Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 570: Accident



With the arrival of early spring, there is a busy scene everywhere. Farmers are very active in starting farming. Although there is some drought this spring, the ground is not too dry. The crops planted earlier have successfully emerged. A little green shoot.

The reason is naturally the perfect water conservancy system in the North. During their off-farm training, farmers also built water canals in their respective villages under the leadership of the administrative officers of each village.

If they were originally under the rule of nobles from various places, they would not be so motivated, but since Richard took back most of the noble lands in the North and distributed them all to the farmers in the North, their enthusiasm has been increased to the extreme. , after all, farming for the lord is completely different from farming their own land. The intensity of plowing the land makes people doubt that they can dig through the land.

By converting most of the serfs into yeoman farmers, only the nobles were harmed, but what Richard gained were tens of millions of people who burst out with great enthusiasm.

Under Richard’s management, the Northland was governed like an iron barrel. In addition to the farmers, the nobles who originally lived in the Northland, whether willingly or not, have joined the Hunter family system. After all, they followed The Hunter family can at least keep their castle and property. Although they have lost control of the land, most of the nobles still live a wealthy life that is difficult for farmers to achieve.

If you resist, you will not only lose control of the land but also your life and fortune if a dragon from the sky comes to visit you.

So, after Richard captured Piaoxue City without bloodshed, all the nobles in the North, no matter what they thought in their hearts, could only hold their noses and accept the Hunter family’s land policy, hand over most of their land, and then Watching the officials of the Hunter family distribute the land to the original group of lowly mud-legged people.

It’s okay for the northern nobles who took refuge with the Hunter family in the early days, such as the Nader family and the Bender family. These people who joined the Hunter family system early, although they also had to hand over their own land, but this Several families got on the bus early, and many of their children worked under Richard. When there was a shortage of talents in the early days, these noble children were promoted quickly in the Hunter family’s army.

The eldest son of Viscount Nader has even become the flag captain of the Hunter family’s dragoon cavalry unit, and has entered the rank of Grand Knight with the support of the Hunter family’s resources.

Baron Bender even directly joined the Silver Wings Legion himself. He also used his strength as a great knight to become the leader of the flag regiment. Many of his children also hold low- and mid-level military positions.

Although the system in the Northland gives civilians a chance to compete fairly, in comparison, nobles still have an absolute advantage. As long as they are not spoiled dudes, their physical and cultural foundations are higher than those of civilians. For a moment, the two sides were not on the same starting line at all.

The loss of those lands is secondary to the nobles who took refuge early, such as the Nader family and the Bande family. The key is that most of the nobles who took refuge in the early days still circled some land in Miracle City. Bought a house.

When the housing prices in Miracle City skyrocketed, the Hunter family ate a lot of meat, and the families who followed them also drank some soup. Not only did the family wealth not shrink due to the loss of land, but it also doubled several times. These nobles were naturally the most loyal supporters of the Hunter family.

But in this great change, more of the old rentier class will still suffer. After all, it involves the redistribution of the cake. Without taking part of it, where will Richard have a new cake? Leave it to the civilian class.

Most of these families whose interests have been harmed can only feel resentful in their hearts. They don’t even dare to show their dissatisfaction, let alone take action. Their strength is no longer like hitting an egg against a rock when facing Richard. Instead, he took the egg and hit it against the diamond.

However, something unexpected seemed to have happened in the Northland in early spring.

In the woods east of Miracle City, dozens of strong men are hidden among them. Although these people are dressed like caravan guards, their spirit is much stronger than ordinary guards. At first glance, you should be able to tell that these people are probably no ordinary guards.

“Lord Warren, after we succeed, can we really leave the Northland?”

“Don’t worry, as long as we capture Old Hunter, our mission will be successful. When we bypass the Bluestone Mountain and go to the Central Plains, we will all be marquises. Isn’t it better than suffering in the North?”

“But, can the orcs win this time?”

“Why can’t we win? Even Dragon’s Breath Pass can’t stop the orcs. All the elites of the kingdom are lost at Dragon’s Breath Pass. Do you still expect those garrison troops to defend the Central Plains?”

“Old Hunter is at least a great knight. Every time he comes to hunt, he is accompanied by that sycophant Nader. Can we people take him down?”

“There’s that adult here, let’s lead the way and start the fight.”

While speaking, Valen also looked back at the man wearing a gray burqa. He was obviously under the sun, but looking at him, Valen felt a little bit cold for some reason.

“We have no chance of turning back when we shoot. This time we capture Old Hunter and go to the Central Plains to become a Marquis. Do you still want to suffer in this Northland? Those untouchables in the past now dare to take a serious look at them. We are.”

Listening to the hesitation in his companion’s tone, Valen once again calmed down his troops with a few words.

After listening to Valen’s words, the other party finally nodded bitterly and firmed up his idea.

“Lord Sauter, according to the old hunter, there should be giant bears in this generation. After this winter, there will probably be giant bears coming out of their holes to look for food. If we are lucky, we might encounter them. ”

“Hey, that’s a good relationship. During this time, I keep hunting some pheasants and roe deer back. It’s not satisfying at all. I have to go back to hunt the headbear today.”

“Old Nader, you are familiar with this generation. You must find me a giant bear today.”

Although this forest to the east of Miracle City was not the fiefdom of the Nader family before, the Nader family is indeed quite close. Logically speaking, it is indeed more familiar to the Nader family than Sauter, but not everyone likes it like Sauter. When it comes to hunting, Viscount Nader wouldn’t go into the woods like Sauter if he had nothing to do.

However, in order to play happily with Sauter, Viscount Nader still learned some hunting knowledge and took the initiative to familiarize himself with the terrain of the surrounding woods. When Viscount Sauter said this, he bit the bullet and nodded. nodded.

“I try my best, I try my best.”

“Whatever, I even brought a tent with me. If there are no big prey this time, we will stay in the woods for the night.”

Nader felt a little bitter in his heart. Sauter was too addicted. Hunting with him was really not an easy job.

Although there is no danger in the forest, the conditions are many times worse than those in Miracle City. Bears, wolves, tigers and leopards are not a threat, but insects and flies are quite troublesome.

However, Nader did not dare to oppose Sauter’s opinion. Who said that his son was the most powerful person in the entire North? He could only follow Sauter’s words and hope to meet someone of higher quality soon. Beast, let Sauter go back after he has had his fill.

Saote went out to hunt, and he didn’t bring many people with him. He only needed one champion knight to protect his safety and a dozen or so guards. According to Saote, if he brought too many people, hunting would be no fun. It’s nothing to say.

While the two were chatting easily, they were completely unaware that there were still people in the North who dared to disturb Tai Sui and came to ambush Sauter. The danger was slowly coming as the team continued to deepen.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

“Enemy attack!”

“Protect Lord Sauter!”

“Ah, ah, ah…”

Just now, Sauter shot a hare with an arrow. Before the soldiers beside him could get back Sauter’s trophy, suddenly there was a dense rain of arrows from all around, and in an instant Half of the guards around Sauter were knocked down.

Only Sauter himself, Viscount Nader and the Champion Knight relied on their own strong strength to survive this short-range crossbow attack unscathed.

Originally, although these crossbows were powerful, they were not able to achieve great results in one round. After all, the armor in the North was of high quality. The guards around Sauter would not be short of these good equipment. Normally For a bodyguard with double-layer armor on the inside and outside, it’s not a big problem to take a few arrows, and he won’t fall half down in one fell swoop.

However, Sauter brought the people out to hunt, not to go to the battlefield. Among the people present, except for the champion knight who wore heavy armor seriously, others, including Sauter, wanted to have the physical strength to chase. The prey all wear leather armor or even ordinary cloth.

This sudden attack resulted in heavy casualties.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

No matter what the casualties caused, the ambushers would fire another round of arrows when they saw there were still people standing on the field.

The guards who were lucky enough to escape the arrows fell down a lot at the beginning. Although Sauter, who was under intensive care, did not fall down, he still had a few arrows stuck in his body. Although it was not fatal, it was really Somewhat embarrassed.

“Damn it, they are on the hill over there! We must attack them, otherwise it will be endless.”

It is easy for Viscount Nader to say this, but it is a bit difficult to practice.

The ambusher was very familiar with the terrain, and actually found such a good place for an ambush. The location he and Sauter were in happened to be in a lowland. There were no bunkers around to hide in, and there were few big trees nearby. .

The guys who placed cold arrows above could see clearly below, and they couldn’t even retreat.


With a low-level sound, a giant arrow more than three meters tall flew out of the woods above and ran towards the direction of Viscount Sauter. Then with a “boom”, it hit the stone next to it. superior.

Why the **** is there such a thing!

This time, not only Viscount Nader, but also Sauter jumped. If this thing were shot on his body, even he would be seriously injured.


“Come with me!”

At the critical moment, Sauter still has the decisiveness of a warrior. After a little observation, he knows that running away is not easy. With the opponent’s long-range firepower, if he turns around and runs away, he will probably be shot into a hedgehog. Ordinary crossbows are still a threat. It wasn’t big, but if he was hit from behind by a crossbow-level thing like that just now, he wouldn’t be able to escape.

Besides, if you were to ambush yourself in the Northland, the opponent’s number would definitely not be too large, otherwise they would have been discovered long ago. Only a small team could ambush into this forest in batches through makeup and cover. As long as you get close and rely on your own strength, it’s not certain who will kill whom.

Yes, it is normal for Mr. Sauter to have this kind of confidence. With so many resources in his hands, Richard would never treat his old father badly anyway. Sauter had already advanced with the power of Knight Potion not long ago. Damn it, Warren made a mistake in judging Sauter’s strength.


The personal guards who followed Sauter had no problem with their loyalty. Even if the situation was dangerous, when they saw Sauter about to launch an attack, they immediately got up from the ground, held up the short blade in their hands, and rushed forward with their hunting bows. , and from time to time he fired two arrows into the forest, trying to suppress the opponent.

Of course, among those who counterattacked, in addition to Sauter, there was also an equally powerful champion knight who was sent to protect Sauter.

Although the forest was unsuitable for a minimum, the champion knight was still very fast, braving the rain of arrows, and rushed into the forest where the assassins were ambushing him in front of Sauter.


“Ah, ah!”

“Fuck me!”

“There are few of them!”


In the core territory of the Northland, a small but extremely brutal fight took place.


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