Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 592: Close the network




At this time, all the arrangements have been completed, and Richard is no longer worried about scaring away the main force of the sea clan in advance, so there is no need to press the dragon in his hand. There are more than ten giant dragons that were originally hidden in the army. Soaring into the sky, the first one to show off its power was the purple dragon.

Several meteors rained down, and the battlefield immediately filled with fire. Soldiers from the Hai tribe continued to fall in the rain of fire. In a short period of time, tens of thousands of Hai tribe soldiers died in the rain of fire, and the fire The rain continues to take its toll.



“Fight back quickly!”

This fire rain is a masterpiece of magic at first glance, but the Sea Clan has never seen such a large area of ​​magic. Looking around, it is all dense fire spots falling. To the Sea Clan, this is like a Scenes of doom.

Neptune anxiously gave orders to the priests, ordering them to launch a counterattack against humans. Now that both sides have not engaged in battle, their morale may be in danger of being bombarded by magic unilaterally.


Although the priests of the Sea Clan are not very powerful, there are still hundreds of them, and among them there are several high-level priests who can release powerful magic like Water Dragon Technique.

For a time, dense blue light spots flew out from one side of the sea army, most of which were some basic magic such as water arrows, mixed with several roaring water dragons, and smashed towards the human army.


Although Water Arrow is a low-level magic, it is still magic. The power of a single target is comparable to that of a knight. He hit all the soldiers in the front row with all his strength. The two layers of armor were still difficult to resist, and they were shot away in an instant. A **** hole caused hundreds of casualties to the approaching human army.

This can be regarded as the most damaging time the Sea Tribe has caused to the Northland army since the two sides fought.

The casualties of just a few hundred people are obviously not enough to hinder the actions of the Northland army. These Northland soldiers, whose morale has basically reached a fever pitch under the leadership of Richard, will not take a step back even if they suffer more than half of the casualties. How can it be because of a few hundred people? The casualties retreated. After the Sea Priests threw a burst of magic, they couldn’t even make the Northland army’s formation chaotic. The fallen soldiers were quickly replaced by people in the back row. If you didn’t look carefully, you would have thought that the formation of the Sea Priests was The magic set off beautiful fireworks and caused no casualties to the human army.



“So many dragons!”

“Attack the dragon in the sky quickly!”



Although the soldiers in the North were not afraid of the magic attacks from the Sea Priests, the casualties caused by these magics were still real. After they released a round of magic to expose their position, Richard had no intention of giving them a second blow. It’s your turn to take action.

This time Richard handed over the command of the cavalry flag regiment to Hardman. Instead of charging on horseback himself, he rode a crystal blue holy dragon and led more than a dozen giant dragons to attack. This is the most core place of the Hai Clan.

The Sea Tribe priests who originally had the ability to cast spells were under critical protection. There were at least several thousand sea patrol guards deployed around them, and there were more than 50,000 ordinary Sea Tribe warriors on the outside. They had to be captured by force. Not only did they have to break through the elites protecting them first, but they also had to endure the magic released by hundreds of priests during the battle to get close.

It is not impossible to let the Northland army take it down by force, but the price to pay is certainly not small. Of course, Richard will not let his men risk their lives unnecessarily.

After locking the position of the sea caster, Richard immediately swooped down with the giant dragon.

If the opponent is an orc, Richard would not dare to play like this. After all, the orcs not only have a considerable number of masters, but also have certain anti-air capabilities. They have long been honed by fighting against dragon knights for so many years. .

But this is not the case for the Sea Clan. For a long time, the Golden Dragon Kingdom has only stationed one dragon knight in the south. The main task of this dragon knight is not to deal with the Sea Clan, but to frighten certain nobles and church forces in the south. The Sea Clan had no experience fighting multiple levels of giant dragons, let alone more than ten giant dragons. The appearance of this number of giant dragons immediately stunned the Sea Clan.

The Sea Tribe, who cannot even make a crossbow, is extremely weak against enemies in the air. The Sea Tribe priest who is targeted by the giant dragons is already the Sea Tribe’s only force against the giant dragons. Facing the speeding giants, Dragon, the tens of thousands of Sea Clan troops around them are just like decorations. They can’t intercept the giant dragon in the air with the short soldiers in their hands. The Sea Clan priests were completely panicked in the face of the threat of death.

Part of the priests subconsciously obeyed the order and tried their best to use the most powerful and best magic they had at their disposal to hit the approaching dragon. Another burst of dense blue magic light headed towards the dragon in the sky. It seemed There is such momentum, but the effect of this round of spells is not very good. It has no effect of hitting ordinary soldiers. The power of those spells is equivalent to that of a knight-level master’s full blow, which can directly penetrate iron armor. It has almost no effect on the dragon.

Originally, the defensive power of dragon scales is enough to withstand the attack of knight-level fighting spirit. In addition, they have a high resistance to magic. Water arrows hit them like taking a shower. The impact power of magic comes with it. The water pressure was increased, and some dirt that was not easy to clean in the gaps between the scales was washed away.

Only the water dragon spell released by the high priest of the Sea Tribe has a slight effect. After the blue water dragon in the sky collides with the giant dragon under Richard’s command, it can stagger the giant dragon, causing a ripple in the sky and lag. Two or three seconds for a giant dragon.


Whether it was water arrows or water dragon spells, in the end they were unable to cause substantial damage to the giant dragon. When they found that the innate magic they were proud of was completely ineffective on the giant dragon, the sea priests could no longer resist. Unable to resist the huge pressure from the giant dragon, they immediately fled around, not daring to continue to release magic. They just squeezed desperately into the queue of patrol guards and even ordinary sea warriors. Only in the queue of those who look down on them can they escape with their lives. These priests are much more precious about their lives than ordinary sea warriors.



Intense dragon breath sprayed at the position where the Sea Priests had just stood. At least half of the Sea Priests could not escape in time and were burned to coke by the dragon’s breath. Then Richard led the dragon in pursuit. After a while, many of the surrounding Sea Clan soldiers who were responsible for protecting the Sea Clan priests were killed. The number of Sea Tribe priests who escaped in the end was probably less than one-third of the original number. These Sea Tribe priests who escaped did not dare to cast another spell throughout the battle. The Sea Tribe army lost the power of the spell caster again. Assistance, in modern warfare, is equivalent to having one’s own artillery test fire just one round at the beginning of the war and making everyone else feel uncomfortable. The opponent not only has artillery superiority but also air superiority, so this battle is simply unwinnable.

As Richard led a group of giant dragons to wreak havoc in the sky, the sea army was basically in chaos. Even the king’s tent was taken care of by the dragon’s breath several times. If the sea king hadn’t seen the opportunity and ran quickly, this time The child may have turned into coke.

“What’s going on! Why do humans have so many giant dragons participating in the war? Aren’t humans still at war with orcs? Don’t they only have one giant dragon?”

Up to this point, Neptune still looked in disbelief, and kept shouting, which seemed to be a precursor to a mental breakdown.

At this time, a personal guard came in, pulled Neptune’s thoughts back, and barely returned to normal.

“Your Majesty, the messenger sent to the Jini tribe has returned, saying that he has important information.”

Originally, Neptune was not prepared to see this messenger. Now that the situation on the battlefield is about to collapse, what use can the Gini tribe have? However, when he heard important information, he still asked someone to bring the messenger with him. Come in.

“Your Majesty, I just received the news from the Jini tribe. They attacked from the landing point closest to the human city. They fought for a day and suffered extremely heavy losses. They never dared to restart the attack. The human army appeared in the war. There were a lot of skeleton soldiers, as well as more than a dozen giant dragons and giants more than ten meters high. This is how the Jini tribe was defeated.”

“Why didn’t they send someone to explain earlier!”


The person who sent the message was just an ordinary soldier. There was no way he could answer this question. He could only lower his head and remain silent. Although Neptune was angry, he did not take it out on the messenger. He just silently gave Ji the message in his heart. Nibu sentenced him to death. The information on the battlefield was not delivered in time, which put Neptune in danger. After all, he had to confiscate the fishery and execute the leaders.



“A human being more than ten meters tall is coming!”

“Why are there such strong humans!”

Before Neptune could finish digesting the information, the giant emerged from hiding and rushed to the forefront of the battle in a few steps. Several elite patrol guards who were still resisting fiercely did not realize what was happening. It was swept away by the short spear in the giant’s hand, and fell to the ground, turning into a complete pile of molluscs.

With the addition of the giants, the originally chaotic Sea Clan army was even more chaotic. After just a few hours of confrontation, the Sea Clan fell into chaos. The formations no longer existed, and there was no interaction between them. What a match. However, the army in the North still maintained a corresponding continuation of the battle in the chaos. Although the total number was less than that of the Sea Clan, they successfully divided the opponent. Once a fight started, most of the Sea Clan’s troops could not join the battle at all. On the contrary, the human side kept Maintain the numerical advantage of each small part.

There are still more sea warriors who have completely lost their fighting spirit under the multiple pressures of top-level troops such as dragons, giants and the ultimate hydra. They have no intention of fighting on the battlefield and are like headless. They were wandering around like flies, just trying to avoid the giant dragon in the sky and the creatures on the ground that frightened them.

In this situation, no one would be able to make a comeback in the future. The generals of the Sea Tribe are no longer blindly confident now. Their eyes are full of dejection, and they can’t see any hope of fighting. Who can I can’t even muster the fighting spirit.

“Your Majesty, while the battlefield is chaotic, let us retreat quickly and let a small number of patrol guards protect you from the battlefield. If you attract the attention of the dragons later, you will not be able to escape. As long as you return to the sea, we will return No loss, we can’t defeat humans on land, but we still have the power to fight in the sea.”

This general’s suggestion is basically to ask Sea King to abandon all his troops and escape with only a small number of troops. It would be okay if he gave up some ordinary patrol guards and lower-level soldiers. The key is to come to land to fight this time. In order to ensure To be sure, or out of the desire to show off his force, the Sea King also brought 50,000 elite patrol guards directly under the royal court. These patrol guards wore and used metal equipment that was rarely equipped by the Sea Tribe.

With this big defeat all thrown here, not only the power of the royal court has been greatly weakened, but his own prestige is probably also lost a lot. This escape, without ten years of rest, I am afraid this tone will not be able to ease. Come.

However, Neptune can be regarded as a decisive figure. Even if the consequences are serious, he does not hesitate much. Preserving himself first is the right thing to do.

“Let’s go, let’s retreat first!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Soon, the Sea King and a small number of senior members of the Sea Tribe, along with some elites, dispersed and disappeared on the chaotic battlefield. In a battlefield of this level, it is quite difficult to find a few sneaking teams. As for what happened, Neptune soon gradually left the battlefield with some broken soldiers and headed back in the direction from which he came.

Although it is the most correct choice to abandon the millions of troops and flee decisively, Richard’s goal this time is not the millions of troops. Richard knows very well that the destruction of the millions of Haizu troops, especially the tens of thousands The elites of the Royal Court wearing armor will certainly make the Sea Clan feel a lot of pain, but there is still a long way to go to make the Sea Clan surrender, at least in name only. The Sea King and the high-ranking officials of the Royal Court will definitely not let them go.

A big net has been waiting for the escaped Neptune…



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