Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 583: Combat


Of course, the power that Richard mobilized from the North was not just Sandro and ten giants. It was only because of the sudden incident that Richard took the giants and Sandro to Harbor City through the teleportation array, and They immediately used teleportation to support them. The battle on the beach has been going on for a while now, and subsequent troops have naturally arrived one after another. Among them, the fastest moving dragon has already arrived on the battlefield.

Originally, Richard did not plan to go to war in the South China Sea at first. He just wanted to steadily expand the Harbor City, show force to the Sea Clan and continue to deter the Sea Clan. However, the relevant tasks that appeared in the Congress made Richard change his plan. .

He originally wanted to focus on the war with the orcs, but unfortunately the Sea Tribe had the intention of a large-scale attack. For the stability of Harbor City, he must mobilize a large amount of power while it is still possible to solve the problem on the South China Sea first. Hidden danger.

The dozen giant dragons in the sky are just the vanguard, and more troops will be mobilized in the future.

Not to mention the mobilization of the Northland army, the beach is now filled with more than 200,000 sea warriors. A few blood warriors and patrol guards are urging them to separate the two wings and start the siege and retreat to the beach. The army of the undead made room for the sea warriors who came ashore later.

Although it is unclear why humans give their own group of soldiers a chance to land, the number of soldiers who have landed now is no longer something that the other side can easily drive into the sea.

“Chief Gini, humans and those skeleton monsters are still retreating. I’m afraid they can’t be stopped by those despicable things. Why don’t you send some more patrol guards and bloodline warriors up there?”

On the shore, a large number of sea warriors used their numerical superiority to form a siege on humans. The garrison and undead army of Harbor City did not fight back under Richard’s order, but retreated step by step to the sea. clan warriors to leave more space.

This gave the clan leaders in the sea a little misconception. Human beings were timid, so they made mistakes. Their active retreat gave them a chance to land.

Now that humans are completely trapped in the predicament of being besieged, they can only retreat continuously. However, ordinary sea warriors are too weak to stop humans and those skeleton monsters. As long as more elite patrol guards are sent up, they will be able to stop them. It can entangle the opponent and even surround the opponent here.

If all these human armies can be wiped out here, then the human city of Bengchang can be easily captured.

If they can make this contribution, the status of their groups will definitely increase greatly in the future. When they recruit new group members from Bengchang, they will definitely be able to allocate a lot more patrol guards to improve the strength of the group and form a virtuous cycle. .

At this time, the clan leaders who saw the huge achievements in front of them completely forgot how they were worried about losses before.

The leader, Gini, was also a little moved at this time. In fact, his knowledge was not much higher than that of the leaders of these groups. Seeing the huge achievements in front of him, he also put aside his previous worries. In the back of his mind, maybe he could really capture the human city before the Royal Court’s army arrived?

When several ethnic groups were mobilized to participate in the war, the Royal Court had the biggest advantage. If they could directly capture the human city, Gini’s ethnic group would not only get an extra seat in the Royal Court, but also the people born in the clam field in the future. The patrol guards and bloodline warriors can also be allocated a lot more to their clans, as well as the fishing grounds, and various interests can be captured more.

After a slight hesitation, Gini also did not resist this temptation. This time they could dispatch millions of ordinary sea warriors. There was no problem of insufficient troops. As long as they entangled the humans in front of them, The probability of winning is very high.

“Then dispatch three thousand patrol guards to stop the retreating human army. The number of patrol guards will be divided among each ethnic group, with one from each of the five bloodline warrior groups.”


“I have no objection.”

“We agree too.”

Jini proposed a very crude plan, but it was unanimously agreed by several tribal leaders. Even the slightly more knowledgeable senior priest Nadi did not raise any objections. Instead, he proposed to send out several low-ranking priests. The priest goes to help, and he also wants to earn a share of credit here.

Soon, a group of two-meter-tall patrol guards who were ridiculously strong compared to ordinary sea warriors also emerged from the sea. The leading bloodline warriors even wore rare and sophisticated armors. Can be distinguished from ordinary sea people.

Although the beach was crowded with a large number of sea warriors and it was difficult to find a place to stay, when this group of sea patrol guards came out, the surrounding sea warriors still tried their best to make room for them, preferring to overlap each other. At the same time, they did not dare to block the way of this group of patrol guards and bloodline warriors.

“Get away!”


There were also sea warriors who were unable to dodge and were directly thrown away by the leading bloodline warrior. Faced with the brutal behavior of the bloodline warriors and sea patrol guards, the other sea warriors did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. Instead, they evaded even more hastily. They would rather trample each other to death than dare to block the road.

A few bloodline warriors led 3,000 patrol guards along the crowded beach. A large number of sea warriors spread out to both sides like a tide to leave a path for them. Such a conspicuous scene really made people feel sad. It was difficult for Richard not to notice them.

“Isn’t this tactic of luring the enemy deep into the sea a little easier to use against the Sea Tribe?”

Richard, who originally wanted to kill more ordinary Sea Tribe warriors and get some materials for Sandro to release his spiritualism again, never expected that he would lure so many of the Sea Tribe’s true elites at once.

“Back up a little more, put them up a little, don’t let them escape.”

“Yes, sir.”

Under Richard’s order, Sandro controlled the undead army to continue to retreat, and Paul also commanded the garrison of Harbor City to continue to retreat. Under normal circumstances, continuous retreat during a battle is a very dangerous thing. It is normal for a retreat to turn into a rout on the battlefield, especially in the face of the Sea Clan’s constant attacks.

However, whether it is the undead army controlled by Sandro or the Harbor City army commanded by Paul, the retreat is very orderly. Needless to say, the undead army, these emotionless soldiers are completely controlled by the necromancer in combat. As long as they control their If the Necromancer controls them well, there will be no chaos in these Undead warriors at all, and Sandro is obviously a top-notch existence in controlling the Undead Legion.

Although the Harbor City garrison commanded by Paul is composed of humans, they are also well-trained warriors. After a period of rest, their physical strength has recovered a lot. The key is that there are a large number of systems from Harbor City mixed in. System warriors, who act as the nails and the skeleton of the entire formation, cannot be easily defeated by the Hai clan warriors.

When a normal pursuing army encounters an enemy who is not at all strict in formation and does not give them any chance during the retreat, they will at least pursue cautiously, fearing that they will be bitten by the retreating enemy troops.

But the Sea Clan obviously don’t have this awareness. On weekdays, they mostly rely on their numerical advantage to attack human ships, or plunder at the port. Seeing the human army retreating at a faster pace, they became a little anxious.


“Catch up!”

“Don’t let humans run away!”

The leading bloodline warrior quickly accelerated the pace with the three thousand patrol guards behind him, and knocked into pieces the sea warriors in front who had no time to avoid. They were approaching quickly with such a fast and furious pursuit. The retreating army of the undead.


“Smash these bones!”

Ordinary sea warriors have little advantage in combat effectiveness when facing skeleton soldiers. Therefore, although they have been relying on their numerical advantage to besiege the undead army, they have always been unable to break the formation and were blocked by the formation of skeleton soldiers. However, patrolling the sea The guards and bloodline warriors are different. In terms of combat power, the patrol guards are equivalent to the third-level soldiers of the system. Both in size and strength, they far exceed these weakened skeleton soldiers. The patrol guards in the front row are directly brutal. It crashed into a pile of bones, and the bones quickly flew away, opening a gap in the undead army.

The blood warriors led the patrol guards and rushed towards the gap, as if they were going to penetrate the undead army directly through the gap. The morale of the surrounding sea warriors was also greatly boosted, and they pounced fiercely. The undead army, the entire undead army showed signs of instability, which made the sea blood warriors who led the patrol guards to attack even more excited and rushed inside desperately.

However, how can the army of the undead be stable? Fighting to the last skeleton is just a routine operation of the undead. How can it be unstable if it is torn open? Everything is just given by Sandro. It’s just an illusion they created.

“It’s so easy to fool.”

Even Sandro, who had been silent all this time, couldn’t help but sympathize with the other party when he saw that the other party was easily fooled. The failure of the undead army was completely an illusion created by his command. When all the thousands of elites entered the battle, , Sandro quickly made adjustments, and several gaps suddenly closed. This group of attacking Sea Tribes did not even deploy any troops on their back road. They were instantly separated from ordinary Sea Tribe warriors by a large number of skeleton soldiers.

“Hey, at least there are more than a thousand zombies, and a few good materials for the Dark Knight.”

Sandru was also not satisfied with the quality of his undead army, and now he finally got some good materials.

Well, the thousands of elites of the sea tribe who are now trapped in the formation have been regarded as material by Sandru.

“It’s ready to go.”

Because the execution power of the undead army is so strong, on the battlefield, blocking the retreat of the patrol guards is a matter of seconds. At this time, the sea tribe has not even realized what happened. Several bloodline The soldiers also took part of the patrol position and ran rampant among a large group of skeleton soldiers, completely unaware of what happened.

But a dozen black spots in the sky have appeared from behind the cliff on the battlefield.

Even Sandro, who had been silent all this time, couldn’t help but sympathize with the other party when he saw that the other party was easily fooled. The failure of the undead army was completely an illusion created by his command. When all the thousands of elites entered the battle, , Sandro quickly made adjustments, and several gaps suddenly closed. This group of attacking Sea Tribes did not even deploy any troops on their back road. They were instantly separated from ordinary Sea Tribe warriors by a large number of skeleton soldiers.

“Hey, at least there are more than a thousand zombies, and a few good materials for the Dark Knight.”

Sandru was also not satisfied with the quality of his undead army, and now he finally got some good materials.

Well, the thousands of elites of the sea tribe who are now trapped in the formation have been regarded as material by Sandru.

“It’s ready to go.”

Because the execution power of the undead army is so strong, on the battlefield, blocking the retreat of the patrol guards is a matter of seconds. At this time, the sea tribe has not even realized what happened. Several bloodline The soldiers also took part of the patrol position and ran rampant among a large group of skeleton soldiers, completely unaware of what happened.

But a dozen black spots in the sky have appeared from behind the cliff on the battlefield.


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