Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 565: Snowfield Conquest 15





The battle between the two sides has come to an end, or Severo’s torture of being beaten unilaterally has finally come to an end. He never thought that as the king of the snow giants, he would lose so completely in terms of strength. As for the weapon in his hand, it was taken away at the beginning of the fight.

In the following time, Richard did not use the weapon in his hand to cause harm to Severo. Instead, he threw the spear in his hand, and then immediately rushed up and shot Severo. Luo was just a combination of punches, and each punch was so heavy that it could destroy a house. This punch hit Severo directly, and Severo was stunned. He didn’t make any move to fight back for at least a few seconds.

Although Richard’s body size has increased by more than ten times, he still fights extremely smoothly. The combat skills he honed from competing with various high-level military units and even heroes can suppress Severo. In fact, Severo is by no means a weak opponent. For a group like the Snow Giant that relies on hunting, the growth of ordinary Snow Giants is still very cruel. Even the royal family needs to learn hunting and fighting from an early age. The Snow Giant King can survive in several Thai lands. The heirs of the Te family stand out, and there is absolutely no problem with their combat prowess.

Even though he suffered some losses at the beginning due to Richard’s huge strength and received a few severe blows on his head, in the crisis, Severo still responded quickly, regardless of whether he looked good or not. , quickly condensed a layer of frost shield in front of him to delay Richard’s attack, then squatted down and rolled outwards with his head in his hands, trying to buy himself some time to adjust.

It’s a pity that Richard didn’t give him any chance. The frost shield Severo used temporarily was vulnerable to Richard’s fist and shattered in an instant. Then he kicked Severo’s front body with a flying kick. This kick instantly made Severo’s stomach churn, and he almost didn’t recover. The power gap between the two sides is really too big. Before using the Giant Ring, Richard’s power after transformation was stronger than the Snow Giant King. Once the Giant Ring is used to superimpose it, there is probably no biological power on this continent that can be stronger than Richard.

After being kicked to his feet by Richard, Severo also knew that dodging was useless, so he calmed down. When Richard rushed up, he tried to bring down the opponent with a diagonal sweep, but he just kicked him down. Like being kicked against a steel bar, the lower body of the ice giant king that Richard transformed was almost motionless, showing no intention of losing its balance.

“Not good!”

This time, Severo finally understood the gap between the two. No wonder the other party was so confident that he wanted to fight with him. This suddenly appeared fellow racer was not on the same level as him at all. His strength Far more than him, every punch that hits him can cause a certain amount of damage, but my own strength is light and not threatening at all when hitting the opponent. This is impossible to fight at all.

Severo’s attack didn’t work, and Richard’s attack immediately took over. As soon as Severo looked up, he saw the opponent’s fist, which was bigger than a sandbag, hitting his eyes. Then came the beginning scene. After only a few rounds of fighting between the two sides, Severo completely lost the ability to fight back. In fact, although a holy snow giant like Severo would definitely not be Richard’s opponent, he would not be able to fight back. They should have been tortured so badly. The main reason was that Kumu restricted the movements of both sides. The snow giants surrounded the city in a circle, creating a natural cage ring for both fighting parties. There was no such thing as a free fight in this range. The collision of absolute strength and absolute power, the strength gap between the two sides will be infinitely magnified in this limited one-on-one duel.

With no room to move, and not as good as Richard in terms of strength and skills, there was no suspense about Severo’s outcome. Richard used his most primitive and violent form to display his power, punch after punch. When it hit Severo, Severo raised his hands to resist at first, but soon lost his strength under Richard’s fist, and could only let Richard beat his handsome face into a human shape. , and finally even the head was somewhat deformed.

“I think…”


“What are you!”

Severo is determined to admit defeat directly and get rid of this torture, but Richard does not want to leave a hidden danger for himself in the snowfield. This ambitious and powerful Snow Giant King is definitely not a peaceful person. Instead of accepting the throne without embarrassment after he admits defeat, it is better to kill the opponent with the most violent means in front of all the snow giants, which will also establish his prestige among the snow giants.

So even if Severo showed signs of surrender, Richard did not relax at all and did not give him a chance to say those three words. At this moment, several of Severo’s teeth were knocked out. He was very talkative. He started to speak slurred, and was interrupted by Richard’s punches. In the end, he even wanted to admit defeat in Kumu, while the other snow giants were completely defeated by Richard’s Shi Mian was shocked, and actually watched Severo being pinned to the ground by Richard and hammered like a dead dog.

Some of the soldiers in the royal court wanted to step forward to rescue Severo, but they had long been looked down upon by several tribal leaders. These tribal leaders who wished that Severo would be beaten to death by Richard were so Perhaps Severo’s henchmen could be sent to rescue him.

Finally, with all the snow giants watching, Severo had been beaten by Richard so much that he could only breathe in but not out. A majestic saint-level strongman was actually beaten alive by Richard in front of everyone. The fist was beaten to death. At this time, the flesh on Richard’s fist was scratched in several places. It was unclear whether the blood on it was Severo’s or Richard’s. After confirming that the other party was completely dead, Richard slowly lifted himself from the ground. He stood up, raised his fists high, and shouted at the sky, declaring himself the winner.

“Richard Tate!”

“Richard Tate!”

“Richard Tate!”

“King of Snowfield!”

“King of Snowfield!”

At the beginning, most of the snow giants were still frightened by Richard’s violent methods. Even after Severo died, they were still in a state of confusion. Soon the flexible man bone led his men Start shouting and set the rhythm, you must take advantage of the chaos to confirm Richard’s identity. He defeated the previous Snow Giant King in the official Kumu challenge, and he should become the new Snow Giant King immediately.

Don’t let the snow giant Wang Ting and other members of the Tate family react. Others don’t know, but he still knows very well that the Tate surname Richard cannot withstand in-depth investigation.

At first, it was just Mangu and the others who made the noise. Soon, Dawu and other leaders of the Snow Giant tribe also started shouting. Although the members of the royal family opposite seemed to have an unclear relationship with humans, Xiweiluo always wanted to It is better to continue to be the king. Since I supported the opposite royal family from the beginning, I can only go to the dark side. Moreover, if I can defeat Severo of the holy level, the opponent’s strength must be higher than Severo. Even if his origin is I don’t know, because the other party’s Tate family is also a strong competitor for the king, so it’s better to settle here.

Although the combat effectiveness of the tribal warriors is not as good as that of the royal court warriors, they are more numerous. When they shout, they are like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. The atmosphere is heated up, and it is not uncommon to see the strength of Richard The royal court warriors did not exclude this powerful royal family from becoming their new king. Several large tribes followed the rhythm, and even the surrounding royal court warriors also shouted.

The most outrageous thing is that after the battle, seeing that there would be no more fighting, many Dragon Army soldiers rushed out of the fortifications and actually joined the snow giants, shouting “King of the Snowfield” “, “Richard Tate”.

Richard becoming the new King of the Snowfield has become the consensus of everyone present. At this time, even if someone in the Wang Tingtate family has doubts, they dare not express it in public. At least at this time, Richard has successfully become the new King of the Snowfield. , I just changed my last name inexplicably, and I don’t know how to explain it when I go back…



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