Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 561: Snowfield Conquest 11


Outside Snowfield City

Bodies were piled up on the ground, with four or five corpses even stacked on top of each other at the highest point. Because the battle was too fierce, neither side had time to clean up the battlefield, so they could only let the corpses of the soldiers scatter around for the time being.

Fortunately, the climate of the snowfield is cold, and corpses generally do not rot and stink. Even if a large number of corpses accumulate, they will not cause any diseases. There was no scene of rivers of blood in the snowfield, because the soldiers’ blood would be frozen into ice soon after it came out. The originally snow-white ground was actually glowing with red light under the sun, which should be made of blood. Frost.

The fortifications outside Snowfield City have become extremely scattered. The snow giants have used a large number of corpses to fill up the traps and ground thorns. Even if the human soldiers guarding the city want to rearrange the fortifications, they will not be able to do so in a short time. After cleaning up the bodies of the snow giants, they could only watch the snow giants stepping on the corpses of their own people and attacking the city wall directly. Most of the human soldiers had been recalled to the city, and only a few elites were still building for the snow giants with the remaining peripheral fortifications. Not wanting to be in trouble, he was taking advantage of the snow giant’s retreat to frantically repair the position.

At this point in the battle, the casualty rate of peripheral soldiers has reached 50%. Tens of thousands of soldiers can no longer return to their homeland in the North. Many soldiers who harbor the dream of being a general will never be able to stand up again. If With luck, some of them may be able to obtain the Knight’s Blessing Potion based on their military exploits in this battle, become an official knight, or even obtain a higher-level potion to become a Grand Knight…

The first step to becoming a general is to survive…

After suffering huge casualties, although the soldiers in the outer positions were still tenacious in fighting, their faces no longer looked as cheerful as before. Instead, they remained silent, and their actions to repair the fortifications were more like numbness. It changes with habit.

Although humans have suffered huge casualties, the snow giants are also having a hard time. The war started a few days ago. Soldiers from various tribes were sent in turns to attack the city. Although the Royal Court did not just do as before, Supervise the battle, but it is only a symbolic sending of troops. In addition to the tribes who were originally on the wrong team and were constantly asked to send troops, even the tribes that had remained neutral or even supported Severo were forced to send troops to fight. Willow no longer cared about whether it looked ugly or not, he wanted to target the entire tribe.

The tribes were forced by Severo to attack Snowfield City. Their morale can be imagined. Naturally, they suffered successive defeats. After the failures, they were forced to attack again. After several days of repeated efforts, Severo seemed to I feel that the purpose of weakening the big tribes has basically been achieved. Each tribe has lost more than one-third of its warriors or leaders who died directly under the Snowfield City.

Although they failed to capture Snowfield City, there were so many tribal warriors after all, and the peripheral fortifications had almost been destroyed by these tribal warriors.

After the tribal warriors used corpses to wade through the two fortifications outside Snowfield City, no matter how the tribes gnashed their teeth, Severo finally felt that the time was ripe and sent his general Ge Ur to lead the royal court warriors to launch an attack. The final attack.

The royal court warriors are different from the tribal warriors. In comparison, the fighting methods and tactical thinking of the tribal warriors are relatively primitive, especially those warriors from small tribes. When fighting, they only know how to rush forward. How can they understand? What tactics.

That is to say, the advantages in size and individual strength are too great, which makes up for the shortcomings in all aspects. If they are reduced to the same strength size as humans, they will be a group of rabble. Not to mention the elites of the Dragon Army, they will be the North The local militiamen can teach them how to behave.

But the elites of the Royal Court are different. They can overwhelm the snowy plains and make the tribes bow their heads and obey orders. In addition to Tate’s bloodline, they rely more on the elite Royal Court warriors. Compared with the warriors of each tribe, the Royal Court The elites have evolved from tribal armed forces to the level of the feudal army. They are still the elites of the feudal army, able to execute orders and prohibitions, and also able to withstand high casualties.

Compared with the tribal armed forces, they will not hinder each other, and their cooperation is relatively tacit. Although the amount invested at one time is equivalent to that of the previous tribal coalition, the pressure they put on Snowfield City is not of the same level.

The warriors of the Snow Giant Royal Court do have two brushes. Especially after most of the fortifications outside Snowfield City have been destroyed by the previous tribal warriors, the warriors of the Royal Court can drive straight in and truly bring great benefits to Snowfield City. At this time, Richard no longer hid the threat. Almost all the system troops climbed up the city wall. After fighting for half a day, Richard finally seized the opportunity and quickly activated the special effects of the Snowfield City Energy Tower, rising up. The energy shield was released, dividing more than a thousand attacking Snow Giant Royal Court soldiers from the main force outside.

Finally, the city gate was immediately opened, and the entire army mobilized three saints to attack at the same time, annihilating all the snow giant warriors trapped in the energy shield in a short period of time.

At this time, Richard, who was standing on the city wall, had just completed a fight. It was not easy to eliminate these more than a thousand royal court warriors, and all his high-level system warriors were damaged.

After the last battle, this time the snow giant was more prepared for the sudden rise of the energy shield. When the energy shield rose, the snow giant trapped on the inside did not face the energy shield like last time. It was a waste of effort, but he quickly made a defensive posture against the energy shield, preparing to defend until the protective shield disappeared automatically. These elites of the royal court with a firm will to fight allowed Richard to turn this annihilation battle into a critical battle, and even the outstanding swordsmen were there. There were losses during the attack. If it hadn’t been for the three saints who cut into the Snow Giant’s formation, the battle might not have ended yet.

The soldiers who stayed outside the snowfield city took advantage of the short time bought by the energy shield to repair the damaged fortifications as much as possible, hoping to continue to fight against the snow giant in the next battle. The teleportation array in the city was even more busy, with all kinds of supplies Constantly being transported to Snowfield City, some divine crossbows that were damaged in the battle were either replaced with parts to repair, or were removed from the battle position and replaced with a new one.

The soldiers who had no mission for the time being simply sat down and rested, enjoying this hard-earned opportunity to rest.

“The next battle will be even harder to fight.”

“Maybe it’s time to use it.”

Li Cha looked at the Snow Giant Royal Court warriors preparing to attack outside the energy shield, and then looked at the Ice and Snow Key in his hand.

“I don’t know how much of the Ice and Snow Key’s ability to control the Ice Giant is left against the Snow Giant.”

“Barbarian Bones, do you think it is traditional for a snow giant to challenge the Snow Giant King?”

“Yes, sir, in the tribe, if you are stronger than the leader, you can challenge the original leader. Any snow giant is qualified to challenge the snow giant king.”

Man Gu stood behind Richard. His huge body accounted for almost a quarter of the width of the city wall. At the fiercest moment of the battle, the Snow Giants of the Ice Flame Tribe who had deserted the Royal Court also joined the battle. Hundreds of them The Snow Giants of the Ice Flame tribe fought alongside humans.

Although the number of Snow Giants in the Ice Flame Division is not large, their equipment is far better than that of their peers. Due to the environmental impact on the snowfield, the Snow Giants do not have the alchemy technology tree, and the tools they use are still based on grinding. Mainly made of stone tools.

The Snow Giant warriors of the Ice Flame Department are supported by the production capacity of the entire Northland. Not only are their weapons replaced with metal products, the crazy Northland Ordnance Factory also customized helmets and breastplates for them, making their The level of armament has been greatly improved.

They had a lot of advantages in fighting with their own kind, and not only did they not feel any discomfort when fighting with their own kind, but they worked extra hard because they knew very well that if Snowfield City fell, a very tragic end would definitely be waiting for them.

Barbarian’s strength has just entered the sky level, and he is fully qualified to be the leader of a medium-sized tribe. In the battle just now, he relied on his equipment to resist a snow giant general who was taller than him. He did not fall behind. The soldiers of the Ice Flame Tribe basically have their own achievements. These snow giant traitors have become an important force in Snowfield City.

At this time, Richard was continuing to learn about some of the strange traditions of the Snow Giant from Man Gu.

“However, such challenges all come from the same tribe, and I have never heard of challenging the Snow Giant King in hundreds of years…”

The Snow Giant King itself is not low in strength. With the addition of a Snow and Ice Key to enhance his strength, a normal Snow Giant would not think of challenging the Snow Giant King.

“Tell me, if I challenge the Snow Giant King, will the Snow Giant King accept the challenge?”

“Sir, you are not a snow giant, the king will not accept the challenge.”

“What if I were?”


Richard asked about Mangu in one sentence. This assumption is really ridiculous.

But no matter what, the person who asked the question was Richard. The man who was asked thought about it carefully and finally came up with the answer.

“I’m afraid the Snow Giant King may not necessarily accept your challenge. The royal court is different from the tribe. The king’s authority can order the warriors to attack you directly. After all, you do not belong to the royal court.”


After listening to Mangu’s answer, Richard laughed at himself. He was still a little whimsical. Snow giants have a tradition of dueling, but the higher they are, the less likely they will abide by this tradition. It is difficult for him to count on Snow giants. The Giant King will challenge him to a duel for the sake of tradition.

“It’s just that if you refuse this challenge, it will have a certain impact on the king’s prestige.”

Richard nodded and had already prepared two plans in his mind. It would be best if he could use the Key of Ice and Snow to transform into the Ice Giant King and directly challenge the Snow Giant King in the subsequent battle. This would at least resolve the battle quickly and reduce a lot of damage. casualties.

If the plan doesn’t work, then we can only defend with all our strength. Many reinforcements have come from Miracle City. The steam crossbows previously studied by the ordnance factory have been moved to Snowfield City. If casualties are not considered, Snowfield City can be defended. Richard is still confident.

On the other side, outside the energy shield, Severo watched with a livid face as the more than a thousand Royal Court soldiers trapped on the other side were wiped out. Adding to the previous losses, more than two thousand Royal Court soldiers were killed. The battle damage rate has reached an astonishing 20%. Although the morale of the Royal Court soldiers is still good, this kind of casualties really makes Severo heartbroken.

“King, according to the last observation, this layer of white light should disappear at noon tomorrow.”


After listening to Gul’s report, Severo hummed absentmindedly, already thinking about how to reduce the casualties in the next siege.

“Gur, together with General Kawei, ask the tribes to cooperate with the royal court in sending troops, if there are any who do not cooperate.”

“We are facing a formidable enemy. Those who do not cooperate will be treated as traitors and may be executed on the spot.”


The soldiers of each tribe had suffered heavy losses. They had just withdrawn to lick their wounds. Under Severo’s threatening order, thousands of tribal soldiers were again mobilized, even to protect the tribes. Instead of using the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled to deal with him, the tribal leader must also lead the team himself.

Soon, the Snow Giant launched another attack on human cities…


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