Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 594: Capture (End)


On this unnamed gentle **** to the east of the main battlefield, the corpses of the Sea Clan are everywhere. Broken limbs and broken weapons can be seen everywhere, as well as some scattered skeletons and rotting corpses. The Sea Tribe suffered heavy casualties, and the Undead Legion also suffered heavy losses. A bunch of skeleton soldiers were smashed to pieces. Sandro didn’t care about how many inferior cannon fodder there were. Instead, he was the backbone of the Undead Legion at this time. There were hundreds of corpses lying down, which showed how brutal the battle was.

Although the scale of the battle here is not as huge as the decisive battle with millions of troops on the main battlefield, the intensity of the battle is not low at all. Although the number of troops that Neptune took with him when he escaped was not large, the quality was definitely high enough. Thousands of elite patrol guards and nearly a hundred blood warriors equivalent to knights are enough to tear a hole in the undead army’s defense line.

And with Neptune personally joining the battle, the morale of the defeated soldiers who had fled before was re-energized, and their momentum was even stronger than before. After a lot of fighting, they finally captured the gentle **** here, although there were still some skeleton soldiers in front. , but it is no longer something to be afraid of. As long as you break through the human armies that are actually forming up, you can completely break through the defense line blocking the troops, get rid of the pursuers, and escape before the undead armies on both wings crowd in. .

“Your Majesty! The human army on the opposite side is a little weird. Let me take the lead and open a way for Your Majesty.”

Now, in addition to the elite force that Sea King led when he first escaped, his generals have also gathered tens of thousands of broken troops, nearly one-third of which are patrol guards with good combat effectiveness. With such a force, it is necessary to You may not win in a head-on battle with Sandro’s undead army, but if you just want to open a gap in their defense line to escape, this group of mourning soldiers still have a chance. After paying a considerable price, they not only eliminated They killed the skeleton soldiers on the first line of defense and cut down many of the walking corpses that were originally ambush forces. It seemed that a gap had been opened in the defense line of the undead army.

Although the undead armies on both sides are still reinforcing the gap, they have been delayed by a large number of fleeing troops. In addition to the small number of broken troops gathered by Sea King and his men, there are more broken troops in a state of disorder. Only Supported by a belief in escaping eastward, the number is at least more than 100,000, and this number continues to increase as time goes by. These broken troops continue to impact the entire interception defense line, leading to undead armies in other directions. , and reinforcements were not available for a while.

What the Sea King really has to face at this time is the human army under Catherine who has never participated in the war. In the eyes of the Sea Tribe generals, there are only a few hundred human troops lined up to block them. This makes the Sea Tribe generals with a numerical advantage Their confidence is not small. Although the human combat power is good, it has not reached the level of despair. Although several sea tribe generals said they were weird, they actually had the intention of grabbing credit. After all, ten thousand people were fighting against each other. There are less than 1,000 human troops, but the 10,000 troops in my hands are still absolutely elite, and there are many bloodline warriors. No matter how you look at it, I have the typical advantage.

However, Neptune also took the risk at this time. Neptune, who never took action easily, has now stabbed several walking corpses with his trident. Originally, he was rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and even the knights had trouble killing them. The zombies with some skills were as crispy as glass under the trident, breaking into pieces when poked. Some of the zombies were even directly beaten into meat paste by Neptune with the trident. The average sky-level master did not have this strength.

No longer sending his subordinates to attack, he picked up the trident in his hand and took the lead in charging forward.

“No need to test, attack directly, don’t waste time, come with me!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Kill! Protect Your Majesty!”

“You cowards, do you still want to lag behind His Majesty?”

The charge led by the generals has a very good motivating effect on morale, not to mention the attack led by the monarch. None of those bloodline generals dared to have the slightest intention of being slippery and pursued them with all their might. Beside Neptune, he fell one step behind because of fear. The other sea warriors also charged forward desperately, seemingly preparing to force a breakthrough.


On the other side, without Catherine’s orders, the Halberdiers and Crusaders quickly assumed a fighting stance, pointing their long swords and halberds at the menacing Sea Clan, without any disturbance at all.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


The dozens of phantom shooters in the team first started shooting at the sea tribesmen who entered the attack range. Their goal was very clear. They only shot those armored sea tribesmen. They were not interested in heavy armored units. The heavy armor built by the dwarves has really good defensive capabilities. Even with the strength of the phantom shooter, the plate armor on the chest may not be able to break through.

But these marksmen easily avoided the strongest parts of the armor, such as the chest and helmets, and easily shot arrows into the weak points of the armor, such as the waist and collar. Other archers could hit these parts if they shot. Basically it all depends on luck. Hitting an arrow can only mean that the sea tribe being hit is unlucky. But the phantom shooters are different. Their arrows are separated by a distance of nearly a hundred steps, and half of them hit the weak points of the armor. A round of arrows When they came down, twenty or thirty people from the Sea Clan fell. These were not the kind of lower-level warriors who could get as many as they wanted, but actual armored elites. They fell before they even got close to the enemy, and there were even two of them. The more powerful bloodline warrior actually fell to the arrows.



Sea King, who was leading the charge at the front, was taken care of by several phantom shooters, and several sharp arrows flew towards him at the same time. However, although the phantom shooters were strong, they could only target the Knight and Grand Knight levels at most. After reaching the Earth level, the master’s strength, reaction and other aspects have improved greatly. It is not something that the Phantom Archer can defeat with a few arrows, let alone a master of the level of Neptune.

With a wave of the trident in his hand, he easily blocked several powerful arrows. However, the number of phantom archers was small at this time. If hundreds of phantom archers focused their fire, the sky-level Sea King would definitely be attacked. If it’s not good enough, if there are thousands of phantom shooters, even the holy masters will have to give in.

But even so, the strength of the phantom shooter still frightened Neptune. When he just broke through the skeleton monsters, none of his armored elites suffered much loss, and none of the bloodline warriors were harmed. He did not expect to face this group of humans. , I lost so much without even having any contact with it.

I had known that I would use lower-level warriors to consume them first.

This is what Neptune thought for a moment when he faced the phantom shooter, but this can only be an unrealistic idea. If the two armies clearly show their horses and horses, they may be able to use cannon fodder to consume them in a head-on confrontation, but Now they are running for their lives. If he uses cannon fodder to consume them, humans will definitely be happy to delay with him. When the pursuers and the undead legions on both wings are available, they will not be able to escape.


“Rush over!”

He gritted his teeth and ordered the troops to continue the attack, still in the formation of elites in front and ordinary soldiers in the back. Now is not the time to care about the losses. I really feel sorry for this loss. The main force dozens of miles to the west is The losses on the battlefield can make Neptune’s heart broken into pieces.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Within a few steps, another hail of arrows struck, and the phantom shooter once again stably shot and killed twenty or thirty elite armored sea tribesmen. Such a short distance of a hundred steps actually allowed the phantom shooter to attack for three rounds. After fifty steps, the bow and arrows were mixed with more than a dozen blue missiles, which also caused a lot of casualties to the Sea Tribe.

In addition to the phantom shooters, the long-range troops in Catherine’s team also have more than a dozen magic mages. The magic missiles they fire are more powerful than the bows and arrows of the phantom shooters, and there is no need to pick on the weaknesses of heavy armor. At this point, a missile hit. Except for the Sea King who could block it with his trident, no one from the sea clan could stop it. Even those bloodline generals with the level of knights would be seriously injured and fall to the ground if hit by the missile. There is no fighting ability during the time.

However, the Sea Clan had no choice but to retreat at this time. No matter how heavy the losses were, they had to press forward. After suffering a lot of casualties, the Sea Clan finally rushed to the front of the human army, and Neptune finally got his wish. They had to fight with the human soldiers on the opposite side. For these charging sea tribesmen, perhaps it would be better to face the human halberds and swords directly than to continue to be shot by bows and arrows.


The heavy trident and a door-panel-style giant sword clashed together, making a muffled sound. Sea King did not fight with the halberdiers and crusaders standing in the front row. He waved the trident and just rushed up. Jie Jie collided with an elite swordsman. The first blow from both sides was evenly matched. After a fight, both sides were shocked and numb, and secretly sighed in their hearts, “What a powerful force.”

Needless to say, Neptune’s own strength is only average in the Sky Rank, but the trident in his hand is sometimes suspected to be an artifact. According to legend, this trident can concentrate the weight of the surrounding ocean on the trident. The sharp point directly crushes the enemy with the weight of sea water. Although the trident does not have such an exaggerated effect in the hands of Neptune, it does have the effect of using the power of the ocean when fighting enemies. Otherwise, Neptune would not be able to smash the walking corpses to the ground at once. Unfortunately, on land, the effect of the trident was suppressed to the extreme, and it only increased the power of Neptune a little.

Otherwise, if it were at sea, the elite swordsman might not be able to block it this time. The elite swordsman is originally a master who is equivalent to the pinnacle of the sky level. When the war started, he was cast by a magical mage with a blessing spell such as prayer. It should be rare to encounter an opponent in the sky level. Even so, he still relies on It took some effort to unload his skills before he could catch Neptune’s blow steadily.


Although Neptune’s power is beyond imagination, elite swordsmen, top-level soldiers like human patron saints, can’t stand up to any monsters. Dragons, Behemoths, and Titans make people tremble just by mentioning them. All the top creatures have fallen under their swords, and they have besieged even the stronger saints, not to mention a mere sea king.


Before Neptune could react, a strong wind hit his ears. The strong sense of crisis made Neptune lower his head instinctively, and then there was a stinging pain in his ears, and blood flowed down his cheek. In just a moment, Neptune Half an ear was cut off.


The armor on the elite swordsman’s body but the big sword in his hand give people the illusion that he is a tank-type warrior with limited mobility and should not be very flexible. In fact, the sword is in the elite swordsman. The swordsman’s hands were tricked to be more flexible than a dagger, and he failed to hit the target with one blow, so he attacked Neptune from another tricky angle.

Ignoring the pain in his ears, Neptune must go all out to face the outstanding swordsman. In terms of strength, Neptune is stronger than the outstanding swordsman, but his combat experience is far behind. After several battles Once down, Neptune was at a disadvantage, with several wounds on his body caused by the fighting spirit that the outstanding swordsman burst out from time to time.

Although he could barely resist, Neptune became more frightened the more he fought, because he clearly remembered that there were not just one human warrior dressed like this, but ten of them. Wouldn’t those warriors in the same attire all have this fighting ability?




Sea King glanced at the surroundings with his peripheral vision, and saw the most despairing scene. Nine elite swordsmen were wreaking havoc in the ranks of the Sea Clan. There was no one-in-one enemy under the heavy sword. A bloodline The warriors were easily slapped by the heavy swords in their hands and flew seven or eight meters away. They screamed and fell heavily to the ground. The originally high morale of the sea tribe was severely slapped by the elite swordsman’s big sword. Go down.

The Halberdiers, War Dancers and Crusaders followed quickly. Under the command of Catherine, the human army did not defend at all, but launched an attack on the larger sea tribe. Just soldiers and war dancers. Those Crusaders in tin cans are originally of knight-level strength. With Catherine’s bonus, they may be able to survive the first few blows against the great knight. They are also of knight-level blood. The warriors were not enough in front of the Crusaders. Under the leadership of the elite swordsmen, hundreds of system troops beat the Sea Tribe back again and again like chopping melons and vegetables. It actually left Neptune, who was leading the charge, at the front. Of course Neptune also wanted to retreat, but the elite swordsman fighting with him would not agree. Whenever Neptune had the slightest intention of retreating, he was immediately forced to stop.

“Go and save His Majesty! Your Majesty is still inside!”

There are also loyal people around Neptune, but before they can take a few steps forward, they are greeted by the swords of elite swordsmen. Their strength is not enough to support them in rushing through the Crusaders and the superb swordsmen. battle formation.

On the other side, Catherine and Sandro also completely locked the position of Neptune. The other party rushed so forward, which saved them a lot of energy. The two looked at each other and instantly understood each other’s meaning. “Catch alive”

An elite swordsman is more than enough to suppress Neptune, but the difficulty of capturing him alive has increased exponentially. Sandro and Catherine no longer wait and see, and join the battle at the same time. Several of Sandro’s curse spells are instantly superimposed on the On Neptune’s body, Neptune’s movements suddenly slowed down. He was so weak that he could even hold the trident a little unsteadily. That is to say, Sandru’s strength has not been restored yet. If Sandru had used this on a person in his heyday, Curse spell, at this time, Neptune may not even have the strength to stand, let alone holding the weapon.

Neptune also sensed something was wrong. He tried his best to wave the trident in his hand and tried to resist, but was easily knocked away by the elite swordsman Du Dajian. Neptune was cursed by Sandru and his strength was reduced by at least half. He was unable to resist at all, and then a relatively slender knight’s sword was placed on Neptune’s neck.

“Your Majesty the Sea King, do you still want to continue to resist?”



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