Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 564: Snowfield Conquest 14


The Snow Giant tribe, which was originally responsible for attacking in the other two directions, did not interfere with the attack from the Royal Court. The tribal warriors only attacked steadily under the supervision of a small number of Royal Court warriors. Although the tribal warriors did not try their best, the fighting intensity was also low. It’s not high, but there are still thousands of snow giant warriors. They are a threat after all, and they involve a lot of troops in Snowfield City.

But after Richard’s incarnation of the Ice Giant King appeared, they immediately stopped attacking. Even the urging of the Snow Giant Royal Court officer supervising the battle was useless, because they had enough reasons. They were also of royal blood. The opponent pressed Tradition really has the qualifications to launch Kumu.

Of course, you don’t have to meet these qualifications to initiate a challenge. If the current Snow Giant King is a Snow Giant King who is as widely supported as the previous generation king, if you don’t want to accept the challenge, there is a high probability that no one will jump out and make noise. , but at this time, the leaders of each tribe not only loved Severo, the Snow Giant King, but also hated him deeply.

When Mangu and others called out to Kumu to challenge, the tribes reached an agreement almost immediately. This was the best opportunity for each tribe. It didn’t matter who became the king. What was important was It’s Severo who can no longer be king.

As for the soldiers and officers of the Royal Court sent by Severo to supervise the battle, they also fell into hesitation after the Ice Giant King appeared. Naturally, they were unable to stop the tribal warriors from making noises, nor could they stop several The actions of a large tribal leader.

These tribal leaders are also very shrewd. They originally did not understand Severo’s ambitions, and they were led by Severo based on their own calculations. Now they reacted very accurately and prevented Severo from using it. s method.

Do not accept Kumu, ignore the clamor of the surrounding soldiers, and send his henchmen to attack directly. Although it will greatly affect morale, for Severo, if he does not want to accept the challenge, this is his only choice.

But at this moment, several tribal leaders and their confidants were keeping an eye on Geul, the confidant who was most likely to be entrusted with important tasks by Severo.

“I acted under the king’s order. Do you want to disobey the king’s order?”

“King, it’s right behind.”

Seeing that several tribal leaders were blocking the way, Ge-Ul cursed secretly in his heart. These guys have no ability to fight, but when they do bad things, they fly quickly one by one. Starting from Kumu’s shout, to everyone The army followed the noise, and in less than ten minutes, these guys had already led people to the front of Wang Jia in the south. I don’t know what those guys supervising the battle were doing.

Although I was secretly feeling bad, I couldn’t lose the momentum on my face. First I asked questions, and then I carried out Severo to suppress a few people. If it had been before, I am afraid that Ge Ur’s words would still have caused a stir. After all, no tribe dares to offend the majesty of the Snow Giant King. The contemporary Snow Giant King is also known as the strongest Snow Giant King. Which tribe dares to take his orders lightly?

But it’s different now. Severo has used them as cannon fodder, and his malice towards the various tribes has become more obvious. Humans only built a city in the snowfield, occupying a territory of more than ten miles. That’s all.

If I don’t worry about the opponent’s race, this territory is not as big as a small tribe’s hunting ground. It is not unacceptable to the major tribes. On the contrary, Severo is actually harming all tribes. The interests of the tribes are still the ones that drive each tribe to death.

So now Dawu and other tribal leaders are also risking their lives. They will die sooner or later. Seeing that the royal bloodline opposite is as tall as Severo, if they can kill Severo in Kumu, that would be awesome. Everyone is happy, and there is no way they are willing to let Ge Ur lead his troops to attack.

Faced with Ge-Uul’s threat, Dawu and others refused to give in, and even spoke plausibly, saying that for the sake of tradition and the sanctity of Kumu, they wanted nothing to do with Ge-Uul. The soldiers all looked at each other, at a loss.

Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, Kumu’s shouts became louder and louder. Even the soldiers of the royal court almost started shouting. Many of them looked at Severo while shouting, and they actually seemed to be urging him. the meaning of.

The other side

Li Cha stood in front of the formation and waited for a long time, but he didn’t feel anxious at all. Things went much smoother than he imagined. The Snow Giant actually started making noises on his own. In this atmosphere, he was already making a lot of money. loss.

If Severo refuses to fight, the morale of the Snow Giant army will definitely drop due to Wang’s cowardice. For a race like Snow Giant that advocates force, Wang will almost certainly be one of the strongest in the group. They will not May accept a weak person as leader.

Severo was able to defeat all his supporters and counterattack because of his crushing personal strength. At first, there was almost no support for him within the Snow Giant, but now he is also forced by the tradition of the Snow Giant. It’s reached a dilemma.

If Severo does not fight in this situation, the Snow Giant may not even have the morale to continue attacking. He does not need to think about how to weaken the tribes and gather power. He should first consider how to stabilize the throne when he returns. .

It would be better if Severo accepted the challenge. Richard himself is at the pinnacle of the realm of holy power. After transforming into the Snow Giant King, he will only be stronger than weak. He also has so many equipment and magic bonuses. , beating a snow giant who has just stepped into the holy level is just a matter of easy capture. If Severo dares to challenge, let him see what fists as big as sandbags are like.

While Richard was leisurely waiting for the reaction of the Snow Giants, there was finally an obvious commotion in the queue of Snow Giant warriors, and then a louder cheer broke out.



The snow giant warriors cheered and automatically divided the queue into a road, and at the end of the road was the current snow giant king Severo.

I saw Severo wearing a crown and holding a spear made of ice crystals. He ignored the cheers of the snow giant warriors on both sides and walked forward step by step.

Severo was finally forced to have no choice. Guer, who he had placed his last hope on, was also stopped. There was no more suitable person who could do the dirty work for him, like Ka Veterans like Wei are also snow giants who adhere more to tradition. It is almost impossible for him to help destroy tradition.

Although he cursed the brainlessness of his men over and over in his heart, Severo, who decided to fight, still walked out along the passage given by the snow giant warriors, accepted the cheers of the soldiers on both sides of the road, and if he could not refuse, then defeat the opponent. , this Kumu is a crisis, but also an opportunity to increase prestige.

Severo has just entered the holy level, but he is a bit like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He is not really afraid of a sudden appearance of his own race.

“I, the King of Snow Giants, Severo Tate, accept your challenge!”

Severo finally stood in front of Richard and bowed slightly to Richard according to the ancient etiquette. If the body shape was not considered, Severo did look more human-like than other snow giants. Although the outline of his facial features was similar Richard can’t compare, but he can still be said to be handsome, and he will be slapped in the face in a while.

As Severo accepted the challenge, the surrounding snow giants stopped cheering and held their breath. The entire battlefield suddenly became completely silent.

“I, Richard Tate, want to let the false king know who is the real king on the snowfield.”

Richard learned the traditional etiquette of snow giants from Barbarian Bones. The way he did it was not very standard, but it probably meant that. No one paid attention to this detail anymore. After speaking, he saluted Severo. , but his words were not forgiving at all, he was already in the role perfectly.

Hearing Richard call him the false king, Severo, who was still calm at first, was furious. He had already accepted Kumu, but the other party still refused to give him face. This was shameless.


Anyway, the etiquette was over and Kumu could officially start. Severo simply struck first. Seeing that Richard didn’t seem to be in a fighting posture, he took the lead and swung the spear at Richard.


However, the seemingly unprepared Richard caught Severo’s blow firmly. Richard, who had no weapons in his hands, grabbed the spear that Severo had swung down with his bare hands, and held the spear steady with both hands. It was caught firmly in mid-air, and Severo couldn’t go any further no matter how hard he tried.

“Is this enough strength?”

Unlike Severo, who had a tense face, Richard’s expression didn’t change much after receiving Severo’s blow. He looked extremely relaxed, and he could even tease the opponent with a smile.

Richard, who became the Ice Giant King, was already stronger than Severo. To be on the safe side, Richard even used the Giant’s Ring at the beginning of the battle, greatly increasing his strength again. The strength of both sides was completely different. One level.

Severo, who already felt something was wrong at this moment, quickly retreated, holding his weapon tightly with both hands, wanting to escape with the weapon before fighting.

But Richard didn’t give him any chance. Instead, he pulled hard, causing Severo to almost lose his balance, and then he immediately freed up a hand.

Hold your fist



Richard’s fist hit Severo’s face firmly. Now Severo was not only unable to keep his weapon, but also suffered considerable wounds.

“Not only is he lacking in strength, he is also lacking in combat experience.”

Severo was even more dissatisfied when he heard Richard commenting on him in such a condescending tone. He immediately stood up and continued to fight with Richard. Richard did not bring a weapon. Although Severo did, he At this time, it had been confiscated by Richard, and the spear was still lying on the ground far away.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

The ensuing fight between the two turned into a fist fight. No one got a weapon, and it turned into a hand-to-hand fight with each other’s fists.

After a while, Richard took the absolute advantage…


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