Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 593: Capture 1



On the battlefield, there are stumps and broken arms everywhere, as well as corpses burned to charcoal by meteors and fire showers. In addition to the strong smell of blood, there is also a faint smell of barbecue in the air, which is unique to the sea tribe. The fishy smell of the sea mixed together, giving off a disgusting smell.

However, the expressions of the soldiers in the North have hardly changed much. The 200,000 troops mobilized this time are all elite divisions who have participated in several fierce battles. Almost all the broken limbs and broken arms on the battlefield have been treated. Once you get used to it, you won’t have the same nausea and vomiting you experienced when you first entered the battlefield.

At this time, the shouts of killing have not stopped. Although the Sea Clan has been generally defeated, not many Sea Clan have surrendered. Most of the Sea Clan are either still trying to escape or are stubbornly resisting.

The situation of the Sea Tribe is just like that between humans and orcs. The races are too different and it is difficult to achieve trust. They are unwilling to surrender unless they have to. However, the hatred between the two parties is not as deep as with the orcs.

Even if millions of Sea Clan warriors have collapsed, it is very troublesome to completely eliminate them. Apart from a small number of those who surrendered and died in battle, there are at least 7 to 800,000 Sea Clan soldiers fleeing or resisting. , it only takes a day or two to defeat them, but a week may not be enough to clean them up.

At this time, Richard has returned to the ground. Looking down from the sky, the entire battlefield is chaotic like a piece of crumbled pie. It is not easy to find the escaped Neptune immediately in this chaotic situation. It’s an easy thing, and it won’t do much if he continues to turn around in the sky on his own.

“Continue to keep an eye on those elite sea patrol guards of the sea tribe, and pay attention to the teams that are still well-organized. If you find the sea king, you must capture him alive. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!”

After giving instructions to his men, Richard went back to rest surrounded by a small number of personal guards. The soldiers who took care of his daily life had prepared hot water. After a fight, he was stained with a lot of blood, sweat and The feeling of blood and stains sticking to his body is not pleasant. When possible, Richard pays great attention to the quality of his personal life.

On the other side, some of the escaping sea people ran away almost subconsciously in the direction they came from, hoping to return to the sea as soon as possible. However, what was waiting for them behind was the undead army and the system army led by Catherine who were waiting for them.


“Your Majesty, there are enemies ahead, human armies, and those skeleton monsters!”

Neptune and several senior officials escaped quite quickly, taking advantage of the night to quickly escape from the battlefield. After being pinned to the ground and rubbed repeatedly by humans, the Sea Tribe generals finally made some progress in covering Neptune’s retreat. Finally, he used his brain and played a deception trick. He first divided the army that could still be controlled into several groups and headed in different directions. He successfully led some of the pursuers away, and then got mixed up in the fleeing stream. After a night of escaping, he successfully approached. Lost the original landing place.

Only when they escaped here did they realize that the way back was cut off. Skeleton monsters controlled by humans had cut off the entire road. If they wanted to return to the original landing place, they had to break through the human army and undead army that blocked the road. OK.

“Your Majesty, I suggest we take a detour. Humans are already prepared here.”

“How to take a detour? The human pursuers are right behind us. If we take a detour, we are likely to be entangled by the human pursuers. If the cavalry also catches up, they will not be able to escape.”

The opinions of several Sea Tribe generals were divided again, but it was obvious that the combat effectiveness of the Northland Army, especially the thousands of cavalry, left a deep psychological shadow on them.

“How about we escape directly to the south and enter the sea from the big cliff in the south.”

“From the south? No, the cliff in the south is more than fifty meters high. The rock wall is as steep as a knife. There are rocks below. If you fall, you will die on the rocks. Even bloodline warriors are not sure Can go down safely.”

“As long as His Majesty can walk.”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several senior members of the Sea Tribe had different expressions. Some nodded secretly, while others secretly complained in their hearts. The Sea King could leave, but it would be difficult for them, bloodline generals whose strength is equivalent to the peak of the Great Knight at most. Go back from the south, but the safety of Neptune is the most important thing and is definitely the right thing to do. No one dares to speak out against it.

Although Bengchang Island is large, not every place is suitable for retreat. The height of more than fifty meters is a dead end for all sea clans who are not at the sky level. Among the sea clan present, there are still Only Neptune holding the trident has a chance to escape from the south.

There is indeed no shortage of loyal people among the Sea Tribe generals present. It doesn’t matter whether he can escape or not, as long as Sea King can leave, he immediately suggested that Sea King evacuate from the south.

But at this moment, Neptune shook his head and rejected the proposal.

“The defeated armies all went north or east. There were opportunities to leave in both directions, but almost no one escaped south. It would be too obvious for us to go south. The humans in the sky would definitely notice something was wrong. And it’s too far to the south. We can’t reach the beach in one night. We will be discovered by the humans in the sky at dawn, and they will lead the soldiers on a dead end. Are they really willing to follow us? ”

“Your Majesty, the elite of the royal court are willing to die for you at any time, please do not doubt their loyalty.”

Neptune did not respond, just shook his head.

Immediately another sea tribe general suggested:

“Your Majesty, we can secretly gather the broken troops, concentrate our elite forces to attack the skeleton monsters on the opposite side, open a way, and break out before the human pursuers can catch up.”

“Are you sure?”

Neptune seemed to be more interested in the idea of ​​a frontal breakthrough and asked the other party.

“Your Majesty, there is no certainty, but I think the possibility of success is very high.”

“What’s the reason?”

“Now the main force of the human army is still being delayed more than forty miles away by the resisting warriors. The human dragons and those giants have not appeared. The skeletons on the opposite side only look scary, and their actual combat power is only less than those of those The lower-level warriors are a little stronger. I can smash those skeletons with the patrol guards and open a hole. As long as the corpses that retain their flesh and blood are more difficult to deal with, but there are not many of them, as long as the bloodline warriors take action, they can also attack quickly. Kill them.”

“We don’t have to destroy all the enemy troops, we just need to open a breach and leave.”

It was almost a consensus between both parties that the skeleton soldiers were not strong in combat effectiveness. Even the generals of the Sea Tribe saw that the intercepting troops were mainly composed of skeleton soldiers, and they also thought about it and wanted to directly break the interception of the undead army and break out.

“Aren’t there still some humans in the team?”

“There are not many of them, and the combat effectiveness of the human army is not as good as that of the patrol guards. They cannot stop us.”

Obviously, these sea tribes looked at the system army and only regarded them as ordinary Northland troops. At least they were better equipped and more elite. Those big men wearing red cloaks and spiked armor looked really intimidating. But the number is not much. Hearing what the general said, the surrounding sea tribes all nodded. They quite agreed with this suggestion.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, everyone wants to preserve more of the power of the royal court. Although there are not many troops with them, there are still thousands of elite patrol guards and hundreds of bloodline warriors. If they open a gap, they should still be able to recover. It’s better to run more than to have Neptune run away alone.

Of course, they felt that it was not feasible enough and still had to wait for Neptune to make the final decision. Several senior members of the Sea Tribe were looking at Neptune eagerly, waiting for him to make the final decision.

At this time, they were on the run and they were also racing against time. Neptune did not hesitate for too long and made a decision in his heart.

“First wait for the defeated troops to attack the opponent’s defense line. You can secretly collect some of the defeated troops without being too obvious. When I find the opportunity, I will personally lead the blood warriors and patrol guards to attack. After the breakthrough, don’t think about fighting. Just retreat eastward, all the way. Run to the sea.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Act now!”


On the other side, almost all the griffon knights were circling and retrieving over the south side of the battlefield, fearing that they could not fully see the ground. Richard even dispatched some cavalry to explore south.

Poseidon’s judgment is correct. What worries Richard the most is that Poseidon abandons the army and runs away alone, heading south, relying on his personal strength to return directly to the sea from the cliff of more than fifty meters. In this way, Come on, there is a question mark as to whether Richard’s mission can be completed. With the army’s reconnaissance force spreading to the south, it is almost inevitable that Neptune will be discovered if he runs south.

Because attention was focused on the south, some small commotion among the fleeing sea tribe in the east was not discovered for the time being. However, this was not Richard’s mistake, but his absolute confidence in the power deployed by the east.


“Smash these skeletons and we will have a chance to return to the sea!”

“Rush over!”

The defeated troops of the Sea Tribe who were blocked in their retreat showed amazing courage. Those skull faces were no longer so scary, because they all knew that if they destroyed these guys, they would not be able to return to the sea. At that time, they were just a group of people who wanted to go home. Anyone who stopped them would face their wrath. However, although they struggled to attack the defense line arranged by the undead army, the attack of the defeated army was basically unorganized. After gathering a wave of people, He rushed up to attack the defense line of the undead army, smashing a few skeletons and trying to break out.

Sandro can easily kill them by using any tricks. As long as he takes the initiative to open a gap, these originally hard-working Sea Tribe soldiers will immediately lose most of their momentum and flee. Their original companions They all became stepping stones on the road to escape. As long as they ran faster than them, the skeleton soldiers took the opportunity to follow and pursue them. They could easily kill a large number of Sea Clan soldiers at a very small cost, and it was basically impossible for the Sea Clan soldiers to actually escape. Go, the gap opened before is usually an illusion, and it will soon crash into the pocket array arranged by Sandro.

This trick is very simple. Of course, normal armies will not fall for it, but a group of defeated soldiers can’t think so much, and they can easily fall for it. However, this time the defeated soldiers who attack the defense line are obviously different.


A strong patrol guard swung his sword with both hands and easily smashed a skeleton. The huge force caused the skull’s head to burst open. The soul flame flashing in the eye sockets was extinguished instantly, and then it remained in place. In one turn, several skeleton soldiers were cut in half, and the surrounding sea warriors also took the opportunity to rush forward to expand the victory, and quickly opened a large gap in the undead army’s weak defense line. This defense line was originally Shan De Lu Na used it to lure the enemy, but of course he couldn’t withstand the impact of a group of elite patrol guards.

According to the next script, Sandro will command the skeleton soldiers on both wings to press against the gap, and leave an escape path for the sea tribe to see hope and escape, so that the undead army can easily pursue them. The troops were defeated, but this time, the Sea Clan warriors who had torn apart the defense line did not rush to escape towards the “escape path” left by Sandru under the pressure of the two wings of skeleton soldiers, but continued to expand the gap on both sides. He did not act blindly, but was still waiting for the subsequent influx of sea warriors. More and more sea warriors finally broke through. The defense line composed of skeleton soldiers looked like it was about to be overwhelmed. The entire attack process of this group of sea warriors It looked very organized, not at all like a group of broken soldiers rushing into each other randomly.

“Your Majesty, the gap has opened, and these skeletons are really vulnerable.”

“Well, let all the blood warriors and patrol guards follow me and prepare to break out immediately!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Sea King held the trident and looked at the sea warriors fighting bravely in front, and the cloud on his face finally dissipated a little. Fortunately, the priest’s losses were also great, and no one could threaten his status for the time being. As long as he could return to the sea, he would still be the king of the sea tribe, and he would never go ashore to fight with humans again.

The Sea Tribe has already made preparations for the final attack, and Sandro on the other side also showed a sinister smile.

“Lady Catherine, the big fish still hit us, Jie Jie Jie.”

Catherine and Sandro are both top-notch generals who have fought hard in countless battles. They noticed the anomaly on the Sea Tribe’s side almost instantly, and they were not worried at all that the Sea Tribe could escape from them. He was escaping from the defense line, but he was already feeling excited that he was about to be done.

Catherine, who had never given Sandro a good look, actually smiled slightly, and then ordered her system soldiers to tighten the defense line. When the Crusaders moved behind her, the armors began to collide with each other and made a clanging sound. More importantly, several outstanding swordsmen also unhooked their swords from behind. The power of the sword on the door panel was definitely beyond the expectations of the Sea Clan…


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