Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 576: Visit and try


Richard is a man of action. As soon as he makes a decision to do anything, he will do it immediately without any delay. After receiving Paley’s letter and deciding to go south, he said a few words to Egger and Catherine that day. , and rushed to Posey City with Sandro.

Although the skill of teleportation cannot lead an army to move, it is definitely a magic skill for individuals to rush on the road. When Richard’s level was not high, he had to stop to rest and recover when using teleportation to rush on the road.

Richard, who is now in his thirties, has already improved his mental attributes, and his upper limit of magic power is much more sufficient than before. Even with Sandro, he moved directly to Percy City in one go.

Richard’s arrival really surprised Pare, not that he was surprised by Richard’s choice. Everyone is a smart person. In this situation, it is absolutely normal for Richard to choose to help.

What surprised Parley was Richard’s speed. Counting the days, the letter should have just arrived. In the blink of an eye, Richard appeared outside the city lord’s palace. This came too fast.

However, Parley, who had seen some of Richard’s magical methods, quickly put away his surprised expression and went out to welcome Richard in with a smile on his face.

“Brother-in-law, I have to trouble you again this time. This is five hundred thousand kinaar. You can withdraw it at any time from several merchants under my name.”

After welcoming Richard into the living room in person, Parley offered half a million gold coins without negotiating any terms. The meaning was very clear. No matter whether the matter could be settled or not, the five hundred thousand gold coins would be a gift. It can be regarded as the reward he gave Richard.

Such a sum of money, in the past, the Hunter family would probably not be able to raise it even if it was ten or twenty. Even now, it is still a huge sum of money, but Pare took it without blinking an eye. Come out, in addition to the fact that this guy holds the military, political and economic power in the south and is indeed very rich, he is also really good at life.

At least Richard, who accepted Jinnaer, felt a little bit in his heart that if he didn’t get things done, he would feel a little sorry.

The two of them are very familiar with each other, and Richard is not going to say too many polite words. After collecting Parley’s Jinnar, he is going to learn more about the operation of Shiqiuzhiyuan.

But at this moment, someone very familiar to Richard came in outside the meeting hall.

“General Mi Xiu.”

Mixiu, who was dressed in silver armor, walked into the meeting hall. He was very clean and could not see any traces of battle, but Richard could still feel the vague smell of blood on the other party. Most likely, he had just been wiped out. Which rebellious little nobleman.

Although Pare controls the city of Posey and commands the entire south, the situation in the south of the kingdom is much more complicated than that of the Central Plains and the North. With the entanglement of nobles and church forces, Pare has far more control over the people below. It’s not as good as the Northland, which needs force to deter them from time to time.

Li Cha nodded to Mi Xiu who came in, showing a kind attitude towards his former enemy. However, Mi Xiu’s face was very serious, staring at Li Cha and his entourage with vigilance, and suddenly stood in front of Li Cha Between Cha and Parley.

“Your Highness Parley, that person is very dangerous.”

Mixiu’s vigilance was not directed at Richard. His eyes were firmly fixed on Sandro who was following Richard.

Although Sandro was recruited through the system and Richard had an agreement with Namtaru, Richard finally decided to take Sandro with him along with several archangels. There are multiple helpers. After all, even if Sandro stays in Miracle City, it is inconvenient to participate in the affairs of the territory. He is idle when he is idle. Secondly, it also means a bit of surveillance and observation.

I didn’t expect that Mi Xiu’s perception was so sensitive. Although Mi Xiu didn’t necessarily understand that there were such things as undead creatures in the world, he could feel the terrifying and violent aura under the black robe.

I sensed the danger at the first moment and protected Parley behind me.

“Hey, what a pure soul. If I make it into a resentful soul, I might be able to directly become a hero-level unit.”

Although he didn’t know what a resentful spirit was, Mi Xiu could still clearly feel the unkindness in Sandro’s tone, and he instinctively took out his weapon from his waist.

“Shut up, Sandro, stop talking without my permission.”

Richard found that Sandro had other problems, but his bad mouth was obvious. Facing Mi Xiu, whose strength was temporarily stronger than his own, he had to have a bad mouth. .

“General Mixiu, is there any misunderstanding? This is a subordinate brought by Lord Richard and will not be detrimental to me.”

Although Parley has a high position and power, his strength is only that of using resources to stack up the great knights. He is a little bit worse than the great prince. Although he is not an ordinary person, he is not an ordinary person in this chamber. He was so much stronger than ordinary people. Apart from feeling a little gloomy about Sandro, he couldn’t feel any other danger at all.

After seeing Richard’s order, Sandro calmed down, and Mi Xiu temporarily lowered his guard and looked at Richard strangely.

“Every one of your men is more surprising than the other. I can’t even feel a heartbeat in him, and there is no breath of life in him.”

“Ahem, tell me about Ishiokahara and what specifically I need to do.”

Li Cha had no intention of continuing to dwell on this topic and directly turned the topic to the more serious matter this time.

Parley was not so curious to find out the details of one of Richard’s subordinates, so he directly took over the conversation and explained to Richard in detail about the Stone Hill Plains and the dwarves.

To sum up, if they can form an alliance with the dwarves, they will not only get more high-quality and cheap weapons and equipment, but also get the dwarves to directly send troops to help.

The individual combat power of the dwarves is not weaker than that of the orcs, and is even slightly stronger. The dwarves only need to send 200,000 to 300,000 troops, and Parley can use the south to contain the large number of orcs’ combat power, which will affect the entire battle. All have benefits.

Third, Parley has done his best in the preliminary work. Several leaders of the dwarves have felt the danger of the orcs and are inclined to ally with the southern humans to resist the orc army. However, due to tradition, someone must pick up the dwarves. Only then could Wang Dun agree to send troops.

What is missing now is someone who can pick up the treasure and lift the traditional restrictions on dwarves.

“How about it, brother-in-law, are you sure?”

“You have to try it first.”

Actually, this is what Richard said modestly. According to Paley, it takes a lot of strength to pick up this shield. Richard has nothing but great strength. Richard of the Domain Realm said that the physical body There are few carbon-based creatures on the Power Continent that can defeat him. After activating the effect of the Giant’s Ring, Richard is confident that he will not lose to any existence in terms of strength.

If he couldn’t pick up the Dwarf King’s Shield even with his strength, it must not be his problem, there must be something wrong with the treasure itself.

“Without further ado, let’s get ready to go. Let’s go to the Plains of Stone Hills.”

Although he did not receive a positive answer from Richard, Parley obviously still had great expectations for Richard, and did not let Richard take a day’s rest. He immediately led the team from Poxi City and went straight to Shiqiu. The original.

Percy City is not far from the Plains of Stone Hills. Humans occupy the plains, while dwarves occupy the hilly areas. There have always been trade exchanges between the dwarves and humans, and the relationship between the two parties is relatively harmonious.

A few light cavalry were reduced, and the weakest in the team was the big knight Parley. He was traveling very fast, and it took him less than a day to reach the border of the Stone Hill Plains.

“Your Highness Parley, things are ready.”


A few people stopped for a moment at the border. It wasn’t because they couldn’t keep up with their physical strength, but because there was a whole fleet of vehicles parked here. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of large vehicles, all with large jars on them.

Even though it was well sealed, Richard could smell the strong aroma of wine. This was one of the important goods traded between humans and dwarves in the south, wine. It is also an important item for connecting with dwarves. In addition to eating and drinking, dwarves have two major hobbies: drinking and blacksmithing. Sometimes these two hobbies can even be done at the same time.

“Brother-in-law, I still bought these wines from your Northland Liquor Store. The taste is too strong, which is why these dwarves like it.”

The distillation technology for purifying liquor is also one of the small technology trees that Richard opened for the territory in his early days. This thing is really simple. With a little guidance, workers can make high-concentration liquor.

Originally, Richard had high expectations for these spirits, hoping that these wines could become representative products of Northland trade. Who knew that the nobles of the Golden Dragon Kingdom were not fond of this drink. Except for the cold Northland, Sales of these spirits were modest throughout the Central Plains and South.

On the contrary, the dwarves were the most interested in these wines and became the biggest buyers, which increased the sales of spirits in the Northland a lot.

When the convoy entered the Stone Hill Plains, some dwarves followed them one after another. They were not curious about the human convoy, but were attracted by the aroma of wine in the convoy.

Soon some dwarves couldn’t help but ask questions

“Are you human merchants? How do you sell these wines? Look at how many jars I can exchange for this new two-handed sword.”

“Hey, tell me a price, why don’t you open a jar and let me have a taste.”

If these wines are exchanged for weapons made by dwarves, it will definitely be a sure profit for Parley. However, the focus this time is to form an alliance with the dwarves. These hundreds of jars of spirits are gifts, so naturally it is not May be sold on this.

However, the aroma of wine was too strong, and many drunken dwarves followed the convoy one after another, thinking about how to get two jars of wine from the convoy.

Facing these dwarves who were attracted by the wine, Pare also had a headache. It was impossible to be afraid. There were two saints in the team, but he didn’t want to conflict with the dwarves when he came here. If These dwarves following the convoy couldn’t help but grab the wine. He really didn’t know how to deal with it.

Fortunately, the officer in charge of the Dwarf Royal Court’s reception appeared in time, and hundreds of armored and sharp dwarf soldiers protected the convoy in the middle, finally stopping the thoughts of the dwarves who had been following the convoy.

“Lord Parley, I am here to greet you on the order of King Norton.”

“Thank you, General Rye.”

Pare already recognized this general of the Dwarf Royal Court, and he had obviously been to the Plain of Stone Hills more than once.

“This is the Kingdom’s Northland King, Lord Richard, and the warrior who tried to pick up the King’s Shield this time.”


Originally, the dwarf officer named Rye didn’t care about Richard, who had thin arms and legs. A fair-skinned model like Richard was not in line with dwarf aesthetics, but when he heard that Richard was a parley belt The man who came to try to pick up Wang Dun couldn’t help but turn his eyes to Richard again.

Rye’s eyes were a little confused, and after looking at Richard twice, his face became even more suspicious. The meaning is obvious, he can also use the king’s shield?

However, out of politeness or for the sake of the hundreds of jars of wine, the dwarf general Rye nodded slightly towards Richard.

Richard didn’t care about this. He gave Rye a little response and looked at the dwarf warriors around him with interest. He finally understood why Pare had such a big obsession with uniting the dwarves.

Putting aside their height, these dwarves are definitely thicker than orcs, with explosive muscles on their bodies. The dwarf soldiers around them all hold heavy weapons such as warhammers in one hand and another in the other. Wearing a steel shield as tall as themselves.

Wearing thick plate armor, at first glance, the equipment of these dwarves makes them look as funny as iron balls, but if you look a little more carefully, you can see the terrifying fighting power of the dwarves. These heavy infantrymen armed with war hammers appear on the battlefield, giving any enemy a headache just looking at them.

What’s even more frightening is that for such a warrior, the dwarves can pull out at least two to three hundred thousand.

While Richard was observing the environment of the Stone Hill Plains and sizing up the dwarf warriors, the team had slowly arrived at the cave where the dwarf royal court was located.

Dwarves like to dig mines and dig holes. Most dwarves do not build houses, but arrange caves as their own homes. The Dwarf Royal Court also followed the dwarves’ habits and directly arranged a huge cave.

“Your Highness Norton, good day to all clan leaders.”

In the royal court, except for the dwarf king Norton, the heads of several other clans and several guards introduced Parley and others into the royal court. Parley first greeted several dwarf executives.

“Good day, Your Highness Parley, I heard that you have brought another human warrior. Do you want to try to pick up the King’s Shield?”


“Hey, if you can’t pick up Wang Dun, you can’t take those wines back with you.”

“Of course, there is no reason to take back the gift I gave.”

“That’s enough, Chief Brown. Someone wants to try to lift the king’s shield. Can you stop thinking about drinking and be serious.”

When Norton got angry, the heads of several clans became a little more serious. Only Brown, who was scolded by Norton, muttered in a low voice.

“I can’t pick it up anyway, so why not drink it first.”

Norton ignored Brown who muttered softly, stood up directly and said:

“Since we are going to try to pick up the King’s Shield, the clan leaders of several clans are here, so we will go immediately.”


Parley’s immediate purpose was to pick up the King’s Shield, so naturally he would not refuse. Although the other dwarves were greedy for wine, they still understood the importance. Without saying a word, they got up and walked towards the depths of the mine. .

After following Norton and walking in the cave for several hours, the group finally arrived at the cave where the Dwarf King’s Shield was located.

The surrounding guards were not as tight as expected, with only a few ordinary dwarf soldiers guarding them.

After all, this is the core of the dwarf territory. No one can reach this position without the permission of the dwarves. Moreover, no one has picked up the dwarf king’s shield since the elves disappeared. No one can steal it even if they don’t send guards. Take Wang Dun.

There was no ceremony. When he came to Wang Dun, Norton made a direct gesture and asked Richard to go up and try to pick up Wang Dun.

From the appearance, the dwarf Wang Dun placed on the stone is just an earthy oak shield. Even an ordinary soldier can easily pick up the Wang Dun, let alone a saint-level powerhouse like Richard. .

But when Richard stepped forward and lifted it hard, he found that the shield was as if it was stuck to the stone below. With the strength of Richard who could hold down the dragon with his bare hands, he could not make the shield move at all.

Seeing that Richard failed to get Wang Dun, the faces of the people around him had different expressions, and Parley’s face was a little nervous.

Several dwarves, including the Dwarf King Norton, took it for granted. Because it was difficult to form an alliance with humans, Norton even had a trace of regret on his face…


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