Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 585: Victory and formed legion




“The sun! The sun is falling!”

The patrol guards who were still resisting soon received a blow more terrifying than the giant’s big foot. In the eyes of most sea warriors, a golden light fell from the horizon from far to near. , its light seemed to block the brilliance of the sun, making many patrol guards think that the sun had fallen from the sky.

Then a huge roar exploded in the densest place of patrol guards. Dozens of patrol guards were directly killed by this “sun ray”. Some of them were still wearing sophisticated heavy armor, but it was of no avail. , these iron armors were not only directly penetrated, but also became tools for conducting heat. They made a sizzling sound on the patrol guards who had fallen to the ground. The smell of barbecued seafood would probably appear soon.

The one who emits this “sun ray” is naturally Richard. With his current strength, it is of course unrealistic to compete with the sun, but as a strong man in the holy realm, in a small area It is still possible to be more dazzling than the sun. At this point in the battle, Richard could use up his fighting energy without any scruples. Several lines of fighting energy that were more dazzling than the sun were slashed down, causing hundreds of casualties to the patrol guards.

The morale of the patrol guards at this time has actually completely collapsed, but compared to the ordinary sea warriors on the periphery who can escape, even their escape is a luxury, but Sandro has already regarded them as the best. The undead army made materials. Before, there were only skeleton soldiers. Not to mention that Richard looked down on the undead army. Even he couldn’t stand it. How could he let go of these materials.

A large number of skeleton soldiers completely surrounded this elite sea tribe within the formation. It was difficult for the separated patrol guards to form an effective resistance, but there was no way to escape, so they could only despair. Fighting for his life with a group of skeleton soldiers, the giant’s big foot stepped down after a little gathering.

And Richard’s participation in the battle completely accelerated the entry of this elite group of sea tribe into the city, which was wiped out

In the sea, several ethnic group leaders were a little numb looking at the massacre of elites. At this time, their eyes were dull and they could not say anything. The only emotion left was heartache.

Thanks to the fact that they are from the sea tribe, they have a natural advantage in the sea, and they still have the opportunity to feel sorry for themselves here. On land, after the battle reaches this level, none of these clan leaders will be able to escape.

“Chief Gini, what should we do next? Do we want to continue attacking?”

Finally, a sea tribe leader came back to his senses and asked Gini.

“Retreat first, and wait until the reinforcements from other ethnic groups have been swept away before attacking.”

Although there was an order from the Sea King to continue the attack, the losses of several groups were too great and it was difficult to organize an effective attack. There was no point in forcing the lower-level warriors to attack. We could only wait. The next group arrived and tried again.

After several Sea Tribe leaders confirmed the temporary retreat order, the remaining patrol guards no longer stopped the escaping Sea Tribe warriors. They surged onto the beach like a tide and receded like a tide. A large number of them The sea tribe quickly disappeared offshore.

After the Sea Tribe retreated, Richard did not dare to pursue him. As long as the Sea Tribe warriors left the land and entered the sea, they all successfully escaped with their lives. After all, most of his troops did not have the ability to fight in the sea. Some of the troops in Harbor City It is possible to fight in the sea, but unfortunately it is still too small compared to the huge number of the sea tribe.

As for him, as a strong man in the Holy Realm, of course he also has the ability to fight in the water. When he explodes with all his strength, he can even evaporate part of the seawater into gas.

But to face hundreds of thousands or even more sea warriors in the sea, such a crazy thing, even if Richard reaches Aragorn’s level, he would not dare to try it easily…




It is getting late, and the setting sun in the distance is almost connected to the sea level, as if it is about to sink into the sea.

A breeze blew on the sea, causing **** ripples offshore.

What the sea breeze brings is not a light salty smell, but a very strong smell of blood. The corpses of the sea warriors stretched from the beach to the ocean, and the surrounding sea area was dyed light red. Many bloodthirsty marine creatures were attracted by the smell of blood and feasted on the offshore sea.

However, compared to the scenes at sea, the scenes on land are actually more impressive. Even the Harbor City garrison, which had clearly achieved a great victory, did not celebrate excitedly, but looked at the adults on the beach with some fear. The film’s Army of the Undead.

“Sir Richard, this time we have produced more than 50,000 skeleton soldiers and more than 1,000 walking corpses, as well as three dark warriors and two corpse witches. Unfortunately, the souls of the Sea Clan are too weak, not even a resentful spirit. Can’t even get it out.”

Sandro didn’t care about other people’s fear of the undead army. After completing the spiritualism, he ran to Richard to ask for credit and complained about the Sea Clan again.

Counting the previous skeleton soldiers and walking zombies, the current undead army finally has some appearance, with nearly 100,000 skeleton soldiers, 2,000 walking zombies and three dark warriors who seem to have never appeared in the game.

One hundred thousand skeleton soldiers are just the weakest cannon fodder, but more than two thousand walking zombies are still a good combat force. As the second-level unit of the cemetery, the combat effectiveness of the walking zombies is not bad. These are transformed by patrol guards. Most of the walking corpses that arrived still maintained their physical characteristics when they were alive. They all looked tall and mighty, and were surprisingly strong. Their combat power was much stronger than that of ordinary quasi-knights. With their powerful strength and extremely high defense, even a formal knight would have to spend some effort to kill them.

The only problem is that the speed of the walking zombies is slow, but it is still within Richard’s acceptance range. The walking zombies will not appear on the battlefield as a single unit. With the cooperation of multiple arms, the small weakness of the walking zombies does not count. fatal.

Of course, another disadvantage is that these walking corpses with rotten flesh on their bodies still disgusted Richard. After observing the walking corpses for a while, Richard waved his hand and signaled Sandro to drive the walking corpses away. Stay away from yourself.

Then, Richard turned his attention to the three dark warriors and two corpse witches brought by Sandro. These three dark warriors were all transformed from those sea blood warriors. Under the influence of the Ghost King’s cloak, Sandro’s probability of successfully converting corpses into undead when he released the spiritualism was more than half. This time, he was lucky and successfully converted three of them.

These three dark warriors, like the walking corpses, retain part of their original form, and are very characteristic of the sea undead. Although the armor on their bodies turned black under the influence of the breath of death and stuck to their bodies, their feet were However, it can be seen from the shape that the opponent’s feet also have fins, a part of the body that is convenient for swimming. Perhaps he can also fight in the ocean when conditions are ripe.

Except for their physical characteristics, which are somewhat similar to those of the sea tribe, there is basically nothing strange about these dark warriors in black armor. The red firelight in their eyes flickers faintly, and it flickers even more when Richard is looking at it. It’s amazing, these soul-sensitive souls are more likely to notice Richard’s power than others.

“Let these dark warriors try it together.”



Easily knocking off the weapons of the three dark warriors, Richard also figured out their strength. These undead creatures that have not appeared in the game probably have the strength of a great knight.

At this time, the strength of three powerful knights is nothing to Richard, but the advantage is that they can be produced quickly. It is difficult to find suitable materials for the Sea Tribe. When they fight the orcs, the orc warriors But if you grab a lot of them and give Sandro some time, it won’t be a problem to pull out a team of dark warriors.

The other two Corpse Witches were transformed from Sea Priests, and their combat prowess is considered outstanding among the fifth-level soldiers. After these two Sea Priests were transformed into Corpse Witches, their combat prowess was even Still improved.

“Sandru, let the undead army clean up the battlefield and bury the unused corpses as soon as possible.”



“As you command, my lord.”

Richard’s order made Sandro a little uncomfortable. What the undead army often did was to kill people and set fires. It was impossible for them to collect the corpses. That was a way to spread the plague, but now they were ordered by Richard to go there. This was Sandro’s first time cleaning the battlefield and burying corpses.


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