Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 567: Rewards and promotions


Early morning

The sun shone into the house. Richard got up and subconsciously wanted to open the window, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he remembered that he was in Snowfield City. The sun looked bright outside. If he opened the window, the air-conditioning would pour in and the temperature inside the house would increase. It dropped several degrees in an instant.

The Messiah is still lying on the bed, soundly asleep. He was tortured by Richard for half the night last night. The physical difference between the two is too big. Even if the body is strengthened by the magic power of the light system, the Messiah is definitely not Richard. The two opponents, who had always been tense, finally relaxed and took a lazy break together.

Turn around and look at the Messiah’s delicate face and smooth jade skin, and couldn’t help but lean down and tap his forehead gently. The sleeping Messiah seemed to feel something, and a smile actually appeared on his face.

Without disturbing Messiah’s rest, Richard put on his clothes, left the house quietly, and returned to Miracle City through the teleportation array.

Conquering the snowfield, Richard is looking forward to the rewards he can get for such a difficult task. He went straight to the Congress Hall and opened the task column.

“Task: Conquer the Snowfield (Completed), do you want to receive the reward?”


“Congratulations on receiving 35 million bonus experience points.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade.”

“Congratulations on getting the reward treasure: Ice Giant Training Camp.

Introduction: Ice giants were originally biological weapons manufactured by the Holy Magisters during the Elf Empire. Their strength was equal to that of giant dragons, but their number was far greater than that of giant dragons. They were the basic force used by Holy Magisters to fight against the gods. After the magic power was exhausted, the ice giants as magical creatures degenerated significantly, forming the current snow giants. Now you can build an ice giant training camp to awaken the ice giant power of some snow giants.

Effect: Two elite snow giants can be trained into ice giants every week. After the training is completed, the loyalty of the ice giants will be greatly improved. ”

The reward for the mission was really too generous. The more than 30 million experience points raised Richard’s level by one level. Coupled with the experience gained in the previous battle, Richard’s level directly exceeded 30. The fifth level mark.

The Ice Giant training camp is a stronger building than the seventh-level soldier camp. Although the training threshold is elite snow giants, that is, snow giants above the earth level, as the new snow giant king, Richard is his subordinate There are many elite snow giants who serve. The Ice Flame Department alone now has more than ten elite snow giants. If they are transformed into ice giants, their strength will immediately increase from the earth level to the mid-level sky.

Furthermore, the snow giants who have been promoted in the training camp will also increase their loyalty. Richard can use the training camp to add sand to the Royal Court Soldiers and pull all the small and medium-sized officers in the Royal Court Soldiers to train. In half a year, the Royal Court soldiers staying near Snowfield City will be completely controlled by Richard.

In the future, Snowfield City will be able to produce four seventh-level giants every week. At this speed, Richard will be able to lead the giant army across the Great Plains in a while.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Richard focused on himself again. After breaking through level 35, Richard’s attributes were improved again.

“Name: Richard Hunter

Race: Human

Strength: 60.2

Agility: 60.6

Physique: 61.8

Spirit: 40.5

Specialty: Control

Skills: Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defensive Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Intermediate), Magic Power (Intermediate), Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster Level), Lie Yang Qi Jue (Advanced), Leadership Technique (Elementary Level) ).

Available skill points: 10

Except for mental attributes, all of Richard’s statistics have exceeded the 60-point mark. If you want to find a reference creature for Richard at this time, the ancient dragon is a bit unqualified. At least it must be at the level of a clan leader. Only a giant dragon can compete with Richard.

Of course, the breakthrough in attributes is secondary. What is more important is that the skill points have finally accumulated to 10 points. The Blazing Sun Qi-Entraining Technique, which had been in gray, finally lit up and became upgradable. Richard has been No skill points were used, just to improve the level of Lieyang Qi Entrainment Technique.


Richard focused his energy on the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Technique, and an upgrade option appeared on the system. After Richard confirmed the upgrade, the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Technique (advanced) was upgraded to the master level.

Of course, this change is not just a change of a few words on the panel. It is also a completely new experience for Richard. The violent Yang Dou Qi suddenly breaks out in the body again, and an inexplicable Dou Qi emerges from the body. As his limbs roamed, every meridian in his body was being transformed by this fighting spirit. At this moment, Richard felt as if he was in the scorching sun, about to be melted at any moment.


The huge pain made Richard have to bite the tip of his tongue to prevent himself from losing consciousness directly. He had a feeling that if he fainted during the ascension, he would suffer great losses, and he must pass this ascension with a clear will.

In the Congress Hall, only a few minutes passed, but to Richard it seemed like a century had passed. The intense pain finally faded away, and Richard, who was soaked in sweat, sat directly in the hall. On the ground, it took him a long time to stand up again.

At this moment, Richard felt unprecedentedly relaxed. Before, the blazing Yang Dou Qi in his body was more like a tool, similar to the ammunition in a firearm stored in the body waiting to be used. Although the amount was large, it was always difficult to be precise. control. But now, the amount of Lieyang Dou Qi in the body has not only doubled, but it also seems to have completely become a part of the body, and can be used like hands and feet.

Richard casually inspired a trace of fighting spirit in his hand. A wisp of fighting spirit as thin as a hair emerged from his fingertips, and then disappeared without a trace. The sunlight around his body seemed to have become a part that he could control. The environment seems to work to its advantage, too.

“Is this the realm of the domain?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Richard’s mouth. His strength was indeed his confidence. After entering the realm, the sense of crisis caused by the powerful orcs and the Rising Sun Cult finally eased slightly.

It is worth mentioning that it is not only Richard who gained from this battle in the snowfield. The massive experience provided by the snow giant not only improved Richard’s level, but the heroes who participated in the battle also benefited a lot. Ristin upgraded three levels in a row during the battle. Not only did his skills improve, but his original mid-level sky strength also reached the peak of the sky level, and he could keep up with the pace of Richard’s heroes.

And Natalis, who had been stuck at the peak of the sky level for a long time, finally successfully completed the breakthrough this time, entered the holy level, and became the second holy level hero under Richard. People like Natalis Although a strong combat hero has just entered the Holy Level, he must not be treated as an ordinary Holy Level. His strength is at least equivalent to the Holy Level at the peak of the Realm of Power. For a Holy Level like Severo before, the two together may not be enough. Natalie beat her.

The high-end combat power in Richard’s force suddenly became abundant, and there are also several heroes who may enter the holy level at any time. He will be much more confident in dealing with the orcs next.


Miracle City

In the compound where Aragorn lives, Aragorn, dressed in simple clothes, still kills his boring time by fishing.

Aragorn, who was originally calm and calm, suddenly seemed a little strange, with a trace of surprise on his face.

“This boy, is the progress so fast? The Lord of the Rising Sun may be worried again.”

Then Aragorn’s expression returned to calm again, and he threw the fishhook into the water again…


As Richard pacified the snowfields, everything in the Northland was developing in a prosperous direction, but the situation in the kingdom worsened.

After the shadow assassins joined the war, many high-ranking generals from the Duke of Ross down to Longxingguan were assassinated, and Longxingguan, which was already unsustainable, completely collapsed.

In another round of fierce attack by the orcs, the white dragon and the shadow assassin came out together. At first glance, there were more orc warriors than ants, pushing various siege equipment and launching a fearless attack on Longxi Pass.

In the end, the gate of Dragon’s Breath Pass was opened, and most of the defenders were killed. Moriel fought hard and saw that the situation was irreversible, so she took the remaining dragons and Taize, who fought to the last moment, and withdrew in the chaos.

After receiving the news, Gru also led the northern troops who had long been prepared to retreat to the north. No matter how strong he was personally or how elite his system warriors were, they could not withstand the orcs’ overwhelming power at this time. An army of millions of orcs and hundreds of white dragons marched across the natural barrier of Longxi Pass.

Even two more Grus with the combat power would be unable to stop the orc army advancing like a torrent. They could only retreat gradually according to Richard’s arrangement, conserving their strength and waiting for the opportunity to strike back.

Antlers City

This city was originally one of the eighteen large cities on the Longxiguan defense line. It is located southwest of the main pass of Longxiguan. On weekdays, at least two legions and more than 50,000 soldiers are stationed. It is definitely an important city. military town.

The entire city was built in a military-oriented manner, with moats, urns, and watchtowers all equipped with all kinds of facilities. The soldiers worked hard to defend it, making it definitely a city that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

On weekdays, it is difficult for Antler City to encounter any attacks, and it is basically difficult to use various defensive measures. After all, it is located behind Dragon’s Breath Pass. If the orcs want to attack Antler City, they must first break through Dragon’s Breath Pass.

It’s just that the situation is different now. Not only was Antler City attacked, it was also breached by the orcs in a short period of time. The corpses of soldiers from both sides were still left on the city wall. The fluttering golden dragon flag had been torn down by the orcs, and now it was hung It’s the **** banner of the orcs.

The city gate is wide open, and the ferocious-looking orcs are entering the city in groups. The remaining civilians can only hide in the house and watch in fear as this terrifying army enters the city. Atrocities have been happening from time to time in the corners, and everywhere Screaming, most of the defenders in the city have been taken prisoner, and only a small number of people are still making desperate resistance in the streets.

Inside the City Lord’s Mansion

Different from the hellish scenes in most places in the city, there was still a peaceful scene of singing and dancing in the hall.

Plate after plate of delicious food was put on the table, and the supply of wine was never stopped. The graceful dancers danced in the center, but their movements were a little stiff. If you look carefully, you can find that each of them There was a look of fear on people’s faces, and they didn’t have the natural look of dancing in the past.

This time, in addition to the original officials and nobles, sitting in the surrounding seats were a group of orc generals whose blood was still wet.

Sitting on the main seat was an orc general wearing heavy armor. He kept grabbing the food on the plate with his hands, not paying attention to the exquisite knife next to him.

Sitting next to him on his left was a human wearing aristocratic attire. Seeing the orc’s rude behavior, he did not dare to show the slightest disdain, but instead kept smiling.

“General Kuru, how does this food taste? Do you want some more.”

“Forget it, it’s just a taste. I can eat this kind of beef, but my men can’t. They are still eating dry food now.”

Your men are not just eating dry food, but are busy looting in the city.

Of course the human nobles below did not dare to say what was in their hearts, but continued to apologize and said:

“I have arranged for people to prepare food. There is enough food in the city, and the general’s warriors will not go hungry.”

“Well, Mr. Fran is interested.”

“As long as you can always provide enough food, you will definitely be the lord of Antler City.”

“Thank you, General!”

“Hahaha, let’s have a drink together.”

The orc general raised his wine glass with greasy hands and clinked it with the human noble in front of him. The oil in his hand occasionally rubbed onto the other person’s gorgeous clothes. However, the human noble did not show any dissatisfaction at all and looked contented. A proud look.

The human named Fran was originally a viscount and the flag captain of the Antler City garrison.

According to Ross’s arrangement, after the fall of Longxiang Pass, every major city thereafter should defend and resist, relying on these military cities to delay the orcs’ footsteps.

It’s just that the actual development of things will never be as perfect as expected, and people’s hearts are even more changeable. Although most of the Dragon Breathing Gate defenders are very hostile to the orcs, the desire to survive can sometimes overwhelm everything else.

After the orcs announced that they would surrender and not kill them, differences quickly emerged in Antler City, which had resisted resolutely. The capitulation faction headed by Fran did not want to die together, so they took advantage of the fighting to open the city gate, leading to the rapid fall of Antler City.

Although the orcs who entered the city behaved violently, they actually fulfilled their promise. Not only did they treat the surrenderers preferentially, they even granted them official posts and made wishes, which calmed the emotions of the surrenderers and broke the fighting spirit of some people. .

After breaking through the level, the orcs played this game much better than before. In addition to using force, they also used methods to win over and divide…


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