Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 571: Take action


Although Sauter’s personal guards are very brave, they are all elite veterans. If they are fully equipped and cooperate on the battlefield, a dozen of them can cause a lot of trouble to the knights. However, at this time, they were deliberately and unintentionally calculated. , without exerting much effect, corpses were scattered on the ground. The remaining guards were all shot to the ground before they could even rush into the forest.

Only Sauter, Viscount Nader, and a champion knight were left in the entire hunting team, but they had successfully approached the ambusher.

The three of them seem to be alone, but their combat power cannot be underestimated. Viscount Nader, the weakest among them, is already at the level of a great knight. Although Viscount Nader and Sauter have a few arrows stuck in their bodies, , but they are not on the vital points and do not penetrate deeply into the flesh.

Before engaging in the battle, the two of them swiped away the swords with their hands, leaving only the arrowheads on the flesh, and then started to fight the ambushing assassin as if they were not affected at all.

The assassin who was ambushing also dropped the crossbow in his hand at this time, drew his sword and engaged Sauter and the three in hand-to-hand combat.

Although the number of these assassins is not large, they are all the true confidants of the two nobles. There are also many quasi-knight level players in the team. Their combat power and loyalty are actually guaranteed. There are also several knights in the lead. If they were two great knights, they might actually succeed if they were besieged by this group of people.

But the intelligence of Valen and others is really far behind. They only know that Sauter likes to hunt with a small number of people, but they don’t know that he is an earth-level combat power and is always accompanied by an earth-level guard.

Although the champion knight was fighting dismounted, the strength of the champion knight was greatly limited, but the fighting spirit unleashed was not fake. Several ambush soldiers surrounded them with weapons, but they fell down one after another as soon as the fighting spirit was swept away. Lun was very anxious.


“The earth again!”

“Damn it, Warren, what kind of information do you have!”

Although the raid by the Valencia organization was quite smooth, the intelligence errors were so serious that it would be difficult for them to deal with one Earth knight, let alone two Earth knights.

The three of them rushed into the forest and met each other. The ambush soldiers killed and wounded more than a dozen people. The armor they wore was not much different from paper in front of the fighting spirit of the earth. The nobles from another family who had been tricked by Valen looked at it. They were even more anxious. With this kind of combat power, there was no way their dozens of dead soldiers and a few knights could handle it.

“Hold on, we have no way out! If we fail, your family and I will immediately face catastrophe.”

Waren almost yelled these words at the other party. Looking at Waren’s red eyes, the complainer calmed down and stopped complaining.

“Take the men and come with me. The adult hasn’t made a move yet, so we still have a chance.”

Valen originally thought that this ambush would only require the power of his own organization to capture Sauter, and he was ready to show off in front of the opponent.

Now he is in an extremely embarrassing situation and regards the man in gray robe as the last straw.


Although the opponent’s strength exceeded expectations and caused heavy losses to the assassins who ambush, the dead soldiers gathered by the two nobles were not killed. They had been tied to the master’s family for a long time. Lun can lead them to do this and has absolute trust in them. These people have already put their life and death aside in the battle.

Although Sauter and others killed a third of the men like melons and vegetables, the attack did not stop at all, and the remaining people continued to surround the three.

“Come on!”


“Old Nader, how can you still hold on?”

“Nothing serious!”

Needless to say the champion knight, the number of these attackers, who are only knights at most, has not exceeded three digits, and they will not pose much of a threat to him. Even the weakest link, Viscount Nader, can also carry arrows. The attacker should be dealt with easily.

“Hahaha, this is much more enjoyable than hunting!”


With a sweep of the long sword, another wave of fighting spirit swept out, easily breaking through the armor of several attackers and killing several more. If they continued like this, the three of them could easily kill these dozens of people. Ambush attackers. However, since the attack on Sauter was planned by someone, how could it be so rough? Wallen and others who have been charging forward are just pawns in the final analysis. Without some insurance, how can they dare to attack this place in the Northland? A mascot of the same level as Sauter was attacked in the Hunter family’s base camp.

“Lord Sauter, be careful!”

Just when Sauter and others were fighting more and more easily, the man in gray robe who had been silent disappeared at some point. Compared to Sauter who was fighting happily, it was the champion knight who was responsible for protection who kept paying attention to the battlefield. In terms of the overall situation, the champion knight has always maintained a high degree of vigilance towards the opponent’s gray-robed man who has not made any move. Because the threat posed by Valen and others is not great, the champion knight can even disperse part of his energy on the gray-robed man.

But just now, after the champion knight killed an attacker who rushed up with a sword, the gray robe that had been motionless suddenly disappeared from the place out of thin air, as if he had used teleportation. No trace could be seen. Although no trace of the man in gray robe was found, the sudden disappearance of the man in gray robe made the champion knight extremely vigilant. This was the most dangerous factor in this attack.


Although Sauter is not a qualified lord, he is definitely a tough warrior with excellent fighting instincts. He responded immediately after the champion knight warned him.

First, regardless of the consumption, he slashed horizontally again and got rid of the entanglement of several people. Then he immediately approached the champion knight and Nader, keeping at a distance where they could support each other. In this way, even if they encountered any strong enemies, the three of them would at least be able to support each other. Able to react quickly.

It’s just that this time the enemy’s methods are somewhat different from what they knew. When the man in gray robe appeared again, he was already in mid-air, looking down at the people below with a high attitude.

“What’s going on?”

“Why is it so dark!”

When the man in gray robe appeared again, the expressions of everyone below changed. Not only the three of Sauter were surprised, but even the remaining attackers also showed uneasiness on their faces.

Because the scenes that appeared around them completely challenged their cognition and made everyone feel uneasy.

If this gray-robed man only appeared in the sky, it would definitely not surprise Sauter and others. Although the existence of the sky level is powerful, at least it is still within the scope of their knowledge, and it will be just a hard battle.

What made everyone uneasy was the sudden darkening of the sky. You must know that Sauter and others set out early in the morning to hunt in the mountains. It was only four or five o’clock in the afternoon, when the sky was bright.

But now, with the action of the gray-robed man, even the night sky has descended in advance, directly changing the environment to an extent that they have never seen before.

“Watching a group of ants fight is really boring. I didn’t expect that I would have to do it myself in the end.”

“Who are you!”

“Who am I? I am the great being who controls death.”

As the man in gray robe spoke, the surrounding scenery changed drastically. A little light reappeared in the originally dark woods, but this light was not the golden sun, but the scarlet moonlight.

The half-blood moon took the place of the sun, looking particularly eerie at this moment.

Under the illumination of the blood moon, the sights of Sauter and the others were gradually filled with red light. The red earth, red trees, and red figures eventually led them towards the red moon. .

Everyone present, including the remaining attackers, began to blur their eyes and their consciousness began to blur. Guided by a strange will, they put down their weapons and struggled to walk towards the red moon.

In Sauter’s eyes, the old man’s face vaguely appeared on the red moon in the distance. The face was still so stern and kind, but it was a bit sullen at this time, which should be blaming him for being too slow.



Looking at the old man’s face, Sauter’s excited tears flowed along the octagonal pattern, and he put more effort on his feet, trying to rush to his old father’s side.

The people around seemed to have seen a similar scene. There was something in that half-red moon that fascinated them and had a fatal attraction for them.

“Ah! Who is it!”

But this was suddenly interrupted by a scream. This scream sounded familiar. It should be the man in gray robe who claimed to be a great being just now.

It’s just that the contrast between his scream and the majestic voice before produced a strong sense of dissonance.

As this scream sounded, the surrounding environment also changed drastically. The blood moon that was originally hanging in the sky disappeared, and the sun hung in the sky again. The dark night was instantly dispelled by the sunlight, leaving no reaction at all. There is no time.

Everyone who had just lost their souls in the blood moon suddenly regained their souls, and their eyes became clear again. Facing the sudden return of the sun, everyone subconsciously raised their hands to cover their eyes.

“Damn it, the old man has been gone for so many years, how could he suddenly come back to life? This kind of deception also made me fall for it. The more I live, the more I go back.”

After reacting, Sauter wiped the tears on his face. There was still a salty taste in the corner of his mouth. He said it easily, but he was very scared in his heart. He had a strong feeling that if he had successfully approached the old man at that time, , something bad will definitely happen.

However, what is more important at this moment is that the man in gray robe is still in the air, and those present are unable to resist the opponent’s methods. Even the champion knight sent to him by Richard is affected by the blood moon.

Listening to the angry and surprised screams of the gray-robed man, it seemed that he suddenly stopped after being attacked. Who saved everyone present?

“Haha, a great being who controls death? Is a guy who plays tricks and illusions worthy of it?”

“Damn it, you are insulting the great Adeas, you will face the wrath of the gods! I will give you death!”

When the other party said something, the gray-robed man in mid-air reacted as strongly as a cat whose tail was stepped on. He could no longer lose his previous aloof attitude. Even Sauter could hear that there was no confidence in the other party’s words. There was just a hint of embarrassment and anger.

“Death? No one has mentioned this word in front of me for a long time.”

“However, I finally found a chance.”

The last sentence of the mysterious voice contained a hint of helplessness, but it was still missing, while an extremely unreasonable black shadow appeared on the ground.

A monster black shadow with three heads and six legs in the form of a spider. This is more like an illusion than the blood moon just now.

Saote even rubbed his eyes deliberately. He suspected that he had not woken up at all under the influence of the blood moon…


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