also by His Majesty’s side. There are at least more than 400,000 troops beside him, many of whom are patrol guards.”

As soon as he said this, everyone who was shouting just now also fell into silence, and their expressions became ugly.

After Neptune was captured, some of the originally extremely submissive clans began to have dissent. Many of them were clans with seats in the royal court. These clan leaders who were originally too arrogant to speak out in front of Neptune have even begun to form a network. It is necessary to choose a new king from the side branch of the Posaic family to restore the glory of the Sea Clan. If the Sea King returns alone, I am afraid that the position of Sea King will not be secure and will be taken over by several powerful families immediately. Losing his cultivation base and being imprisoned for a lifetime is the best outcome for him.

However, what these wealthy families never expected was that this Sea King, who lost his army and declared his surrender to humans in public, would actually return with a large army after being released by humans.

Richard not only returned the prisoners to the elite patrol guards under Sea King, but also returned their equipment. In addition to those who were captured at the beginning, there were also those who were persuaded to surrender by Sea King himself and belonged directly to the royal court. There are almost 20,000 patrol guards, all of whom are elites wearing armor made by dwarves. Although these patrol guards have experienced a great defeat and have low morale, their interests are highly bound to the Sea King. Although the strength of the confidant generals and some loyal blood warriors around the King of Shanghai has been greatly reduced, they will never be abused at will.

“He not only lost the glory of the Sea Clan, but also caused our Bose family to lose face. For the sake of the Sea Clan, and also to ensure that your efforts during this period are not in vain, you must not waver at this time.”

The Sea Tribe who spoke is about 40-50% similar to Sea King in appearance, and is obviously a member of the Pose family. Although he originally controlled a large ethnic group, he basically had nothing to do with the throne. Side branch, it was just luck. After the King of the Sea was captured and bowed to humans, he was promoted as the candidate for the new king by a group of connected sea people. He himself was willing to sit in that position and actively cooperated, and everyone jumped together. for several days.

Now that Neptune’s return has brought more power than they imagined, but he wants to remind those who are doing it that there is no cover-up for their efforts during this period. When Neptune comes back, he will find something is wrong, and there will be no turning back. , if Neptune comes back to liquidate, no one here will be able to escape, they must bite the bullet and continue to support it.

“Who will deal with the elites around him?”

“Let my tribe go up. We will continue to welcome him back according to the original plan. According to custom, the elite of the Royal Court will stop at the periphery. As long as he brings a small number of people back to the Royal Court, we will capture him immediately. Him.”

“The soldiers under him should not be willing to fight for such a loser and coward.”

Even if Richard returns half of the Sea Clan army, the gap between the forces around Sea King and the group of people preparing to rebel is not big. Moreover, Sea King’s command is still a newly defeated army, so they still have some psychological advantages.

The only thing they were afraid of was the elites wearing metal armors around Neptune. Although these elites were beaten solidly by the Northland army on the shore, that was only because the Northland army was too strong. , in the sea, they are definitely the first-class ace army. These sea clan leaders are a little frightened when they mention this elite.

“It’s better to act according to the plan and try to lure the other party in first.”


Hearing that someone was willing to fight against the elite, the sea tribe present calmed down. They really had no way out and could only go all the way to the dark side.

But before they could execute the plan, Neptune’s order came first.

A distant voice came:

“Your Majesty orders everyone to go out to greet us!”

“Falk led people to surround the royal court and did not come in!”

Although Neptune cannot defeat Richard, he is still a qualified chess player. Otherwise, he would not be able to suppress the newly rising priests and bring all the tribes into submission. Although he stumbled for a moment, he was not A group of bad chess players from the Sea Clan can get together to plot. Next, the Sea Clan will have to go through a **** storm. The Sea King will not have the time to play tricks with Richard anymore.



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