Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 582: Untitled


Because the sea warriors are too weak, except for the walking zombies transformed from the corpses of hundreds of patrol guards, the combat effectiveness of most of the skeleton soldiers is somewhat unsatisfactory. Even after being transformed, they enjoy some heroes. The bonus of attribute treasures was not much better than that of ordinary sea warriors. After the sea warriors overcame their fear, the two sides were evenly matched.

Two sea warriors can take down one skeleton soldier. Not only are these skeleton soldiers transformed from sea warriors not tall enough, they look like children, and their bones are much slimmer than normal skeleton soldiers. In battle, the skeleton soldiers will be smashed by the not-sharp stone axes and hammers in the hands of the sea warriors. Even the skeleton soldiers transformed from ordinary humans will not be so weak, and the sea warriors Still maintaining an absolute numerical advantage, no matter how many were killed, new reinforcements continued to appear in the sea. Looking around, there were always nearly 100,000 sea warriors crowded on the entire beach, and there was no decrease at all.

However, with these tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers supporting them, the pressure on the giants on the beach has been greatly reduced. The ten giants can retreat to the large group of skeleton soldiers to rest, and they do not need to always be surrounded by sea warriors. Fighting.

“Chief Gini, do you want to continue the attack? It will be difficult for us to reach the shore like this.”

At this time, the clan leaders of several ethnic groups could see that it was difficult to reach the beach in front of them. They did not feel sorry for the one or two hundred thousand dead sea warriors, but they just felt that they had been doing this on the beach. Useless work is just a waste of time, and they will not take the lives of such low-level soldiers as humble as ants at all.

In a sense, they don’t even think that these lower-level sea warriors are the same existence as themselves, but more like domestic animals that can understand orders. Sometimes when the deep-sea giant whales wander around looking for food, they They would even deliberately send some lower-level sea clansmen to fill the opponent’s stomach. At least you have to be a patrol guard to have some rights in the sea clan.

“No, continue the attack. If the number of warriors is not enough, go to the surrounding ethnic groups to recruit more. The attack cannot stop for a moment.”

Although the Hai Tribe attacking the foreshore near Harbor City is a coalition of several Hai Tribe groups in the South China Sea, they still have more or less say. Gini’s tribe is not only the largest, but also has the largest number of people. The blood warriors and patrol guards have the closest relationship with the Royal Court, and the other clan leaders are basically headed by him.

Gini is indeed shouldering a more important mission. The mission given to him by the Royal Court is very simple. Launch an attack from the shoal closest to Harbor City. If he can land directly and smoothly, it will be best to break through Harbor City. If humans resist It’s so fierce that it can’t be taken down, and it can’t stop attacking. It must attack continuously to put pressure on humans.

His army is also responsible for attracting the attention of the human army and distracting the opponent’s forces. Of course, it is impossible to stop the attack easily.

“Chief Gini, I have no objection to continuing the attack.”

“However, can the patrol guards stop attacking for the time being?”

It doesn’t matter if some ordinary sea warriors die, but the loss of sea patrol guards is a bit painful. Some large ethnic groups only have a few thousand sea patrol guards out of millions of people, which is quite precious.

It would be okay if we could attack and lose a little bit. Now it is obvious that we are sending people up to die, and they will be a little unhappy if we send patrol guards.

Gini thought for a moment and nodded. In the current battle situation, it would be useless to send hundreds of patrol guards up at once. They would be trampled to death by those giants.

“Chief Gini, those skeleton monsters all climbed up from the corpses of our soldiers. If we continue to attack, will there be more and more of those skeleton monsters?”

The leader of another ethnic group also expressed his concerns. Although the lives of the ordinary sea warriors under his command are not valuable at all, if they are transformed into skeletons and stand up to fight, wouldn’t they become enemies? .

“It’s impossible. It’s incredible that the opponent’s caster can use a spell of this level once. It’s impossible for the opponent to use it all the time without restrictions.”

At this time, Nadi, the only high-level priest among the sea tribe, jumped out to refute this point of view. As a high-level spell caster of the sea tribe, he began to struggle after casting a few water dragon spells. He simply did not believe that this could be done in this world. Someone could continuously use magic on such a large scale.

“Continue to attack. Even if the opponent can still release that magic, the attack cannot stop.”

Anyway, it was only some low-level warriors who died. Gini and Nadi insisted, and the chiefs of several other ethnic groups did not object. The sea tribe continued to rise from the water, attacking the skeleton soldiers and giants in the shoal. line of defense.

Because too many sea people died, not only the shoal, but the surrounding sea area was dyed red with blood. The entire shoal, which was about ten miles long, completely turned into a slaughterhouse for the sea people.

In the eyes of the Sea Tribe, and even Paul and other humans in this world, the magic Sandro used just now is extremely terrifying, both in terms of visual impact and practicality, but Richard and Sandro All slightly dissatisfied.

“Sandru, your skeleton soldier’s combat effectiveness is a bit weak.”

In the Heroes game, although the skeleton soldiers are the lowest level soldiers, they are still on the same level as the spearmen. They are a little weaker, but they are not so ridiculously weak. The spearmen are placed here to deal with the sea tribe. There is no problem in fighting ten warriors at a time, but the tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers that Sandro has summoned are obviously much weaker.

“Sir, I rarely encounter such weak creatures on the battlefield.”

When Richard said this, Sandro was unusually embarrassed. Among the many undead creatures he summoned using spiritualism just now, except for the walking corpses transformed by hundreds of patrol guards, In his eyes, the ordinary sea warriors turned into skeleton soldiers were extremely weak.

It’s so pitiful that on the continent of Erathia, even human farmers turned into skeleton soldiers are better than this thing.

The skeleton soldiers transformed by human soldiers such as spearmen and shooters looked so tall and powerful compared with the group of strange things in front of them.

Li Cha nodded noncommittally and did not intend to delve into this issue. He just reminded himself that there are some differences between the game and reality. He wanted to rely on these sea tribes to produce hundreds of thousands of spearmen. The arrival of skeleton soldiers is still a bit unrealistic.

“Can I use Soul Calling again?”


Sandru nodded and expressed his affirmation.

“However, limited by strength, although there are no high-level undead, ordinary skeleton soldiers can only control 200,000 at most.”

The judgment of Nadi, the priest of the sea tribe, is obviously completely wrong. In other words, it is ridiculous to speculate on a legendary spellcaster like Sandro from the perspective of an ordinary spellcaster.

Sandru is fully capable of unleashing spiritualism again. What limits him is the mental power needed to control the undead army.

At his peak, Sandro could certainly control an army of millions of undead, including bone dragons, but at this time, he had not even recovered his holy rank, and the number of undead armies he controlled was far less than at his peak.

Two hundred thousand, just two hundred thousand. During this period of time, Richard also gained some understanding of Sandro, at least he would no longer completely rely on his knowledge in the game.

Most of the undead are without intelligence and need to be controlled by the undead hero’s mental power.

The quality and quantity of the troops led by each undead hero are closely related to their own strength. Only a man like Sandro, who is considered extremely talented, can control such a large number of undead in the pseudo-saint stage.

“Well, there aren’t enough corpses on the ground.”

After a period of fighting, there were tens of thousands more corpses of sea warriors on the shoal, but this number was not worth Sandro’s summoning again.

Richard was afraid that Sandro would repeat this several times and make the sea tribe afraid to go ashore, and he would not be able to chase him into the sea.

“Go back first and let more sea people come to the beach.”

After thinking about it, Richard withdrew several giants and ordered Sandro to withdraw his skeleton soldiers so that more sea warriors could gather on the beach.

Sandru’s control over the undead army was quite strong. When the undead army retreated under Sandru’s control, they basically walked in a line, without giving the Sea Tribe warriors much opportunity to pursue them.

Under normal circumstances, Richard’s behavior would definitely arouse suspicion. As long as the opposing commander is not stupid and sees the dominant skeleton army retreating, he should also consider whether there is any conspiracy.

However, there are very few people in the Sea Clan with military capabilities. Except for a few bloodline generals in the royal court who are somewhat capable, most of the Sea Clan leaders don’t even have much military knowledge. During a war, they order their subordinates to charge first and patrol the sea. The guards are used to supervise battles or break through, which is basically the limit of their command. People like Gini are taller among the short ones.

Faced with the army of giants and skeletons that were retreating in an orderly manner, several leaders of the sea tribe thought they saw the dawn of victory. Without any discussion, they immediately ordered their lower-level warriors to speed up the attack, all landed on the shoal, and even Two clan leaders sent a small number of patrol guards to try to grab some credit.

Jini didn’t raise any objections. It’s a good thing that these clan leaders are so active. Even if humans are cheating, the only loss is a group of sea warriors who can be replenished at any time.

Soon, under Richard’s deliberate concession, the Sea Clan completely captured the shoal that had become a red land. More than 100,000 Sea Clan warriors crowded on this scarlet beach, and there were also a steady stream of Sea Clan warriors. They kept rushing up, and a large number of Hai Clan troops gathered on the beach, which was not too small in area.

“Go out from the beach in two groups and continue to attack the humans.”

After the Sea Clan warriors gathered in large numbers on the shoal, the senior leaders of several ethnic groups gained some confidence. Perhaps they could use their numerical advantage to defeat these skeleton monsters and take down the human army that was resting not far away?

Just as more and more sea people gathered, a group of giant dragons in the sky approached the beach, and one of the purple dragons stood out among the group of huge dragons…


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