Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 58: Negotiation and oppression


“Tap, tap, tap, tap!”

Lines of soldiers from the Flying Bear Army gathered in Ironwood City with neat steps,

Although they had just rested and were about to face another battle, there was no dissatisfaction on the faces of the soldiers. Instead, they all had an uncontrollable excitement.

This is an army that truly enjoys fighting,

They are not afraid of the cruelty of war. They are willing to fight as long as it is not a life-and-death situation. What they are more afraid of is that there is no war to fight.

After wasting time and finally returning to the village to be a farmer, it is difficult for them to accept that they have to go back to the old path for generations.

These are naturally inseparable from Richard’s reasonable reward and punishment system,

The rewards that soldiers receive from fighting are no longer just gold and silver, but more importantly, channels for advancement,

To put it more modernly, Richard rewarded them with breathing techniques and qi-entraining techniques based on military merit, giving them the opportunity to transcend social classes.

In modern times, this kind of opportunity is something that most people have to work hard to seize.

In the past, farmers were farmers and soldiers were soldiers. Only one or two wars every few decades gave ordinary soldiers a one-in-10,000 chance.

Now under Richard, the one in 10,000 chance may have become one in 100. Although it is still not big, it has become tangible,

If you don’t believe it, almost every centurion has a few soldiers like Matt who have been rewarded with the Breathing Technique. They can show up at any time to speak out, which further stimulates the enthusiasm of the Flying Bear Army soldiers for war.

Coupled with Richard’s guidance intentionally or unintentionally, both the regular soldiers and peasant soldiers of the Flying Bear Army are now fanatical war elements, with a bit of the shadow of the old Qin people who swept away the Six Kingdoms.

Since annexing the Will family, Richard has accelerated the pace of military expansion. Previously it was to prevent being punished by the kingdom, and now it is to fight against the ogres,

The pace of expansion of the Flying Bear Army has never slowed down,

Fortunately, the Hunter family has a good source of soldiers. The expansion of the army is all recruited from the previous peasant soldiers. These peasant soldiers have also received a lot of training under the leadership of the village sheriff.

Most of them even take the initiative to train on their own. After joining the Flying Bear Army, they can be considered qualified warriors after one or two months of training.

The large-scale military expansion will have a slight impact on combat effectiveness, but it is not unacceptable. After they experience one or two more battles, they will not be much different from the previous veterans.

Now the Flying Bear Army has expanded to eight cities, with nearly 4,000 people. If you include the own cavalry and the cavalry teams from other nobles, the Hunter family’s regular troops are now close to A flag regiment.

Even if you don’t count the systematically trained warriors, except for the Piaoxue City family, there are only a few counts in the Hunter family’s current strength that can match the Hunter family.

The only shortcoming of the Flying Bear Army now is the lack of high-end strength. Although the Hunter family has developed rapidly under the leadership of Richard in recent years,

However, compared with some wealthy families, the Hunter family still lacks some foundation. The quasi-knights have already trained a lot, and now eight of Richard’s subordinates are all quasi-knights.

But the training of knights cannot be completed in just a few years. Even Quill, whom Richard is more optimistic about, Kerry and others have just reached the level of peak quasi-knights. It may be difficult to advance to the knights in a short time.

If they were recruited from outside, one would have doubts about their loyalty, and the other would be that the Hunter family had no capital worthy of the knights’ reliance.

Richard also prefers to train himself. Slower is slower but it can better ensure loyalty. Now the Ironwood City official school has begun to show results. Many students have studied and practiced in the official school for several years and have graduated. The strength of the quasi-knights can directly serve as junior officers in the army.

Only there are obvious shortcomings at the Cavaliers and higher levels. Perhaps in a few years, the talent training system established by Richard can show even more amazing results.

Of course, because of the existence of the system, the so-called shortcomings of the Flying Bear Army are out of the question. The combat power of more than twenty knights is the number of high-end combat power that only one legion of the Jingbei Army can possess.

If you include the system army in Richard’s hands, only Piaoxue City in the entire North can hold down the Hunter family.

“Line up, let’s go!”

“Tap tap tap…”

The sound of neat footsteps was mixed with the sound of metal collision.

As Quill’s order was issued, the four thousand Flying Bear Army soldiers quickly divided into two columns, leaving the main road to Ironwood City open.

A group of knights rode in from the city gate, and the leader was Richard,

Wearing a suit of gold-rimmed white armor, riding a snow-white war horse, and with handsome facial features, he is really coquettish.

Unfortunately, the people lined up on both sides were all mighty soldiers instead of young ladies who admired his handsome appearance. This made Richard feel a little regretful, as if he was ogling a blind man.

Following him were Ron, Viscount Nader and others. In response to the disastrous defeat of the Jingbei Army,

As the commander of the war zone, in addition to their own active mobilization, the Hunter family naturally also called on several other nobles to send troops and provide food. If they did not exploit them, it would be a disgrace to the old silver coin character design that Richard had set for himself.



As several nobles entered the street,

Quil shouted again, and all the Flying Bear Army soldiers neatly picked up their weapons and performed a military salute, making a clanging metallic sound.

Viscount Nader narrowed his eyes slightly, and the faces of the other three barons also changed slightly,

A layman sees the excitement, an expert sees the door.

The nobles of the North are undoubtedly experts, and the level of equipment and discipline displayed by the Flying Bear Army undoubtedly proves their strong combat effectiveness.

This city entry ceremony was naturally arranged by Richard. It was not only to welcome the guests, but also to show off his muscles, so that Richard could achieve his goals in the subsequent negotiations.

“Crunch, crunch”

With a heartbreaking sound, the gate of Ironwood Fort was slowly pulled open.

Ironwood City is not big, so Richard and his party quickly crossed the streets and arrived at Ironwood Castle.


Viscount Sauter was greeting everyone at the door. Viscount Nader and others did not dare to take action. They all dismounted and walked into the castle with Viscount Sauter to the meeting hall.


The nobles who were still chatting and laughing with Viscount Sauter and Richard suddenly froze after turning the corner, with expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

If I am not mistaken, the more than twenty tin cans standing on both sides of the steps of the conference hall seem to be wearing the same armor as the dozen knights last time?

Or are they all knights?

Not leaving Viscount Nader and others puzzled for too long, more than 20 Crusaders beside the steps ignited their fighting spirit,

But this time they did not draw their weapons, but stood still,

More than twenty rays of fighting energy formed bright lights on both sides of the chamber, like a greeting, but more like a demonstration.

Viscount Nader even rubbed his eyes and confirmed again.

This is nonsense!

This is the true thought of Viscount Nader at this time, and it is also the consensus of the other nobles…

Only Richard stood aside, as if he didn’t know anything about it, and smiled and invited:

“Everyone, please…”


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