Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 596: Complete


The last time Richard and Neptune met, it was the time when he was invited by the fourth prince Parley to help him. Although it was just a quick meeting, Neptune was still deeply impressed by Richard, who was said to be arrogant and domineering at the time. He recognized Richard, but times had changed. The last time the negotiation between the two parties could be said to be a reciprocal exchange, this time he could only talk to Richard as a prisoner.

What just puzzled him was that, according to his understanding, the most powerful human being in the south should be the prince of the human kingdom, not Richard in front of him. Although Richard was powerful enough at the time, in the eyes of Neptune, Li should be regarded as a subordinate of the human prince. Now looking at the respectful attitudes of several strong human beings around him, the shameless young man in front of him does not look like a senior human general, but more like a senior general. The appearance of a lord.

The Sea Tribe’s understanding of humans is indeed extremely one-sided, and the update of intelligence is also quite backward. Their understanding of humans is only obtained from some human nobles who have some trade relations with them, and what they know about humans is also the southern corner of the human kingdom. , and had almost no understanding of Richard, who dominated the Northland.

But soon, Catherine on the side answered Neptune’s doubts.

“This is the guardian of the North and the River Valley of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the King of the North, the double patron of the creation dragon **** Asha and the dragon of light Elrath, the North, the River Valley and Erathia. The only person of allegiance to the survivors is Lord Richard Hunter.”

“Jie Jie, and the blessing of Namtaru, the Lord God of the Undead.”

Catherine introduced Richard’s identity to Neptune like a name for a dish. Sandro who followed beside him also added Namtaru’s name, for fear of losing this great master.

After hearing this long list of titles, Neptune was actually a little confused. Neptune, who had no understanding of the world of Erathia, heard that Asha, Elrath, and Namtaru were the ceiling in the world of Invincible Heroes. There was basically no reaction when the same presence existed. After all, he didn’t know how strong these gods were.

Besides, he himself often claims to be a subject of Poseidon. After saying this for so long, he has never seen Poseidon come out to protect him. He has no idea that the kind of care that Catherine and Sandro mentioned is not that kind of spirit. It’s like a comforting favor. It’s the kind of favor that doesn’t brag at all, gives you all the benefits, and even goes out to help in person.

Nevertheless, Neptune still understood the first few titles. He was the ruler of the northern part of mankind and the king alongside the king. Although it was not clear why this being had traveled through the entire human kingdom to the southernmost point to come to have trouble with him, but He vaguely felt as if he had grasped something important.

“The King of the Ocean, Gremy Pose, greets the King of the North.”

Regardless of whether he knew where the Northland and the River Valley were, after Catherine’s introduction, Neptune still bowed his head slightly to Richard, expressing respect, but he still did not kneel down to beg for mercy, maintaining a certain degree of dignity.

Richard did not care about the attitude of the Sea King. He knew that although the Sea Clan suffered a huge defeat this time, it was still far from being convinced. With the population of the Sea Clan, the lost troops would soon be replaced. In addition, if Sea King had not been captured this time, even if the million-strong army was wiped out, it would be difficult for him to make the Sea Tribe surrender and complete his mission.

The key to the mission still falls on the Sea King in front of him.

“Dear Sir Richard, this time I admit that we failed. I don’t know what price my clan will have to pay before you can let me go.”

Neptune was not timid. Before Richard could speak, he took the initiative to negotiate with Richard. This can be seen from the fact that when he was first captured, he wanted to negotiate terms with Catherine to let the other party release him.

The King of the Sea is a little anxious to return to the Sea Clan. Although his position as the King of the Sea is stable, he cannot disappear for a long time. A defeat costs the lives of a large number of soldiers. If he is detained for a long time, what is lost may be his. The throne.

Although Neptune’s mind is flexible and his methods are not weak, he is still a little impatient. Compared with old silver coins like Prince Pare and King Renn on land, he is more than a step behind in the city.

When Neptune asked this question, Richard felt confident. As long as you still want to live and are still greedy for your own power, then the terms will be easy to negotiate. He is afraid of meeting someone who is hard-core and dedicated to the interests of the Sea Clan. The kind of ruler who is willing to sacrifice himself and vows not to cooperate with humans, then Richard will probably be caught blind.

“I want the sea people not to harass any ships in the future, and not to interfere with any construction activities in the harbor city. Human beings can move freely in the clam field and are not allowed to enter within fifty miles of the harbor city. Provide me with a certain amount of marine life every year. Treasure…”


Richard made a long list of conditions that sounded very unequal, but Neptune agreed immediately. At worst, he would turn a blind eye to the human city in Bangchang and just return to the previous state. Now he just wants to Return to the sea and secure your position.

It’s just that Richard spent so much effort, how could he only get this little benefit.

He immediately continued:

“On behalf of the Sea Clan, surrender to me and tell me the locations of all the Sea Clan’s clam farms. I heard that your Sea Clan has three major clam farms and more than ten small clam farms. Except for this clam farm in the South China Sea, all other The clam farm also needs my garrison…”


As soon as Richard finished speaking, the Sea King immediately shouted. He just did not harass human ships and acquiesced to the existence of human beings in the South China Sea clam field. Anyway, that was a fait accompli, and he could completely return to it. After reaching the sea, he reneged on his promise. Anyway, the treaties signed these days are about the same as toilet paper in the toilet. No one except the dwarves, a straight and cute race, would care.

Sending some treasures from the sea is also a trivial matter for the sea people. Pearls and colorful corals, which are relatively rare in the human world, are found in the ocean in large quantities. For the sea people, they are basically within easy reach. It’s okay to give some to Richard.

But Richard wanted him to surrender on behalf of the Sea Clan, and he also wanted him to tell the detailed locations of other clam farms and garrison them, which was difficult for the Sea King to accept.

Surrendering to humans on behalf of the Sea Clan would greatly damage his prestige as the King of the Sea. Exposing all the locations of the clam field and allowing humans to garrison would be equivalent to having humans control all the breeding places of the Sea Clan. This would be equivalent to Humanity has really put a rope around the neck of the sea tribe.

When Neptune heard this, he immediately rejected it excitedly.

“We can add more treasure. We will not interfere with your actions in the South China Sea and ensure that human ships are not attacked on the sea. We can even help rescue humans who are shipwrecked. However, surrender and the Bengchang garrison Absolutely not…”

Negotiation should really be a process of demanding high prices and paying back the money, but Neptune made a mistake. This is not a reciprocal negotiation. He is now negotiating with the other party as a prisoner.

Only when Richard is willing to give him dignity can he be qualified to stand and talk to Richard. If Richard doesn’t give him dignity, he can have someone press his head and make him kneel on the ground to talk.

Richard stared at the excited Neptune with a hint of ridicule on his face.

“Your Majesty Neptune, haven’t you understood the situation yet?”

“I’m just informing you, just agree. If you want to continue to be your Neptune, I suggest you accept my conditions.”

Although Richard did not deliberately humiliate Neptune, his attitude was very tough and he had no intention of accepting Neptune’s counter-offer.

The two sides were in a stalemate like this for several minutes, and the atmosphere was slightly tense. Richard just stared at Neptune, his power becoming more and more powerful. The elite swordsmen on both sides unconsciously raised their swords and raised their swords. The deputy was just waiting for Richard’s order to kill Neptune.

In an instant, Neptune’s pressure doubled, and the eyes that were originally looking directly into Richard’s eyes began to dodge unconsciously.


“There is nothing to be desired. There is only one choice before you, and that is to unconditionally agree to my conditions.”

“After that, I will hand over all the prisoners to you, as well as the generals around you, so that you have enough power to continue to control the royal court.”

“If you are unwilling to cooperate, your generals will always find someone who is willing to cooperate. I heard that there are a few people with the surname Bose among the people you brought this time. I will only make it more troublesome. I will interrogate them one by one, and I will always be able to Find out the location of the clam farm. As for His Majesty the Sea King, if you don’t cooperate, you will only be a prisoner in the future, not a Sea King.”

Although that is said, if Neptune really does not cooperate, it will be a troublesome matter for Richard. There are indeed several royal families among the prisoners this time, but whether they are willing to cooperate or not is one thing. There are those who are willing to cooperate, but they do not have the prestige of the Sea King. If they are asked to declare their surrender, it is hard to say whether the system will recognize the Sea Clan’s surrender.

As for the slow search for the remaining clam farms of the Sea Clan, it is even more troublesome. The current clam farm where Harbor City is located is the only clam farm that humans know the specific location of. The remaining clam farms don’t even have a general direction. The ocean It is extremely vast. Whether Richard has satellites or reconnaissance planes, it is quite difficult to find the Hai Clan clam farm on the endless sea.

Even for the sea tribe themselves, most of them can only find one or two clam farms that they are familiar with. Richard needs to find other sea tribes to lead the way. Other sea tribes may not be able to find all the clam farms and know all the clam farms. Only a few high-ranking officials of the Sea Tribe could see the detailed location, and among them the Sea King must be included.

Richard doesn’t have much time to spend on the sea. Neptune’s willingness to cooperate is definitely the easiest way for Richard.

Although Richard spoke in a strong tone, he basically explained the pros and cons to Neptune. To put it bluntly, if Neptune wants to continue to maintain his power and wealth, he has to betray the interests of the Sea Clan a little. Obviously Neptune is not a righteous being. , after Wangtian hesitated for a moment, he asked the first question.

“How many soldiers were captured by you?”

“There should be ten thousand patrol guards wearing armor like that. There are at least fifty or sixty thousand without armor. There are still many scattered in the clam field. My men are clearing them out. If the Sea King had fought with him earlier, If we cooperate, maybe there will be more of them.”

“As for the bloodline warriors, more than fifty people have surrendered, and there should be quite a few who are still running away and resisting. There are also some surviving priests who are now being detained.”

Although there were more lower-level sea warriors captured and scattered, Richard did not even mention the ordinary sea warriors. What status they have in the heart of the Sea King, Richard knew very well that even if these lower-level warriors died, Well, it is estimated that Neptune will not feel too distressed. Instead, it is these armored patrol guards and bloodline warriors who are Neptune’s heart.

As long as these warriors and trusted generals reunite under the command of the Sea King, other Sea Kings dare not say, at least it will be guaranteed that he will continue to sit in the position of Sea King and lead the Sea Clan after this defeat, and other tribes and royal families will not Don’t you dare have any other ideas.


The giant dragon in the sky roared at the right time, attracting Neptune’s attention. Looking at the dozen giant dragons in the sky, and then thinking about the human warriors who captured him, Neptune finally did what he did. After making a decision, he opened his mouth and said to Richard:

“I accept your conditions, but I also have a condition.”

“Tell me about it?”

“It was Lord Richard, the King of the North, who defeated me, not the human kingdom. I hope I surrender to you, not the human kingdom.”


Richard smiled, with a playful smile on his face.

This request from Neptune has only two effects. One is to maintain a bit of dignity like a cover-up, and at least there is room to explain internally why he surrenders to the King of the North, not humans. Let’s change the concept. Give yourself a step up.

Secondly, he does not surrender to the human kingdom, but only surrenders to Richard. This is somewhat intended to sow discord between Richard and the kingdom.

It’s just that he has no idea about the difficulties the kingdom is currently facing, let alone how powerful the North is.

His provocation was just a very boring trick in Richard’s eyes.


However, Richard didn’t care at all. He agreed to the other party’s little plan without any hesitation.

The next step is for very professional people to confirm the location of the clam field with Sea King, and then send the fleet and flying units out to confirm.

At this point, the affairs of the Sea Clan can basically be considered to have been successfully completed. As long as the location of the clam field is investigated, and then the Sea King lies on the ground and declares his surrender, the task should be completed…


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