Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 577: Untitled


Is it so heavy?

Compared with the unfazed expressions of the dwarves around him, Richard himself was the one who was most surprised. He knew how powerful he was. Not to mention that it was just an oak shield, it was made entirely of diamonds. You can also pick it up with **** and play with it. There is nothing special about the stone platform at the base. Under normal circumstances, if he hits it with all his strength, this kind of rock layer can break a large piece.

Li Cha looked at the motionless dwarf Wang Dun and seriously considered whether he could directly use his fighting spirit to attack. The surrounding rocks didn’t seem to have anything special, and even this Wang Dun wasn’t actually that strong. With the strength of his realm, he should be able to pick it up by directly blasting the entire surrounding area including the dwarf king’s shield.

After thinking for a moment, Richard gave up this tempting idea. After all, he didn’t know if the dwarf king’s shield was damaged, whether the dwarf would agree with him taking up the shield, or whether he would treat him directly as an enemy. He could just leave and go back to the Northland, and Pare would have to be tricked by him.

Looking at Richard hesitating on the spot, the dwarves around him did not make any urging move. After all, they believe that they have seen many people who are confident in their own strength over the years. Whoever is full of confidence in the beginning will never be able to do it all at once. To give up, some people have to try for several hours to accept this reality. Little do they know what dangerous thoughts Richard had just had.

“Open the Giant’s Ring.”

Richard walked around the stone platform where the Dwarf King Shield was placed. After finding nothing out of the ordinary, he simply used his trump card, touched the Giant’s Ring on his finger, and muttered silently in his mind, “Use it.” The ability of the treasure.

Giants are originally overlord-level creatures known for their strength. The addition of all the powers of a giant increased Richard’s strength by more than twenty points out of thin air. In terms of physical strength alone, Richard even felt that even those beings in the realm of holy jealousy might not be stronger than him. With his current strength, it would not be a problem to perform a craniotomy on a giant dragon with bare hands.

Richard, who had activated the Giant’s Ring, felt explosive power all over his body. He once again came to the dwarf king’s shield and leaned down, grabbing the dwarf’s king’s shield tightly with both hands and exerting all his strength.

One second,

Two seconds,

Three seconds,

With such a powerful dwarf, King Dun still remained motionless. Richard stood awkwardly on the spot. A slightly disappointed look appeared on Parley’s face. After all, Richard’s various magical powers in the past made him have a huge respect for Richard. Unexpectedly, their confidence was also compromised by the dwarf king’s shield. The dwarf king Norton and several dwarf clan chiefs had a smile on their faces. After all, people like Richard who had tried many times and couldn’t win the king’s shield could not win. After seeing it so much, I even felt a little secretly happy in addition to regret. The treasures of our clan are not so easy to pick up.

After a few seconds of exerting his strength, Richard knew that he had failed again this time, so he could only give up again and stood up. He was not a person who could not afford to lose. There was nothing he could do if he really couldn’t hold him. This Wang Dun There is a certain reason why no one has picked it up for thousands of years. It’s just a pity that the dwarves, such an important force, cannot be roped into the war with the orcs. They can only obtain the support of the dwarves by purchasing weapons and equipment.

Richard did not intend to spend hours or even a day here like others, unable to pick it up if he could not pick it up. His time was precious and he did not want to continue to waste it in vain.

“Sir Richard, there is something wrong with this cave.”

Just when Richard turned around and was about to admit defeat, Sandro’s hoarse voice came from his mind.

“Oh? What’s the problem?”

Hearing Sandro’s reminder, Richard, who was about to give up, stopped and looked at Sandro, who was keeping a low profile in a black robe, with doubtful eyes.

“The cave has been set up with a solidified magic circle. The space around the shield should have been folded. The method is quite clever.”

Although Sandro is a legendary necromancer and specializes in necromancy, he is also a master mage himself and has considerable attainments in various magics, although his current strength is limited. , has not yet reached the holy level, and is less than one-tenth of what it was in its heyday, but its vision and experience cannot be limited by level. Although the person who arranged it is clever and hides the solidified magic circle well, Sandro is still I saw some clues.

“Is there a solution?”

“You can try it.”

Faced with Richard’s questions, Sandro’s answers were also very cautious. He was able to hide it from him at the beginning. The person who arranged this magic circle should be on par with him in his heyday. Sandro Although I saw the clues, I didn’t dare to rely on others to guarantee that the problem could be solved.

Richard nodded. After all, it was a dead horse being treated as a living horse doctor. It would be better to let Sandru try it.

Then, Richard turned to look at the dwarf and asked:

“Your Highness Norton, I would like to ask, when was the last time someone picked up this royal shield?”

The conversation between Richard and Sandro was almost ignored by everyone present. Norton, the dwarf king, only thought that Richard was stunned for a few seconds. After suddenly hearing Richard’s question, Norton first said: He was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately. After all, it is normal for Richard to ask this question. After these arrogant challengers fail, they always want to know who the last winner was.

“You have asked the right person this question. I am the only one among the dwarves who remembers it most clearly. The last person to pick up this shield was an elf named Mace more than a thousand years ago. The elf saint wizard of the tower, after he picked up the king’s shield, asked the dwarves to pool their strength to create enchanted weapons for him. Yes, at that time, we dwarves could also create enchanted weapons engraved with runes, which could be used with one strike. To smash the weapon of an ancient dragon, we dwarves, except the elves at that time…”

The dragon here can be crushed to pieces, literally. The rune weapon made by the dwarves and the elves may have the same effect when it hits the dragon as a machine gun in modern weapons directly hits the human body. It was difficult to find a complete body. Norton seemed to be a bit of a talker, or Richard just handed the words to a place where he could show off, and started chattering as soon as he started talking.

But after hearing Mesta’s name, Richard fell into thinking.


This name Richard is too familiar. Not only has he heard of this elf saint wizard, he has even seen it. The current Snowfield City was built on the ruins of this elf saint wizard’s mage tower. The Snow Giant, the God-Killing Ring, and the Twilight of the Gods during the Elf Empire seem to be inextricably linked to this person.

If Mesta was the one who tampered with this dwarf king’s shield, then everything would be understandable. It is a common thing for this existence to make arrangements and fool the dwarves for thousands of years. According to this tradition, dwarves are used as tools. This elf mage with a somewhat bad personality seems to be able to do such a thing. Richard, who has probably figured out the ins and outs, looks at Norton’s expression with a little sympathy.

Norton looked at Richard with a strange expression and stopped bragging about the glorious history of the dwarves.

“Giving up is actually not a big deal. No one has been able to pick up the King’s Shield for thousands of years. Although we can’t send troops, we can provide you with more weapons and equipment, armor and weapons, as well as our dwarves’ crossbows for the cost. I’ll sell it to you at a reasonable price, as long as you get some more wine in exchange.”

Richard’s sympathetic gaze was interpreted by Norton as loneliness after failure. The dwarf king, who had a good nature, even took the initiative to comfort Richard.

Richard doesn’t believe the cost price. No matter how upright the dwarves are, they still have to live. They need to import some food and daily necessities from the human world. Individuals can be friendly with each other. Of course, interests must be the first priority between the two races. , but according to the price that Richard knows, the dwarves currently do not earn much from the equipment they sell to Parley. The dwarves who cannot directly send troops also hope that humans can be armed as much as possible. The dwarf equipment that was originally expensive in the human world is now no longer available. The equipment of the established system has arrived in the army under Pa Lei, and the equipment of several main legions is even more luxurious than that of the Dragon Army under Richard.

However, the purpose of Richard and his party’s visit this time was not for some weapons and equipment. What they wanted was to completely tie the dwarves into a chariot against the orcs. How could they give up so easily.

“I want my general Sandro to give it a try.”

Shaking his head, Richard pointed at Sandro, who had always been very low-key.

The eyes of the people around him were all focused on Sandro. People like Mi Xiu and Parley who knew Sandro’s existence were fine. They were just a little surprised when they heard what Richard said. They didn’t know what Richard was selling. The dwarf king Norton didn’t notice Sandru’s existence at first. He followed Richard’s pointer and his first reaction was, who is this guy and when did he follow him.

However, although Richard’s request for substitution was strange, it was not too much. Norton and several dwarf clan leaders nodded in agreement without any discussion. Anyway, in their opinion, it would only take a little more time. This man in black robe seems to have small arms and legs, and is even thinner than Richard just now. He can only possibly pick up Wang Dun.

After receiving the agreement, Sandro stepped forward and stretched out his withered hand to touch Wang Dun. The moment this hand stretched out from the black robe, let alone Mi Xiu, there were several carefree dwarves present. They couldn’t help but frown, and instinctively felt a little uncomfortable. This was the instinct of the living to reject the undead like Sandro. However, the few dwarves did not make any more moves. This has never happened on this continent. Things like natural disasters of the undead are far less contradictory and sharp than in the world of Invincible Heroes.

On the other side, Sandro stretched out his hand and seemed to be trying to pick up the dwarf king’s shield, but in fact he was already competing with the magic circle left by Mesta.

“It’s really amazing.”

While using his own magic power to try to destroy the arrangements left by Mesta, he kept expressing his admiration for Mesta. A person like Sandro, who is so arrogant and almost arrogant, can make His constant praise showed the level of Mesta’s magical attainments.

After another ten minutes, everyone still saw a still scene. Sandro’s withered hand placed on the dwarf king’s shield and there was no other movement. At this time, Norton became a little impatient. This guy didn’t even move to pick it up, so he just put his hand on it and practiced.

“Mr. Sandro, how long are you going to delay like this? If you can’t pick it up, no one will laugh at you.”

“Hey, don’t worry, it’s done.”

“It’s a pity that time is indeed the enemy of all things. If it had just been laid out, I would have been unable to do anything about it with my current strength.”

Sandro said something that left everyone confused. Only Richard understood what he meant. Although the solidifying magic array arranged by Mesta was powerful, it could not withstand the erosion of time. The low ebb of magic power in 2008 also prevented it from being replenished. Although Sandru’s strength had not recovered at this time, he still successfully completed the crack.

“Sir, please try again.”

After saying that, Sandro retreated behind Richard and once again followed Richard’s order and remained silent.

And Richard stepped forward again and reached out to the dwarf Wang Dun.

Norton couldn’t understand the back and forth between Richard and Sandro, but like several clan leaders, he was addicted to alcohol at this time and became a little impatient, but he didn’t wait for him yet. After urging him, the next second he was so shocked by the scene in front of him that his mouth formed an O shape. The dwarf chiefs around him basically had the same expression as him.

Richard stretched out his hand and picked up the dwarf Wang Dun with almost no difficulty. The earth-yellow round shield was carried by Richard with one hand, as if it was not the same person who had exhausted all his strength and failed to pick up the Wang Dun. Personally average.

Compared with the surprised dwarves, on the other side, Parley looked ecstatic. For Richard, the alliance between humans and dwarves was a strategic necessity, but for Parley, it was a real benefit.

If it weren’t for the sake of remaining a little reserved, Parley would have jumped up with excitement at this moment. Even so, Parley couldn’t help but wave his hands vigorously.

As for how much role Sandro played in it, no one paid attention to it. Among the people present, only Mi Xiu saw a little bit of clues.

After Richard put down the dwarf king’s shield, Parley gave Richard a fierce bear hug, and the dwarves also reacted at this time.

“Okay, now we should talk about alliances.”

“You can bring more wine.”



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