Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 595: Meet and negotiate


It is much more difficult to capture a strong man of the same level alive than to defeat or even kill him.

If there was a one-on-one confrontation between Neptune and an elite swordsman, even if he was defeated, he would still have a good chance of escaping if he wanted to run away. However, the lineup he faced at this time was really too luxurious.

The legendary necromancer Sandro and Queen Catherine of Erathia have joined forces. Neptune should be the first existence to enjoy this treatment. Needless to say, the legendary necromancer Sandro was in his heyday with the elf holy wizard Mace. For an old monster of the same level, taking down a Neptune is already killing a chicken with a knife.

Even Catherine, who is known for her command and leadership skills, is not weak at all in terms of personal force. With the bonus of treasures, she also has the strength of the peak of the sky level.

It is difficult for Neptune to deal with one of these three beings alone. Faced with three of them at once, Neptune has no other choice but to surrender.

Faced with the long sword on his neck, and his body becoming increasingly weak under the curse spells such as weakness and weakness, Neptune was very frightened.


After throwing away the trident in his hand, Neptune spread it out, indicating that he had no intention of resisting. Few people in high positions can see through life and death, and most of them have a stronger desire for life than ordinary people who are confused. Man, if Neptune can fight to this point, he has already tried his best.

He knew that humans had gone to such great lengths to capture him alive, and they were definitely not in a hurry to take his own life. As long as they didn’t take his own life, there was still room for discussion. If you cooperate now, you can at least survive for a while. If you don’t cooperate with the opponent now, you will have to suffer a lot. If you are accidentally killed in the battle, you will really cry and you will be unable to find peace.

Catherine picked up the trident thrown by Neptune on the ground. Two Scarlet Crusaders in red armor stepped forward and quickly put away the trident.

These two seemingly ordinary soldiers are stronger than the blood warriors under their command.

Neptune, who had not carefully observed other human soldiers before, immediately smelled the strong **** aura on the two Scarlet Crusaders as soon as they came up. He could feel an evil aura just by looking at them.

This kind of momentum cannot be developed in one or two battles. Only by crawling out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood can one have such momentum.

In this battle, the loser was not unjust. Although the humans had fewer soldiers, their combat power was indeed ahead of the Sea Clan by several blocks.

At this time, Neptune’s mentality has undergone subtle changes. Since he has lost, he always has to find some reason for himself. The idea that human beings are too powerful has been vaguely buried in Neptune’s heart.

Seeing that Neptune was so cooperative, Catherine did not mean to humiliate him too much. She just asked him to keep his normal standing posture. Neptune, who had no weapons and had nearly half of his combat power reduced by Sandro’s curse spell, There was no chance for the three of them to seize.

“Since His Majesty Neptune wants to choose cooperation, can you ask your men to stop? If the fight continues, there will not be many of these men loyal to you left.”

These sea people who can always follow Neptune are almost all Neptune’s confidants. They are also Neptune’s team that controls the royal court and rules all the sea people. As the close guards and confidants of Neptune, these people’s interests are at the same level as Neptune’s. Bound, if something happens to Neptune, no matter who comes to power in the Sea Clan from now on, they will all be marginalized.

If the priestly forces that have been suppressed by Neptune come to power, they may not only be marginalized but brutally purged.

Furthermore, Neptune is considered a qualified lord most of the time, and he is not bad at winning people’s hearts. These sea people who are still fighting hard now have an interest in Neptune, both emotionally and in terms of interests. Absolute loyalty.

Now that they saw Neptune being captured, everyone went crazy and attacked in the direction of Neptune, trying to **** Neptune back from the hands of humans.

The Sea Clan attacked without any regard for casualties, almost trading injuries for injuries and lives for lives in an attempt to break through the human army’s obstruction. In a short period of time, they actually got closer to the direction of the Sea King by more than ten meters.

Normally noble bloodline warriors risked their lives to fight. Several bloodline warriors pounced on an elite swordsman at the same time, hoping to suppress the opponent with their numerical advantage. Unfortunately, the great sword in the hand of the superb swordsman was With one swing, a bloodline warrior was killed instantly.

The opponent’s whole body was split in half from the shoulder by the great sword in the hands of the outstanding swordsman, and even the man and his sword were broken into two pieces. The bloodline warrior is basically the pinnacle of the sea army’s combat power. But there is still a huge gap between the strength and these elite swordsmen who have been cast by magic mages with buffing spells.

However, in order to rescue the captured Sea King, the bloodline warriors at this time were more willing to risk their lives than ordinary lower-level sea warriors. One of their companions was split into two pieces, and the remaining bloodline warriors rushed over at the same time. , no fear at all.

Then, under the great sword of the outstanding swordsman, they were all reduced to pieces of limbs. Under the heavy sword of the elite outstanding swordsman, which was as big as a door panel, it was quite difficult to leave a whole corpse behind.

The death of a large number of core members of his men made Neptune’s blood pressure soar, but he still did not immediately do what Catherine said, but asked Catherine:

“If my soldiers surrender, can you guarantee their safety?”

“Oh? Your Majesty, haven’t you understood the current situation? If they don’t surrender, they will be completely wiped out.”

Catherine did not directly answer Neptune’s words. Her tone was a bit playful, but the meaning was obvious. Now you are not qualified to negotiate terms at all.

And Sandro, who also had a certain say, didn’t even bother to speak at all. If it weren’t for Richard’s order, according to his temperament, His Majesty the Sea King would have been transformed into a powerful undead.

Sea King was silent for a moment, then took the initiative to follow a few people and walked forward for more than ten steps, and shouted an order to the Sea Clan who were still fighting:

“Stop fighting! Stop fighting! Throw all your weapons on the ground and obey human arrangements!”

Sea King is not stupid, on the contrary, his mind is very flexible. As a person who can suppress the priests’ forces for his own use in one fell swoop, and firmly hold the power of the Sea Clan in his hands in a short period of time, he quickly figured it out. Make the right choice by considering the pros and cons.

Although his group of men are loyal, they are not enough to defeat the terrifyingly powerful group of humans here. He does not think that those bloodline generals and warriors can surpass those strong human beings wielding heavy swords.

Without their arrow, the Sea Clan’s defeated troops that originally attacked the defense line of the Undead Legion became increasingly powerless. The Undead Legion on both wings had gradually closed up. Even if they did not surrender, it would be a matter of time before they were wiped out. .

The worst outcome is just to be wiped out. Surrendering now can save your life, and maybe there will be some improvement.

“Surrender and avoid death!”

“Surrender and avoid death!”

The bloodline generals and warriors who follow Neptune are very familiar with Neptune’s voice. They don’t even need to see Neptune with their own eyes. They can basically confirm that this is an order from Neptune just by listening to the voice.

Hearing the order from the Sea King, the sea people who were still fighting immediately hesitated and hesitated. However, the human army did not take the opportunity to attack. Instead, they took two steps back and stopped, giving the sea people a little reaction. space.

“Put down your weapons immediately and obey the orders of the humans around you!”

“Dang, Dang…”

As the Sea King continued to persuade them to surrender, a large number of elites from the Sea Tribe who were still fighting finally gave up their resistance and threw down their weapons one after another, waiting for their unknown orders.

Some of them were unwilling to surrender to humans, but under the orders of Neptune and most of their companions stopped fighting and handed over their weapons, they had no choice but to refuse.

Soon, the remaining thousands of elites around Neptune were gathered together with their bare hands. Catherine sent a small group of Crusaders and Halberdiers to guard them. Most of the sea people looked uneasy looking at the human soldiers patrolling back and forth. Waiting for the next arrangement.

Catherine did not kill the prisoners, but gave them some basic food. Neptune was kept in separate custody. Facing Catherine, his attitude was as neutral as possible.

“General, if you are willing to put me back into the sea, the sea people are willing to exchange countless treasures, and we can even pay…”

Neptune was constantly raising prices, wanting to exchange for his freedom, but Catherine just waved her hand and interrupted Neptune.

“Whether I let you go or not depends on Sir Richard personally deciding. I am only responsible for catching you.”

After that, she no longer continued the sterile exchange with Neptune, and ordered several outstanding swordsmen to take a good look at each other before leaving. The messenger had already left, and Richard would soon get the news that Neptune had been successfully captured. She is now Just wait for Richard’s order.

On the other hand, Sandru is not interested in communicating with Neptune. Rather than talking to the other party, he may be more inclined to turn the other party into a powerful elite black warrior or an undead hero.

At this time, Sandro was replenishing new blood for the undead army under his command. After this battle, the quality of the sea corpses was several grades higher than the corpses on the beach before.

There are more than fifty bloodline warriors who can be summoned into black warriors, and there are even more patrol guards. Under the effect of master-level spiritualism and the treasure Ghost King’s Cloak, the corpses of the sea clan are transformed into undead. The proportion of legionnaires is high.

The corpses of more than fifty bloodline warriors summoned thirty black warriors who were slightly stronger than the Crusaders.

Nearly 3,000 walking corpses have also been added. Adding the more than 2,000 walking corpses before, these walking corpses have a combat power equivalent to that of quasi-knights. The number of walking zombies that can be used as the backbone of combat power has reached a flag regiment of 5,000. So many.

As for the cannon fodder-like skeleton soldiers, they have been directly replenished to the number before the battle, which is close to 100,000. If Sandru’s strength had not been restored and he could not control more skeleton soldiers, this number would have been even greater.

Neptune and a group of captured sea tribes basically watched their dead companions stand up again, and then joined the undead army in groups. They finally figured out how these monsters appeared on the battlefield. .

Neptune’s face became extremely ugly, and there was a faint flash of fear in his eyes. Manipulating a dead body was a very taboo thing no matter where he was or what race he was in.

However, no one cared about what Neptune and the captured sea people would think after seeing Sandro summoning souls on the spot. Most of the day passed, and except for someone who gave Neptune some food, there was no one at all. People came to pay attention to him. He wanted to talk to the elite swordsman guarding him, but the other party didn’t reply.

It wasn’t until a letter was delivered to Catherine that the situation changed.

“According to Lord Richard’s order, set off immediately, **** the Sea King there first, and keep the prisoners on the spot.”

When Richard’s order came, the army immediately took action, even ignoring the broken troops of the Hai clan who were still sporadically fleeing eastward. Except for a part of the army who stayed in place to guard the prisoners, the large army escorted the King of the Sea and quickly returned to the west. .

This time they did not need to take detours to avoid, they just took the nearest route back openly and openly. On the way, they encountered some broken troops of the Sea Tribe, and as long as they did not collide with the army, they did not care and allowed them to escape.

With the addition of heroic logistics skills, the army marched extremely fast, bringing Sea King to Richard in less than half an hour…

“Lord Richard, Neptune has been brought to…”

On the main battlefield, sporadic fighting has not stopped. Let alone the millions of sea warriors, it is difficult to catch millions of pigs in a few days. The finishing work is very troublesome. Hundreds of thousands The defeated troops were scattered on the battlefield for dozens of miles and could not be solved in a short time.

Catherine ignored the sporadic fighting around her and brought Neptune directly to Richard.

At this time, Richard had finished washing up. He had gotten rid of the smell of blood and sweat on his body, and he was neat and tidy, which was in sharp contrast to the embarrassed Neptune.

Looking at Neptune, who was standing in front of him with his head held high and trying to maintain his dignity, Richard couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t mean to show off his power at all, but instead greeted Neptune in a calm tone.

“Your Majesty Neptune, I didn’t expect that we would meet again in just a few months…”



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