Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 572: Undead


“Mr. Sauter, don’t be afraid, as long as I am here, nothing can hurt you.”

Looking at Sauter’s surprised gaze, Namtaru condensed into the appearance of a middle-aged woman with a very soft face. If Richard were here, he would be able to see that except for her dark-colored clothes, she was almost the same as Asia. Shah’s face was exactly the same.

Although Namtaru’s tone and look are very gentle, anyone should let down their guard based on his appearance, but the huge half-human spider figure behind him is really scary, and Sauter still feels a little worried when facing him. Play the drums.

However, after all, Sauter is also a person who has experienced a lot of storms, and his nerves are strong enough. Even after experiencing some incredible things this time, he still quickly regained his composure, and only relied on the other party to stop the gray-robed man. Action should not be the enemy. Judging from the way the other party easily erased the red moon, if it were the enemy, why would it bother him so much? After thinking about this, Sauter suppressed the fear in his heart and curiosity surged into his heart.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Namtaru, and I am the master of death and destiny!”

Namtaru introduced his priesthood to Sauter in a very serious manner, but Sauter felt that it was abnormal.

Because of the Twilight of the Gods during the ancient Elf Empire, and the Golden Dragon Kingdom’s long-term repressive attitude towards the Church of Gods under the tone set by Aragorn, most of the nobles in the Central Plains and Northland are not very cold towards the gods. , after all, the gods have not appeared in the material world for a long time, and for most people, it is basically just a myth.

But even a **** like Sauter who has almost no knowledge of gods knows how powerful the gods involved in these two fields must be after hearing about death and destiny. Now there is such a weird and powerful one. The young woman stood in front of her and said that she was the **** who controlled death and destiny.

It was definitely difficult for Sauter to accept it immediately. However, because the other party had just helped him and really showed his strong side, out of polite respect, Sauter did not question it in person, but just kept silent. He nodded, his attitude neither humble nor arrogant.

“Thank you for your help, Ms. Namtaru.”

Saote’s attitude towards gods is not much different from Richard’s. Because he just accepted help from the other party, Sauter’s attitude is already pretty good. If he met such a person normally, Sauter would probably treat him as a lunatic. If you can beat them, drive away. If you can’t beat them, find a way to escape quickly.

Namtaru seemed to be used to the attitude of the Hunter family. Even though Sot’s face was full of disbelief, she looked unconcerned and said instead:

“There happens to be something I need your help with, and this is my reward for doing this.”


The act of kidnapping Entu Bao was too obvious. Sauter even had a little suspicion for a moment. This guy didn’t direct and act this time. As a creation-level **** in the world of Invincible Heroes, Namtaru’s emotional intelligence is indeed not high, and she never needs to do those imaginary things. Generally, she only needs a hint, and there will be countless believers. The one who threw his head and shed blood for her, well, maybe there are some beings who don’t have such a thing as blood.

This time I was really forced to do nothing by Richard’s stubbornness. Richard is the most critical existence. If the other party is still unwilling to accept existences such as the undead, then a large group of her believers will have no foothold in the new world. land. Being able to come to Sote to repay a favor was the result of Namtaru using his brains and lowering his attitude.

Sot’s speechless silence was taken as acquiescence by Namtaru, so she continued:

“I hope you can tell your son truthfully that I will help you this time and build a temple for me, which is larger than the temple of the Dragon of Light…”

Namtaru made a bunch of requests that Sauter couldn’t understand, but Sauter grasped the key point of Namtaru’s words, which was to let his son remember his love, as if it was him this time. I cheated my son.

Saote was not in a good mood. If he was just asked to do something, with this life-saving thing, he would have to try his best to complete it. But using him to ask Richard made Sauter feel a little uncomfortable. He blamed himself and felt guilty. In his opinion, it was his own fault that had hindered Richard and caused trouble for him.

“Damn guys, do you think I don’t exist?”

Before Sauter could think of how to respond, an angry voice interrupted his thoughts again. The gray-robed man who claimed to be in charge of death finally broke out after being ignored by Namtaru for a long time.

Namtaru destroyed his illusion, mocked him a few times and then appeared, but did not even look at him. Instead, he went to negotiate terms with a human being. What does it mean to save the other person? He is still standing here and has not left. Does he think that destroying his illusion means defeating himself?

The angry Adeas took action again while he was speaking. The darkness that had just been dispersed by Namtaru struck again. This time Adeas seemed to be serious. In addition to the darkness and the blood moon, the surrounding people The trees also began to dry up, and the ground began to rot. Sauter could even feel the life of the vegetation on the ground passing away. It seemed that this was not the same illusion as before.

This time, the blood moon did not confuse Sauter’s mind. Sauter, who remained awake, felt the changes around him more intuitively. The thick death aura made him feel a little uncomfortable. If it was just the vegetation withering, it might still be possible. It wasn’t enough to scare Sauter, but the next scene made Sauter instantly terrified.

After the ground began to become deserted, the corpses that had fallen to the ground actually started to move. The attackers they killed struggled to stand up again. Many of them were killed by Sauter himself. One of them You can even see the broken heart that was blasted by the fighting spirit through the hole in the chest. Even the blood of this guy has solidified. He has been dead for a long time. How can he stand up again?

Not to mention Sauter, even Valen and the others who were lucky enough to survive were also horrified, and even took a few steps closer to the Sauter trio unconsciously. Although the two sides were life-and-death enemies, facing a The pile of standing corpses seemed to feel safer standing next to living people.

Except for Namtaru, only the champion knight remained calm. Even Viscount Nader was so shocked by the scene before him that the hand holding the sword was trembling, and the tip of the sword looked a little unstable.

But in the eyes of the champion knight, these dozen guys who got up again are just a group of zombie-level undead creatures. In addition to being a little more durable than before, their aggressiveness has actually declined. In the West Asian continent, he had killed countless of these guys who could only be used as cannon fodder in the cemetery. If he could kill them once, he would kill them a second time.

Not to mention Namtaru, the other party’s operation here is simply a master’s degree.

“Feel the pain in the world of the dead, the natural disaster of the undead!”

As time went on, in addition to the corpses that got up at the beginning, there was also movement underground. Some bones that had been buried in the ground for an unknown period of time seemed to have responded and were struggling to crawl out and return to the ground to fight. .

Adeas is very satisfied with the movement he made. Since waking up, he has never felt so full of power. The energy in the north seems to be more active. Perhaps he should give priority to developing his own church here in the future. , when I have completely mastered the power of death, I must make that annoying guy, the Lord of the Rising Sun, pay a price. Relying on his powerful divine power, he actually used Lord Adeas as his subordinate. It is unforgivable.

While Adeas was still immersed in his dream, Namtaru finally turned his head and focused a little more on him.

“The natural disaster of the undead? It’s hard for you to imagine the power of death through illusions.”

Namta Ru had a look of disdain on his face, and he didn’t pay attention to the battle the other party was causing.

Namtaru stretched out a hand, and wanted to crush the other party’s fancy operations like before, but after taking a look at Sauter and Viscount Nader, whose faces were full of shock, Namtaru suddenly changed. Got the idea.

“Does this deserve to be called a natural disaster of the undead? Poor guy, let’s look at the real natural disaster of the undead.”

Just after Namtaru finished speaking, the environment changed dramatically again. Originally, Adeas only affected the territory two or three miles around the forest, but after Namtaru finished speaking, the desolation spread to all directions. It spread rapidly, and the land stretching for dozens of miles was instantly turned into a deserted land. The entire land was filled with black air. Looking from the Miracle City, one could see that the sky was different.

“Look, what’s over there?”

“Red moon, why does the red moon appear in broad daylight?”

“Why is it cloudy? Go and notify the city guards! Something is wrong in the east.”

Due to the abnormal celestial phenomena in the past few decades, there were commotions on the streets of the City of Miracles. Fortunately, the Hunter family maintained order. Although everyone was a little flustered and frightened, there was no trouble yet, so there was no need to According to the report, the city guards had been dispatched to maintain order, and the teleportation array was immediately activated. Some personal guards were sent to Snowfield City, and Richard was immediately notified while he was still wandering in the snowfield.

Namtaru here still doesn’t know what negative impact she has had on the Northland. In order to show her strength, she not only expanded the scope, but the skeletons that were originally struggling for a long time on the ground and could not climb out were unearthed at an extremely fast speed. , I don’t know how many years, the creatures that died in this area have come back to the ground one after another.

Humans, beasts, orcs, and even elves. Even though they have been turned into bones, the elves are still so tall and outstanding, and their fleshless faces all have an elegant beauty.


With a hoarse roar, a huge creature flew into the air, and a bone dragon flew up from a group of white bones, releasing the pressure of the giant dragon again.

Skeleton soldiers, skeleton knights, undead spellcasters, and bone dragons are the standard configuration for an undead natural disaster.

Now, Sauter is almost numb. The impact of dozens of resurrected people seems to be just like that. Now he is surrounded by a pile of bones. With a quick glance, he sees the forest. It was already crowded with various skeleton monsters, numbering in the tens of thousands at least.

Love it as you like, destroy it, this is Sauter’s true inner thought at this time. If these guys are hostile, the bone dragon flying in the sky will be enough for him to drink a pot.

But Dias was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. This was obviously not a scene he could create. The most terrifying thing was that the soldiers who had stood up again under his control also lost control. , the slightest bit of power over death that he had just gotten his hands on was deprived of him in an instant.

“Who are you? The Lord of Death fell at the twilight of the Lord God. Even his godhood was shattered by the elves. It is absolutely impossible for you…”

Although Namtaru said a lot to Sauter, he had no intention of paying attention to Adeas. He waved his hand casually, and a large group of undead creatures swarmed up.

These undead creatures are not all low-level cannon fodder. In addition to bone dragons, there are many advanced units such as death knights and skeleton mages. Adityas, who reacted and wanted to escape, was quickly entangled by the undead army. Adiyas Si was originally just an extremely weak god. Because he was good at tricks and illusions, he could only survive in the twilight of the main **** because he was weak and not so conspicuous. Now that he has just regained his power, Namtaru has deprived him of the power of death with all his strength. He was reduced to the point where he was not even a false saint. He struggled for a few times before being completely overwhelmed by the siege of a group of high-level undead soldiers.

In the end, Namtaru didn’t even look at him seriously…


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