Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 566: Aftermath


“My king!”

“My king!”

After Richard killed the previous Snow Giant King Severo in Kumu, he naturally became the new Snow Giant King. Although he has no foundation among the Snow Giants, this throne is quite empty, but it does not affect this moment. He accepted the cheers from the snow giant, and the leaders of the major tribes were also very respectful at this moment. Although they did not know Richard at all, they still behaved respectfully in front of everyone.

“Hanfeng tribe, Dawu, offer your loyalty to my king.”

“Yukikaze tribe, offer your loyalty to my king!”

“Ice Spear Division, offer your loyalty to my king!”

Before Severo’s body was restrained, the leaders of various tribes were already busy coming out and half-kneeling in front of Richard, scrambling to show their goodwill to the new king. The forces in the royal court, which were a little slow to react, also reacted and started to respond. Kneel down and swear allegiance.

As for the Ice Flame Tribe, Man Gu had already taken the position closest to Richard. Compared with the fawning or uneasy expressions on the faces of other tribal leaders, Man Gu’s face was full of pride. Richard had taken the position. , among the snow giant Li Ta, the Bingyan tribe was the earliest hero to follow the dragon. In the past, these snow giants regarded the Bingyan tribe as traitors. Now, these high-ranking tribal leaders and the nobles of the royal court are kneeling behind them, feeling in their hearts It’s indescribably enjoyable.

Of course, Man Gu also understands very well how deep his bond with Richard is. At least half of the people kneeling here are forced to acknowledge Richard’s status due to the situation, but his Ice Flame Department has truly dedicated his absolute In this snowy field, if the Bingyan Department is damaged, Richard may not be damaged, but if Richard is damaged, the Bingyan Department will definitely be damaged.

“Everyone, please stand up.”

Richard’s tone was kind, and there was no sense of violence like when he killed Severo before. However, none of the snow giants present dared to look down upon him. After Richard asked them to stand up, they all immediately stood up to thank him, and most of them looked at him. They were still focused on the Ice Giant King that Richard had transformed into, waiting for his next order.

“When Severo was king, he went against the grain and provoked wars for no reason, which brought great pain to all tribes. I killed Severo in Kumu, which can be regarded as eliminating harm from the snow plains.”

Anyway, Severo is dead, so he won’t refute it. Let’s put the hat on him first. Although it is an imposition of charges, all the tribes seem to have some feelings. No matter what the reason for Severo provoking this war is , just looking at the results, he really gave each tribe a hard time. Some tribes lost almost half of their young men. Thinking of Severo, it made his teeth itch with hatred. Richard’s words were immediately echoed by each tribe.

Then, Richard raised the Key of Ice and Snow, the symbolic treasure of the Snow Giant King. The blue ice crystals shone with light, and the snow giants half-knelt on the ground again. Although Richard had no foundation, he learned from tradition and In terms of sanctity, it can barely be said to be orthodox.

With the power brought by the Ice and Snow Key, Richard immediately made arrangements for the next thing.

First of all, he divided the nearly two hundred miles around Snowfield City into the hunting grounds of the Ice Flame Tribe, laying the foundation for a large tribe for the Ice Flame Tribe. Although the Ice Flame Tribe can only produce about 200 warriors now, it still controls many young and strong prisoners of war. The prisoners of war from these small tribes have always refused to join the Ice Flame Tribe because they felt that the Ice Flame Tribe was betraying the Snow Giant. Traitor, now that Richard has become the Snow Giant King, he naturally no longer has this worry. The Ice Flame Tribe was soon able to subdue hundreds of warriors, and immediately completed the transformation from a small tribe to a medium-sized tribe.

Moreover, Mangu was positioned as the new affairs officer of the royal court and became Richard’s agent among the snow giants. His status was even more special. After Richard announced the order, Mangu was so moved that he knelt on the ground again. As long as Richard If they don’t fall, it’s only a matter of time before the Ice Flame Tribe becomes a large tribe in his hands. The long-cherished wish finally has hope.

Richard’s arrangements for the Ice Flame Tribe did not cause any disturbance to the following Snow Giants. After all, the Ice Flame Tribe was still small at the moment, and demarcating more territory would not have much impact on other tribes. The key is Richard’s subsequent orders.

Richard first guaranteed the interests of the major tribes, saying that he would respect the traditions of the snow giants. The leaders of each tribe enjoy a certain degree of autonomy and would not be as rebellious as Severo. Then he promised that he would only recruit limited recruits from each tribe. Warriors will not push each tribe to death. They will finally accept the current division of hunting grounds for each tribe without making any adjustments.

This made the tribal leaders below breathe a sigh of relief. At least now it seemed that it was the right choice to let Severo collapse and replace him with this strange royal family. Soon the tribal leaders below were praising them. .

As for the Royal Court, it was divided into three by Richard. Richard definitely did not intend to go to the Snow Giant Court to become the Giant King. After going to the Royal Court, not to mention whether the Taits in the Royal Court would have any excuses. It was impossible for him to accept that he would truly become a giant king in the snowfield. Taking advantage of the current situation, Richard was not polite and directly designated the snowfield city as the new royal court. The previous king The court was immediately abolished, and all orders issued by the old court in the future were considered false orders.

Part of the Royal Court soldiers were left near Snowfield City to defend the new Royal Court location together with the Bingyan Tribe. However, unstable factors like Ge Ur were found by Richard to lead troops out to garrison. Sent out.

After a few orders, the interests of the major tribes were protected. Although the interests of the Royal Court were not damaged, the power was dispersed into several large pieces by Richard. It happened that Severo gave the main force of the Royal Court to After bringing them all over, there is no need to mobilize them. The elites of the Royal Court can immediately follow Richard’s orders from Snowfield City and station in various places in the Snowfield.

Richard’s operation may seem confusing, distracting the Snow Giant King’s direct power to deter the snowfield. In fact, it is his best way to control the snowfield. First of all, he knows the time, and his foundation in the snowfield is only Snowfield City was a force that was incompatible with the Snow Giant. It was much worse than Willow. It had no foundation at all. It was simply impossible to completely concentrate power in its hands.

Originally, Wang Ting was the largest force in the snowfield and a close confidant of the Snow Giant King. However, for Richard, Wang Ting was the most threatening force because he could not stay in the snowfield for a long time and could not fully control the king. It is better to dismantle the court into pieces to avoid the possibility of the royal court threatening Snowfield City. The power of each tribe has been amplified and has become a firm supporter of Richard. At least the other Tait now want to take advantage of Richard. If they don’t make any small moves in the snowfield, these tribes, large and small, will be the first to refuse.

Anyway, he has no way to completely control the snowfield for the time being. As long as a nominal surrender completes the task and gives Snowfield City a stable development environment, the various forces in the snowfield will naturally be broken into pieces as much as possible.

After Richard announced the order, he quickly disappeared in front of the snow giant. The duration of the transformation was almost up. He didn’t want to transform back into a human in front of a large group of snow giants yet. This would affect his prestige. After causing a certain amount of damage, he would go to the academy as the Ice Giant King whenever necessary to give him a sense of presence, while leaving more matters to Barbarian Bones to convey, barely maintaining the snowy field first. balance of power.

Facing the new king who left in a hurry, most of the snow giant leaders present were in a state of confusion, especially the generals of the royal court who had difficulty adapting. They used to be the confidants of the snow giant king. , now like other snow giant tribes, they can’t speak a few words.

However, because when Richard left, the order was very clear, and because the interests of all parties were not substantially harmed, under the auspices of Mangu, the snow giants first tidied up the battlefield with the human soldiers, and then returned to their hunting grounds. and the station, a big battle ended in an anticlimactic manner.

. . .

Snowfield City

Richard, who hurriedly returned to Snowfield City, had returned to human form because the duration of the Ice and Snow Key had expired. The reward for becoming the Ice Giant King this time was beyond his expectation. He nominally successfully conquered the Snowfield, and the system He also acknowledged his achievements and just reminded him that he had completed the task. The awe on the faces of the soldiers around him became even stronger when they faced Richard. It is estimated that the Hunter family will have to be called a giant family in the future.

What’s more important is that after this battle, Snowfield City unlocked two seventh-level soldier camps. This is what Richard cares about most.

First, a majestic Cloud Palace was built in Snowfield City. The Cloud Palace first appeared as a phantom on the iceberg in Snowfield City, and then gradually turned into reality. The palace was completely made of marble, with the top nearly two feet above the ground. Ten meters. Richard now basically doesn’t avoid the eyes of ordinary soldiers. He just released the system buildings in such a generous manner. The soldiers are basically not surprised. They can do things like his own master turning into a giant. Accept it, what more can you not accept?

Subsequently, Richard released another building presented by the system, the Ice Giant Temple. A building similar in style to the Cloud Palace stood opposite the Cloud Palace. The two magnificent buildings guarded the Energy Tower in the middle. The top of Snowfield City even feels like a residence of gods.

Of course, whether the building is grand or not is not important to Richard. Snowfield City is not his permanent place. What he cares about is that this Snowfield City can produce two seventh-level troops every week, one Titan and one Han. Ice giants have the same level of combat power as giant dragons. Ice giants are no better than snow giants. Although they like the cold, they do not have the disadvantage of snow giants not being able to fight in hot environments. They can appear in the north through the teleportation array at any time to help Li. During the inspection campaign, Snowfield City could recruit two seventh-level combatants every week and suddenly became the most important system city in the city.

. . .

“Sir, the total number of casualties in this battle is more than 60,000 sergeants, and their specific identities are still being confirmed.”

When Christine reported the casualties, there was not much emotion in his tone. For a general like him who has experienced countless battles, the casualties are just a number to him. At the critical moment, even his own life is Can be sacrificed for victory.

“Well, after confirmation, the compensation must be in place. Each of them is my hero in the North.”

“Yes, sir.”

After completing the settlement of the two seventh-level soldier camps, Richard and others discussed post-war matters in the meeting hall of Snowfield City, the most important of which were casualties and pensions. Judging from the results, this The battle against Richard achieved all its goals, and it can be said to be an unprecedented victory.

But the casualties were also the heaviest in all the previous wars in the North. Just to delay the pace of the Snow Giant, there were a full 60,000 casualties in the outer fortifications, which had reached one-tenth of the standing strength of the North. Richard All that can be done is to provide compensation according to the rules and give preferential treatment to their families.

“General Christian, you will temporarily manage Snowfield City in the future. Restore the fortifications outside the city as soon as possible. You must still take precautions.”

“Yes, sir!”

After talking about casualties and pensions, the focus of the discussion also shifted to the follow-up arrangements for Snowfield City. Christine’s ability has been fully demonstrated in the previous battles. Richard handed over the power of Snowfield City to him. No one in the world can tell what is wrong.

Although the Snow Giant is no longer hostile to Snowfield City, the restoration of Snowfield City’s city defense is still a top priority. Richard prefers to take the initiative in his own hands. With the current importance of Snowfield City, it is There can’t be a single mistake.

After finishing his official duties, Richard returned to his temporary residence in the snowy field. Although it was a temporary residence, the house was still very exquisitely built. The flames in the fireplace were burning brightly. As soon as he entered the house, he felt a sense of warmth. The stock is warm.

Messiah was simply packing something in the house. When he saw Richard entering the house, he immediately put down what he was doing and walked to the door.

Although the two were already an old couple, Messiah was still a little shy when he saw Richard, and his face was slightly red.

Looking at Richard’s handsome face, Messiah suddenly seemed to think of something again. He suddenly turned around, gave Richard a back view, and then said:

“My Lord Hunter, you are finally done with your work. You agreed to let me stay with you when I arrive at the Grand Magician, but instead you let me wait in the city for you to return victoriously.”

Messiah didn’t even call Richard, he called him by his surname, with a bit of anger in his tone, obviously dissatisfied with Richard for not keeping his word.

In fact, Richard did not do this on purpose. In fact, the enemy’s level was getting higher and higher, and his original promise was a bit hasty. Even if the Messiah became a great magician, he would not trust him to let him go to the battlefield together.

I can only say it like a scoundrel:

“What I’m talking about is obviously the Holy Magister, not the great magician. You must have heard wrong.”

Hearing that Richard was cheating like this, Messiah was furious and turned around to argue with Richard.

It’s just that Richard couldn’t argue with Messiah, and hugged him the moment Messiah turned around.

Messiah let out an exclamation, and then seemed to know what Richard wanted to do. His face turned red, and he symbolically hit Richard a few times before hugging Richard tightly and kissing him passionately. .




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