Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 57: Veterans and Returning Home


Hunterland, Stone Village,

It was noon, and the lazy sunshine was making people drowsy. Some villagers were lying on the roadside at the entrance of the courtyard, basking in the sun and enjoying a short while of leisure.

At this time, several young men wearing the uniforms of the Flying Bear Army were walking swaggeringly on the road in the village. They each carried some cloth and meat in their hands, which should be rewards distributed by the army.

The surrounding villagers greeted them one after another, their eyes filled with envy.

These soldiers also have considerable status in front of the villagers, especially the young man in the lead. When the villagers greeted him, they all called him Master Matt.

The young man waved his hands all the way and said he didn’t dare, but he couldn’t help showing a proud look on his face.

Stone Village, as the name suggests, is a village that produces stone.

The village is surrounded by rubble and there is not much land for growing food. The entire village relies on mining and polishing stone to earn dinars and then buy food.

These villagers who mine stones all year round are generally very strong, and the young and strong men are all extremely strong.

Since the rise of the Hunter Territory, Stone Village has been a high-quality source of soldiers for the Hunter family. The young and strong men here have a hard life and are strong. Most of them can easily pass the recruitment assessment set by Richard.

Many young people in the village were fed up with the day-to-day quarrying work. After being offered a generous salary by Hunter, they bid farewell to their parents and went to the army to strive for wealth.

And this group of soldiers who returned home are the young men who enlisted together to fight for wealth.

Some people survive and can return home in rich clothes, while others are already buried in the cold soil of the North.

Three of the dozen or so young men who joined the army together died in several battles. The casualty rate was not low.

But most people still look at the successful people who return to their hometowns in fine clothes, and ignore the numerous bones behind them.

With these successful examples in front of them, more young people are looking forward to the next recruitment of the Hunter family. After work, they actively train with the sheriff for a while to try to be selected next time.

Matt is one of the best. Even though Matt is physically strong, his mind is agile and talented, and he trains hard enough.

Matt participated in the two battles with the Will family and the ogres, and gained results in both.

Especially in the last battle with the ogre, Matt was lucky and even cooperated with a would-be knight to kill an ogre.

I was taught the universal breathing method during the Qigong discussion, which completely broadened my path.

“Go home and remember to meet on time!”

“Yes, very long.”

Soldiers of the Flying Bear Army have a few days of annual leave every year, and the Stone Village is not far from Ironwood City, so Matt and a few fellow villagers asked for leave and went home to visit.

After bidding farewell to a few soldiers, Matt walked toward his home along this winding rural road.

“Dong, dong dong…”

Matt held the cloth around his waist, held a piece of hind leg meat with one hand, and knocked gently on the wooden door with his free hand.

“Coming! Coming!”

A cheerful female voice came from the courtyard, followed by footsteps approaching from far away.


The wooden door opened, and what appeared inside was a pretty girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a plain cloth with brown hair tied behind her head. She looked like she had been working just now.


When the girl opened the door and saw Matt, she was stunned for a moment, and then she was surprised and pounced on Matt.


Matt, who had not even taken a step back when facing the ogre, was actually knocked back by the little girl’s sudden pounce, almost losing his grip on what he was carrying.

“Let’s go, let’s go in.”

Following his sister back to the hospital, Matt took a closer look at his home, which he had not been to for nearly half a year.

The yard has not changed much, but some places have obviously been newly repaired, some dilapidated places have been repaired, and the roof has obviously been repaired.

There are also several big geese raised in the yard. It seems that the Yinnar brought back by someone every month has indeed improved the family’s life a lot.

Matt’s father was processing rocks in the backyard, and his mother was preparing meals.

At this time, everyone rushed to the front yard when they heard Matt’s sister yelling.

“Go and kill a big goose for stew, my son is back.”

The two elders were very surprised to see Matt coming home,

In this era, if you are a soldier fighting outside, you may never come back if you go wrong, so every reunion is extremely precious.

“Don’t kill me. I brought a piece of hind leg meat. You can continue to raise the goose.”

“Then let’s do it together, and our children will be rich no matter what.”

Matt’s mother still reluctantly drove Matt’s father to kill the goose.

“Oh, if I don’t come back, I won’t be able to eat a bit of oil at home for a month.”

The parents’ enthusiasm made the girls beside them feel a little appreciative.

“What nonsense are you talking about? How often does your brother come back?”

“Take it, this piece of cloth can make you three new clothes.”

Seeing that his sister was a bit hungry, Matt hurriedly handed over the cloth in his hand.

The cloth in Matt’s hand is part of the military reward. This cloth is different from the linen clothes worn by ordinary villagers.

The texture is much more delicate, and it is also dyed with some colors. It will definitely be decent enough to be worn in the village.

No woman can resist the charm of new clothes, and the girl soon started laughing with the cloth in her arms.

Matt’s parents were very quick with their work, and soon they had a table full of delicious food.

“Son, let me tell you something.”

The dinner table is always a good place for conversation,

Soon after it was served, Matt’s father started talking.

“You see you are almost the same age, and it is time to start a family. The daughter of the Pig family in the village is younger than you, so I think it is suitable.”

Hearing this, Matt looked unhappy.

“Father, I don’t want to think about this right now.”

“It’s time to think about it.”

Matt’s mother also helped. Parents often have very consistent positions on this kind of matter.

Besides, Matt, a member of the Flying Bear Army, is quite popular in the village. Someone has already done the work, which impressed Matt’s parents.

“You two don’t have to think about this, I have my own ideas.”

“Come, eat more food.”

Matt was silenced with just one sentence, unwilling to discuss this topic any further,

In the past, if Matt dared not listen to greetings like this, Matt’s father would probably be furious immediately.

Now Matt’s status is different. He has the money sent back every month and his status as a regular soldier of the Flying Bear Army. If he doesn’t want to, no one can force him.

Seeing Matt’s resolute attitude, the two elders could only sigh slightly and say nothing more.

Of course there is a reason why Matt is unwilling to marry a random girl in the village.

Matt is a man with strength, luck and ambition.

After staying in the Flying Bear Army for so long, my strength has improved and my horizons have naturally broadened.

He was already stronger than ordinary people. He became a commander in the Flying Bear Army, and now he has accumulated military merit and learned the breathing method.

If you work hard for a while, you might be able to reach the threshold of a quasi-knight, as long as you reach the standard of a quasi-knight,

They are all out of reach, but a centurion commander cannot escape. If the chief can only be regarded as a soldier, then the centenary commander can be regarded as a grassroots officer.

At that time, he will have to marry a merchant’s lady in Ironwood City at the end. With better luck, it is not impossible for him to marry some concubine of a small noble.

Now he naturally looks down on these girls from the same village.


“Drink! Ha!”

Early the next morning, although there was no need to exercise, Matt still got up early and started training in his yard.

Ambitious people tend to work harder and have more self-discipline. Matt explains this truth very well.

For the first time, Matt’s father did not go out to work, but watched from the sidelines.

“Tap, step, step…”

A burst of rapid hoofbeats interrupted Matt’s training and attracted all of Matt’s attention.

The Northland is already short of horses, and it is difficult for civilians to own horses. Generally, only officials and large caravans can own horses.

“Urgent order! All soldiers return to the team immediately, all soldiers return to the team immediately!”

The messenger on horseback shouted orders all the way,

The village is not big, and the cavalry is still at the entrance of the village, so Matt has already heard the order clearly.

Without any delay, Matt quickly packed up his things and was ready to go.

The family said goodbye reluctantly, with worries in their eyes,

Especially the younger sister of the Matt family, her eyes were red and she waved.

Matt did not delay after packing his things. After a brief goodbye, he rushed to the entrance of the village carrying some dry food.

Compared with the worries of his family, Matt was actually a little excited.

In such a hurry to recall, I am afraid that there will be a war. Only in war can there be military merit and rewards.

Matt is not very concerned about financial rewards now. After obtaining the Breathing Technique, he hopes to go one step further and obtain the Qi-Entraining Technique.

There is no proverb in the Golden Dragon Kingdom: “A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier.”

But there is absolutely no one in the Golden Dragon Kingdom who doesn’t want to become a knight.

Knight, you used to be such a longing and immeasurable existence, but now you really have the opportunity to become a knight. How can you not be excited…


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