Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 578: Conditions and Harbor City


The next thing became logical. With Pare’s method and hard work for so long, the dwarves were already inclined to form an alliance with humans. The principle of lips dying and teeth falling apart applies everywhere. Previously, due to tradition, no one picked up the Dwarf King’s Shield, and the dwarf army could not leave the Stone Hill Plains. Now, Richard picked up the Dwarf King’s Shield to break the last obstacle, and the two sides quickly reached an agreement.

After the two parties reached an agreement, the smile on the corner of Pare’s mouth never disappeared, and his excitement was even comparable to when he recruited a powerful Saint-level man named Mi Xiu.

According to the covenant, the dwarves immediately sent 100,000 troops to help the humans in the south guard the city, and will continue to increase their troops if necessary. Although the population of dwarves is small, only about one million, there is not much difference between men and women. Some female dwarves not only have the same thick arms and legs as male dwarves, but their body hair is not necessarily shorter than that of male dwarves. If the number of troops is increased to the limit, , the dwarves can even squeeze out more than half a million fully armed warriors, which is definitely a strong reinforcement.

Because the regular army of the kingdom in the south was mobilized in large numbers, the kingdom’s power in the south was extremely empty. Parley had less than 300,000 newly formed direct troops, plus more than 200,000 unreliable nobles. Armed, most of his thoughts are even on how to maintain his rule in the south and put down the rebellion. If the orcs attack the south, he probably has no other choice but to flood the city and escape overseas.

Pale has been living in fear ever since the orcs broke through Dragon’s Breath Pass. Now with the full support of the dwarf army, not only can he once again consolidate his rule in the south, but he will also be much better equipped to face the orcs’ attack. With fewer choices, at least you have some capital to resist, so you don’t just think about how to retreat more beautifully.

Not only that, in the covenant, Parley also got the exclusive right to purchase dwarf equipment. At least in the south of the kingdom, he will not be able to control the sporadic dwarf blacksmiths in the future. If he wants to obtain the fine dwarf products from the Stone Hill Plain on a large scale, Weapons and equipment cannot bypass Parley, which is of great significance for him to suppress the aristocratic armed forces in the south.


The south of the kingdom is always warmer than the north. At this time, most ordinary people in the north are still wearing cotton-padded clothes. The chill has not receded much, but people in Posy City are already wearing single clothes, and the vegetation in the city has also sprouted new buds. .

“Brother-in-law, come and try this dish, the most tender South Sea swordfish. This thing will die within half an hour of being out of the water. It cannot be fed no matter what. It must be caught from the sea and sent to Posey City immediately. Only when it is the freshest can we cook it. Except for the south, I am afraid that this fresh swordfish cannot be eaten anywhere in the kingdom.”

After returning to Percy City from the Plains of Stone Hill, Parley held a banquet in honor of Richard and the dwarf representatives who came with him. Apart from Richard, the only people who were qualified to serve at the table were Mishu and Sandro who were accompanying him. .

Because they had just made an alliance with the dwarves, both Parley and Richard were in good spirits. In addition, there was also a drunken dwarf representative in the group, so the atmosphere of this meal was quite good, even Sandro, who couldn’t taste any food, pretended to take a few sips at Richard’s signal.

The representative of the dwarves who are good at drinking wine has already been drunk by the strong liquor from the North. Although the dwarves have good alcohol capacity, they cannot withstand ten pounds of alcohol with a temperature of more than 50 degrees.

Richard did not refuse Pare’s kindness and tasted the food he had specially prepared. It was one thing that the saury was tender, but the key was that it had no thorns. Even a picky person like Richard couldn’t bear to eat more. Took a few bites.

Only Mi Xiu stood aside, his face always looking a little unhappy, as if he had endured it for a long time and then said to Parley:

“Sir, the cost of this table of meals is enough to feed a commoner family for a year. There are many poor people in the south who cannot afford three meals a day. I think we should save money.”

Mixiu’s words of admonishment were a bit harsh, and he even meant to teach Parley a lesson on this table. Anyone in a higher position would probably be furious at this moment. After all, although Parley’s meal was expensive, it was expensive. It’s not necessarily how luxurious it is, at least half of the nobles in Percy City can reach this level, and blaming Parley in public is somewhat embarrassing.

Although Misuo defected to Parley, he still did not position himself correctly. Not only was he very powerful, but he also had a part of the Knights team brought by Hussein, so he would be more conspicuous in any force. , at least it is difficult for Richard to tolerate such subordinates, but Richard is different from Parley. A master who has just entered the holy level can only be regarded as a good combat power for Richard, but under Parley’s command It is simply a strategic level existence.

So when faced with Mi Xiu’s somewhat rude accusation, Parley not only did not get angry, but instead explained with a smile:

“It won’t happen again, this time it’s to celebrate the signing of the alliance and entertain Richard by the way.”

After Parei directly “gived up”, even the stubborn Mi Xiu did not continue to pester. The matter was resolved for the time being. Richard bid farewell to Parei alone after the banquet. This time he had already given up because of the dwarf incident. After several days of delay, his main purpose was to go to Harbor City to set up a teleportation array and take some of the power that Harbor City had developed during this period back to the North.

“Brother-in-law, you are busy with work, so I won’t keep you much. This is a golden ticket of two hundred thousand gold. There are also some weapons and equipment sent by the dwarves outside. I will have someone load it on a ship for you in a while and send it directly to you. Harbor City.”

This is the most comfortable thing about Pare’s work. Every time he is so generous, it makes Richard feel a little embarrassed. He originally gave him 500,000 gold, but after the work was completed, he made up for it more. Two hundred thousand, and a batch of supplies was also given to Richard.

Richard was not pretentious. He accepted the gold and thanked him. He hesitated for a moment and then said:

“Your Highness Parley, have you felt that your efficiency has improved a lot recently when practicing Dou Qi?”


“There’s been a lot going on lately, so I didn’t pay attention to this.”

Richard was already about to leave. Pare was a little surprised when he suddenly asked about fighting spirit cultivation, but he still answered Richard’s question honestly. Unlike the eldest prince, who has an obvious military style, Pare prefers traditional superiors. The biggest requirement for his own strength is to become a knight to obtain the threshold of inheritance, and the second is to rush to the great knight and live a longer life in good health. As for actual combat, he has no experience at all. To let Pare If he had a fight with the eldest prince, Parley would definitely lose badly.

“Recently, His Highness Parley can try to focus on improving his personal strength, which may lead to considerable results. Some of the government affairs can be left to his subordinates.”

“Strength. A great knight is enough. I know how much I weigh. If it weren’t for the fact that I am a prince, with my talent, I may not even be able to become a knight.”

“If you are stronger, you will always have an extra chance of survival if you encounter an accident.”

“Then I won’t let myself encounter accidents. With General Mixiu here, few enemies can pose a threat to me. If General Mixiu can’t protect me, then it will be useless no matter how strong I am. .”

“However, what my brother-in-law said makes sense. If I have time, I will try my best to improve my strength.”

Due to the continuous recovery of energy, the advancement of knights has become significantly easier than before. Knights who practice hard every day can basically feel this change. Only parallel knights like Parley who rely on resources can Not very sensitive to changes in the environment. In this world, the strength of the great knights is still inferior to those of superiors. They do not have enough combat experience. If they encounter a surprise attack like the shadow assassins, if they cannot respond quickly, they are likely to be beheaded directly.

However, Richard stopped talking here. Whether he could listen to it or not was Parley’s own business. After a few more pleasantries, Richard took the gold Naer sent by Parley and took the mountain with him. Drew disappeared into Percy City. As for the equipment and supplies that Parley planned to send to Harbor City, he naturally followed them and sent them slowly. It was impossible for Richard to wait for the supplies to move together.

South China Sea

In Harbor City, the morning fog is filled with fog, and occasionally a light breeze causes some ripples on the sea surface.

This city, thousands of miles away from the mainland and built less than half a year ago, is like a sharp knife against the chest of the Sea Clan, threatening the safety of the Sea Clan’s clam farm at any time.

Of course, while Harbor City is threatening the safety of the Sea Clan Clam Farm, it is also surrounded by hundreds of millions of Sea Clan. Both sides have concerns and have been maintaining a balance in the danger.

In addition to system soldiers in Harbor City, the outer city is also home to many refugees who have been transferred from land. These refugees living in the outer city have gradually numbered in the tens of thousands. Under Paul’s management, Order is pretty well maintained.

At first, these refugees were a little afraid of the sea people around them. After all, anyone who sees the dense sea people wandering around will develop trypophobia. Moreover, the hostility of these sea people is completely written on their faces. superior.

However, a period of time has passed, and the two sides have maintained a peaceful situation, and the civilians have become a little bolder. They cannot see so far, and only know that temporary safety is enough. Harbor City The streets of the outer city even have the appearance of a bustling port, with hundreds of large ships docking here every day.

Next, the prosperity of Harbor City will reach a higher level. After arriving at Harbor City, Richard went straight to the inner city of the system. In an open space in the center of the Harbor City Castle, he arranged a space connected to Miracle City. With the teleportation array, Harbor City will no longer be an empty city in the future, and the day of completely subduing the Sea Clan, building the seventh-level soldier lair in Harbor City, and the Sea Dragon Maelstrom can finally be put on the agenda.

The significance of the establishment of the teleportation array is not only that the armies of the two territories, one in the south and one in the north, can support each other, but more importantly, it has commercial value. A new trade route, the traditional trade route of the kingdom, all follow Water transportation from north to south in Longjiang is convenient from north to south, but from north to south it is a countercurrent, which is extremely difficult. Most of the roads have to be traveled by land, which is ridiculously expensive. However, goods from the south can be transported to the seaport first. City, and then use the teleportation array of Harbor City to send it directly to Miracle City. In the future, whether Richard wants to have exclusive business access or charges fees, he will gain huge economic benefits.

“Sir Richard, there are currently more than 33,000 residents in Harbor City. According to your request, a garrison of a flag regiment with a total of 5,000 people has been maintained.”

After the teleportation array was established, Richard went to the city lord’s palace and found General Paul, whom he had almost forgotten. This General Paul was placed in Harbor City. No one in the Northland contacted him for a month or two. But he is still working hard. When Richard appeared suddenly, Paul was able to report the situation in Harbor City like a treasure. Looking at the recent development of the outer city, the refugees have basically stabilized, and the garrison is also well-trained. , the talents certified by the system are indeed quite capable.

“Well, have Harbor City encountered any difficulties recently?”

“There is still plenty of supplies. His Highness Parley has been delivering supplies, but the population is growing a bit fast. Every day, many people from the mainland who can’t survive follow the ship to the Harbor City.”

Although the southern part of the kingdom is prosperous, only a few nobles can enjoy the prosperity. Most civilians are still living a miserable life. In addition, the damage caused by the previous large-scale invasion of the Sea Tribe has not yet been healed. There are many civilians who are living a difficult life. , even Pare can only improve this situation, but it is difficult to fundamentally solve the problem. The only variable is that there is an additional seaport city in the South China Sea. A few people who cannot make it or want to give it a try will choose to follow the fleet. Go to Harbor City to make a living.

“Isn’t rapid population growth a good thing? I wish there were 100,000 people in Harbor City now.”

“Sir, the demarcation line negotiated with the Hai Clan at that time is already a bit small. Our city can no longer accommodate so many people. Recently, we have asked those chambers of commerce not to bring too many people over.”

After Paul’s reminder, Richard realized that the only important land before was the bay. A small city with a capacity of 30 to 40 thousand people was basically the limit. If the population continued to increase, the city would only be expanded, which would violate the law. reached an agreement with the Sea Tribe.

But the agreement is an agreement, and the reality is reality. The so-called teleportation array has been built at this time, and Richard is planning to build the Harbor City into the most prosperous port. In the future, the total volume of goods handled here will at least double More than a hundred times, there is no way this scale can satisfy it.

“Organize manpower and expand the city as soon as possible. In addition, let those chambers of commerce increase their immigration efforts. There are as many people as there are in Harbor City.”

“But where is the Sea Clan, sir?”

Richard’s words were simple, but Paul had to consider the attitude of the Sea Clan. Now they seemed to have reached a balance, but if the Sea Clan really wanted to destroy Harbor City regardless of the loss, it would cost hundreds of thousands or even millions. Under the siege of the Sea Clan, Harbor City really couldn’t stop it. In Paul’s opinion, it was quite unwise to provoke the Sea Clan in this way.

“Just do what you do, and I will take care of the Sea Clan’s side.”

“Yes, sir.”

Richard’s attitude was firm, and Paul could only accept the order, but he was inevitably a little worried.

However, Richard naturally has his own confidence when he dares to do this. In the past, it was beyond the reach of the Northland, so they could only compromise with each other. Now that the teleportation array is established, apart from the ultimate Hydra, Richard can bring in giants at any time. Dragons and giants open the eyes of the sea tribe…


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