Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 563: Snowfield Conquest 13


The Ice Giant King, who was transformed by Richard using the Ice and Snow Key, appeared less than fifty meters opposite the Snow Giant Warrior. Behind him were more than two hundred Snow Giant Warriors from the Ice Flame Department and several followers. The Titans and Ice Giants obtained from the system put out all the giants that could be pulled out, trying to create an illusion of confrontation between giants.

At this distance, if the thousands of Snow Giant Royal Court soldiers on the opposite side continue to attack, Richard will immediately be under siege. He may be able to fight back to the city, but the Ice Flame soldiers who followed him out will be There is no chance of turning back.

Richard came to fight, and Mangu and others followed him to fight for their lives.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Ice Giant King on the battlefield, both warring parties were in a daze. Every move Richard made would unconsciously attract a lot of attention from the human soldiers. Many people watched Richard in front of the battle with their own eyes. The lord who became a giant turned out to be a giant? The Dragon Army soldiers who saw this scene were a little surprised.

Compared to the human soldiers, the snow giant warriors on the opposite side were even more surprised. When facing the ice giant king that Richard had transformed into, they unconsciously stopped and did not continue to move forward. Christine, who was in charge of the command, saw this scene and cooperated very well by ordering the soldiers to stop firing the divine crossbows and trebuchets, and just asked them to prepare for firing.

Richard transformed into the Ice Giant Queen and glanced at the Snow Giant warriors opposite. Although these warriors did not attack immediately, they still held their weapons tightly and pointed at the tall giant who suddenly appeared. They did not relax their vigilance at all. .

The reaction of the snow giant made Richard frown. The best situation did not happen. As promised, the ice giant surrendered, but Richard did not see the snow giant bow before him.

Sure enough, there are differences between the Ice Giant and the Snow Giant, but judging from the hesitant look on the opposite side of the Snow Giant, you have to worry about the Ice Giant. What does it have to do with my Snow Giant? It is just the incarnation of myself. There seems to be something special about the Ice Giant King.

Although the Ice Giant King transformed by Richard is different from the Snow Giant in appearance, since the Ice Giant has become extinct, it has been directly recognized as a Snow Giant, nearly 20 meters tall. It is even taller than the city wall of Snowfield City and is equivalent to the Snow Giant King Severo who is still behind the team. It is definitely a symbol of power in the eyes of the Snow Giants.

If it were just tall, it would be okay to say that he was just a powerful snow giant, or a powerful snow giant who had become a traitor. However, the skin color of the ice giant king that Richard transformed into was close to dark blue, and his facial features were three-dimensional and delicate, similar to most of the facial features. The scrawled snow giant is in sharp contrast. If it weren’t for his huge size, he would look like a blue-skinned elf. He is somewhat similar to Severo opposite. These characteristics distinguish him from ordinary snow giants. , exactly the difference between the Snow Giant Wang Tingtate’s family and ordinary people.

The bloodline of the Tate family is still very sacred in the eyes of the snow giants, especially these royal warriors, who have been instilled with the supreme thoughts of the Tate family. Now they are facing a giant who is probably also a royal family. At this time, it is normal for these royal soldiers to hesitate.

“Royal blood?”

The snow giant officer in the front row inadvertently uttered a question, which was heard by Richard. The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. He looked at his height and skin color, and then looked at Severo in the distance. , Richard understood something at once.

Snow giants are indeed related to ice giants. Although snow giants are strong, they were not considered top-notch in the era of the Elf Empire thousands of years ago, and they are not likely to become biological weapons valued by the Holy Magister. At least they must be Only at the level of the Ice Giant could he be valued and trained by the Holy Magister.

After thousands of years of reproduction, the ice giant’s bloodline has deteriorated, or because of the lack of intervention from the Holy Magister, each generation has become worse than the last.

Only the Snow Giant royal family and the Tate lineage seem to be able to maintain the quality of their bloodline without deterioration.

The Ice Giant King that Richard became, in the eyes of the Snow Giant, almost perfectly matched all the characteristics of the Tate family members, and he was of very pure blood.

The sudden appearance of the royal family members not only made ordinary soldiers hesitate, but also Severo was a little confused. Judging from the appearance of the other party, he was definitely a member of the family. However, over the years, he has never There was no instance of any family member wandering away.

The Tate family is not very popular, and there are only a few people in each generation. Severo can be sure that he is familiar with all the people in the Tate family. The giant opposite has never appeared in the royal court, but the other party’s The external characteristics cannot be faked, and they completely match all the characteristics of the royal family.

However, all of Severo’s thoughts were in the blink of an eye. After discovering that his soldiers were hesitant to attack, Severo immediately whispered something bad and immediately ordered an attack.

But before Severo could urge the soldiers of the Royal Court to attack, the other party spoke directly and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

“I, Richard Tate, the true king of the Snow Giants, challenge the despicable usurper, the false king Severo!”

Well, the surname is not important. After discovering that he had the blood of the Snow Giant royal family, Richard was already interested in drama, and immediately decided to add another paragraph to his title, a descendant of the Snow Giant royal family.

Richard is not worried at all about impure blood being accepted by humans. These days, humans are very serious about being strong. If you have lowly kobold blood, troll blood, or are stronger than humans, Not too many ogres, orcs and other bloodlines will encounter discrimination, and they may be called **** wherever they go.

But if you have dragon blood or giant blood in your body, it would be an honor and even bring a bit of sanctity to your regime.

The soldiers in the North all know that Moriel has the blood of a dragon and can transform from a human into a dragon, so many soldiers have become admirers of Moriel.

The same goes for giant blood. When Richard called himself Tate, the ordinary soldiers of the Dragon Army not only did not dislike him, but were excited, and were proud that their king had giant blood.

At the same time, they themselves also figured out the reasons for coming to fight in the snowfield. Although the human soldiers who went to fight in the snowfield had high morale and fought very bravely, they could not understand why Richard had to fight in the snowfield. This was not There is really no use in grabbing land where people can live.

Now we all understand, they are here to take back the throne for their lord.

The prince of the snowfield failed in the fight for the throne and had to flee to the North. After several generations of hard work, he opened up a new family in the North. But when Richard’s generation became more mature, he came back to seize the throne for revenge. It’s time.

It’s just that the details of this story are difficult to tell. How could a snow giant with the size of a snow giant leave descendants with humans in the North and give birth to a Hunter family?

Before the Dragon Army soldiers had time to think about this, the roar of the Snow Giant had already sounded.







Under the leadership of Man Gu, the snow giants on Richard’s side shouted in unison at the top of their lungs, ensuring that all the snow giant warriors on the battlefield could hear them.

Kumu is a traditional way of resolving disputes in the snowfields. For example, if a conflict occurs between two tribes of equal strength competing for hunting grounds, most people will resolve the dispute in the form of Kumu to avoid large-scale conflicts. Loss of young and healthy population.

Over time, it became a traditional ritual, but this tradition was generally only carried out among the tribes. After all, no one would conflict with the royal court. Asking for Kumu with the royal court was also an act of seeking death. Throughout the ages, The Snow Giant Kings are the strongest among the Snow Giants.

But at this time, Mangu and the others wanted to follow tradition and let the new Snow Giant King Severo accept Richard’s challenge. Under the clamor of Mangu and others, Richard also raised the spear in his hand in cooperation. Raising his hand, the tip of the gun was pointed at Severo, who was looking ugly behind him. His intention was very obvious.

This battle was originally a war between the snow giants and the humans. However, due to Richard’s operation, the situation changed slightly. Although I don’t know why a royal bloodline appeared on the opposite side, but It is not difficult to tell from the other party’s words that this matter seems to involve an internal struggle within the royal family.

Many royal soldiers have even accepted this setting, and this war has become an internal matter within the Tate family.

Listening to the loud shouting from the other side, and looking at the spear held high in Richard’s hand, Severo felt agitated. He obviously only needed to rush forward to deal with the opponent, so why did he stop? What a bunch of idiots!

“Order them to attack!”

Severo suppressed his anger and issued orders to the snow giant officer beside him. The human opposite him was a saint-level powerhouse. After transforming into a giant, he actually gave himself a sense of oppression, and even gave him a sense of oppression. The urge to surrender.

If he were to leave the field for a duel, he had no confidence at all. He clearly had the advantage in strength and could just crush the opponent.

However, the officer on the side did not think so. After receiving Severo’s order, he did not act directly, but said hesitantly:

“However, the soldiers of the royal court cannot attack the royal family, and the other party has already launched the sacred Kumu. It would be against tradition to attack directly.”

“Damn! Damn tradition!”

Severo has never hated the tradition of snow giants as much as he does at this moment. The rule that royal court warriors are not allowed to attack people of Tate’s lineage was originally intended to avoid bloodshed and civil strife within the royal court and try to maintain the pity of the royal family. However, this tradition has become a constraint for them, and they have been watching Richard hesitate to attack.

As for another reason, because the other party launched a Kumu attack on him, the Snow Giant warriors were waiting for him to fight, which made Severo even more angry, and even made him laugh a little in anger.

“My general, are you a pig? Kumu can only be initiated by a conflict between two tribes. When did a guy appear out of nowhere and initiate Kumu against me?”

“But there is also a snow giant behind him, and he is of royal blood…”


Severo did not want to persuade the other party at this time, so he interrupted him roughly and ordered:

“My order is for the army to attack immediately!”


Although I still feel something is wrong, after all, Severo is on the throne now and not the royal family with unknown origins opposite. Severo is unwilling to accept the challenge and forces an attack. He has no choice but to do so. Come on, if the king dare not accept Kumu’s challenge, it will not only greatly damage Severo’s prestige, but also greatly affect his morale.



Before the snow giant officer could convey the order, a louder roar rang out again. This time, not only the snow giants on the opposite side were roaring in unison, but even the snow giants in his own camp were also picked up by the opponent. Rhythm, followed by shouting loudly.

The ones who took the lead in shouting were the tribal warriors from the northwest and northwest. I don’t know when, the tribal warriors from the northwest and northwest stopped attacking. Instead, they focused their attention on the sudden appearance of the royal giant. After the other party issued the Kumu challenge, several tribal leaders immediately started making noises.

At this time, they did not want to care whether the origin of the giant was bizarre, and they no longer even cared who would sit on the throne of the snow giant. As long as it was not Severo, anyone would be fine.

With the help of various tribes, even Severo’s direct descendants and the Snow Giant’s royal court warriors began to make noises, because they really could not think of a reason for Severo’s refusal, which was both in line with tradition and could resolve this dispute. , reduce casualties.

Thinking a little more darkly, after the Snow Giant accepted the setting that the opponent was the blood of the royal family, it had already classified this battle as an internal struggle within the royal family. The two of them had to decide the outcome with their own lives. Isn’t that right? It’s much better than filling it out with your own life.

Severo did not expect that the soldiers from the royal court would follow suit. Surrounded by people calling him Kumu, Severo was still unwilling to confront Richard alone. Instead, he immediately summoned his most trusted subordinates. .

“General Gruul!”


“Lead the attack immediately!”


Launch an attack immediately, as long as you enter the battle. After the fight begins, who will care about traditions.

But before Gruul could attack with his henchmen, several tall snow giants had already blocked his way.

“Dawu, what do you mean?”

“It’s not interesting. We just think that tradition should be respected. We are here to prevent General Gour from destroying tradition again.”

“We come to invite the king to accept Kumu’s challenge.”



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