Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 589: Iron Cavalry


Under the leadership of Richard, the Northern cavalry moved from far to near, quickly approaching the Hai Clan army on the left.

These more than 3,000 cavalry are cavalry in the true sense of the word. Needless to say, the Red Flame Knights and a dozen champion knights are the vanguard. They are almost entirely covered in steel, including men and horses. They charge. After getting up, it is like a moving steel fortress.

The heavy cavalry behind him are also wearing iron armor. The horses are covered with hard leather armor inlaid with iron, which can also be regarded as heavy cavalry. Even if a knight-level master is hit head-on, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die. .

After the sound of iron hoofbeats, the human soldiers in front reacted quickly. Under the command of the officers, they quickly completed the formation changes and made way for the charging cavalry.

Because the Sea Tribe has the most contact with humans in the south. In the south where the water network is crisscrossed, cavalry is a rare thing. Generally, only the big nobles can raise some to support their appearance. They are generally just showy. When it comes to combat effectiveness, the south has The cavalry raised by the nobles may not even be as good as the functional cavalry in the North, and it is even less likely that there will be such an armored cavalry.

The Sea Clan has a lot of experience in dealing with fleet masters. It is definitely a first time for the Sea Clan to face the heavy cavalry charging in formation. Even the few qualified Sea Clan generals in the Royal Court, I have never considered facing human heavy cavalry.

So much so that after the rumble of horse hooves sounded, most of the sea people didn’t even know what was happening, and they were still focused on fighting hard. If it were in the hands of the orcs, there would definitely be wolf cavalry on the flanks to support them. They will immediately shrink their formation and form a formation to fight against the cavalry.

No matter how effective it is, there is always some way to deal with it. How can you be like the Sea Clan, who doesn’t know what to do for a long time?

On the Hai Clan side, it was not until Richard led the cavalry to accelerate the charge that any of the Hai Clan generals realized something was wrong. The Sea Tribe warriors who had been besieging the human army on the left were attracted by the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer. When they saw the “Steel Fortress” rushing towards them at high speed, they finally felt some instinctive fear.

“Soldiers from the Asi tribe come forward, don’t let those human cavalry attack!”

The Asi tribe is one of the tribes directly under the command of Wang Ting. It is superior to the previous Gil tribe in terms of size and status. This expedition also sent a large number of warriors to follow the Sea King.

The Sea King has just sent the Sea Tribe General Falk to bring reinforcements, half of them are from the Asi tribe. They did not participate in the initial attack, and the team remained intact. Under Falk’s order, at least two thousand patrols The sea guards and nearly 20,000 lower-level sea warriors separated from the team.

With eight or nine times the strength advantage, it is impossible to block the opponent.

Obviously, although Falk was aware of the danger of this cavalry, he still didn’t know enough about these heavy cavalry in the North. He thought he had deployed enough troops to intercept, but he didn’t know that a group of chaotic infantry wanted to It is a fantastic thing to block the orderly charging heavy cavalry troops.

“People of the Asi tribe, follow me!”


The military system of the Sea Clan is chaotic. Except for the royal court’s direct line who imitated the elves and humans to form legions, the armies of each tribe still operate in tribal units.

There are advantages and disadvantages to operating as a tribe. Although there is a problem of inconvenient command, the command within each tribe is quite smooth. As the leader of the Asi tribe gave an order, those who belonged to the Asi tribe soon Some soldiers rushed forward to face the oncoming human cavalry.


Perhaps due to their courage, or perhaps due to ignorance, the soldiers of Asbe actually launched an attack in the face of the rolling cavalry.

Even when riding a horse, Richard couldn’t help but be surprised by the opponent’s courage. He rarely encountered such a courageous and stupid enemy, but he was surprised. There was no movement in Richard’s hands. Slow down.

Relying on the combat power of the Holy Order, he rushed to the front of the cavalry team alone. At the moment of contact, he gathered the golden and red fighting spirit on the azure blue sword in his hand and swung it out, sweeping it over. Arriving at the sea line that was more than ten meters wide in front of them, hundreds of patrol guards were knocked to the ground by Richard’s blow, and the momentum of the charge stalled slightly.

A saint-level warrior may not be able to fight against an army alone, but in a battle where both sides are evenly matched, he is definitely a key weight in the balance of victory. With Richard leading the charge, no one in the Sea Clan can stop him. The existence of a hit.

Several vindictive slashes were swung in succession, and hundreds of sea warriors who were rushing in the front fell down in random directions, and the already unorganized team became a complete mess.

Without giving the Sea Clan any chance to adjust, Beidi’s cavalry crashed into Asbe’s team



Facing the oncoming cavalry, the first reaction of the patrol guard blocking the way forward was to wave the two-handed sword in his hand and chop down the knight on the horse.

It’s just that the movement was too big and the delay was too long. Before he could cut off the big sword in his hand, the cavalry hit him hard.

“Hey, first one!”

“Lord Richard! Wait for me!”

Unfortunately, the person he bumped into was the nominal deputy leader of the Red Flame Knights, the first great knight who took refuge with Richard, Sir Hardman. This big man with a relationship with tobacco has no hard power. It is said that the peak strength of the great knight is only one step away from stepping onto the earth. The force of riding a red flame horse to hit him is no different to an ordinary patrol guard than being hit by a giant dragon.

The patrol guard who tried to block him was also an elite qualified to be equipped with dwarf equipment. After being hit by Hardman, he immediately flew four or five meters away. After landing, his entire body was deformed by the impact and his back was twisted. It was at a weird angle, and it was feared that the entire spine would be broken.

Next, Hadmen, who was riding a red flame horse, didn’t care whether the opponent was dead or alive, and drove his horse to trample over him. The following cavalry also trampled over him, and those who fell to the ground were injured, whether they were dead or not. These are all forced to merge with Mother Earth.

Asi’s two to three thousand patrol guards and ten times the number of ordinary sea soldiers only used their own lives to slightly delay the charge of the cavalry, but they caused almost no damage to the cavalry. They were hit by the cavalry. It almost fell into collapse.

Faced with the iron cavalry, which is more than three meters tall with both men and horses, even the tall and strong patrol guards are a little out of reach. And for those lower-level sea warriors who are only about 1.5 meters on average, these tall horses What makes them despair is that their poor height and the crude weapons in their hands make it a luxury to even reach the knight on horseback.

Looking from top to bottom, where the cavalry rushed through, there was only a layer of flesh and blood and corpses left behind, as neatly as if they had been pressed over by tank tracks.

“Cut off the horse’s legs!”

“Cut off the horse’s legs!”

“Don’t attack the humans above!”

As a powerful tribe recognized by the royal court, the Asi tribe was finally a bit smart. After paying an extremely heavy price, some officers from the Hai tribe finally reacted and found a way to deal with these heavy cavalry.

Attacking the horse’s legs is definitely a more effective tactic than directly attacking the knight above.

Just finding the right method may not necessarily produce results. Cutting off a horse’s legs is easy to say, but it is definitely a very risky thing. First of all, the cavalry on the horse are not wood, and they can do whatever they want. You attack the horse’s legs. And cutting the legs of a moving horse is not a simple matter.

None of the soldiers who are qualified for this task are elites who have been trained for a long time. It is obviously unrealistic to achieve the effect of defeating the Yue Family Army with just one sentence on the battlefield.

The level of training of the soldiers of the Hai clan is definitely far inferior to that of Blue Star’s Yue Family Army, and the strength of the iron cavalry under Richard’s command is beyond the reach of troops such as the Tie Fu Tu Guaizima.

Not only do the legs of the red flame horses have special protection, these violent and spiritual horses are also very smart. When they see signs of greeting their legs, they can avoid them without the command of the knight on the horse. two.

The Sea Clan officer roared for a long time, but had no actual effect. Instead, he became a conspicuous target because of his loud shouting. A champion knight who charged past swung the knight sword in his hand and slashed it out. A fighting spirit slash ended the opponent’s life.

An accidental flash of inspiration by an officer of the Hai tribe did not help the battle situation. Under the leadership of Richard, the cavalry from the north overwhelmed the Asi tribe’s army without any delay. He quickly rushed towards the Hai Clan army that was besieging the left wing army.



At this time, Richard had transformed into a **** of murder among the gods and ghosts on the battlefield. Wherever the golden fighting spirit passed by, there were only corpses left behind.

“Long live Lord Richard!”


“Follow Sir Richard!”

The sea patrol guards and bloodline warriors of the Sea Clan are almost indistinguishable in the face of Richard’s absolute strength. More than a dozen sea patrol guards, led by the bloodline warriors, gathered together to resist, but they could not stop Richard. A sword.

The general is brave, and Richard’s brave performance certainly made the soldiers in the team scream in excitement. Even Hardman, a middle-aged general who should have been a veteran, looked at Richard’s eyes. Everyone was full of admiration, and they were urging their horses crazily, fearing that they would fall too far behind Richard.

As for Richard himself, after wielding a few Dou Qi slashes, he began to consciously retain his Dou Qi and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the remaining Sea Tribe warriors.


The azure long sword easily broke through the armor of the sea tribe, and the flesh and blood it brought flying together with the elegant long sword had a strange beauty.

Even if Richard doesn’t use fighting spirit, the Sea Clan warriors still have no chance at all. With his powerful physical strength combined with magical weapons like the Angel Alliance, he can easily cut down all the Sea Clan warriors in front of him.

There will only be two results when the big sword in the hands of the Hai clan and the long sword in Richard’s hand come into contact, either the opponent’s weapon will fly away, or the person and the weapon will be thrown to the ground together.

The flesh and blood flying across the battlefield made Richard’s own blood boil with excitement. Riding horses and slashing and killing could, in a sense, be considered a form of romance for men.

The human side was making great progress under the leadership of Richard, while the Sea Clan side was in complete collapse. The Sea Clan army that originally besieged the left-wing human legion immediately fell into a trap from two sides after the cavalry entered. In embarrassment.

The Asi tribe was defeated so quickly that Falk, the bloodline general of the sea tribe, could not come up with a backup plan. He could only watch the human army rush into the battle and act recklessly, and was completely defeated by the human cavalry. .


The collapse happened almost in an instant. More than 100,000 sea warriors ran towards the back camp with funny steps. After being scattered by the cavalry, they did not care about the punishment they would receive if they returned. At that time, I only regretted that I had two winged feet, and my running speed on land was too slow, so I couldn’t escape in time from those death-like human cavalry.

“No retreat!”

“No retreat!”

“Hold on!”

“Running away will only make you die faster!”

Looking at the crumbling army, Falk actually wanted to make a final struggle, trying to stop the fleeing army and stabilize his position.

Fortunately, his cronies were still awake and immediately advised him:

“Sir! We can’t stop it anymore. Run away. None of us thought that the human cavalry is so powerful.”

“Sir, if you don’t run, it will be too late, the human cavalry is coming!”

“Who can outrun those human cavalry now!”

“How many people can escape!”

“Take the patrol guards around me and stop them. Anyone who dares to escape will be executed immediately!”

Falk has never seen the scene of collapsed infantry being chased by cavalry, but he can still imagine the tragedy, so he has always wanted to try to stabilize the front and resist. As long as he persists, Neptune’s side will definitely Reinforcements will be sent.

There is no need to outrun the human cavalry. There are still so many of the same race running together. As long as we outrun them, we can survive. As long as we run with you, general, we will definitely be able to rush to the front of the team.

Of course he did not dare to say this to Falk, but he did not immediately carry out Falk’s order, but continued to persuade:

“The human cavalry is very close. They are deliberately driving the broken troops to attack places where there is resistance. Sir, we can’t stop them. It’s too late to retreat now.”

“Where are the priests? Let them not worry about the consumption of magic power, and attack the human front row cavalry, giving me some time to rectify.”

“Sir, the priests ran away long ago. When the Asi tribe collapsed, they fled.”


“These **** guys!”

In fact, there was only a few minutes between the time Richard led the cavalry to defeat the Asi tribe and the direct collision with Falk’s main force. In these short minutes, he saw the end of the crisis. The priests ran away first, and Falk didn’t even know about it.

“Boom, boom, boom~”


“Sir, let’s go!”

“If you don’t leave, there will really be no chance!”

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer, and Falk could already clearly see the delicate faceplates of the knights on the horses.

The shame in his heart made him have the urge to lead his bodyguards to fight and die here, but the desire to survive finally prevailed. The group of priests had all run away, so there was nothing he could not do.

Finally, Falk nodded coyly under the expectant eyes of several close blood warriors. Then the surrounding blood warriors and patrol guards quickly opened the way, and soon caught up with the fastest runner before. The priest stayed away from those terrifying human cavalry.

With the escape of the Sea Tribe general Falk, the left-wing Sea Tribe army no longer had any chance to reorganize. More than 100,000 Sea Tribe warriors ran everywhere, easily being defeated by the human army following behind. Harvesting lives…


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