Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 588: Have the upper hand


“Divine Crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

In the first battle between the two sides, the Northland army made the Sea Clan army realize the huge gap in the armaments of the two sides. This comprehensive and systematic armament cannot be achieved by the Sea Clan smuggling and buying some equipment made by dwarves. made up for.

In just one minute, tens of thousands of sharp arrows were poured out on the left wing of the Sea Clan. Almost half of the Northland army was equipped with sophisticated crossbows. These elite Northland soldiers could basically do anything. Prepare for two or three battles, and he is good at both close combat and shooting arrows from a distance.

The Sea Tribe, whose armor rate was extremely low, was stunned by the long-range attacks of the Northland army as soon as they entered the range of the crossbow. Not only the ordinary Sea Tribe warriors were shot to the ground in pieces, but also some without The armored patrol guards were shot by sharp arrows and fell to the ground like hedgehogs.

Only a small number of patrol guards wearing heavy armor made by dwarves can avoid being hurt by the dense rain of arrows. The quality of the dwarves’ manufacturing is indeed very good. Even the longbows and crossbows of the North can hardly exceed ten meters. Break through these heavy armors.

Only a lucky few can get through the gaps in the armor and cause a little damage to the patrol guards protected in the armor.

But in long-range attacks, in addition to ordinary crossbows, there are more than two hundred Shenwei crossbows in the team, which are unreasonable. This kind of sharp weapon that can cause damage to the dragon is used to deal with attacks on the ground. The Hai clan has a feeling of using an anti-aircraft gun to fight infantry in a modern war.

Hundreds of giant crossbows flew into the Sea Clan formation, piercing the Sea Clan warriors into strings like candied haws of sugar. Even the elite patrol guards holding steel shields and wearing armors were stunned in front of these giant crossbows. It was torn apart easily like a piece of paper.


The elite patrol guards who were originally leaning on the front with armor also suffered heavy losses. The first one was skewered on the giant arrow. Most of them had strong vitality and did not immediately survive even if they were pinned by the giant crossbow. He died, but screamed in agony.

The elites of the royal court who were pinned by the giant crossbow no longer had the same arrogance as before. They screamed at the top of their lungs or begged their fellow tribesmen around them to save themselves, but who on the battlefield had time to save their seriously injured companions who were about to die. Well, we can only let them be nailed to the ground and struggle to death.

Ordinary lower-level sea warriors are okay. These weak sea warriors are basically just here to collect heads. Their combat effectiveness on land is not as good as that of kobold warriors who have been trained by humans. They were beaten by the divine crossbow. Basically, half of his body was gone, and his death was painless. However, the patrol guard, who was physically strong, had strong enough vitality to survive even though a huge arrow opened a hole in his body as big as the mouth of a bowl, and his internal organs were destroyed. Able to scream.

“Give them something fun.”

Soon, the bloodline officer leading the team reacted and did not let the wounded continue to suffer. It was impossible to treat them. The only help they could give them was to use a sharper war blade to relieve their pain. .

The power of the Shenwei Crossbow made the attacking Sea Clan shiver. The Sea Clan warriors who launched the attack from the left wing suffered at least thousands of casualties, and the ranks of the frontline warriors were much thinner.

Seeing that the originally dense crowd of comrades around them suddenly became sparse, the attacking sea tribe seemed a little hesitant.

“Come forward! Mix with humans, they are just a group of cowards who can only use crossbows!”

Hesitation in front of the formation is the most dangerous situation for soldiers. The officers of the Royal Court finally had some reaction ability and immediately ordered the Sea Clan warriors to continue moving forward. In the highly hierarchical Sea Clan, it seems that it is an inertia to follow the orders of high-level bloodline warriors. Likewise, the sea warriors who were hesitating just now were shouted at by several bloodline warriors and immediately overcame their fear of human long-range weapons and continued to attack.

“Hey, this is a sparse formation.”

On the other side, Richard, who was riding a horse, looked at the performance of the Hai Clan with a look of disdain on his face. Apart from numbers and courage, the performance of the Hai Clan in the war was really a little too low. The left wing attacked and the front line The old man who pulled him, in the eyes of Richard, who is not a top commander, only felt that there were flaws everywhere. After being hit by the salvo, he was still stunned for a moment and didn’t know what he was doing. If it were replaced by the North and the West, The human warriors were so powerful that they would not hesitate at all when launching an attack under the rain of arrows. If they paused for a moment, they would have to suffer another round of shooting in vain.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

There was no surprise. As they approached the human front, the Sea Clan’s army was once again attacked by two rounds of fire. The Northland’s military training was excellent, and the majority of the Dragon Army who came here to support them were veterans who had been training for more than half a year. , and all of them had the experience of two or three battles. For the Dragon Army, which had endured the snow giant, the battle with the Sea Tribe could only be regarded as a small scene. The Sea Tribe all over the ground could not put any pressure on them at all. He skillfully cocked the gun and fired, and when the two sides were almost ten meters close, he dropped the long-range weapon and quickly took out his own close combat weapon.



In the surprised eyes of the soldiers in the front line of the Sea Tribe, a row of spears suddenly stood up in front of the human army. The five- to six-meter long spears were pointed directly at the charging Sea Tribe. This made many Sea Tribes a little nervous. I was at a loss as to what to do, and I didn’t know whether to charge when faced with the sharp spearhead.

“Come in!”


The humans did not give them much time to react. Under the command of the commander, the human army that was originally on the defensive suddenly took neat steps and advanced like a forest.


“Don’t retreat, rush forward!”

From the perspective of the Sea Clan officers, their side has a huge numerical advantage, and there are so many patrol guards. Even if they rely on numbers to attack, they will be able to overwhelm the humans on the opposite side.

But in the eyes of the Hai clan soldiers in the front row, they were filled with densely packed sharp spears. As long as they took another step forward, they would be pierced by them. They subconsciously wanted to retreat, but with the pressure of the bloodline officers behind them, Hai The tribal soldiers could not retreat, and were pushed forward by the people behind them. They either waited for death on the spot, or tried their best. Many patrol guards still showed a certain amount of courage and rushed in with their heads down. , and then was taken out by several spears at the same time.

The patrol guard, a creature comparable to a quasi-knight, and wearing a suit of armor, was barely a trouble for the earliest Northland army, but now the dragon army no longer needs to specifically target this kind of quasi-knight. A knight-level enemy. Thanks to the promotion of breathing techniques and the existence of training camps, the proportion of quasi-knights and knights in the Northland army is now high. Especially in an ace army like the Dragon Army, basically every ten-man captain has a quasi-knight, and the rest There are usually several soldiers who are close to the level of quasi-knights, and the hundred-man generals are basically knight-level masters. With the addition of battle formations and equipment, they are not afraid of a chaotic formation like the Hai Clan.

“Water Dragon Technique!”


Seeing that the attacking troops were at a disadvantage, the dozen or so Sea Priests who accompanied the army also began to take action. These Sea Priests were protected in the safest position in the attacking team, and there was a circle of patrol guards holding large guns around them. Shield Guardian, this treatment is quite high. At this time, they can be considered worthy of their high treatment.

A high-ranking priest was chanting a spell and formed a water dragon in the air. The water dragon, more than ten meters long, roared and crashed into the queue of human soldiers, causing casualties to more than ten soldiers. But before the Sea Clan soldiers could take advantage of this opportunity to break in, the human soldiers in the back row completely ignored the casualties of their companions, quickly took up their positions, and continued to use their formation to suppress the Sea Clan in the battle.

“What does the left wing do for food? Are more than a dozen soldiers forced to be beaten by those humans?”

At this time, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield. The powerful Sea Clan sent out more than 100,000 warriors in the first attack, and they selected what they thought was the weakest point of human strength. The human army on the left wing is indeed small, with only 30,000 to 40,000 people, less than half of the Sea Tribe. However, these 30 to 40,000 people not only suppressed the large number of Sea Tribes, but even launched an active attack. The Sea Tribe, who should be on the offensive, retreated continuously. This scene made Sea King extremely angry.

“Ask General Falk to bring another 5,000 patrol guards up there, and mobilize 50 priests to support us. The first group must win.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Although after the encounter, the human strength was much larger than he expected, it was still within the acceptable range of Neptune. He still had full confidence in the battle and immediately ordered the army to attack. Relying on the strong force and seeing the obvious decline of the left wing, Neptune did not intend to withdraw his troops, but chose to continue to increase his troops in an effort to win this first wave.




A human knight first blocked the two-handed sword in the hand of the patrol guard, then used his fighting spirit to attach to the weapon, directly broke the armor from the front, and killed a patrol guard in one fell swoop. He fell to the ground, and the surrounding human soldiers also formed into formations, continuing to maintain their advantage in the fight with the Hai Clan.

As the Sea Clan continued to attack, the battle soon turned into an anxious melee. While continuing to suppress the Sea Clan, the human side also began to suffer many casualties. After all, in the hands of the patrol guards The two-handed sword is not a decoration. Ordinary soldiers, no matter how sophisticated their armor is, can hardly block this attack head-on.

The advantage of the Sea Clan is that the individual strength of the patrol guards is stronger than that of human soldiers, but the disadvantages are also obvious. After reaching the level of knights, the Sea Clan, whose strength is determined by blood, is very lacking. There are thousands of patrol guards. There is no blood warrior who can compare with the knights. How can such precious blood warriors fight directly on the front line like the Dragon Army? There are not enough knight-level masters, and the cooperation between individuals is far inferior to that of humans. Even if Even though the patrol guards are not weak, the Hai Clan is always at a disadvantage no matter how hard they fight.

It was not until the support sent by the Sea King came in that the Sea Clan on the left turned the situation around. Not only did more than 5,000 patrol guards come to support, there were also ten times the number of ordinary Sea Clan soldiers. It was like a tide rushing into the battlefield, shaking the originally stable human army slightly loose.

“Sir Richard, the Hai Clan has increased its troops, and the pressure on the left wing has become a bit strong.”


Although the left wing was suppressed by the overwhelming numerical superiority of the Hai Clan army and slightly shrank its formation, it still stayed on the spot with no intention of retreating. The Hai Clan’s fighting method was so rough that Richard felt that he would not give the opponent a lesson. I’m a little sorry that the other party sold so many flaws.

The flanks of the army of more than 100,000 people were completely unprepared. They all attacked with their heads down, tightly surrounding their own army, thinking that they could eat the army on the left wing?

“Let the cavalry prepare to dispatch and defeat the enemies on the flanks in one fell swoop!”

“Sir, don’t you need to mobilize the giant dragon? If there is a giant dragon, you will be more sure. Especially the fire rain that day…”

According to the normal battle arrangement, the dragon should be dispatched to cooperate, and the lion should fight the rabbit with all his strength. However, Richard shook his head at his subordinate’s suggestion.

“Don’t scare them away before the dragons are dispatched.”

“Besides, it is enough for the cavalry to dispatch.”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon, the rumble of horse hooves sounded, and a passage opened in the human army formation. More than three thousand tall cavalry showed their figures. Richard took the lead, riding a handsome red flame horse at the end of the team. Front….

The Northland cavalry is divided into two categories. One is the conventional cavalry trained by the knight hero Adelaide, which is a multi-functional light cavalry in the conventional sense. This kind of cavalry can kill and shoot arrows immediately, and can form a formation when dismounted. The elites fight with one person and two horses just to gain faster mobility, because the horses do not need to wear armor, and they are not picky about the horses. This type of cavalry has two entire legions in the North, with more than 50,000 people.

Although these conventional cavalry have good combat power, they are still within the normal range, but the other type of cavalry, which was completely forced by Richard’s obsessive-compulsive disorder, gradually became outrageous.

The first leader was the more than 300 Red Flame Knights. As Richard’s reputation continued to spread, more and more knights came to seek refuge, and many of them directly joined the Red Flame Knights under Richard’s command. Regiment, more than 300 Red Flame Riders are all composed of knight-level experts. They wear heavy armor and ride the Red Flame Horse produced by the system. Every step they take on the battlefield is full of oppression.

In addition to these 300 Red Flame knights, Northland also introduced many excellent horses from the Western Region, and selected elites to form an auxiliary cavalry of more than 2,000 people. Most of them have reached the level of quasi-knights. level.

This cavalry also wears battle armor. Only the seated war horse only wears some iron-inlaid leather armor in order to keep up with the speed of the red flame horse. It is several times weaker than the red flame knight, but no matter what, this The cavalry can be used as a trump card wherever they are placed.

In addition, there are some more terrifying champion knights and unicorn holy beasts in the team surrounding Richard. With such a mixed cavalry, there is probably no army on the mainland that can stop their charge. .



The sound of horse hooves is getting faster and faster, just like the thunder is getting closer and closer. Normally, heavy cavalry should not accelerate so fast when attacking, but the cavalry under Richard’s command is not as maneuverable as most heavy cavalry. The disadvantage of high endurance is insufficient.

The leading group of red flame horses are covered in heavy armor and can run faster than the light cavalry. The auxiliary cavalry also uses the best horses from the West, and their endurance is the best among war horses.

Faced with the iron hooves rolling forward, the Sea Tribe once again showed their weak experience in large-scale ground wars.

They have no experience dealing with cavalry at all…


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