Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 591: Aware


In the dark

An undead army and a small amount of human troops are marching quickly dozens of miles away from the battlefield. Both Sandro and Catherine have the logistics skill. When they are not in combat, The marching speed is extremely fast. After traveling more than a hundred kilometers in two days, they arrived at the rear of the Hai Clan army.

In order to prevent the Sea Clan from turning back and jumping into the sea to escape after realizing that something was wrong, causing the mission to be unable to be completed, Richard allocated a lot of force to cut off the Sea Clan’s retreat before the battle began. It may not be possible to stop all the Sea Clan. But at least the elite members of the Royal Court cannot be let go.

The task of detouring and blocking the retreat naturally falls on the system army, which has a more guaranteed marching speed. The undead army created by Sandro is also a recognized system army and can enjoy various heroic skills. As a bonus, zombies and walking corpses that originally move slightly slower than ordinary soldiers will be much faster than ordinary soldiers after being enhanced by advanced logistics and equipment.

Except for leaving a small number of skeleton soldiers on the front to serve as cannon fodder, the main force of the Undead Legion has bypassed the main force of the Sea Clan from the flanks and arrived at the rear of the Sea Clan army.

Of course, the current combat power of the undead army is still weak. The main force is only some weakened skeleton soldiers. There are only less than 3,000 walking zombies with slightly stronger combat power. There are only a few more powerful units. Even if Sandro is a master-level commander, he can’t rely on this power to stop the Sea Tribe army that wants to escape.

So, Richard also sent Catherine to lead a part of the human and elven armies. More than a hundred Crusaders served as the backbone. Under Catherine’s command, there was no problem in using the Crusaders as fifth-level soldiers. Three hundred Halberdiers and more than two hundred elven war dancers, a small number of phantom archers and magic mages, almost all flying arms except dragons, and more than a dozen outstanding swordsmen, adding up to more than a thousand system troops, a huge number However, it made up for the shortcomings of the lack of high-end power in the undead army, and improved the quality of the interception force.

By the way, it plays a role in monitoring Sandro. Catherine is a hero who is not weaker than Sandru at all, and she will not lose to her opponent in terms of momentum.


“What is that!”

“Moving skeleton!”

The silent night was broken by a sudden scream. Whether it was the system army or the undead army under Sandro, they were all in good order. They made no sound except for the slightest footsteps during the march. Relying on strong discipline, No torches were shown during the entire march, and they all relied on the moonlight in the sky.

So much so that a sea tribe actually ran into the army head-on. They were only a dozen meters away from the skeleton soldiers before they realized something was wrong. Encountering the undead army during the day was enough?}. These sea tribe warriors were at night. When encountering these skeleton soldiers and walking corpses, they just screamed in terror and did not fall to the ground. This is considered a strong heart.

“It should be the Sea Clan’s logistics team. There will be no Sea Clan spies in this direction.”

“Well, after destroying them, there is no need to hide them. From now on, no one from the Sea Clan can be let go.”

“Jie Jie Jie, Lady Catherine, do you want to order me?”

Sandro and Catherine quickly judged that the sudden appearance of the Sea Clan team should belong to the Sea Clan’s logistics team. After all, a normal army would not send spies behind them.

If we exclude Richard’s cheating behavior of relying on portals to provide logistics supplies, the Sea Clan’s logistics can be regarded as the most convenient in the world. Because of their familiarity with ocean currents and fish schools, the Sea Clan’s When marching in the sea, there are always schools of fish all the way around. The fish schools in the sea are so huge that millions of fish can move together in groups. They can easily supply the supply needs of the Sea Clan army. Therefore, during battle, the Sea Clan No logistical preparation is required at all, just plan a few fish spots to eat on the spot.

It’s just that you are in the sea, and you are on land. Fighting ashore is not as convenient as in the sea. The millions of sea tribe troops who are fighting Richard at this time must consume a lot of food every day. The astronomical figure means that in addition to the two or three days of food that they carry with them when they go ashore, more than 100,000 lower-level sea warriors are required to continue to go ashore every day to deliver food to the army.

At this moment, Catherine and Sandro not only cut off the Sea Clan’s retreat, they also cut off the opponent’s logistics line. In terms of the amount of rations carried by the Sea Clan’s army, as long as they block more than In three days, the millions of troops on the Hai Clan’s front line would be without food.

Most of the people who deliver food to the Sea Tribe army are ordinary lower-level warriors. They are poor and can endure hunger. They consume the least food during the delivery process, but they have no ability to resist once they are attacked. These ordinary warriors The lower-level sea warriors could not even defeat the weakened skeleton soldiers under Sandro, and were completely unable to pose any threat to the army.

It’s just that Sandro seemed a little dissatisfied with the tone of Catherine’s order. He glanced sideways at Catherine and expressed some dissatisfaction in his words.

“Sandru, I am the master of everything. This is Lord Richard’s order. Don’t make a mistake.”

Catherine was not afraid of Sandro at all. She pushed Sandro back with a cold tone and carried Richard out. As soon as he heard Richard’s name, Sandro stopped talking. Unruly, after snorting coldly, he silently commanded the undead army under his command to follow Catherine’s wishes and surround and suppress the group of sea warriors that she bumped into.

The number of sea warriors transporting supplies is only three to four thousand. Except for a few patrol guards who lead the team, they are almost all lower-level warriors with weak combat effectiveness. Most of them are not even equipped with weapons and equipment. Teng More efforts were made to deliver fresh fish to the Sea Tribe army on the front line. They were already in chaos when they bumped into skeleton soldiers at night. Now faced with a large number of skeletons charging towards them with their weapons drawn, they were immediately thrown into chaos. Some of the leading patrol guards tried their best to maintain order, but with no effect at all. not good.

In the dark night, no one knew how many of these terrifying skeletons there were. They only felt that there were enemies on all sides. After Sandro hit a soft spot with Catherine, he seemed to vent all his unhappiness on these sea tribes. Not only the skeleton soldiers and walking zombies swarmed up, but also the few black warriors who Sandro had kept by his side to act as facades. He actually joined the fight.

Under the siege of the undead army, a battle ended quickly. The screams lasted for less than half an hour before gradually disappearing. The battle only caused a small commotion in the dark night. That’s all.

Until the last sea tribe died, Sandro added a thousand skeleton soldiers and dozens of walking corpses to his undead army, and then he relaxed a little. He held a black staff and watched silently. ahead.

At the end of the sea, the sun slowly rises, turning out a little white fish belly. The sky has begun to dawn. From this moment on, not only is the sea tribe’s retreat blocked, but also the supply line is completely cut off…

“Let Silver Pegasus go back and report to Lord Richard, take a rest, don’t worry about the small group of enemies now, don’t let the supply team pass, and be ready to intercept the escaping sea army.”

“Yes, sir!”

On the other side, Catherine had sent someone to report the detailed situation to Richard. It was not until dawn when the team had completely established its footing and blocked the road that she truly confirmed that the plan had been implemented smoothly. It’s not that Catherine is not confident, but that the performance of the Sea Tribe is too low, and it is as smooth as a trap. After all, Catherine’s previous opponents were all the cunning demons like Sandru, Moriel, and Ofer, so easily. It cut off the army’s retreat and cut off the supply line. Catherine was really uncomfortable with it.

Bengchang, the front line of the battle between the two sides

Humanity once again repelled the attack of the Sea Clan. This wave of Sea Clan used almost 20,000 ordinary soldiers as cannon fodder to advance, and also took out 2,000 patrol guards to suppress the formation. They barely braved the rain of arrows and a flag regiment of the Dragon Army to counterattack. In a close battle, the flag regiment was repelled by a counter-charge in less than ten minutes, leaving tens of thousands of corpses behind and fled in a panic.

Since the defeat of the left wing, the Sea Tribe has launched several more exploratory attacks, but with little success. Each time, they were defeated easily by the human army. Although there were fewer system troops in the team, the Dragon Army’s attack was still unstoppable. The impact is not big. Under Richard’s deliberate distinction, the Northland army has never had to rely on a systematic army to fight. Without a systematic army, the Northland army, which is well-equipped, well-trained and has high morale, is still one of the strongest on the mainland. Army, facing the Hai Clan’s army, which is only a little better than the mob, is absolutely comfortable.

If it were not for the absolute numerical advantage of the Hai Clan army, I am afraid that the Northland army would have completely defeated the Hai Clan army by now.

In the sea tribe camp

The senior leaders of the Sea Tribe, including Neptune, looked at the retreating army with ugly expressions at this time. Their moods had hit rock bottom after being tested again and again. The human army on the opposite side had almost no flaws at all. , they are all elites, a total of 200,000 human troops, how did they suddenly appear?

“How did those cavalrymen and so many human troops suddenly appear in the clam field? Didn’t you notice it at all?”

“It is possible that they sneaked over with those big ships. You know, because of the agreement, we did not attack the human fleet anymore. These cunning humans must have used the ships to secretly transport troops.”

“Impossible, the human fleet cannot transport so many people during this period, and there are so many war horses. If they are all troops, there is no reason why we can’t find them.”

“Then, priest, where do you think these humans came from?”

“Do you remember that this city of humans also appeared suddenly? The gods behind humans…”


Hearing that someone was going to talk about miracles, Neptune immediately interrupted the other party’s speech. If he admitted the miracles, it would probably severely damage his own morale.

“Since the human army is already in front of us, let’s think about how to defeat them.” Neptune brought the question back to the discussion of the war. Although there are a lot of stinky chess pieces in the room, there is always something to be found after everyone discusses it. Think about it.

“Your Majesty, the number of humans is only so small. If you want me to see, don’t try again and again. Just launch an attack with the whole army. You can swamp them with numbers.”

“How to attack directly? What about the human cavalry attack?”

“If you are afraid of this or that, what do you think we should do?”

“Your Majesty, I think the situation is not right. It would be a bit risky for us to attack directly ashore, especially since Your Majesty should not come in person. While the initiative is still in our hands, it is better to withdraw to the sea first and wait until we understand the situation clearly before taking action. ?”

“You want to run away before the war is over? We are several times more numerous than humans, so why can’t we fight?”

As soon as the Sea Tribe general finished speaking, some people jumped out to object. Most of them still felt that we had enough numbers, one million against two hundred thousand, so I had the advantage.

It’s just that Neptune remained silent at this time. What he said just now actually touched his heart. He now has some regrets about personally leading the army ashore. It would be okay if the journey was smooth, but now he is frustrated here and leaves the ocean. A sense of crisis immediately came to him. Since the left wing was defeated, he has become more and more uneasy. He has had the idea of ​​​​retreating more than once, but he has been suppressed by life and death.

After all, as the King of the Sea, he has to maintain his majesty. Coming with a large army like this and retreating after a defeat will have a certain impact on his prestige. It is best to let others raise it. Going down the slope, he didn’t expect this group of unsighted people to start a quarrel before he even opened his mouth.

“Your Majesty, today’s supply team is already two hours late.”

“What’s going on?”

While several high-level officials of the Sea Tribe were arguing in the camp, a bloodline general suddenly appeared from outside and reported to the Sea King Hui.

Originally, it was not a particularly important matter that supplies were delayed by two hours. The Sea Clan’s discipline was already poor. Delays on the road were a very normal thing. It would count if it could be delivered.

But Neptune, who was in a irritable mood, noticed something unusual at this moment and immediately asked questions.

“We have sent people to check, maybe we haven’t caught enough fish to delay it.”

“Where are the spies sent to the flank?”

“I should be back at dawn, I’ll go ask.”

“That’s not right…”

The King of the Sea muttered something silently. The army was lost, the scouts were late, and the supplies were late. Any of these things that happened can be attributed to the Sea Clan’s loose discipline and low battlefield quality. But for everything to happen at the same time, it was a bit too coincidental. At this time, Neptune seemed to have caught something, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart. Just when he was about to give an order, someone else entered the king’s tent.

“Your Majesty! The human army has taken the initiative to attack!”

“What, humans still dare to attack?”

“This time we must make it impossible for them to come back!”

As soon as they heard that humans had launched an attack, the sea generals immediately became excited. In their view, if humans gave up their defense and took the initiative to attack, then their chance would come. At worst, the two sides would fight against each other, and their own side would have plenty. Cannon fodder is consumed.

But Neptune and a few people have already noticed that something is wrong. They just lack battlefield experience and are not really stupid. After being taught a few lessons by the Northland army in the past few days, they have become a little better. Humans Every move he makes has a profound meaning. This unusual move of giving up the defensive and taking the initiative to attack is definitely not a stupid move.

However, Neptune can’t control that much at the moment. Under a large-scale human attack, even if they want to retreat, they must defeat the opponent before they can retreat.

“Ask the royal court’s patrol guards and the entire priest group to go out to fight and push back the humans.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


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