Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 568: Development and Situation


The sun was high in the sky, and the air was still slightly moist due to a spring rain. Early spring was originally a time when everything revived, but the area around Longxing Pass showed a lifeless scene.

This lifelessness is literally lifelessness. Villages are burned to the ground, and there are plundering orcs and randomly killed human civilians everywhere. Bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles. This is probably the scene.

Although the top brass of the orcs want to adopt a certain gentle policy towards humans to reduce the difficulty of the advance, how can they easily control the millions of orc soldiers who are red-eyed to kill, not to mention ordinary orc soldiers, just some of the orcs? Senior officers couldn’t help but take the lead in looting and killing. The hatred between the two sides could not be controlled by a word. The top orcs could only barely control the order of some big cities and ensure the safety of some human nobles who had taken refuge with the orcs. They also wanted to Use these people as examples to recruit more human nobles.

Facts have proved that this method of the orcs is very effective. If the orcs slaughter indiscriminately like the ogres, it will inevitably cause a comprehensive rebound of mankind. However, the orcs’ current move to lure the human noble lords to surrender has caused many people who were supposed to have surrendered. The human nobles who clung to the city and castle were shaken.

It took the orcs less than a month to conquer most of the castle groups and large cities that were originally planned to delay the orcs for half a year.

Iris Castle

A knight’s castle built to the west of Longxi Pass. The outer wall of the castle is more than ten meters high and the bottom is about four meters thick. Arrow towers are arranged on all sides. On the semi-fixed crossbows arranged above, giant arrows The cold light made it clear at a glance that these war instruments were well maintained and definitely not for decoration.

The outside of the castle is even surrounded by a moat several meters wide. Once the hanging door is pulled up, it is definitely a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Orris Castle is the castle of Earl Connery. As an Earl’s castle, Oris Castle is almost It is the largest castle in the surrounding area besides the official city of the kingdom, and is also the leader of the surrounding nobles.

Because the kingdom deliberately arranged the emerging military nobles who were still somewhat brave to the west of Dragon Breathing Pass as a buffer between the Dragon Breathing Pass defense line and the central plains, all nobles like Earl Connery were more powerful than the established ones in the royal capital. The nobles are still very capable of fighting. The current Earl Connery is the first generation of military nobles. He was also a member of the Dragon Breath Pass Legion when he was young. He fought countless battles with the orcs on the Dragon Breath Pass defense line and has been accumulating military merit. He reached the level of legion commander, and when he finally retired, he was awarded an earldom based on his military merit.

Although Earl Connery is over seventy years old, the old earl, who has the strength of a great knight, is not bad at all. At this time, he is still wearing a heavy armor and standing in front of the Iris Castle with his long sword. The top of the city shouted to the troops besieging the castle below.

The orcs broke through Dragon’s Breath Pass, but there were many castles along the way from Dragon’s Breath Pass to the Central Plains. Of course, the orcs could not ignore these large and small castles, such as the Earl’s Castle, which was armed to the teeth, like Iris Castle. It is also the focus of the orcs’ attention.

However, the army besieging Iris Castle was not only an army of orcs, but also a larger number of human armies.

“Mr. Connery, open the castle and surrender the castle. The orcs will not kill the nobles. There are few orcs and they cannot control so much territory. In the future, our nobles will still be nobles and lords will still be lords. As long as we pay taxes to the orcs on time, we will give The kingdom pays taxes and pays taxes to the orcs. There is no difference, so why resist?”

The person who stood up to persuade him to surrender was also a human noble. He was wearing a suit of armor but lacked the spirit of a knight. His tone sounded familiar to the owner of Iris Castle. These are the human nobles who surrendered after the orcs broke through. After discovering that they could still continue to enjoy wealth after surrendering to the orcs, many lords did not care at all that the two sides were not the same race at all, and they knelt down quite smoothly. Not only did they provide supplies for the orcs, they even brought their own soldiers to persuade the orcs to surrender the human castles that were still resisting.

“What did you say? I’m a bit old and can’t hear well. Let’s discuss it closer.”

Although Earl Connery is standing on the city wall wearing armor and seems to be in good spirits, his image is indeed old, and it is normal for his ears to be a little behind. It is definitely a great achievement to persuade a big castle like Iris to surrender. , on the west side of the entire Longxingguan defense line, apart from the eighteen great buildings in the kingdom, Iris Castle is the largest and most important.

The human aristocrat who was eager to make a contribution in front of the new master did not hesitate much. In order to better persuade Earl Connally to surrender, he actually approached the Castle of Oris on horseback. In his opinion, the Castle of Oris had no intention of surrendering. reasons. Although Earl Conner Road still has more than 2,000 personal guards stationed at the castle, and coupled with his own strength as a great knight, he is the strongest lord among the surrounding nobles, but if he wants to resist the orc army, it is definitely a mantis. , even the millions of troops at Longxi Pass were defeated by the orcs. How could the little Connelly family resist the orc army.

Besides, the orcs are also honest in what they do. The surrendered human lords only need to hand over part of the food for the orc army to use. In the future, they can just pay taxes to the orcs just like paying taxes to the kingdom. There is no need to hand over family property, and there is no danger to their lives. Why fight to the end with the orcs?

These days, he took the surrender troops of a flag regiment assigned to him by the orcs, plus hundreds of orc warriors, and has persuaded several nobles to surrender without any blood, saving the orcs a lot of trouble. When he persuaded them to leave, Iris Castle, maybe the orcs can make him a city lord. In the past, he was just a baron, a country bumpkin who had just stepped into the ranks of the nobility. He had no sense of presence in the aristocratic circle, because he first surrendered to the orcs, but now he has a higher status. He was a lot taller, and many nobles who originally looked down on him began to fawn over him after surrendering. When he was so thick-skinned that he didn’t care that he had become a traitor, he began to enjoy this feeling.

However, while he was still imagining how to gain greater wealth and wealth by persuading Iris Castle to surrender, several bed crossbows on the city wall had quietly adjusted their angles slightly.

“Mr. Connery, you are an earl and you have more than two thousand capable soldiers. As long as you are willing to surrender, Iris Castle will still be your castle. You only need to provide supplies for the orcs and send your family to Antler City for enjoyment. That’s it.”

The human nobles who persuaded them to surrender stopped again when they were about 200 meters away from Iris Castle. The knight’s voice was also loud. From this position, almost everyone on the city wall could hear clearly. Clearly.

Count Connery saw that the other party had already taken the bait, and now he was too lazy to continue pretending.

“It’s a pity. Thinking about having to laugh with those ugly things in the future, I feel sick and want to vomit. Eight orcs died in my hands, not ten. In this life, I only know how to kill. Orcs, if you want to work for orcs, you won’t be able to do anything for the rest of your life.”

“Mr. Connery, are you planning to drink a toast instead of eating it?”

Earl Connolly’s words clearly indicate that he has no intention of surrendering. He has encountered nobles who want to resist in recent days, but those castles with only two to three hundred soldiers with low morale are simply unbearable. Attack, just make a few threats, and then command the puppet troops under his command to take down most of them as soon as they attack.

At this time, he had not felt the danger coming, and he was ready to threaten him with a few words, and to further damage the morale of the defenders on the city, but in the next second, several sounds of piercing the air were heard, and several giant arrows were aimed at him. Coming in a hurry.

“Damn it! Doesn’t Connery want the lives of his family?”

Although the orcs adopt a gentle and conciliatory strategy towards the human nobles, their tyrannical nature cannot be concealed in any way. For the human nobles who dare to resist, the end result will be that the entire clan will be wiped out and their bodies will be hung on the roadside for public display. In the face of the powerful orc army, resistance is almost a dead end. Surrendering can not only save the lives of the whole family, but also continue to enjoy wealth. There are only a few who are willing to fight to the end.

Unfortunately, Count Connery is in the minority.

This veteran who has been fighting for half his life has never had the slightest idea of ​​surrender. The personal guards in Iris Castle are all his elite soldiers trained according to the training methods of the Longxiguan Legion. Several knight officers with gray beards are still His old brothers who served in the legion also had no intention of surrendering.

Due to the scale of Iris Castle and the special status of the old earl, in addition to the bed crossbow, there is even a Shenwei crossbow on the city wall, which is also unlucky for the opponent. Although these giant arrows are powerful, their accuracy has never been too high. For targets two hundred meters away, half depends on the shooter’s experience and half depends on God’s will.

This time, two giant arrows accurately hit the human nobles who came to persuade them to surrender. Under the strong desire to survive, the opponent even ignited his fighting spirit in the end to fight against one or two, but it had no effect at all. , at a distance of two hundred meters, the Shenwei Crossbow can even cause considerable damage to the white dragon. It is simply not something that a little knight can resist. The giant arrow more than three meters long shot through his body and opened fire on him. A huge **** hole opened up, and the whole person flew backwards from the horse. Finally, he fell to the ground and was pinned to the ground by the arrow. There was no room for struggle, so he died.


This sudden scene made the soldiers on Fort Iris cheer in unison, and their morale was instantly boosted.

The orc officer below the city was very angry. Although he looked down upon the other human traitors, when the other party killed the traitor, they slapped him in the face. Before long, the thousands of soldiers who besieged Iris Castle An attack on Iris Castle was launched under the supervision of the orcs.

The resistance at Fort Iris is quite fierce. Although there are only two thousand soldiers in the castle, Mr. Connery is indeed a generation of military nobles and senior officers. The officers below are also experienced veterans. With his The solid Fort Iris easily repelled the attack of several times the number of puppet troops. Most of the human soldiers who surrendered to the orcs only surrendered under the leadership of their own superiors or lords. Their morale was almost zero, and it was difficult to fight against the wind. At best, it is only at the level of maintaining law and order. It is too difficult for them to attack the enemy.

The battle at Fort Iris lasted for nearly three days. In the end, the orcs had to mobilize the legions stationed in the big city to break through Fort Iris. When the city was breached, Earl Connery directly ignited the weapons that had been laid out long ago. He used kerosene and dry firewood to devour the orcs who rushed into the castle, and also engulfed the entire Connery family…


Since the destruction of Dragon Breath Pass, the kingdom has never received any good news.

Antlers City fell due to the collusion between traitors and the Rising Sun Cult inside and outside….

Longyan City resisted for nearly ten days. Under the breath of dozens of white dragons, the whole city burned, and the orcs slaughtered the entire city….

The powerful people in Black Moon City were in a turmoil. The capitulation faction preemptively purged the resistance faction and then Kaicheng surrendered….

Sword Eagle City resisted for a week and fell…

Feishicheng surrendered….

The Count of Karls surrendered…

Clayburg fell after a day of resistance….

Fort Iris fell after four days of resistance….

Fort Missi displayed the Sunrise Flag of the Rising Sun Cult and voluntarily surrendered…



One month after the orcs broke through the Dragon’s Breath Pass, all the eighteen large cities that were originally planned to resist the orcs for another half a year fell, and all the military noble castles that served as the eastern barrier of the Central Plains also fell. The orcs’ frontline has entered the rich In the Central Plains, the wolf cavalry has even looked at the Golden Dragon City from a distance several times. The collapse of the kingdom is already close at hand.



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