Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 59: Integration


Inside the Ironwood Fort meeting hall.

It was noon, and the lighting in the conference hall was very good. The bright sunshine shone into the conference hall, and the entire conference hall was illuminated extremely brightly.

When the spring sunshine shines on people, it will not hurt the skin like the summer sun, but a warm feeling, which makes people very comfortable.

Unfortunately, only Richard, Ron, and Viscount Sauter may feel comfortable. Viscount Nader and the other three barons don’t feel comfortable at all at this time.

The conference hall was very silent at this time. Viscount Sauter looked confused and seemed to be digesting something. The three barons lowered their heads and looked at the table, as if they wanted to count the lines of the conference table. Only Viscount Nader raised his head. Want to say something.

Richard just put forward the integration plan for the theater during the meeting.

In order to further increase the war potential of each territory, the Hunter family will dispatch sheriffs and tax collectors to the villages in the four territories,

Administer Nader and the other three baronies according to the governance method of Hunter Territory.

From now on, the farmers and soldiers of each family will be uniformly trained and managed by the Hunter family, and the Ironwood City Official School will also select suitable students from these villages.

From now on, each family will only manage the territory around their own castle.

At the same time, Richard also promised that the past income of each family will be verified, and the taxes collected by each village will not be less than before. If the tax revenue is reduced due to the management of the Hunter family, the Hunter family will make up for it. The lowered part.

Richard’s proposal caused several nobles at the table to collectively fall into silence.

Of course, each family is not willing to accept this condition, especially the Nader family, which has a relatively large territory,

There are hundreds of villages, large and small, in the territory of the Nader family, with a rough estimate of a population of nearly 50,000 to 60,000, which is almost the same as the previous Will family.

If they agree to Richard’s conditions, then the Nader family will basically lose control of the village under their control. After letting the Hunter family manage it like this for two years, who will remember that the Nader family is theirs? Where is the lord.

Similarly, the other three baronies combined are not much different from the Nader family in terms of territory and population. Who would be willing to let others take care of it if they could be the local emperor?

“Sir Richard, I think this should be discussed again.”

After hesitating for a moment, Viscount Nader still opened his mouth with difficulty and wanted to fight for it, but he may not even realize that under such a huge power gap,

Viscount Nader had unconsciously used honorifics towards Richard and was completely unable to negotiate with Richard on an equal footing.

“Is there anything that needs to be changed? I think this is good and it will give you an advantage!”

Before Richard could speak, Viscount Sauter, who had been sitting in the main seat and acting as a mascot, suddenly took the initiative to answer the question.

He stared at Viscount Nader with a very dissatisfied expression. In Viscount Sauter’s opinion, this proposal was really good. He didn’t have to manage daily affairs and could still receive full taxes.

This is a good thing that you can’t even find with a lantern. If it were him, he would happily agree immediately.



Viscount Nader wanted to continue to say something, but Viscount Sauter slammed the table hard, causing Viscount Nader to swallow his words abruptly.

“Bang, bang, bang…” A sound of metal collision came from outside the door.

As soon as Viscount Sauter slapped the table, several Crusaders near the door made some noise and immediately rushed to the door to look inside.

Although they did not enter directly, the Crusaders, all wrapped in armor, made a lot of noise when walking, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention to them.

Viscount Nader and others even subconsciously wanted to touch the sword at their waist.

When Richard saw this, he waved his hands to several Crusaders, indicating that nothing happened and asked them to retreat.

Richard had no intention of letting the crusaders swarm over and leave all these lords here as a sign of victory.

After all, doing this kind of thing blatantly has almost no other benefits besides causing trouble for yourself. Even if you occupy their territory afterwards, you will not get legal recognition.

If you dare to rely on the power you have to blatantly annex territory, you will definitely provoke intervention from the kingdom.

Richard does not have the power to deal with the dragon knights of Zhenguo now, and even the Marquis Mansion of Northland is not something that Richard can fight against now,

However, the effect of this accident was quite good. Viscount Nader was obviously a little frightened and did not dare to speak any more.

“Does anyone else have any comments?”

Viscount Sauter stared around at everyone. Several people lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Viscount Sauter.

After Viscount Nader died down, the other three barons did not dare to stand up and oppose.

“Since I have no objection, let’s do this.”

Viscount Sauter settled the matter in a few words.

After Viscount Sauter spoke, Richard started paddling the whole way, because he found that Viscount Sauter was confident enough.

Viscount Sauter really felt that the conditions offered by him were simply too good to be true, and others’ unwillingness to accept them was simply because they didn’t know good people’s hearts, they didn’t know what to do, and they didn’t know how to commend them.

After having this understanding, Viscount Sauter became particularly confident in his words, which even caused several nobles to have the illusion that the Hunter family was for my own good.

“Come on, come on, sign the agreement.”

Viscount Hunter dominated this kind of meeting for the first time and was obviously a little excited.

He called the attendants on the side to place the prepared agreements and quills in front of each lord.

Under the watchful eye of Viscount Sauter, Viscount Nader finally reluctantly signed his name to the agreement.

The three barons who still wanted to wait and see saw that the strongest Nader family had signed, and they did not hesitate to add their names to the agreement.

Because of Viscount Sauter’s true character, the whole thing took less than an hour to complete, which was much smoother than Richard imagined.

After signing the agreement, Viscount Nader put down his pen and let out a long sigh of relief, as if he had finally let go of some burden.

In fact, it is not completely unacceptable. The surrounding area of ​​the castle is still managed by the Nader family, and the tax revenue of the village will not be less than before. As long as they can receive sufficient taxes, the Hunter family can do whatever they like. .

Viscount Nader, who signed the agreement, actually came up with this idea.

This is probably because the situation is stronger than the people. If the Hunter family only has three or five knights, Viscount Nader will not be able to sign such an agreement.

But now there are so many knights in the Hunter family that Viscount Nader is numb, and the number even seems to be increasing,

Viscount Nader may not be surprised to find that there are several more knights in the Hunter family next time.

Faced with such a powerful Hunter family, Viscount Nader could not muster the confidence to fight. Since he could not resist, he could only comfort himself.

Isn’t this actually good?



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