Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 562: Snowfield Conquest 12


The sun is shining brightly in the afternoon

The vast expanse of white on the snowfield reflects the sunlight very dazzlingly. However, the soldiers fighting on the snowfield cannot feel the temperature of the sun at all. Even wearing thick coats, they need to shake their bodies from time to time. To maintain blood circulation, the hands and feet will not freeze due to low temperature.

While everyone was waiting, the energy shield that had been protecting Snowfield City began to slowly dissipate, and finally shrank into a light spot and disappeared in mid-air.

Under the Snowfield City, only a small part of the two circles of fortifications had been repaired, and the corpses of snow giants were still lying in most places. In one day, the defenders had no time to clean up completely. However, this precious breathing time allowed the reinforcements from Miracle City and some soldiers who had been fighting for a long time to complete the rotation. Now the soldiers on their respective positions are basically elites who have been recuperating for a long time and have abundant physical strength. It has also increased.

The newly recruited system soldiers this week were also rushed to the battlefield in Snowfield City by Richard. After the energy shield disappeared, before waiting for the officer’s order, most of the soldiers unconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands and made a fighting posture. Richard still held up the Angel Alliance and stood in the most conspicuous position, encouraging The morale of his soldiers.

On the other side, outside the energy shield, the Snow Giants also stopped doing useless efforts after knowing that the energy shield was difficult to break. They were preparing to attack in different directions. They only waited for the Snow Giant King’s order to attack the people in front of them. The human city launched a general attack.

Because in the last battle, the Royal Court failed to capture Snowfield City in one go and lost many soldiers directly under the Royal Court, this time Severo once again asked all tribes to send troops to join the battle.

In order to prevent the tribal warriors from destroying the elite of the Royal Court, Severo ordered each tribe to send out nearly 4,000 people again to attack from the west and north respectively. The Royal Court only sent a few hundred people to supervise the battle. , and to the east and south, these two directions where the human fortifications are more dilapidated, are mainly attacked by Wang Ting warriors. They also send four thousand troops, which is equivalent to half of the number of Wang Ting soldiers.

A total of eight thousand snow giants launched an attack at the same time, and they could flatten a human city with their stampede.

Severo looked at the snowfield city that had lost its energy shield. Wherever he looked, in addition to various types of war equipment such as ballistas and catapults, there were densely packed human soldiers holding weapons in their hands and looking resolutely outside the city. There was no fear on his face when facing the snow giant.

Looking at Snowfield City, which still looked like a hedgehog, Severo felt irritated. He had to admit that he was a little out of control in this attack on Snowfield City.

He knows that humans can fight, so he wants to use them to consume the strength of the major tribes. When the tribes are almost exhausted, he will lead the warriors of the royal court to break through the city in one fell swoop and eradicate the evil that caused the death of the previous Snow Giant King. In the city, it is best to get back the Snow Giant royal family’s inherited sacred object, the Ice and Snow Key, to push one’s prestige to the top.

This is a plan that kills two birds with one stone. It not only consumes the strength of large tribes, but also reduces their capital to fight against the Royal Court. Otherwise, several prosperous large tribes combined would be able to dispatch more troops than the Royal Court. How dare he touch the interests of these tribes so easily.

Only by first making these large tribes fall into weakness, and then with the power of victory, can he complete his idea and turn the Snow Giant tribe into the Snow Giant Kingdom.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that the human beings could hit a bit too much, exceeding his initial expectations. The endless methods made the snow giant suffer a lot. Even the thunder blow of the warriors of the royal court was blocked. It caused a large number of casualties among the soldiers of the Royal Court.

If he could have expected that the war would be so difficult at the beginning, he would not have intentionally caused casualties to the tribal warriors. He would even have sent a small number of royal court warriors to assist in the battle from the beginning to boost the morale of the tribal warriors and not make things worse. It’s so ugly, but it won’t make it difficult to get rid of it now.

Snowfield City must be captured, not to mention how many unknown threats leaving such a human city here will pose to the Snow Giant Royal Court. In this battle, he used the tribesmen as cannon fodder. This approach caused him to lose a lot of prestige among the tribes. If he could not win Snowfield City, he would use the momentum of victory to complete control of most of the tribes.

After the tribes are dispersed, it will not be so easy for him to gather other tribes next time. No one will trust him anymore. While most of the tribes are still gathered here, he can capture the snowfield. The city is his only breaking point.

After the energy shield of Snowfield City disappeared, Severo did not let Richard wait too long and gave the order to attack with a wave of his hand.

The snow giants standing next to Severo raised their voices and conveyed Severo’s orders in the most primitive way.




“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

The big drum sewn from mammoth skin beat, and the snow giants roared and launched another attack on Snowfield City.

Severo even personally led the elite guards around him and the attacking royal court warriors to approach the city wall of Snowfield City.

However, he was not preparing to take the lead in attacking the city. The lessons of the previous Snow Giant King were not far away. Three human saints were in front. He was not that courageous yet. He just made a gesture of a king driving forward, and there were several people around him. Hundreds of elite snow giant warriors would not let him rush to the front line.

It’s just his gesture that has inspired the warriors of the Royal Court even more, and even the tribal warriors from both directions have been affected.



“Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!”


The east and south are the directions where the Snow Giant Royal Court warriors are responsible for attacking, and they are also the directions where the defensive pressure is greatest.

The bloodiest fight started as soon as the two sides came into contact. The **** fight here refers to the snow giant’s attack on the defending human warriors. With a sweep of the stone spear, several human soldiers could fly backwards in a free fall and fall to the ground. A big word.

One hit of the stone ax can directly turn a human warrior into meat paste, and turn the armor on his body into a ball of iron-clad meat. The death is as tragic as the scene of a large-scale car accident.

Compared with the tribal warriors, these snow giant warriors from the royal court are more willing to risk their lives, not to mention that their king is right behind them, and their morale is even higher. When encountering human soldiers who are fighting for their lives, the previous tribal warriors are more or less capable. It’s a little hairy, and the charge isn’t very resolute.

But the soldiers of the Royal Court dared to act crazier than the human soldiers. Even if they were half-drenched with kerosene and lit as torches by the nearby humans, they still had to move forward and try to destroy the human fortifications as much as possible, and even Kill and injure the defenders, and use your body to smooth the way for your comrades behind you.

The previously demoralized tribal warriors would not move forward at all after being ignited by kerosene. They would either start running around like headless flies, or they would simply turn around and run back to their own camp. I hope that being rescued will not pose any threat to human fortifications.

There is a huge difference in behavior between the two, and the threats they pose to the defenders are not at the same level. The two directions dominated by the Royal Court warriors soon made breakthroughs. No matter how brave the Dragon Army warriors were, it would be difficult for them to withstand the fierce attack of these Royal Court warriors with the help of broken fortifications.

As for the other two directions, they appear to be quite satisfactory. The direction dominated by the tribal alliance seems to be steadily approaching Snowfield City, but compared with the progress of the soldiers of the Royal Court, it appears to be much slower. Even the king who supervises the battle The court men and horses urged repeatedly, but the speed of the tribal alliance could not be increased. The human soldiers deliberately retreated to give some space, while the tribal warriors took their time to clear away some horse resistance and traps that did not affect their progress.

All the divine crossbows on the city wall have even been moved to the southeast and southeast to deal with the soldiers of the royal court.

“Leader Dawu, it seems that humans can’t hold on this time!”

“Not necessarily. This city has been full of weirdness since it appeared. I’m afraid it’s not that simple.”

Of course, among the tribes participating in the attack this time, there is still the unlucky Yukikaze tribe. As a large tribe, the Yukikaze tribe only has a few hundred young men capable of fighting, which is only better than some medium-sized tribes. It was one o’clock, but they still could not escape the fate of continuing to fight. The leader Dawu was appointed to personally lead the attack.

The person talking to Dawu was the leader of another large tribe. Both of them were asked to lead an army to attack. However, from the conversation between the two, it seemed that they were unwilling to see this human city taken down by the royal court.

“If Severo takes over this human city this time, our tribes will probably have a hard time in the future.”

The leader of the Snow Giant tribe no longer uses the royal title when referring to Severo, but calls him by his first name. He is obviously full of resentment.

Dawu was silent for a moment after hearing this. Severo’s final attitude was already very obvious. Everyone could see that he was deliberately weakening the major tribes. After he captured the city in front of him, he would probably only It went even further.

As snow giants, they now look forward to the victory of humans even more.

“Hurry up!”

“The king’s army is already approaching the city, but you haven’t made any progress yet!”

The urging voices of the royal court officers were heard behind him again. Dawu could only exchange a look with the snow giant leader in front of him, and reluctantly led his soldiers to move forward slowly, even though they knew that Severo wanted to There is no way to eliminate the plan of large tribes at this time. It is impossible for them to lead their men to defect. Let alone whether their soldiers can accept it, they themselves may not be able to pass the test.

When the situation does not turn around, there is not much they can do. They cannot even be passive aggressive. When the Wangting officer supervising the battle urges them, they have to show something to avoid being liquidated in the future. This will somewhat drag down some of the energy of the human defenders.

These tribal warriors only share a little pressure for the main force of the royal court. The real direction of the decisive battle is still to the southeast.

The soldiers of the Snow Giant Royal Court have broken through the first line of defense arranged by the defenders on the outside. Compared with the active contraction in the northwest, the resistance of the Dragon Army here is quite resolute.

However, under the fierce attack of these Wangting Snow Giants, the Dragon Army suffered huge losses and was no longer able to delay the Snow Giants.



“Smash these iron lumps for me! Beat them to the ground!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The mighty crossbows on the city wall are still firing. At least hundreds of snow giants have fallen under the giant arrows. However, the already ruined snow giant king Severo is no longer obsessed with these losses, and just keeps asking the warriors. Continuing the attack, the soldiers of the Snow Giant Royal Court ravaged the last line of defense outside the city despite various long-range attacks on the snowfield city.

On this line, Richard specially arranged the Iron Man and the Iron Golem, two special units produced in Snowfield City. Both are known for their slow speed and high defense. Although their strength is on the same level as the knights, But in terms of defense alone, the great knight would have some headaches when facing them. After all, it is not an easy task to use fighting spirit to shake these guys who are all made of iron.

These iron men and steel golems are slow in movement and are not suitable for mobile combat. They were definitely good at defense, but when facing the snow giant, they did not have the effect that Richard imagined.

Unlike the Great Knight, the violent maniac Snow Giant is known for his strength and calmness. The stone hammer and stone ax in his hand can knock down iron men and steel golems more effectively than the Great Knight’s fighting spirit. “Dang, Dang” in the city The sound of “, clang” was the sound of the snow giant hitting the iron man with the blunt instrument in his hand. In a short time, most of the iron man and steel golem arranged by Richard were lost.

“If we continue fighting like this, both sides will suffer losses.”

Li Cha, who was standing on the city wall, looked a little distressed at the snow giant warriors who were approaching the city wall. Richard didn’t like things like losing both sides. In comparison, he preferred the word win-win, specifically referring to the situation where he won twice. kind.

But this time he made the same mistake as Severo. He underestimated the opponent’s strength. The last time the Snow Giant King died suddenly, the royal court did not show its true strength at all. It was the main force fighting against Snowfield City. Several large tribes were affected by the hunting grounds, and the Snow Giant King died carelessly at the hands of Aragorn.

But this does not represent the true strength of the Snow Giant, especially the Snow Giant Royal Court. Richard used the strength shown by the Snow Giant last time to infer the strength of the Snow Giant, and set the goal to conquer the snowfield, which was a little bit conceited. Big.

This time Severo came with the main force of the Snow Giant Royal Court in full force, allowing Richard to truly feel the elegance of the overlord of the snowfield.

At this time, there were snow giants from the Ice Flame Department on the city wall preparing for battle. Some high-level system soldiers were also arrayed on the city wall. Keshid stood beside Richard with a sword in both hands.

It’s not that he can’t defend Snowfield City, but if he only defends a Snowfield City, Richard will suffer a big loss this time. From the beginning of the war to now, the number of ordinary soldiers killed may have exceeded 50,000. This pair of generals For Bei Di, whose military strength is only a few hundred thousand, it is definitely not a small number.

The post-war pension was a large amount of money, and even the high-level warriors of the system suffered losses. They had to complete the task of conquering the snowfield in order not to lose money.

“There is one last card. I hope those things from the Barbarian Bone Cult will be useful.”

As the attacks of the snow giant warriors became more and more fierce, the snow giant warriors in the front row were no more than a hundred meters away from the city wall. For the snow giants, this distance was only a matter of a few steps.

After the soldiers in front cleared the way, Severo’s king also arrived with the army on a small **** closer to the city wall. This should be the closest he got to the city wall in this battle.

The elite soldiers around him have already protected Severo tightly, fearing that like last time, some human saints would descend from the sky and carry out another beheading operation.

After observing Fang’s position for a long time, Richard finally saw a possible opportunity. The other party should be considered to have entered the battlefield now, and had a chance to face each other.

Richard made a gesture and took the lead to cross the city wall. Looking at Richard’s gesture, Mangu gritted his teeth and shouted:

“Follow Sir Richard!”

Hundreds of snow giant warriors from the Ice Flame Tribe jumped off the city wall with Barbarian Bones, as if they were about to face off against the enemy a hundred meters away.

Then, a tall snow giant suddenly appeared on the battlefield…


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