Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 569: Acquaintances from the South



A knight’s castle in the south not far from Posey City is being attacked by a group of armored warriors. The originally strong iron gates are scattered on the ground. The fractures of the iron gates are very neat, and it does not look like they were knocked open by heavy equipment such as a car. , it looks more like it was cut directly by sharp fighting spirit.

A large group of armored guards swarmed into the castle, killing everyone they saw, including ordinary waiters.

Of course, this kind of knight’s castle has a certain degree of force. There are also many guards in the castle who rush out to resist. The strength of the castle’s resistance is not small. There are more than two hundred fully armed soldiers in a small knight’s castle. The guards resisted with all their strength, and from time to time one or two rays of fighting spirit appeared among the soldiers. It was obvious that there was more than one knight in the team.

However, such an elite resistance force seemed weak in front of the attackers. The soldiers who rushed into the castle were a group of experienced killing machines, and many of them were elites close to the level of quasi-knights.

Working together in twos and threes, they quickly harvested the heads of the resisting guards. Several knights in the castle were just getting angry. Before they had time to show off their power, they were suppressed by more knights from the attacking side and fell to the ground in a short time. The body was lifeless.


“Who are you! I am a noble of the kingdom. Your attack on my castle has attracted the attention of Percy City. When Percy City’s army arrives, none of you will survive.”

Among the castle defenders, a master of the knight-level actually appeared. With the sudden attack, the attacking knights suffered a small loss. Fortunately, the other two knights behind him came to rescue quickly, and the defenders were defeated. The great knight of the army did not achieve greater results.

Viscount Sandry is famous for his military force among the southern nobles. The peak strength of the Grand Knight is definitely top-notch among the small nobles. Some earls’ houses do not have such powerful force as him.

The soldiers under his command are also carefully trained. It stands to reason that if they defend a castle, even if they are not as strong as the opponent, they will not collapse so quickly.

Viscount Sandry didn’t even understand the situation at the moment. He was practicing martial arts in the backyard not long ago, and then heard a report from his bodyguard that an unknown army was approaching.

After he finished dressing up and gathered half of his guards, the other party had somehow opened the city gate and rushed in.

The next time the two sides fought, it was even more difficult for Viscount Sandry to accept. Although the numbers were even, and his own guards fought bravely, they were easily crushed by the other side. Even the quantity and quality of the knights were far inferior to the other side.

If the fight continues like this, it won’t be long before there will be no survivors left in the castle.

In desperation, Viscount Sandry had to pull up the tiger skin of Percy City in an attempt to frighten the opponent.

His castle is not far from Posey City. If he wants to send out a signal, Posey City will soon notice the abnormal situation in the castle. At this time, there are at least more than 200,000 troops stationed around Posey City. No matter how this small team No matter how elite you are, it is impossible to withstand the encirclement and suppression by the army.

However, he had no chance to think about it. Such a fully armed army dared to attack a noble’s castle in broad daylight without concealment. How could it be afraid of the Percy City garrison?

He threatened that his words had no effect at all, and the soldiers below continued to kill and kill.

Viscount Sandry was so anxious that he once again attached his fighting spirit to his long sword and swept the sword towards the attacking soldiers.

As a great knight, Viscount Sandry’s strength is extremely strong. With this sword, there is absolutely no problem in cutting down some ordinary elites.


But at the moment when he waved his long sword, the offensive officer, who had been silent all this time, suddenly swung his long sword, and the fighting spirit he released directly knocked the long sword in his hand away.

Viscount Sandry was shocked. This was at least an earth-level master, but the real master of the other party had not yet made a move.

It’s just that this burning fighting spirit seems a bit familiar.

Looking towards the direction where the fighting spirit came from, there was still a resolute face, and there was something strangely familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

“You are!”


Before he could scream in surprise, the opponent had already jumped to his side. With a swing of his long sword, he easily knocked off the weapon in Viscount Sandry’s hand. The long sword with golden and red fighting spirit pierced into Viscount Sandry’s hand. Chest.

Viscount Sandry had almost no resistance, and the gap between the two sides was not as simple as the Great Knight and the Earth Rank.

Viscount Sandry stared at the other person with his eyes fixed on him. He opened his mouth and struggled to say something, but blood poured out of his mouth in large mouthfuls.

Although Viscount Sandry never made a sound until his death, the other party could still tell what the other party wanted to say from the shape of his mouth.

“The Lord of the Rising Sun will not let the traitors go…”


Posey City

The most important area in the southern part of the kingdom, not far from the city, is the main channel of the Jinlong River. The river is densely packed with merchant ships carrying goods. Along the coast is the great plain washed out by the river all year round. The fertile land produces enough food every year. Provide for hundreds of thousands of people in Poxi City.

Originally, although Percy City was managed by officials sent by the kingdom, in the south far away from the core of the kingdom, powerful aristocratic forces had long penetrated all aspects of Percy City. Officials sent by the kingdom had to work with Percy to achieve anything they wanted. The nobles in the West City discussed the matter. Without the cooperation of the Persian nobles, it would be difficult for the officials of the kingdom to accomplish anything in the city.

The south has always been the most powerful region of the kingdom’s nobles. Except for completely separatist territories like the North, the empire’s control over the south is only in a few major cities. The nobles almost co-administer the south with the kingdom.

But things always happen unexpectedly. Since Prince Pare took control of Posey City, he changed the previous situation where the kingdom and the nobles jointly governed the south. By expelling the Sea Clan, Pare almost controlled most of the south. The army has a force that is not weaker than the First Prince’s Iron Guard. Moreover, Parley, who controls most of the trade in the south, is richer than the First Prince, and the number of strong men he recruits is even greater than that of the First Prince.

Parley is a well-known figure in Percy City. Even outside of Percy City, the weight of Parley’s words in the south is much greater than in the kingdom without the Dragon Knight. The Gu raised by Charman’s family is really not bad. Those who are released are all outstanding people who can control one side.

In the garden of the city lord’s palace, Pare was sitting lazily on a lounge chair. There was a pot of hot tea on the table and several plates of desserts unique to the North. The maid on the side put the pastries into Pare’s mouth. The sweet but not greasy taste made him enjoy it.

“My brother-in-law, if nothing else, enjoys this life in a separate way. If the orcs hadn’t called, I would have really wanted to go to Miracle City and enjoy life with him.”

Although Richard is not extremely extravagant, he still has to enjoy what should be enjoyed. The enjoyment of life is definitely unique among human beings. Before Richard came, the great nobles of various families even had a band on their fingers. It is full of sparkling gems. On weekdays, I can only eat random stews. At most, I can eat lamb that has not completely removed the smell and rub some black pepper powder on it. It can be said to be enjoyable. These things are under Li Cha’s eyes. It can barely be considered as human food, comparable to the big pot rice in school.

Exquisite foods such as sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and flower cakes were all introduced from the cooks in the North, as well as things like soaps and cigarettes. Richard developed some simple enjoyment products based entirely on his own preferences. , abruptly improved the living standards of the kingdom’s nobles.

Although Pare likes to enjoy, in fact, like Richard, he has no desire for so-called luxury goods such as gem velvet. Although the city lord’s palace is large, it has almost no other accessories except the basic furnishings of tables and chairs. Unlike in Bo The power in Xicheng is definitely simple in comparison.

“Your Highness, General Mi Xiu is back and is asking for an audience outside the city lord’s palace.”

“Oh, please come in, General Mishu.”

Hearing the return of Mi Xiu, Pare immediately sat up straight, and the maids serving on both sides also stepped back very consciously. It is true that Pare loves to enjoy, but he is also extremely serious when talking about business.

This general with the same name and surname as the Pope of the Rising Sun Religion is the Pope himself. Things are so magical. This number one rebel who once assassinated the king and almost succeeded, actually Became Pare’s subordinate.

It is a guy like Parley who even dared to take Mi Xiu under his control. Because Mi Xiu violated the oracle, he led Hussein into an internal strife at Longxing Pass and cleared out a large number of his own people. He was already taught the church. Unable to tolerate it, churches in various places received news of Misu’s apostasy through their own information channels.

Mixiu and Hussein came to the south with a small number of knights who were willing to follow them. Before they settled down, they were attacked by the Southern Church.

The kingdom’s control in the south is weak and the power of the nobles is huge. Correspondingly, the strength secretly accumulated by the church in the south is much stronger than in the central plains.

In one attack, the church mobilized more than 500 elite soldiers, more than 20 knight-level masters and six grand knight-level masters. All the army’s crossbows and other sharp weapons were brought out.

In fact, with the power of the church in the south, it could even mobilize more troops. However, it was afraid that the commotion would be too big and attract the attention of Pare in Posy City, so it tried to streamline the personnel as much as possible and only use elite forces. Attack and kill Mi Xiu and his party who have just arrived in the south.

It’s just that they misjudged Mi Xiu’s strength. According to the idea of ​​​​dealing with sky-level masters, they first introduced Mi Xiu into a narrow room, and then used knight-level masters to operate bed crossbows and other large war weapons with the coverage of ordinary crossbows. Shoot, and then surround them with a large number of heavily armored soldiers regardless of life or death.

According to this arrangement, ordinary sky-level masters may fail.

It’s just that what they were besieging was the most talented pope in hundreds of years. Mi Xiu, who had been killing people at Longxing Pass, had more clear ideas. Coupled with the help of the slow recovery of magic power, he was able to escape before arriving in the south. Already entered the holy level.

It is obviously unrealistic to deal with a holy class master according to the preparations for besieging the sky class masters. The holy class masters are simply not something that hundreds of elite soldiers can deal with. After a fight, the Southern Church suffered heavy losses and declared defeat. .

This fight almost completely severed the remaining friendship between Mi Xiu and the church.

As for this battle, the church naively did not want to attract the attention of Pare in Posey City. In the past, when the kingdom officials were in charge of Posey City, they would probably have concealed it with a little bit of tricks, but they wanted to conceal it. It’s a bit wishful thinking to pass Parley.

Not only did Pare notice the battle, he even found out the reason for the church’s dispatch and the targets of the ambush. Not only was the church heading into the kingdom, the kingdom also had many spies buried in the church.

After understanding what happened, Pare not only did not fear Mishu’s force, he even came up with the bold idea of ​​recruiting him directly.

I don’t know what kind of mentality Mi Xiu had. After several contacts, he actually joined Pare’s command. The most important thing he did under Pare’s command was to lead a group of elites to help Pare clean up the church. A secret buried near Percy City.

A former pope came to lead the team to exterminate the Rising Sun Cult. Its efficiency can be imagined. After the orcs won successive victories on the battlefield, the remnants of the church everywhere were in great joy. On the contrary, this original church in the south The area with the strongest strength was suppressed to death, and there was no temper at all. Mi Xiu can be said to have contributed a lot.

Shortly after the personal guard reported, Mi Xiu came to the courtyard of the city lord’s palace. In order to show his attention, Parley also stood up and waited.

Although Parley doesn’t look upright in front of Richard, he actually has a character that depends on others. He has always been able to keep his bearings when facing a serious person like Mi Xiu.

Pa Lei expressed his attention, and Mi Xiu also gave him face. When he came in, he bowed to Pa Lei first, and then said:

“Viscount Sandry has been completely wiped out. In addition to Viscount Sandry, there are two priests of the Rising Sun Cult in the castle.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work, General.”

Faced with Pare’s politeness, Mi Xiu nodded slightly, with a non-committal attitude.

Parley was also very wise and continued:

“The Sandry family’s land will all be used as public land and distributed to landless refugees at low rents. After the property is liquidated and counted, it will all be used as funds for the Posey City Orphanage. It should also be used to supplement these poor children. Nutritious.”

After hearing this, Mi Xiu, who had no expression on his face at first, finally became a little shaken and nodded towards Pa Lei, which was regarded as an expression of approval.

In this era, the most indispensable thing is bankrupt refugees and helpless orphans. Ordinary small peasant families are extremely fragile. A natural disaster, an illness, or even because of the bad taste of a certain nobleman will cause them to die. Their families may be destroyed in an instant, and some peasants in noble territories sometimes become fugitives because of the nobles’ excessive expropriation. These people usually do not survive for too long. Although orphans who have lost their parents are not everywhere, there are definitely a lot of them.

These people usually don’t survive for too long. Deyi and Paley followed Richard’s method of governing the North, dividing farmland for the refugees, adopting orphans and raising them, which can be regarded as giving these desperate people some way to survive.

It’s just that Parley, who was in the south, didn’t dare to do something too extreme like Richard. He could only cut the flesh with a blunt knife, change it little by little, and rely on the powerful force in his hand to avoid causing any trouble.

Even so, Parley’s actions also caused dissatisfaction among many nobles, but this dissatisfaction was nothing compared to Misu’s attitude. Parley is indeed a very smart person. After a short period of contact, , almost found the only way to win over Mi Xiu.

Mixiu is not greedy for money, sex, or power. He is almost a saint with no desires, but he is very sympathetic to the poor. By constantly showing his caring side for the people, Parley has basically stabilized his position. Now that Mi Xiu is here, we can even try to get Mi Xiu to do something other than wipe out the Rising Sun Sect.

“General Mixiu, how is the situation with the dwarves?”

“Sorry, I couldn’t pick up that shield.”

“There’s nothing you can do about it. The orcs have already broken the dragon’s breath barrier. These dwarves are really stubborn.”

The dwarves living in the southern hills are definitely a powerful force. Parley has been trying to form an alliance with them to fight against the orcs. Unfortunately, he cannot win the dwarf king’s shield. No matter what conditions Parley puts forward, the dwarves will not send troops.

I originally thought that a strong saint like Mi Xiu could succeed, but I didn’t expect that even someone as strong as Mi Xiu could not successfully pick up the shield.

“Forget it, no one can pick up that shield. Let’s put it aside for the time being. Let’s work hard to repair the general.”

Even Mi Xiu failed. Parley had no choice but to temporarily give up the plan to unite the dwarves. However, Mi Xiu, who had been silent at first, suddenly spoke:

“If you rely on pure strength, the King of the North is stronger than me. If anyone else among humans can do it, the King of the North may be able to try again.”

Mixiu and Richard had fought against each other before, and Richard’s powerful strength left some impression on him. The other party seemed to have reached the holy level. Maybe the other party could try this kind of strength-fighting thing.

When Mi Xiu said this, Parley, who was about to give up temporarily, regained his energy and seemed to have found his direction again…


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