Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 579: The reaction of the sea tribe


In the sea, the shallow sea less than a hundred miles away from Harbor City is where the royal court of the Sea Clan is located.

Although it is at the bottom of the sea, the layout of the Royal Court of the Sea Clan is even more luxurious and luxurious than the palace of the Golden Dragon Kingdom.

In the natural cave, various kinds of jewelry decorate the royal court with sparkle. Various kinds of jewelry and jade make the walls of the cave glow with various colors of light. The huge coral ornaments on both sides shine like Christmas trees during the holidays.

If you take any few decorations here, they can be sold for a good price in the human kingdom. If they were before the war started, the value would be even higher, but they are just ordinary decorations in the Royal Court of the Sea Tribe. The royal court of the clan is located, and it looks like a crystal palace.

Sea King is sitting on the main seat holding a trident that symbolizes the power of the Sea Clan. Below, the high-ranking priests and bloodline generals of the Sea Clan are lined up in two rows, standing respectfully. Since the high priest and his fearful After the death of the Abyssal Whale, the Sea King gradually consolidated his power. After a few months, he captured all the sea people, big and small, back into his hands and became the true king of the sea.

However, since he took back his power, Neptune has become increasingly intolerant of the existence of Harbor City, not only because Harbor City is located in Bengchang, the South China Sea, a key place related to the continuation of the Sea Clan, but also because of Neptune’s heart. Lee saw the city’s existence as a challenge to his power.

Whenever he sits on the throne like now, looking at the obedient sea tribe generals and priests below, he will think of the human city not far away, and a strong sense of humiliation will instantly surge into his heart. .

“Reporting to His Majesty the Sea King, the Abyssal Whale has appeared in the Western Sea again, threatening the survival of the four ethnic groups. At least more than 100,000 people have disappeared, but the blood warriors and priests have evacuated first.”


Neptune nodded, not taking it seriously, as long as the blood warriors and priests withdraw.

“Let them retreat to the east. Let the ethnic groups to the east be generous and not block them. Just let them go back when the giant deep-sea whale retreats.”

“Your Majesty.”

The threat to the Sea Tribe is not limited to Harbor City. The deep-sea giant whale is the existence that has always caused the Sea Tribe a headache. The number of Sea Tribes buried in the belly of the giant whale every year is no less than hundreds of thousands. These are more powerful than giant dragons in the sea. They are so huge that the Sea Clan has almost no good way to deal with them. They can only hide away. Anyway, the Sea King with the large population of the Sea Clan is actually very small. Losing hundreds of thousands a year is not a big deal.

The Sea Tribe and the Deep-Sea Giant Whale have coexisted for many years. The Sea Tribe has long been accustomed to the habits of the Deep-Sea Giant Whale. Even avoiding it is a matter of course in the heart of the Sea King. How many deep-sea giant whales devour several people every year? Neptune is not used to the affairs of individual ethnic groups, but humans are different. In the circle of the ocean, humans are forced to squeeze in. In comparison, there is less training for hundreds or thousands of years. From Neptune down, the entire sea clan is very Exclusion.

“Your Majesty, there is something wrong with the weapons traded with humans again.”

“What’s going on?”

When he mentioned that more than 100,000 sea tribesmen were devoured by the giant whale in the deep sea, Neptune’s expression was calm and almost unwavering. However, when the people below mentioned human beings, Neptune frowned. I always feel like there’s nothing good to say about humans.

“Humans said that the source of their weapons has been restricted, the price of these weapons will increase, and it is uncertain whether future trade can continue.”

“How much are they going to raise the price?”


“Ten times.”


“I have never seen a race as greedy as humans!”

The angry Neptune slapped his throne with his palm. This throne made of coral and crystal was not very strong, and a corner flew off when Neptune slapped it.

The weapons used by most sea warriors are primitive weapons made of sharp shells, sharp stones and seaweed. The weapons made of swordfish bones are considered high-end goods, and the armor is simply made of hard shells and seaweed. It is compiled. As for the effect of these equipment, it can only be said that it is better than empty-handed.

Does the Sea Clan not want to use metal weapons? Of course not, it’s just that the sea tribe, which mainly lives in the sea, does not have alchemy technology. It has no ability to make metal weapons at all. The metal equipment stolen from humans generally does not last too long, and seawater will quickly corrode it. Take away the metal equipment they snatched, and it won’t be long before these extremely sharp weapons on the shore will be broken and broken by rust, even worse than sharp stone axes, and will directly turn into tetanus swords.

However, everything has exceptions. Some of the fine weapons made by dwarves have a corrosive effect and can be used for a long time even in the humid environment of the sea. The Sea Tribe has inadvertently snatched several weapons made by dwarves. After many twists and turns, I discovered this kind of weapon. After many twists and turns, I contacted the human nobles in the south and purchased this kind of corrosive weapon from the dwarves.

Although the kingdom had banned the trading of any metal weapons to the Sea Clan, especially the sophisticated equipment made by the dwarves, before Pare came, the trade profits were too high, so they bought them from the dwarves and resold them to the Sea Clan. A round trip can even produce a huge profit of twenty times, which is enough profit to make anyone crazy.

All this kind of weapons trade has been banned repeatedly, and the Sea Clan has also accumulated a small amount to purchase a batch of weapons that can equip tens of thousands of royal court elites. The last time the Sea Clan ravaged the south on a large scale, Pare discovered The proportion of the Sea Clan equipped with dwarf weapons is a bit high, which once again strengthened the crackdown on the weapons smuggling trade. However, the Sea Clan could not bear to raise the purchase price again, and there were still some people who were willing to take risks and help the Sea Clan purchase weapons on their behalf.

But in this alliance, Pare directly cut off the supply of this kind of weapon smuggling from the source. From now on, all the weapons in Shiqiuyuan will be monopolized by him. The nobles in the south have to look at Pare’s face if they want to buy. , no matter how large-scale purchases are made to the Sea Tribe, the risk of being discovered is greatly increased. Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that the price of the only goods is increased tenfold. After all, scarcity is more valuable.

After Neptune smashed the handle of the chair, the senior leaders of the Sea Clan below did not dare to speak. Since the death of the high priest, Neptune’s majesty has become more and more serious. After waiting for a long time, someone cautiously suggested:

“Your Majesty, these humans are really hateful. Otherwise, we can just kill them and seize the weapons during the transaction.”

Because of the fear of being discovered by Pare’s men, the bold nobles usually send people to transport the weapons to the sea by ship, and then complete the transaction with the sea tribe from the sea to reduce the risk of being discovered.

This kind of transaction must be established under the condition that the Sea Clan abides by the contract. After all, the sea is always the home of the Sea Clan. If the Sea Clan has any evil intentions, it can make the weapons, ships and people disappear without a trace on the sea. No trace, not a shadow to be found.

However, although this proposal was very tempting, Neptune, who had calmed down a little, still rejected the suggestion:

“Don’t you just want some stones? There are plenty of them in the sea. Just buy this batch of goods at the price they said. Don’t make any other moves. Just trade normally.”

Although the Sea King is angry, he is not mindless. Normally, it is a harmless trivial matter for the Sea Tribe to rob the passing merchant ships, or even go ashore to rob them. Normally, he is too lazy to interfere, but if this kind of willingness to take risks is combined with The nobles of the Sea Clan who were trading weapons were robbed. After that, no one would dare to buy weapons for the Sea Clan anymore.

Although the tenfold increase in price is sinister, it is just an exchange for some rare treasures from the sea. These things are valuable to humans, but here in the sea tribe, they just waste their efforts to collect them. It is not unacceptable, but on the contrary The real trouble is when the other party says that future transactions may not be able to continue.

I finally found metal weapons that can be used in the sea. I have equipped many bloodline warriors and patrol guards. If I say it, it will be gone and I will have to go back to the previous state. No matter what, I must try to be as stable as possible. If you live in this trade channel, you can directly rob.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Seeing that Neptune still decided to continue to use trading methods to obtain weapons, the faces of the people below also changed very quickly. They looked indignant just now, but now they have regained their composure.

“If nothing happens, let’s leave today.”

“Your Majesty, urgent report from the clam farm.”

Just as Neptune was about to leave, a patrol guard swam into the cave at an extremely fast speed, attracting the attention of everyone present.

“What happened?”

“Humans are expanding that city!”


The palace that had returned to silence suddenly exploded.

The human city in Bangchang can be said to be the most sensitive point of the Sea Clan. Now that they heard that humans are planning to expand the city, everyone present can’t sit still.

“Where is the general in charge of the patrol? What does Yunus do for food? Why don’t you stop him?”

“Master Yunus led his men to stop him, but was hacked to death by a human sword. All the patrol guards on the Bengchang land were driven off by humans!”

“Damn! Humans are looking for death!”

Neptune, who had always wanted to pull out of Harbor City, could no longer bear it this time and made a decision almost in an instant.

“General Diwu!”

“Your Majesty!”

“Immediately take 50,000 patrol guards to Benchang and let all surrounding ethnic groups gather in Benchang.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Priest of Lorwyn!”

“Your Majesty!”

“Let all the priests in the sacrificial hall be prepared and go to the clam field with the army immediately.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

After making the decision, Neptune was not polite and directly used the strongest power in his hand to attack Harbor City.

After a few orders, the number of ordinary sea warriors used as cannon fodder will be at least one million. As for the sea patrol guards led by Di Wu, they are the essence of Wang Ting. These sea patrol guards are not comparable to those cannon fodder soldiers of the sea tribe that ordinary people can kill a few. These sea patrol guards of Wang Ting can basically compete with the most powerful soldiers. There are quite a lot of weak quasi-knights, and half of them are equipped with smuggled dwarf weapons. With a large number of priests accompanying them, the Sea King will not move, and will completely bulldoze the harbor city.


Harbour City

Paul organized his men very quickly. Not long after he had just expelled the Hai tribe, civilians and workers were already working to expand the city. The soldiers who were maintaining order around him had a somewhat excited expression on their faces. After all, they just won the battle.

“Captain, these sea tribes are too inexperienced. Even those patrol guards who could fight a little were shot to death by a few powerful crossbows. We have been hiding in that city for so long. We should have come out long ago. They drove away.”

In the battle just now, Paul’s troops obviously took a big advantage. First, they caught the Sea Clan off guard. The Sea Clan responsible for monitoring Harbor City did not react at all. Second, the Sea Clan’s combat effectiveness on land It’s really a stretch. Ordinary sea warriors are very powerless against fully armed human warriors. The inferior weapons in their hands can’t even break the armor on the soldiers. These well-trained soldiers on land can easily cut down seven or eight. Sea warrior.

Even a patrol guard, whose strength is comparable to that of a quasi-knight, is only equivalent to an elite soldier in actual combat. There is still a big difference between having armor and not having armor. Human quasi-knights, in addition to their strength and combat experience In addition, they have to wear at least a hundred kilograms of heavy armor, which can withstand most ordinary arrows. Although the sea patrol guards of the sea tribe also wear protective gear, the defensive effect is not good, and they did not wait for humans to do so. The expert on the side took action, and the ordinary soldiers were shot into hedgehogs with powerful crossbows.

That is to say, the Sea Clan blood warriors who were responsible for the garrison were a little troublesome, but they were quickly killed when Paul took action personally. The victory came so easily that some of the new recruits actually became swollen.

“Hey, you kid, just cherish your good mood now. We are surrounded by the sea. When the sea tribe starts to counterattack…”

Before the captain finished speaking, a hint of fear appeared on his face. He thought of those densely packed sea warriors, and his scalp was numb just thinking about that scene. They were endless and endless…

Similarly, Paul, who had won the victory, also looked worried. After driving away the sea army stationed in the bay where Harbor City was located, Paul would stand high and look out at the sea from time to time, not daring to be careless at all.

Gu Gu Gu Gu….

Gu Gu Gu Gu….

Just as Paul swept towards the sea again, dense bubbles appeared near the clam field. Then, the sea warriors emerged from the sea one by one, occupying almost the entire beach in a few breaths.

“The Sea Clan is coming!”

“Get ready to fight!”

“Dang, Dang, Dang…”

As the warning bell rang, the entire Harbor City entered a state of tension.


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