Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 590: Everyone is in position





The battle on the left wing started in the morning. At this time, the sky had not yet darkened, and there were no more sea warriors standing nearby. The plains were littered with fragmented corpses of the sea clan, spread out in the distance. Along the way, it was a big trouble to clean up the bodies of tens of thousands of Sea Clan soldiers.

The cavalry, led by Richard, have completed their pursuit and are once again stepping over the corpses of the Sea Tribe soldiers they had ravaged. Some infantry have begun to organize themselves on the battlefield, mainly to collect the scattered corpses of their companions. , and then gather the corpses of the sea clan together to bury them or wait to be set on fire. Before processing, they will pull off some of the more valuable dwarf equipment from the elites and use them as trophies.

After Richard led the cavalry to attack, he almost defeated the more than 100,000 Hai Clan troops on the left wing. These more than 100,000 Hai Clan troops were not the cannon fodder army like the ones near Harbor City before. At least half of them were The patrol guards were elite, but even so they were still vulnerable to the cavalry of the North.

In fact, there are not many Sea Tribes who died directly under the impact of the cavalry. They may only be a few thousand if they are fully charged. This is because the cavalry in the North is too powerful and gives them little chance to escape. Many cavalry in the back row He didn’t even have a chance to fight against the Sea Clan, so he just followed his comrades in front and charged all the way to a great victory. The more casualties of the Sea Clan were caused by the trampling on each other after the retreat and the pursuit of the cavalry, and their lives were easily harvested from the back.

In line with the principle of maximizing the results of the battle, Richard led his cavalry in pursuit for at least ten miles. Many of the sea tribesmen ran out of energy and simply stayed there waiting to die, until they reached the royal court of the sea tribes. The dispatched support troops arrived, and the cavalry from the Northland stopped their pursuit. If Richard hadn’t been reluctant to bear the heavy casualties of this precious cavalry in his hands, and had made up his mind to continue the attack, the support from the Sea Clan would have arrived later. The troops are also very likely to be directly defeated.

Even if the Sea King sent out elite troops to respond, the only ones on the left wing of the Sea Tribe who could escape in the end were the priests who fled first and General Falk who threw away his armor and infiltrated into the ordinary patrol guards. At least Half of the sea warriors fell under the pursuit of the cavalry, and because Richard led the cavalry to chase the elites, more of the ones who escaped were ordinary sea warriors whose lives were not important, and most of the casualties were elite patrols. Sea Guardian.

“Your Majesty, the human cavalry has withdrawn.”

In the camp, a sea general was carefully reporting the movements of the human army to the Sea King. The Sea King paused for a long time with an ugly expression, and then ordered:

“Strengthen your alert, be careful of the human army attacking the army!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The scene where Richard led the heavy cavalry to charge into the battle just now gave him quite a shock. This was the first time for the Sea Tribe, who was good at fighting on land, to see human cavalry charge into the battle, and they skipped the novice difficulty directly. The first time they faced it was the heavy cavalry team in the North, which was basically the best in the world.

After seeing the scene of human heavy cavalry charging into the formation, Neptune has been deducing in his mind whether the simple camp of the Sea Tribe can block the opponent if these thousands of cavalry charge directly into the formation.

Maybe you can rely on huge numbers and use the corpses of countless soldiers to delay the opponent’s charge?

“Your Majesty, General Falk is back.”

At this time, Falk, as the defeated general, also returned to the Sea Tribe’s camp. His first move was to come to the Sea King to apologize.

“Let him in.” Neptune said in a deep voice.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

As soon as Falk arrived in front of Neptune, he knelt down on the ground. At this time, he looked quite embarrassed. Not only had he lost his mighty armor, but his body was also covered with mud and blood. With the unique slippery skin of the Shanghai people, he looked like a Like a lazy snake.

“Your Majesty, I am guilty.”

“Now that you know you are guilty, why did you come back! The leader of the Asi tribe was killed in the battle, and you brought back almost none of the thousands of elite patrol guards entrusted to you by the royal court. How dare you come back alive? ?”

Seeing the embarrassed Falk, the anger that Neptune had just suppressed suddenly emerged. He originally thought that winning this war with humans was a sure thing, but he didn’t expect to receive a sap as soon as he came up, causing casualties. Tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers are a trivial matter. What makes Neptune feel distressed is the 5,000 elite patrol guards of the royal court brought by Falk. These patrol guards are selected from the best among ordinary patrol guards, and the strongest ones are selected. There are only 50,000 of them in total, and they are all equipped with dwarf armor smuggled from the land at a high cost, which can be regarded as one of the royal court’s trump cards.

Fifty thousand were lost in this battle. For Neptune, this loss was already a painful loss.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The final irreversible cause of the war was that the priests escaped before the battle. If they had not escaped first, even if we could not win, our entire army would not have been annihilated.”

In fact, even if the dozens of sea priests do not run away, with their abilities they will only cause a little trouble to Richard. After all, the sea priests are just very ordinary spell casters. Even if they are high-level Priests are only barely equivalent to the combat power of an Earth-level priest. The entire Sea Clan does not have more than double digits of such high-level priests. The rest are mostly existences that can only cast one or two spells and are at the same level as knights.

If you want to pose a threat to the three thousand cavalry in the North, you must have the qualifications to block the three thousand cavalry. If they don’t run away in advance, the result is almost certain that they will become Richard’s immediately. The thorn in the side, just like those armored elites of the sea tribe, chase them and kill them.

However, regardless of whether it was useful for the Sea Priests to stay, Falk wanted to quickly throw the blame away and shirk part of the blame. He knelt down without raising his head, and could feel the anger of the Sea King at this time. , he was afraid that the next order from the Sea King would be to call the blood warriors on both sides to come up and execute him as a warning to others.

And Falk’s words did play a certain role. The angry Sea King wanted to execute Falk for a moment to vent his anger, but Falk’s words made the Sea King transfer part of his anger to the priest who escaped from the battle. For them, compared to bloodline generals like Falk, who always obey orders, the priests are not particularly obedient. This time they escaped without permission on the battlefield and must use it to establish their authority.

In the camp, several other high-ranking priests secretly screamed that something was wrong when they heard this. For such things as escaping from battle, no matter what the reason, as long as they are investigated, they are upright and no punishment is too much. But there are only a few high-ranking priests. , the death of the high priest before was a big enough blow to the priests’ power. If they punish one more heavily this time, their power will be greatly weakened.

However, before they could open their mouths to defend themselves, Neptune had already considered everything and immediately ordered:

“The left-wing priests escaped from the battle and should be executed immediately according to military discipline. However, considering that they are currently short of manpower, let them stand in the front row with the patrol guards in the next attack. If they survive, they will be exempted from the blame this time. ”

“Your Majesty…”


The physique of the priests is not as good as that of the patrol guards, and is only slightly stronger than those lower-level sea warriors. They have already seen how intense the battle in the front row is today. Just a flesh and blood millstone, let these small arms If the priests with lower legs stand up, they will be dead within minutes.

However, as soon as they opened their mouths, before they could say their pleas, they met Neptune’s angry eyes. Under the pressure of Neptune, they did not say the last words of plea. They could only hope that their companions would be lucky. A few survived.

“As for Falk.”

“Your Majesty!”

As soon as he heard Neptune say his name, Falk, who had just been gloating in his heart, immediately straightened up and waited for Neptune to deal with him.

“Next, you will become a centurion in the legion, lead a hundred patrol guards, and serve as the vanguard of the next attack.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Falk was originally a high-ranking general in the Royal Court, but now he was beaten to the end and became the leader of a hundred men. The punishment was not light, but compared to the punishment of the priests who were sent to death, he went to lead a hundred elite patrol guards. , but more vitality. As long as the next battle can be won, the probability of survival is still very high.

“Your Majesty, the scouts from the northeast didn’t come back tonight. I don’t know what went wrong over there.”

“Let General Asda handle this matter, and send some people to investigate the situation.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After Sea King finished dealing with the defeated army on the left wing, the sky also darkened slightly. From the faint optical fiber, it could be seen that there were soldiers patrolling the sea camp at night, and many lower-level soldiers were killed. They organized and began to dig ditches and small pits around the camp. Apparently it was to prevent Richard from leading the cavalry to attack the camp. Although the Sea Tribe has little battlefield experience, they are not stupid. As an intelligent race, they still have the ability to learn and summarize, and they quickly made some arrangements for the cavalry without a teacher.



The main battlefield is dozens of miles away



“What skeletons are there in the human army! Let’s go!”

As one of the main breeding areas of the Sea Tribe, Benchang in the South China Sea is not only limited to Harbor City and the area where the main forces of the two sides are fighting. Both areas only occupy a small area of ​​Benchang, and there is also a wider area. There are only a few sporadic members of the Sea Clan, and most of them are some of the Sea Clan troops who got lost and fell behind after arriving on land, wandering in random directions. In addition to lower-level soldiers, there are even some elite patrol guards.

Only a small number of organic patrol guard teams were sent out to collect lost troops and explore the terrain.

Originally, they were far away from the main battlefield and had escaped from that place that was like a millstone of flesh and blood. Unfortunately, they ran into an even more terrifying army at this time.


“Get out, don’t let these skeletons surround you!”

A scout team composed of more than a dozen patrol guards was sent out to investigate the situation on the flanks of the army. They were also followed by dozens of lower-level Hai Clan soldiers. A poorly organized army like the Hai Clan army,

Although the Sea Tribe’s fighting methods are primitive and the development of war forms is far inferior to that of the races on land, the Sea Tribe Royal Court’s army has learned some of the most basic battlefield elements, and at least knows how to send out scouts to investigate the surrounding situation.

It’s just that the troops in this direction never returned once they were dispersed. However, the Sea Clan lacked enough sensitivity to the fact that the scouts had not returned for a long time. They only thought they were lost at night. After all, the Sea Clan’s scouts did not return. It’s not professional, it’s normal for this kind of thing to happen. Little did he know that the scouts in this direction had been hunted down one by one.


The combat effectiveness of these skeleton soldiers transformed from the sea tribe is still a little weaker. The encirclement has not yet been formed. The patrol guards in front have already forcibly opened a gap and are about to run out of the gap. But they just walked out. After a few steps, under the dim sky, several sharp arrows struck silently, each arrow accurately hitting the vital point.

In an instant, half of the patrol guards who had just smashed the skeleton soldiers easily fell down. Only a few patrol guards in heavy armor were still alive because their armor blocked the sharp arrows. .

But before they could react and find where the cold arrows came from, several human warriors wearing plate armor and barrel helmets had already rushed out from the large number of skeleton soldiers. The iron armor on these human soldiers was clearly clanging as they walked, but their movements were quite fast, and they rushed in front of them in a few seconds.




The remaining patrol guards instinctively resisted, but this resistance was obviously in vain. Several human soldiers all ignited their fighting spirit, and with the cooperation of a few people, they killed all the patrol guards in less than ten seconds. The guards and the remaining lower-level sea warriors did not need them to take action. They were quickly surrounded and killed by the surrounding skeleton soldiers. Soon after, they stood up from where they were and became new skeleton soldiers.

“Jie Jie Jie, Your Majesty Catherine, I never thought that one day we would fight side by side.”

Under dusk, in addition to a large number of undead troops, many system troops also broke away from the main battlefield and went around to the flanks where the two sides were fighting. The commanders were Catherine, who had been in charge of internal affairs in the North, and Li Observe Sandro as an unstable factor.


Catherine glanced sideways at Sandro, the disgust on her face showing unreservedly.

“When did you skeletons become so weak? In the end, you have to rely on the Crusaders.”

“Hey, soon, I will have a new baby.”

“But you, Lord Catherine, must not let a sea tribe go and ruin Lord Richard’s plan.”

“Will the gryphon knights and silver pegasus in the sky let go of a sea tribe that discovers us?”

“This is best.”

Both of them sounded a little unkind, but they also worked together in action. Who would have thought that two people who are like old enemies would act for the same goal here?



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