Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 584: Crush


The Sea Clan has some experience with the power of dragons. In the past, a dragon knight was stationed in the south for a long time. In addition to frightening the nobles in the south, he also took on the task of suppressing the Sea Clan. At that time, the Sea Clan priests had not yet Recovering the ability to cast spells has no way to deal with the dragon in the sky. When harassing the port, if the movement is too big and attracts the dragon knight, it will usually be a big rout.

For creatures like giant dragons, the sea people have some shadows in their hearts. Even if the sea people now have some means to fight against giant dragons, they are still unwilling to fight against giant dragons. Although the titans and ice giants are fighting against giant dragons, Dragons are powerful creatures of the same level, but to deal with such creatures on the ground, the Sea Clan can try to fill them with sheer numbers, which will always exhaust their physical strength. However, facing the giant dragon flying around, the Sea Clan can There really is no good solution.

It would be fine if they were fighting at sea. The giant dragon couldn’t get into the sea to cause trouble for them. They could just hide and wait for the dragon to get tired of flying and leave. Now a large group of sea people are crowded on the beach, and there is no room to dodge. No.

“Let the patrol guards withdraw!”

Several sea tribe leaders looked desperately at the approach of more than a dozen giant dragons on the sea. While their hearts were trembling, some people had some unrealistic ideas and actually wanted to have the patrol guards withdraw under such circumstances. .

At this moment, Gini and the high-ranking priest Nadi also started to use their not-so-smart minds crazily, trying to find a way to break the situation.

“Lord Nadi, can you use water dragon technique to attack those giant dragons? Please delay for a while and let the soldiers withdraw.”

The leader of the group was also panicked. The hundreds of patrol guards and one blood warrior he sent were nearly half of the strength of their group. This combat power was equivalent to hundreds of quasi-knights and one blood warrior. If all the junior masters of the Great Knight were lost here, they would not even be qualified to compete for fishing ground resources next time.

But after hearing this suggestion, Nadi just glanced at him and said nothing. Nadi, who was originally solemn, was so angry at the other party’s stupid suggestion that he wanted to laugh. Would he lure the dragon over and give him a breath of dragon breath?

If it were a giant dragon, maybe he could give it a try. There were more than a dozen giant dragons flying in the sky, but he couldn’t contain them.

However, being interrupted by the other party, Nadi basically woke up and understood the current situation.

“Chief Gini, let the patrol guards and bloodline warriors disperse and retreat as much as they can. At the same time, order the lower-level warriors to continue the attack and not to retreat.”

Nati’s idea is to use a group of lower-level warriors to break up the rear, and only as many elites as can be saved.





When several senior members of the Sea Tribe were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, the human counterattack also began with the entry of the giant dragon. The first thing that hit them was not the terrifying dragon’s breath as they imagined, but A fireball slightly larger than a fist fell, and the fireballs hit the beach crowded with sea warriors, covering almost half of the battlefield.


“What is this!”

“Rain of fire! It’s raining fire from the sky!”

As soon as Zilong entered the scene, he brought huge chaos to the Hai clan. Under Richard’s order, Zilong did not hold back at all the magic of Meteor Fire Rain, which was already considered an advanced magic, and released three spells in one go. This directly consumed most of the magic power.

The effect achieved was also very good. A large number of sea people were burned to death directly on the beach. These races that live in the sea all year round are especially afraid of high temperatures. There were screams on the beach. In order to vent their pain, every sound They were basically yelled at the top of their lungs, and even Richard in the distance felt a little panicked.

After several rounds of fire, the Sea Clan warriors suffered at least thirty to forty thousand casualties, which was almost half of the Sea Clan’s losses in previous battles.

Purple Dragon’s ability to fight alone is not very strong among giant dragons. At least if it were to fight Poison Dragon, Purple Dragon would definitely lose miserably, but Poison Dragon would never be able to achieve such a great result in this situation. results.

Of course, the ability to achieve such great results is due to many factors. Although Meteor and Fire Rain is a high-level magic, due to its wide coverage area, the damage to a single target is actually not high. Most knight-level masters have it. If you have the opportunity to dodge, it will not endanger your life if you bear a few fireballs. Even if they hit ordinary troops, everyone knows that it is difficult to spread out and avoid directly causing such large casualties.

But in order to take advantage of their numerical advantage, the Sea Clan has allowed the density of lower-level Sea Clan warriors on the beach to reach the limit. Every Sea Clan warrior is surrounded by people of the same kind. It is extremely difficult for them to even change the direction of action, let alone disperse and evade. Coupled with the fact that the individual strength of the Hai clan warriors is weak, and they are restrained by the attributes of the meteor fire shower, the fire rain that was not fatal even if hit once or twice, could be fatal for every hit it hits on the Hai clan. This makes Zi Dragon’s few shots of meteors and fire showers achieved such good results.

Because tens of thousands of warriors died in a short period of time, the sea warriors who were originally in dense formation on the beach suddenly became loose, and some of them began to move freely. Smelling the aroma of the corpses of their companions roasted by the fire and rain, even if The numb sea warriors also lost their fighting spirit at this moment, and took this opportunity to turn around and start running away. They were afraid that the terrifying rain of fire would fall on their heads, and they were even more afraid that the giant dragon in the sky would use its dragon breath to directly turn them into Coke.


While the purple dragon was releasing meteors and fire showers, more than a dozen other giant dragons were not idle either. They swooped down towards the beach, stirring up streams of dragon breath on the beach. Their attacks also achieved huge results. As a result, more than a dozen fire pillars instantly caused thousands of casualties to the Sea Clan warriors. Compared to the orcs, the Sea Clan had almost no experience in dealing with giant dragons. When the orcs faced the giant dragon, they at least knew how to disperse and cooperate and would not crowd together to give the dragon a chance. A chance to kill them all in one breath.

The formation of the Sea Clan is so dense that people are almost piled on top of each other. Two or three hundred people can be burned to death with one breath of dragon’s breath. The screams on the beach are endless. Being burned to death is absolutely a big deal for the Sea Clan. It is the most terrible way to die. The soldiers of the sea tribe who were originally ordered to continue the attack while still in the sea now stopped stupidly in the sea and did not dare to go forward. They only watched their companions cry for their fathers and mothers and fight for their lives from the beach. ran back to the sea.

At this time, even the patrol guards who had been driving the lower-level soldiers to attack were stunned on the spot. A large area of ​​​​fire rain and more than a dozen dragon breaths erupted at the same time. They were also frightened by this scene.

The sea warriors who dared to fight against the giants and the terrifying undead army finally couldn’t bear it anymore. What hurt their morale was not only the huge casualties, but also the fact that they couldn’t watch even after paying huge casualties. A battle in which there is no hope, and even a counterattack is impossible.

On the beach, most of the Sea Tribe have fled. The only ones still fighting are the patrol guards who were trapped in the formation by the undead army from the beginning and the Bloodline Warriors of the Sea Tribe. After all, Meteor Fire Rain is a range-wide destruction. After magic, the patrol guards and the undead army fought together, it was impossible for Zilong to use his skills on his own army. After a few magic attacks and defeated the patrol guards, the undead army would probably lose most of them.

In order to prevent large-scale accidental damage, even the giant dragon did not participate in the battle here, but directly wiped out ordinary sea warriors on a large scale on the beach.



“Watch out for those giants!”

A bloodline warrior had just chopped a skeleton soldier into pieces. Before he could react further, a huge shadow appeared where he was standing. When he looked up, his eyes were filled with a Only huge feet.


The bloodline warrior frantically wanted to escape, but several skeleton soldiers around him blocked his way. It would take at least a second or two to deal with these skeleton soldiers, and this foot obviously would not give him this time. .

The Titan giant trampled the entire body of the sea blood warrior under his feet. The opponent first screamed and tried with all his strength to break free. However, the huge strength gap between the two sides destined his efforts to be in vain. The Titan giant pressed down with all his strength. After pressing down, he also rotated his feet left and right, and the blood warrior who was stepped on was completely lifeless.

Although the combat effectiveness of the patrol guards is far superior to that of the lower-level naval warriors, the outcome is already doomed after being surrounded by tens of thousands of skeleton warriors and many walking corpses. The ordinary sea warriors who originally besieged the undead army on the periphery are still It can contain some skeleton soldiers and share the pressure of the patrol guards. Now that the peripheral sea warriors have completely collapsed, these patrol guards have truly fallen into an isolated and helpless situation. It is only a matter of time before they are slowly killed.




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