Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 587: Information and encounters


South China Sea, Harbor City.

A large number of soldiers mobilized quickly outside the harbor city. Except for the shouts of officers and the sound of neat footsteps, there was basically no noise in the team. They were all wearing fine armor, except for a well-sewn cloth armor. The upper body is also covered with a turtle back, and the helmet is completely made of fine iron material. It is also lined with some bamboo slices and leather to prevent shock damage from blunt objects. The wrists are wrapped with leather handguards. This army’s In terms of comprehensiveness, the equipment has basically reached the pinnacle of the military in this era. It can not only prevent puncture damage, but also takes into account the orcs’ preference for using heavy weapons, and has made some targeted designs for heavy weapon attacks.

There is no doubt that this well-equipped army is all elites from the North. It only took less than two days for more than 200,000 Northland troops to deploy from the distant North to the islands in the south. Such a fast mobilization of troops is like a fairy tale in this era. The residents of Harbor City watched the troops from the North emerge from the light gate in the center of the city as if they were a miracle. These were incomparable at first sight. The powerful warriors completely diluted their fear of the undead army outside the city.

Of course, Harbor City cannot hold an army of 200,000 people. Without expansion, Harbor City may not be able to accommodate 100,000 troops. The entire army is stationed outside the city. Outside Harbor City, the Hunter family’s three-button gold The flags formed a golden wave. These reinforcements from the North were basically close to the undead army. These terrifying undead did not cause any panic except for making the soldiers who came at the beginning nervous.

Richard’s leadership skills are not limited. The soldiers in the North are already in high morale. With the addition of Richard’s leadership skills, they have basically reached the point of fanaticism. Let alone a group of skeletons, they are the presence of gods. If they were enemies with Richard, most of them would probably dare to show their swords. Moreover, an officer soon informed them that these undead warriors were friendly soldiers.

Moreover, most of them have long been accustomed to Richard’s magic. If we only consider the visual impact, creatures such as the Ultimate Hydra and the Titan Giant are actually more oppressive than the Skeleton Soldiers. In comparison, these skeleton soldiers were only a large number. Most soldiers were more curious about the undead army than fearful of them.

“Lord Richard! All four legions of the Dragon Army have been assembled and ready to go at any time!”

At this time, Richard was wearing the iconic dark red Dragon King’s power, holding the blue Angel Alliance and standing on a gentle **** outside the harbor city. Behind him stood the cold Night Angel Natalis. Ten tall giants and nearly a thousand system warriors stood around him. More than a dozen giant dragons were hovering in the air. Countless soldiers below looked at him with fanatical admiration in their eyes.

These soldiers basically did not need to do any mobilization. Richard just made a slashing motion with his sword on the spot, and the soldiers present began to shout.




“Let’s go!”

The legions began to move northward like a torrent. Although there were more than 200,000 people, there was no sense of chaos at all, and they marched as a whole.

The vanguard of the team is the undead army controlled by Sandro. The army of more than 100,000 undead is currently the limit of Sandro’s control. With more than 2,000 walking corpses in front, and the dense bones, it is finally possible to move. So it means a bit of undead natural disaster.

If the order of the dragon army is still within the normal range, the undead army seems a bit strange under the control of Sandro.

Under the command of Sandro, these skeletons actually maintained a very tight formation during the high-speed march. Looking at it diagonally, they were completely a white line.

After the undead army and the reinforcements from the Northland left, the outside of Harbor City became empty again. Paul and the garrison of Harbor City were left to defend the city. In addition to several thousand Harbor City garrison troops, there were also some halberds. Soldiers, Crusaders, Ironmen and other system soldiers were also left behind to defend Harbor City.

After all, the South China Sea is the territory of the Sea Clan. Richard would not dare to resort to any empty city tactics here. When the main force of the Sea Clan royal court is eliminated, the Sea Clan army may land on the beach again at any time.


North of Harbor City

The army of the Sea Clan has penetrated more than fifty miles into the land. In addition to more than 300,000 patrol guards, there are also many lower-level soldiers who serve as cannon fodder in the army. Counting together, there are at least more than 100 people from the Sea Clan who came to the land together. Millions.

Looking around, the plain of this clam farm is full of densely packed sea tribes, boundless, as if the entire world is filled.

Originally, although the clam farm is an important breeding place for the sea tribe, except for a small number of sea tribe patrols, not many sea tribes appear in the clam farm. Especially in winter, the clam farm is basically empty. It’s all empty. Only after spring comes, the sea tribe will begin to gather in large numbers on the clam farm and begin to reproduce.

And now, due to the war, even though it is still deep winter, a large number of sea people have appeared on the clam field. If the battle cannot be resolved quickly, the reproduction of the sea people in the South China Sea will definitely be affected in the coming year.


“What the **** are these things?”

A patrol guard shattered a skeleton soldier with one blow. Ordinary skeleton soldiers were almost vulnerable in front of the patrol guard. Moreover, the patrol guard in front of him was wearing a helmet smuggled from the human nobles. A dwarf in armor with a two-handed sword in his hand, he is considered an elite among the patrol guards.

After smashing the skeleton soldier, the patrol guard did not show any joy, because these things were too weird. Not only did they look scary, they were also obviously not living creatures, and there was no fighting at all. No matter how fearful he is, every time he encounters this kind of skeleton monster, he can only kill them completely before the battle will stop.

If it weren’t for the poor strength of these little things, he would never be so relaxed now. What makes him even more uneasy is that these skeletons are not human corpses at first glance. They are obviously the bones of sea warriors. Doesn’t this mean that, Human beings actually have the ability to make the sea warriors who died in battle stand up again and become enemies of the sea clan.

And so many skeletons are all transformed from Sea Warriors, so where did the corpses of so many Sea Warriors come from?

“Captain, there are dozens of skeletons over there, they seem to have discovered us!”

“Are we going to kill them?”

The Sea Clan spies who had just eliminated a team of skeleton soldiers discovered another team of skeletons in the distance.

Most sea tribes are extremely primitive when it comes to war. They basically charge in a swarm under the command of their leader. The most commonly used tactic is to attack the cannon fodder first, and then use elite patrol guards to suppress the formation. , will never put the patrol guard in front.

But the Sea Tribe Royal Court is obviously more than one level higher than other Sea Tribe tribes. Although the generals of the Royal Court are not famous generals, they are also qualified generals, and they can be regarded as regular spies who should be sent out to investigate. There are no minor factions, and they are all elite. For example, this team of sea spies who encountered the skeleton soldiers, although there were only a dozen people, were all elite patrol guards. They had just eliminated dozens of skeleton soldiers, and only one light one. Just hurt.

So after discovering a pair of skeleton soldiers again, these patrol guards did not panic at all. It could even be said that they were very confident and prepared to eliminate this group of skeleton soldiers as before.

“No, let’s withdraw first and report the situation here. Don’t forget our responsibilities.”

Fortunately, the patrol guard who led the team was relatively clear about his position and did not think about fighting blindly. After discovering that another group of skeleton soldiers was approaching, he chose to retreat and took the situation back with him.


In the Sea Clan army, the Sea King’s position was surrounded by a large number of bloodline warriors and patrol guards, three circles inside and three outside. These Sea Clan were all wearing sophisticated equipment. Compared to those in the sea, Neptune has a greater sense of crisis, and the power deployed around him is enough to make anyone who tries to perform decapitation tactics against him despair.

“Your Majesty, the spies in front have come into contact with the enemy, and they have discovered some strange things.”

The two armies were not far apart from each other, and the forwards marching towards each other soon encountered each other. The island where Bengcheng is located is mostly plains, and the army basically had nothing to hide. As soon as they came up, the forwards and spies on both sides were very serious. The gunman did a good job.

“Oh, what’s weird?”

“The enemy we fought against was not a human being, but a group of bones and corpses.”

“Bones and corpses?”

Neptune is already well-informed among the sea tribe who have little information. However, when he first heard the report from his subordinates, he was still a little overwhelmed. Bones and corpses can also become enemies.

Of course, the general under his command was also prepared. Seeing that the sea king was confused, he immediately signaled the patrol guards outside to bring in a cage. Inside, there was a skeleton soldier with only the upper body left. At this time, the skeleton soldier Although he lost his legs and was still locked in a cage, he was still extremely ferocious after he came in. His two skeletal arms kept beating the cage, trying to get out to fight.

The combat effectiveness of patrol guards is indeed higher than that of skeleton soldiers. Apart from the fact that skeleton soldiers have no fear of life and death, an ordinary patrol guard can easily defeat ten skeleton soldiers. If they are careful on the battlefield, It is not difficult to capture a skeleton soldier and show it to Neptune.

Although Neptune already had sky-level combat power, and although he clearly had the ability to kill the skeleton soldier in an instant, he still couldn’t help but take a step back when he saw the skeleton soldier. After careful observation, Neptune’s expression turned cold.

“Is this a warrior of my clan?”

Although the transformed skeleton soldiers will lose their original flesh and blood, leaving only white bones, the skeletons of sea tribes and humans are still very different, and they can be easily distinguished by careful observation.

“Yes, Your Majesty, today the soldiers encountered all these monsters.”

“Why can these skeletons with empty heads still move?”

“Your Majesty, this must be the magic of the evil human mage. Only magic can produce such an effect.”

The person who stood up and spoke was a high-ranking priest in the camp. Anyway, there is no problem in pushing all unexplainable things to magic, and the Sea Priest is also a spell caster. The more powerful and mysterious the spell caster is, the more Help improve their status in the sea tribe.

Neptune nodded, agreeing with the other party’s statement, and then asked again.

“These soldiers are soldiers from Gini’s side, right? What’s the situation on Gini’s side?”

“Since we landed ashore, we haven’t received any information from Lord Gini, is that possible?”

The meaning of the Sea Clan general is very obvious. With so many Sea Clan warriors being turned into such monsters, Gini’s side may be in danger.

But Neptune shook his head and said:

“Impossible. With Gini’s timid character, he will never go ashore in person. As long as he doesn’t go ashore, humans will never be able to eliminate them all. Send people to Gini’s side to inquire about the situation and supervise their continued attack. .”

“In addition, capture more skeleton monsters and send them to the army to display. Tell the soldiers that if they lose the battle, they will be made by humans into such things that are neither humans nor ghosts. After the display, they will be displayed in front of the soldiers. They cut off the monster’s head to show the soldiers that this thing can be killed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

But Neptune shook his head and said:

“Impossible. With Gini’s timid character, he will never go ashore in person. As long as he doesn’t go ashore, humans will never be able to eliminate them all. Send people to Gini’s side to inquire about the situation and supervise their continued attack. .”

“In addition, capture more skeleton monsters and send them to the army to display. Tell the soldiers that if they lose the battle, they will be made by humans into such things that are neither humans nor ghosts. After the display, they will be displayed in front of the soldiers. They cut off the monster’s head to show the soldiers that this thing can be killed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

But Neptune shook his head and said:

“Impossible. With Gini’s timid character, he will never go ashore in person. As long as he doesn’t go ashore, humans will never be able to eliminate them all. Send people to Gini’s side to inquire about the situation and supervise their continued attack. .”

“In addition, capture more skeleton monsters and send them to the army to display. Tell the soldiers that if they lose the battle, they will be made by humans into such things that are neither humans nor ghosts. After the display, they will be displayed in front of the soldiers. They cut off the monster’s head to show the soldiers that this thing can be killed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

But Neptune shook his head and said:

“Impossible. With Gini’s timid character, he will never go ashore in person. As long as he doesn’t go ashore, humans will never be able to eliminate them all. Send people to Gini’s side to inquire about the situation and supervise their continued attack. .”

“In addition, capture more skeleton monsters and send them to the army to display. Tell the soldiers that if they lose the battle, they will be made by humans into such things that are neither humans nor ghosts. After the display, they will be displayed in front of the soldiers. They cut off the monster’s head to show the soldiers that this thing can be killed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

But Neptune shook his head and said:

“Impossible. With Gini’s timid character, he will never go ashore in person. As long as he doesn’t go ashore, humans will never be able to eliminate them all. Send people to Gini’s side to inquire about the situation and supervise their continued attack. .”

“In addition, capture more skeleton monsters and send them to the army to display. Tell the soldiers that if they lose the battle, they will be made by humans into such things that are neither humans nor ghosts. After the display, they will be displayed in front of the soldiers. They cut off the monster’s head to show the soldiers that this thing can be killed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

But Neptune shook his head and said: But Neptune shook his head and said:

“Impossible. With Gini’s timid character, he will never go ashore in person. As long as he doesn’t go ashore, humans will never be able to eliminate them all. Send people to Gini’s side to inquire about the situation and supervise their continued attack. .”

“In addition, capture more skeleton monsters and send them to the army to display. Tell the soldiers that if they lose the battle, they will be made by humans into such things that are neither humans nor ghosts. After the display, they will be displayed in front of the soldiers. They cut off the monster’s head to show the soldiers that this thing can be killed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” But Neptune shook his head and said:

“It’s impossible. With Gini’s timid character, he will never go ashore in person. As long as he doesn’t go ashore, humans will never be able to kill them all


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