Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 575: Where to go in the cemetery


What is north of the snowfield

That is almost an area that humans have never explored. Even most creatures, including giant dragons, have not explored the area north of the snowfield.

Because the vast and narrow snowfield is considered an extremity area for most creatures, except for some special creatures, the snowfield is no longer suitable for most creatures to survive.

Coupled with the fact that snow giants, a dominant race with a strong sense of territoriality, rule the snowfields, no one is willing to cross the snowfields to explore new areas in a thankless way.

For hundreds of years, the limit of human exploration to the north, except for Richard, was limited to Aragorn’s exploration of the snowfields, leaving the legend of the Snow Giant to the human world.

What is further north can only be understood through the books left behind by the Elf Empire. Based on one or two pages of detailed descriptions, we can have a vague understanding of what lies north of the snowfield.

It has been in darkness for a long time, with no sunlight. The terrifying low temperature is even unbearable for the snow giants. There is almost no sign of biological activity. It is basically a dead zone for life.

The magic power is disordered and the divine power is not manifest. In the past era, gods as powerful as the elves, holy wizards and powerful rules were unwilling to go here. According to the records of the elves, a divine battle more brutal than Ragnarok may have occurred here. Powerful forbidden spells and magical spells completely distorted the rules here.

The elves have only scratched the surface of their exploration of this place. Although the Holy Magisters are not weak in curiosity, they are not very interested in this kind of worthless and desolate land. They explored it a little and made a few sketches in the books. Just stop looking at this place.

Originally, when Richard saw the records about the area north of the snowfield in the library of the royal capital, he didn’t pay much attention to it, but now he used the teleportation skill to cross the snowfield and appeared in Qi. A forbidden area that no human has set foot on for years.

“It’s so desolate.”

Li Cha stood in this extreme area and looked around. The ground was full of black sand. As a strong person at the domain level, with a little faint light, Richard could see things thousands of meters around him. Clearly.

There are white bones exposed not far away. Judging from the appearance of the remains, he must have been a big guy comparable to a snow giant.

White bones, sand, cold wind and the light that will never appear, you can only feel the violent energy fluctuations in the environment. Anyone who dares to practice in this environment will probably be spit out in the next second. Blood, no wonder no race is interested in this place.

“The smell of death is so pleasant.”

As Richard sighed, a gloomy voice came from beside him. Sandro, under a black robe, stretched out his withered hands, as if he wanted to feel the environment of the extremity.

“Oh? Can you feel the breath of death here?”

Although looking around, there are occasionally broken white bones on the black sand, but tens of thousands of years have long since made them breathless. Apart from seeing through his eyes, Richard did not feel anything at all. The smell of death.

“Hey, it will be there soon.”

“Sir, is this the new Diya you chose (the sphere of influence of the cemetery is called Diya in the game)?”

Richard nodded and didn’t choose a place too much. He found a flat land and put down the main city of the cemetery.

Soon, the barren land underwent huge changes. A black castle rose out of thin air. A large ring of city walls and a rotten river appeared on the originally empty plain, surrounding it. A black castle with a large number of tombstones.

The cemetery lives up to its name. The scattered green will-o’-the-wisps in the cemetery have also become a slight source of light in this extremity. Because of the appearance of the cemetery, the surrounding dark environment has become a little brighter.

The decaying castle in the dark, will-o’-the-wisps, and the occasional movement on the ground. When these factors are combined, I am afraid that no normal human being would want to set foot in this castle, but the two people approaching are obviously not normal humans.

When Richard walked into the castle, he was greeted by the smell of musty dust, and there was also a bit of the stench of the undead in the air. Richard unconsciously fanned his nose, with an obvious attitude of disgust.

If they are just playing a game, many players may also think that the Skeleton Warriors, Corpse Witches, and Terror Knights in the Cemetery are quite cool. After all, they are just sitting in front of the computer and operating them.

But when you are really immersed in it, it is unbearable for normal living people. In reality, people who can live with a corpse are unique perverts, let alone around a cemetery. Stay in an environment without any living creatures.

However, compared to Richard’s disgust, Sandro on the side looked like he was enjoying himself. He even tried hard to take a few deep breaths with his nose that may not still be functional, and then he knelt down on the ground and exerted all his strength. Close to the rotten ground, I want to feel more of the death atmosphere of the cemetery.

“Cough cough”

Richard made a little noise, interrupting the somewhat fanatical Sandro.

Sandru seemed to realize that he was a little out of sorts. He stood up and patted the sand on his body and said:

“Sir, although the undead don’t care about their living environment, you built Xindiya here. If something unexpected happens, Xindiya’s power may not be able to support you in time.”

Although he came here with teleportation, Sandro still roughly understood how far away the place where the main city of the cemetery was built was placed by Richard.

“Xindia does not need to support me. From now on, this place will be called the Realm of the Undead. According to the agreement between Namtaru and I, no undead can leave the Realm of the Undead and set foot on the snowfield without my permission. land.”

The extremity area north of the snowfield was divided into the territory of the undead during the negotiations between Richard and Namtaru. The world of the dead and the world of the living were separated by a narrow snowfield.

According to the negotiation results between Richard and Namtaru, Sandro will join Richard’s forces and fully help Richard win the war. Richard agrees that the cemetery will appear in this world, but he will not delineate the cemetery. Without his permission, no skeleton soldier can appear in the snowfield and south.

“As long as General Sandro takes action, this Xindia does not need to bear any responsibility in a short time.”

This is also true. If it is peacetime, you may have to rely on the city to accumulate troops, but in times of war, if you take Sandro to participate in a few battles, the undead soldiers pulled out through spiritualism may be more than the main city. There are many more that have accumulated over several months.

“It is my pleasure, my lord.”

As he said this, Richard subconsciously checked the cemetery’s building list.


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