Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 560: Snowfield Conquest 10




Fanatical roars rippled across the battlefield.

Under the influence of the Angel Alliance, all the high-level warriors in the system around Richard received a prayer bonus, and their attack and defense speed and other attributes were greatly improved. Both the champion knight and the snake demon could easily defeat them. Three ordinary snow giant warriors.

Under the influence of the Angel Alliance, the ordinary soldiers, whose morale was already high, felt as if they were on fire. They rushed quickly after the charge order was given, as if they had no physical exertion in the previous battle. generally.

Originally, no matter how brave the soldiers of the Dragon Army and the Griffin Army were, it would be irrational to launch a counterattack against a behemoth like the Snow Giant. After all, they could overcome their instincts, overcome their fear of such a large enemy, and charge bravely. , can’t make up for the gap in size and strength. The snow giant can knock away several people with one sweep of its stick. Although fighting the snow giant without the cover of fortifications will not be an egg against a stone, the exchange ratio is definitely very ugly. Humans The army will definitely be unable to bear it first.

In the initial battle plan, their purpose was to defend around the dense fortifications, try to delay the snow giants, cause casualties to the snow giants, and try to let the long-range power on the city wall take effect first.

On the battlefield, the situation was changing rapidly, and the plan could not keep up with the changes. At first, Richard could not predict that the Snow Giant King would force the tribe soldiers to come up as cannon fodder, which lowered morale to the extreme.

When an army loses morale, no matter how strong its individual strength is, it is difficult to change the situation. When more than 100,000 human soldiers swarmed out of the fortifications, the Snow Giants had been thrown into chaos by the team led by Richard. , chaos and low morale, facing the snow giants in the front row who could have crushed the human soldiers to death with one kick, they actually lost the courage to fight.

Because as far as the eye could see, there were dense black spots in front of me. Human soldiers rushed out of the fortifications like swarms of ants, and they continued in an endless stream, as if they were infinite in number.

In the chaos, the snow giants in the front row did not dare to engage in the battle, and simply turned around and ran away. For the snow giants, they have another huge advantage over humans, which is speed.

Even if an ordinary human warrior rides a horse, he or she may not be able to outrun the snow giant. If the snow giant turns around and runs away, the chance of survival is still quite high.

The small number of escaped snow giants immediately caused a huge chain reaction. The tribal warriors, who were already low in morale, began to flee at the first sign of trouble.

“Stop! It’s just a group of humans. You can kick them away with just one kick. Why run away!”

The officer with a higher status among the tribal warriors still has a clear understanding. Although he is dissatisfied with being used as cannon fodder by the royal court, it does not mean that he is willing to see the army collapse directly. The fighting style is very good, why don’t humans cooperate with it?

“People from the Cold Wind Department, come closer to me! Don’t run away!”

At this time, the weakness of the Snow Giant tribe alliance was exposed again. Even if a snow giant with a higher status stood up and wanted to stop the escape momentum and stabilize the situation, he could only order the warriors of his own tribe and other tribes. He can’t command them at all.

In the chaos, who is willing to obey the orders of a leader whom he does not know at all, and the people of this tribe are mixed with other tribes, some do not hear it, and some simply hear it and pretend not to hear it. , let’s run away first and then talk about it.

In the end, the Snow Giant leader of the Cold Wind Tribe only had a few dozen snow giant warriors gathered around him. This was because the Cold Wind Tribe was a large tribe and had more warriors.



But before he could resist the charging human army, the iron fist fell on him first.

The blazing fighting spirit turned into an arc-shaped red light in the air, and struck the snow giant leader accurately. The snow giant leader was pushed to the ground by the power of the blow, and his body moved from the upper left to the lower right. An extremely horrific wound appeared. Not only was the wound deep, but it also burned violently. The flesh at the wound was roasted to smoke, the sternum was broken in several places, and the internal organs were also severely damaged.

That is to say, the snow giant has a strong vitality. After falling to the ground, he did not die. He even struggled to get up driven by a strong desire to survive.


Another vindictive blow struck, this blow cut off the head of the Snow Giant leader with direct precision. The Snow Giant, who was already half-crouching, finally fell to the ground without his head, while the Snow Giants around him The soldiers were quickly killed and scattered.

In order to quickly defeat the attack of the snow giants, Richard completely ignored the consumption of magic power and fighting spirit. All the snow giants who dared to stand up to maintain order in the rout were dealt his most determined blows, leading dozens of people around him. The warrior teleported in a small area and quickly defeated the snow giant’s assembled strength.

After seeing the end of the group resistance, the snow giants did not dare to turn around and fight, and even deliberately dispersed and fled, just for fear of being targeted by Richard for a key attack. This attack was forced by Ge Ur. Once again, it ended in a massive and extremely disgraceful rout.

In Snowfield City, several injured soldiers are being transferred to the Miracle City on the other side of the teleportation array. Most of these soldiers are lying on stretchers. Judging from their posture, they should be seriously injured, but there is no visible trace of their facial features. There was no sign of sadness, but there were still people talking loudly about the battle just now with the injured people nearby.

“Hey, our team burned a snow giant to death this time.”

“Tsk, tsk, I didn’t expect that such a big thing is actually afraid of fire. Once they are exposed to fire, they can’t do anything but roll around in place.”

“It’s very dangerous for these guys to roll around on the spot. My injuries were caused by being swept away by them while they were rolling and flying a few meters away.”

“I’m afraid my leg is useless.”

The soldier spoke with a little regret, but he was not worried about his leg injury, because under Richard’s rule, these injured soldiers on the battlefield would be well taken care of, not to mention that he also killed the snow giant. With his military exploits, he was able to ensure that one of his children would enter a government-run college in the North for free.

Even if he is missing one leg, he is still the most sought-after man in every village in the world.

“At least we saved our lives. The people from the second team were in the village next to us. When the snow giants attacked, the entire team was killed. Not even a man could be found in their village this time.”

“There are people who take care of orphans and widowed mothers. Our lives are given by Mr. Richard. How can we not have the opportunity to fight to the death? When I burned the snow giant to death, I never thought about coming back alive!”

The morale of the Northland army is high. In addition to its rigorous training, the lack of worries and long-term ideological education are also key factors. The soldiers are subjectively willing to serve Richard. Coupled with the role of the Angel Alliance, the war begins. Becoming like a berserker, this led to the spectacle of today’s human army chasing and defeating the snow giant and collapsing.

After the Snow Giants were completely defeated, Christian did not dare to pursue them deeply. He still had to guard against the movements of the more than 10,000 Royal Court elites. If he chased too far away from Snowfield City, the soldiers of the Snow Giant Royal Court would If you seize the opportunity, killing and wounding human soldiers outside the fortifications is a bit more costly than gain.

After another great victory, the fear of the Snow Giants among the soldiers in the city has basically completely dissipated. In this battle, the Snow Giants were low in morale and did not fight very hard, and then quickly collapsed in the counterattack. The human side The losses were not serious, far lower than the losses in the previous battle, but the gains were not small. Most of the soldiers were immersed in the joy of their military exploits. The Snow Giant’s military exploits were much greater than those of the orcs. Waiting for this After the battle, many soldiers may be able to redeem breathing techniques and qi-entraining techniques again. Some junior officers who have redeemed them in the past can even apply for the qualifications to go to the training camp. The knights who used to dream of becoming have become a knight here. Clear ascending channel.

Although the soldiers are all in the joy of victory, senior officials like Richard and Christine are not careless at all. The Snow Giant’s Royal Court soldiers have not yet been dispatched, and the truly difficult time of the battle is far from coming. .

Snow Giant Camp

“I have the main responsibility for the defeat in the battle, but the emergence of strong human beings is also an important reason. This time humans are more difficult to deal with than the last time. The king must make plans early.”

After the defeat, Kawei first asked each tribe to gather the remaining soldiers as much as possible. After Geul executed some of the fastest deserters as usual, they came to Severo to report the progress of this round of attack.

Although Kawei’s words are implicit, if translated, the meaning is that humans are very strong this time, stop making small calculations in your mind, and get serious before the situation is irreversible. .

Severo’s IQ is naturally able to understand Kawei’s implication, but he is more concerned about another piece of information.

“You mean, humans have three holy orders this time?”

Kavi nodded and confirmed the information. Severo turned his attention to Geul not far away and received the same affirmative answer.

Now Severo was entangled in his heart. After thinking about it again and again, Severo finally changed his mind a little bit. Human beings are unexpectedly powerful. Don’t kill people with borrowed knives and get lost in the end.

“Xuehai Tribe, Ice Hammer Tribe…get ready. Wang Ting will send a thousand troops, and the next round of attacking troops will be divided among your tribes.”

Finally, Severo stopped staring at those tribes. After two or three rounds of forced fighting, the tribes that Severo initially targeted, especially the Yukikaze tribe, have now entered. In the weak period, it is difficult to make any progress in a short period of time. After all, too many soldiers have been lost and they are still young and strong.

At this moment, Severo was too lazy to continue the performance. All the remaining tribes were within the range of sending troops. Although he sent a thousand soldiers of the Royal Court, they were not the main attack. For the Royal Court, this small force It’s just for show, let alone used as cannon fodder, and ultimately consumed by humans.

In the end, all the tribes could not escape the fate of being pressed by the Wang Ting army to participate in the siege.

At this moment, the tribes who had remained neutral at first and laughed at the joke finally realized that Wang Ting wanted to use all the tribes as cannon fodder. However, the reaction was a reaction, and dissatisfaction was also dissatisfaction. But under Severo’s close gaze, and looking at the face of more than 10,000 royal court troops, they could only hold their noses and accept the task.

Although the tribes are quite submissive at the moment, Severo knows very well that this time he must complete his great idea, otherwise after this shameful record of forcing the tribes to be cannon fodder, the royal court will It will become difficult to gather the tribes again, and Severo has no way out.

According to Severo’s plan, this attack will be carried out by the Wang Ting Army, allowing these tribal warriors to consume more, which not only consumes human defense power, but also weakens all the tribes present, allowing him to achieve complete centralized power reduction. Small obstacles.

When the fighting opportunity is ripe, send the soldiers of the Royal Court to pick peaches and capture the Snowfield City. At the same time, they will turn around and annex the other tribes that fell on the scene. From now on, only the Royal Court tribe will be needed in the Snowfield.

But the first problem with his plan is that taking over Snowfield City is not something he can do if he wants to.


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