Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 581: The undead appear


Looking at the Harbor City garrison that was on the verge of collapse, Richard actually felt a little scared.

He didn’t expect the Sea Clan’s counterattack to come so quickly. Before that, he was still gathering strength in the North, preparing to pick up a few new legions to come to Harbor City to fight against the Sea Clan to gain combat experience. As a result, the Sea Clan almost lost their lives. There was a time difference.

Fortunately, although Paul made a mistake in leaving the city to fight, he still sent someone to pass the news of the Hai Clan’s attack to Richard through the teleportation array before the battle began.

After receiving the news, Richard ignored the gathering troops and took Sandru and a small number of assembled system troops to rush to Harbor City through the teleportation array.

Richard still made the mistake of empiricism. Generally, the army would need to organize a war, especially a war involving millions of troops. It would take more than half a month. Even if the Hai Clan moved faster, it would take several months. Oh my god.

Who knew that the Sea Tribe did not need to consider any logistical supplies when mobilizing at sea. In the South China Sea, which is rich in fish and algae resources, the Sea Tribe could set off with only one life, so there was no need for any time to prepare.

There is no need to even make arrangements in advance. After receiving the order from the Sea King, the leaders of several large surrounding ethnic groups gathered together and sent people out. The attack was not organized. Several ethnic groups took turns sending out troops to charge intensively. The tactics It’s more casual than the veteran players of riding and slashing, so there is no need for any preparation time.

Fortunately, the teleportation array played a huge role at this time. The messenger arrived in the North through the teleportation array in time. It didn’t take much time for Richard to learn the news and immediately sent back reinforcements.

At this moment, the Ice Giant and the Titan Giant, a total of ten giants more than ten meters tall, rushed into the sea warriors.

The giant with a huge size advantage can easily cause massive damage to the sea warriors, whether it is stepping on it directly or sweeping it with the weapons in its hands.

Although the number of giants was small, the pressure they caused on the sea warriors was far more intense than the previous spear array.

The sea warriors on the beach let out strange screams of horror as they watched their fellow tribesmen being trampled to pieces by these giants.

Some brave sea warriors also used weapons to attack the giant’s feet and calves, but not only were their weapons of poor quality, but their strength was also weak. The spears made of sharp shells pierced the giant’s feet like mosquito bites. , even if it is said to be scraping, it is too weak.

Under the terrifying deterrent of the giants, the Sea Tribe’s attack hesitated for the first time, because the giants were tall enough, and even the Sea Tribe warriors in the back row could clearly see how they were wreaking havoc in their own formation. , some sea warriors were even kicked up and thrown back into the sea, smashing back all the floating fish that had just emerged.

“Don’t retreat, keep attacking!”

Of course, the retreating Sea Clan warriors will not end well. If these lowest level Sea Clan warriors can be used as cannon fodder, they naturally don’t take their lives seriously. Most of them are ordinary people. Sea warriors are also relatively insensitive and only know how to obey the orders of patrol guards or higher-level sea warriors.

The Sea Clan general behind him cursed, and the Sea Clan warriors who were a little timid just now did not dare to retreat. The patrol guards went up to kill a few more models, and the Sea Clan warriors began to attack the beach numbly.

The warriors of the Sea Tribe were like leeks that could not be cut off in succession, surrounding the giant. No matter how many died, they would crawl on the giant like ants. The idea of ​​several leaders of the tribe was to kill the giant. Overwhelm these behemoths with sheer numbers.

Isn’t it just to kill some Sea Clan warriors? The sea is huge enough and the resources are rich enough. What the Sea Clan does not lack most are these Sea Clan warriors who are tougher than leeks.

Including the Sea Clan warriors who were killed by the garrison of Harbor City before, the number of Sea Clan warriors dead on the beach now may have exceeded 100,000, but several Sea Clan leaders and some bloodline warriors did not care. If these casualties can kill these terrifying giants, they won’t care even if another hundred or two hundred thousand people die.

Can ten giants kill 100,000 sea warriors?

Of course that’s not possible. The physical strength of the giants is actually not very good. Killing thousands of Sea Tribe warriors would probably be exhausting. Besides, not all the attacking Sea Tribes are these lowest-level cannon fodder warriors. .


In mid-air, a water dragon condensed out, and then slammed into the chest of a giant. The giant who was killing everyone just now was knocked to the ground.

This is the action of the priests of the Sea Clan. Several large ethnic groups must have priests. When the magic power has just begun to recover, humans who rely on learning to inherit are still a few beats slower. People like the Sea Clan who rely on blood To inherit simple spellcasting abilities, many priests who can release magic have appeared in all races.

Seeing a giant being knocked down by a water dragon, the sea warriors who had been stepping forward to die suddenly became more motivated and rushed after the fallen giant, trying their best to completely suppress the giant.

Although Water Dragon Technique is considered a high-level magic among Sea Tribe Priests, it is at best equivalent to a blow from a great knight. The unprepared giant fell to the ground and suffered minor injuries under the impact of Water Dragon Technique. But it is far from enough to threaten the giant’s life.

Most of the surrounding sea warriors wanted to take advantage of the giant’s fall and directly use their numbers to swamp the opponent.


Unfortunately, at this time, the giant was still far away from fighting to the point of exhaustion. After roaring, he stood up and shook off the sea warrior hanging on his body with a casual shake.

The short spear in his hand was close to the ground and swept around, and many sea warriors began to fall freely in the air.


At this time, the Sea Tribe was still launching attacks one after another, and some had simply passed through the gaps between the giants and rushed towards the Harbor City garrison who were still resting.

“When these guys fight, they look a bit like those kobolds in the wilderness.”

“But at this level, it’s not worth a mission.”

When Richard returned to the Northland, he not only mobilized troops, but also unexpectedly received a mission about the Sea Clan from the Congress Hall.

“Mission: Master of the Ocean.

Introduction: The arrogant sea people actually try to threaten your territory, defeat them, and let the sea people admit that you are the real master of the ocean.

Complete the mission and you will receive generous mission rewards. ”

The task of Lord of the Ocean is a bit big, which gave Richard a little headache when he took on the task. Conquer the sea tribe and let the sea tribe recognize Richard’s status as the Lord of the Ocean.

Isn’t that the same treatment as the elves in their heyday? It is estimated that it will be difficult to complete this task even if the Sea Clan is hurt. After all, the Sea Clan must be beaten half-life to have a chance to make the other party surrender.

Although the sea tribe on the beach attacked fiercely, they were just cannon fodder after fighting for a long time. Not many patrol guards appeared, and only one or two bloodline warriors and priests appeared. Even if they were all wiped out, they would probably be wiped out. Neptune didn’t even blink, let alone make the Sea Tribe surrender.

“That’s all, no matter how small the mosquito is, it’s still meat. Eat this sea tribe first.”

Richard is confident about thwarting the Hai Clan’s attack. The key this time is how to defeat the Hai Clan and make the opponent surrender at least in name.


Richard gave a look and Sandro immediately understood what Richard meant.

He rubbed his hands, took the black and gray staff, and walked forward. Looking at Sandro’s actions, he seemed to be still excited about this move.

“Although the quality is a bit poor, there are enough blood and corpses.”

At least more than 100,000 sea people died on this beach, which is comparable to the number of corpses on a large battlefield. Naturally, there are corpses everywhere.

“The dead souls are summoned!”

After a few spells, Sandro’s staff emitted a black and reddish light, which was inconspicuous on this noisy battlefield.

The sea warriors still tried hard to pounce on the giant. After accumulating magic power for a long time, the sea priest finally sent out a string of water arrows to tickle the giant. No one noticed the existence of Sandro.

It wasn’t until many of the companions who had fallen on the ground had their skin and flesh visibly shed, and a short skeleton crawled out of their original bodies, that they realized something was wrong.

“What are these!”

The skeleton warriors transformed from ordinary sea warriors are not strong, and can even be said to be very weak. After all, in reality, Sandro’s spiritualism is based on these real corpses.

In the 1.5 meter body of the sea warrior, no matter how powerful the necromancer is, he cannot create any monster.

Only a small number of patrol guards were transformed into zombies and stood up with **** wounds on their bodies. Their only common move was to slash their weapons at their original companions.


“Run, run!”

Sandro’s summoning level is very high, and with the bonus of the Ghost King’s cloak, there are at least 40,000 to 50,000 undead creatures standing on the beach. If it were not for the restrictions and mana, the undead creatures summoned by this wave would even More, although the strength is a bit lacking, it can be made up for by quantity.

Faced with the large group of skeletons appearing on the beach, not to mention the Marine warriors who were under attack, even the ordinary human soldiers who were resting and watching the battle in the distance felt terrified.

This world doesn’t know much about undead creatures. It’s not like in the world of Invincible Heroes, where you can casually encounter undead creatures and everyone is used to it.

The morale of the sea warriors who faced the attack of tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers immediately plummeted, and they once again fled like when they were ravaged by giants. However, because of the orders of several clan leaders, the patrol guards quickly executed a group of escapees. The fastest sea warriors drove them back to the battlefield.

Fortunately, the Sea Clan warriors were strong enough. Faced with such a terrifying scene, they were still able to obey the clan leader’s orders and turn around to fight with the short skeleton soldiers.

“Priest Nadi, what are those things!”

At this time, the leader of the group who looked at the sea of ​​white skeletons from behind also looked frightened. It was not because of how powerful these guys were, but because any intelligent creature may be afraid of unknown things.

However, although he was afraid, it did not affect the patrol guards and blood warriors he ordered to continue driving those despicable sea warriors to continue attacking. Anyway, it was not him who fought those bones in person. He only had to obey the king’s instructions. The command is.

“I don’t know, but it must be the power of magic to make the corpse stand up again. The other party has a very powerful spellcaster.”

Priest Nadi said something that was basically meaningless.

After all, Richard traveled through a world full of supernatural powers. Although the Sea Clan has never seen undead creatures, ordinary soldiers are afraid of undead creatures, and high-level officials will also be afraid of the unknown, but like the Sea Clan’s sacrifices and The leaders of the group, who had some knowledge, quickly realized that these guys were just a little bit ugly.

“Magic power is limited. No matter how powerful a spellcaster is, the magic power to create such a big movement should be drained. We should continue to attack.”

Judging from the characteristics of the Sea Clan, as long as the top management does not collapse, an ordinary collapse is a trivial matter that is easy to suppress. Soon the battle situation on the beach changed again. Under the order of the leader of the group, the patrol guards and a small number of bloodline warriors continued to force the Sea Clan warriors to attack. Under the supervision of the more advanced Sea Clan, even in the face of a group of strange skeleton warriors, the Sea Clan warriors re-launched the attack without fear, as if they had fled before. They are not the same.





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