Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 573: Attitude


In the unknown void, several phantoms stand around, including Asha, the mother of all things, Namtaru, the main **** of the undead, Elrath, the dragon of light, and Malashaman, the **** of darkness…

These supreme beings can make people feel powerful pressure just by looking at them, but at this time, they started arguing like ordinary mortals.

“Namtaru, do you know what the consequences will be if you interfere with substances privately?”

The Dragon of Light, who has always had an upright temper, did not care about the personality gap between the two and unceremoniously accused Namtaru.

The world where Richard is now is different from the gods who like to interfere with matter. The gods in the Heroes and Invincibles world are much more disciplined. In order to prevent disturbing the order of the material world, the gods in the Heroes and Invincibles world have their own code of conduct and are not allowed to intervene personally. The material world is one of their most important principles.

Perhaps because he was in the wrong, Namta, who had just shown off her power in front of Sauter, rarely refuted the Dragon of Light’s question, but replied calmly:

“This will not happen next time.”

Naturally, Elrath would not be satisfied with such a light sentence without exception. However, Elrath, who was about to continue questioning, was interrupted by Asha on the side.

“No matter what, we are just a group of wanderers looking for a home. If we cause disgust in the world, do you know what the consequences will be?”

“You know how rare such an opportunity is. We may never meet someone who is as adaptable to the rules as Richard.”

Although Asha’s tone was not as aggressive as Elrath’s, it pointed to the core of the problem. If Namtaru just made some small moves within the rules like before, this time she acted privately. It’s really too much. Once something goes wrong, all their efforts will be in vain, and they may not even have the chance to start over.

Even the God of Darkness, Mara Shaman, who was originally in the same camp as Namtaru, remained silent. She was also somewhat dissatisfied with Namtaru’s behavior.

“The compliance with the rules is already very high. I need the recognition of the people of destiny even more. The undead are also members of the order. Life and death are interdependent and should not be excluded.”

In the final analysis, Richard’s indifferent attitude towards the undead forces made Namtaru anxious, so he took this step. He also wanted to fight for a place for his followers in the new world.

Fortunately, Namtaru took action this time in a short time and made little noise. The traces afterwards were dealt with cleanly and no big traps were created. Asha did not continue to pester after another warning. Finally, he reminded Namtaru and asked him not to make any small moves to anger Richard.

As Yasha finally set the tone, the Dragon of Light, although still angry, did not say much, and several figures disappeared into the void at the same time.


The vision caused by Namtaru came and was obtained quickly. After quickly solving Adeas, Namtaru removed the canopy of the undead that had been set up, and the originally ferocious army of the undead disappeared almost in an instant. It disappeared completely. Even the withered trees and barren land were restored to their original state. The blood moon disappeared without a trace. Many people in Miracle City who saw the vision even rubbed their eyes and doubted themselves. Did I see something wrong for a moment?

After Namtaru disappeared, Sauter and Viscount Nader looked at the dense forest around them and wondered whether they had just hallucinated, but the corpses on the ground, especially the image of the man in gray robe torn apart by undead creatures, The rag-like corpse reminded them of the authenticity of everything just now.

“Forget it, let’s go back to Miracle City first.”

“Go back and ask the city guards to clean up the bodies in the forest.”

In addition to the corpses of the attackers, there are also more than a dozen corpses of personal guards on the ground. These personal guards are all veterans who have followed Sauter for many years. When the battle was fierce before, there was no time to be sentimental. Now I see these familiar guards dead. The whole place was covered, and a careless man like Sauter was inevitably a little sentimental.

Encountering such a bizarre incident, Sauter was certainly not in the mood to continue hunting. He greeted Viscount Nader and the Champion Knight, and the three of them quickly returned to Miracle City as quickly as possible.


The City of Miracles, the meeting hall of the Hunter family’s new castle.

The newly built castle in Miracle City is much more imposing than the original castle in Ironwood City. It has a spacious meeting hall, marble floors, and gold and silver-decorated lamps. Both the area and decoration are basically in line with the current situation of the Hunter family. Kingdom status. Even if Richard is indifferent to these things, other members of the Hunter family and his subordinates will invariably decorate the facade.

However, the atmosphere in this large meeting hall today was very dull. Richard sat in the main seat without saying a word, and there was no joy or sorrow on his face. But everyone who knew him well knew that Richard would How angry he was in his heart. To attack his family was to touch Richard’s back. Especially in the core territory of Northland, it was a slap in the face to the entire Hunter family. If it weren’t for In the end, Namtaru magically appeared, and the consequences were simply unimaginable.

“Sir, this is Yusidu’s mistake, please punish me.”

In addition to Richard, Aige and other senior officials of Miracle City, the people in the meeting room also included Kecha, Richard’s intelligence chief. Kecha is Richard’s cousin and is in charge of the Yusidu organization. Te is considered a good talent in the Hunter family. Not only is he thoughtful, but more importantly, he is loyal, otherwise he would not be placed in such an important position by Richard.

Now Yusidu is completely different from when it was founded. The number of core intelligence members has increased more than ten times, and the number of peripheral spies is tens of thousands. In terms of scale, it has exceeded the number of people who originally joined Lin Te. Another intelligence organization, Nightingale, is just a bit different from the Black Prison that has existed in the kingdom for hundreds of years. But on the home court of Northland, even Black Prison may not be as good as Yusidu.

Any disturbance in the entire Northland should not be hidden from Yusidu’s monitoring. For example, when two nobles joined forces and dozens of people attacked Sauter who was out hunting, Yusi did not give a timely warning. It was definitely a serious matter. Mistake. When he heard that Sauter was attacked, Kocha almost suffered a myocardial infarction on the spot. Fortunately, Sauter returned to Miracle City safely. Otherwise, Kocha would probably not be seen in the conference hall at this time. He himself would have died to apologize. .

But even so, Kecha couldn’t hold his head up at the moment, and he didn’t even dare to look directly at Richard when he spoke.

“Yusidu made a serious mistake this time. You indeed have an unshirkable responsibility. All your previous achievements will be cleared. All treatment of the leader of Yusidu will be cancelled. You will temporarily take charge of Yusidu, and you will redeem your merits later.”

“Thank you, Mr. Richard.”

Although Richard was angry in his heart, it was impossible to remove the position of leader of Kecha Yusidu because of this incident. He did not have a suitable candidate to replace him for the time being, so he could only punish Kecha with big punishments first, so that Kecha Yusidu could be replaced. Cha continued working.

“Tell me how the investigation went.”

“The matter was done by two nobles in the south. After the Warren family was divided, the children of the family had little development in the military. They had no talent in business. They suffered several losses and have always held a grudge.”

“Let Yusi deal with these two families, leaving no one behind.”

“Yes, sir.”

Originally, when Richard dealt with these hostile nobles, his methods were not too ruthless, and he was more inclined to kill the culprits. This time, the Warren family did offend Richard, which made Richard rare. After a violent act, we must completely clean up the traces of the existence of the two families.

“What else?”

After deciding the fate of the two small aristocrats in one sentence, Richard continued to ask. At first glance, these two aristocrats were just cannon fodder to explore the road. If these two aristocrats acted alone, I am afraid they would not have been able to survive. After waiting for them to ambush, Yu Sidu had to clear them out first. If Yu Sidu could only trace them to this point, then I’m afraid they would really have to make a big change.

“This matter also involves a church that believes in the God of Death. According to the information we currently have, they have developed at least nearly a thousand believers. Yusidu, an important member who was originally responsible for monitoring these landless nobles, became a member of this church. The believers made Yusidu’s reaction a step slower this time. In addition to the God of Death, Yusidu also discovered at least five secret missionary churches, but they were even less popular than this God of Death.”

Not to mention this era when human beings are generally still in a state of ignorance. Even in modern society where illiteracy has been basically eliminated, some strange sects will always emerge. Even the upper echelons of the Golden Dragon Kingdom are extremely hostile to the church. If it’s not friendly, it’s hard to avoid some messy beliefs at the bottom. What’s more, now that the gods are beginning to wake up, the situation is even more complicated.

Under Richard’s governance, the Northland has become a desert for the development of these sects, but they still cannot bear their tenacity. However, normally speaking, the little leader of Yusidu should not be bewitched by the church. The only reason could only be that the unlucky guy who was killed by Namtaru took action himself. Even for the weakest god, it was extremely easy to achieve results by taking action against a mortal.

Richard’s attitude towards these churches causing trouble in the North is also very clear, and he will use the strongest means to suppress them.

“Yusidu’s funding will be increased by another 30% from this month to form a department dedicated to dealing with these guys. If necessary, you can apply for support from the local garrison. I don’t want to hear about these church activities again. ”

“Yes, sir!”

Kecha took the order and left, but what really troubled Richard was not the affairs of those few small churches. The most powerful Rising Sun Cult had no market in the north, and the death that was solved by Namtaru God, there are only a thousand followers, which is just a very small group of people in the Northland, which already has a population of 30 million.

Only what Namtaru asked Sauter to convey made Richard quite confused, because when Namtaru first appeared, his condescending attitude made Richard very unhappy. His appearance is not in line with Richard’s aesthetics. Richard has never had a good impression of him, but this time Namtaru took the initiative to show his kindness, put down his attitude, and took the initiative to step down. After all, the other party was the same as Yasha. If gods of this level can be reconciled, the benefits they can gain should be considerable.

“Is death part of the order?”


Richard thought of the few words that Sauter brought to Namtaru, and unconsciously recited them silently. Then he made a decision and gave instructions to the butler Aige on the side.

“Go find an engineering team and build another divine seedling next to the temple of Elrath in the Stone Fortress.”

“Sir, which **** will be enshrined in the temple?”



“It’s just a big spider. I’ll draw a picture for you in a few days.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although he decided to accept Namtaru’s love, Richard’s attitude towards the gods was still not respectful. In Richard’s eyes, everyone only had a cooperative relationship. This tone must be set correctly.

It’s just that compared to the gods in the original world who interfered with matter and disrupted the rules, Yasha and Namtaru, who abide by order, were slightly more acceptable to Richard.


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