Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 56: New week




There was a sound of weapons clashing in the school grounds of Ironwood Fort.

Richard is sparring with Viscount Sauter. Viscount Sauter, who has the upper hand in fighting spirit training and fighting skills, is suppressing Richard.

The main members of the Hunter family, including Uncle Richard and Uncle Richard, were watching the battle intently.

After all, you can gain a lot from watching the sparring of knight-level masters like this.



Viscount Sauter finally caught Richard’s flaw and kicked him in the chest.

Li Cha screamed out in pain and couldn’t stabilize his body for a moment.

At this moment, Viscount Sauter put his sword at Richard’s neck.

“Hey, you lost again. You are still a little green when fighting against me.”


Although Viscount Sauter won the competition, he received boos from the sidelines and did not enjoy the treatment of a winner at all.

Viscount Sauter felt bored for a moment, put away his sword, and wanted to turn around and leave,

After thinking for a while, he patted Richard’s shoulder with his hand.

“Boy, you’ve made some progress. You’re only a little behind what I was back then.”


The boos were louder this time.

“Brother, when you were as old as Richard, you were not even a knight.”

It was Richard’s second uncle who was causing trouble, and only their brothers knew about Viscount Sauter’s situation when he was young and dared to come out to make trouble.

“What nonsense are you talking about? You must have remembered it wrong!”

Viscount Sauter frowned and yelled at his brother, but everyone could see that he felt guilty.

“Forget it, a new circus is coming to Ironwood City to perform today. I have to go check it out.”

After saying that, Viscount Sauter left in a hurry,

As one of the protagonists left, the people around him also dispersed to do their own things.

Soon, only Richard was left alone,

Rubbed the place where Viscount Sauter had just kicked him


The pain in his chest made Richard grit his teeth.

Although Viscount Sauter likes to brag a bit, his strength is certainly not limited.

He has mastered a universal air-entraining technique to the pinnacle, possessing the strength of a peak knight,

With Viscount Sauter’s talent, if he could have obtained a better air-entraining technique earlier, he might be as powerful as a great knight now.

Richard has now experienced so many tricks under Viscount Sauter, which can really be said to be a rapid progress.

In less than a month after Richard obtained the Qing Qi Entrainment Technique, he has already reached the intermediate level and his strength has been greatly improved.

It can compete with the Crusaders after double bonuses.

After everyone left, Richard opened the system in his mind,

It’s another new week…

Name: Richard

Level: 5 (1560/8000)

Strength: 14.1

Physique: 13.6

Agility: 13.5

Spirit: 4.4

Skills: Beast’s Breathing Technique (Grandmaster) is the highest level, Blue’s Air Entrainment Technique (intermediate level), Offense Technique (intermediate level).

Specialty: Control

Army: Centaur Leader (20), Lancer (90), Archer (50), Royal Griffin (29), Crusader (19).

After Richard’s Qing Qi Entrainment Technique was upgraded to the intermediate level, his four-dimensional attributes increased slightly.

Now just looking at physical strength, Richard is no weaker than some peak knights or even stronger, but he may still be lacking in fighting spirit and fighting skills.

At this time, there were two cities that Richard could manage, a giant stone castle and a forest city.

The high-end buildings of Stone Fortress were still in a gray state that could not be built. Richard did not hesitate long before he upgraded the archer camp to a marksman camp.

The marksman can be said to be one of the pillars of the human race in the early stage. In the past, because there were air units such as Crusaders and Griffins, they had to be developed first.

Now that the time was right, Richard immediately chose to upgrade it.

After that, Richard upgraded all his archers to marksmen, and then recruited all the newly trained soldiers in the week.

Immediately afterwards, Richard clicked on the Linzhongcheng interface again,

If Stone Castle still has options, then Forest City has no choice. It can only build the Elf Level 2 Barracks Sword Dancer Camp and recruit all the troops trained in Forest City.

Now the military strength under Richard’s command has grown a lot.

Army: Centaur Leader (40), Lancer (110), Sword Dancer (15), Marksman (65), Royal Griffin (35), Crusader (23).

Richard is very satisfied with the upgraded centaur leaders of the first-level soldiers from the elves. This group is armed with battle axes.

With the addition of Richard’s intermediate offensive skills, the snow-white warrior has become a quasi-cavalier. The effect of charging is definitely better than that of the cavalry. After all, the highest state of cavalry riding skills seems to be the combination of man and horse. One,

No one can compare to these centaur leaders who are directly born into the unity of man and horse.

These centaur leaders can be said to be the kings of first-level soldiers. In some aspects, they are even stronger than many second-level soldiers.

However, the second-level sword dancers in the main city of the barrier (elf) made Richard feel a little bit useless. These warriors with high attack power and low health have almost no protection at all.

At first glance, they looked like they were going to the battlefield to exchange their lives. Richard really didn’t dare to let them do the charge. After all, there were too many casualties and it was heartbreaking.

However, these sword dancers are agile and fast in the forest. Richard simply scattered them in the iron wood forest and temporarily acted as forest scouts.


While Richard was thinking about the system, a soldier who reported the news pulled Richard back to reality.

“Sir Richard, urgent report from the front.”

The soldiers who sent the message were delivering urgent information from Yusidu. They used wind birds to send messages. Wind birds are difficult to raise and the cost of use is extremely high.

If it is not a very urgent matter, Yusi will still choose the normal Pegasus message,

In the entire Northland, apart from Piaoxue City and a few wealthy territories, only the Hunter family has used the method of wind bird communication.

Now that Yusi has directly used Fengniao to report, it is enough to show the seriousness and urgency of the situation.

Richard took the small cylinder from the messenger soldier’s hand, which should have been removed from Fengniao just now.

The mouth of the cylinder had a intact wax seal. Richard cut open the wax, opened the small cylinder and took out the note inside.

“The Jingbei Army was defeated, and the ogres attacked in large numbers.”

The note conveyed the most important information concisely and concisely at the beginning, and the following lines briefly described the situation on the battlefield, allowing Richard to roughly understand what happened.

The Jingbei Army was defeated,

To be honest, Richard had no prediction.

When Richard thought about it, at most it was a no-lose-no-win situation, and he would never lose no matter what.

But I didn’t expect that the Jingbei Army was not only defeated this time, but also defeated miserably. It could be said that they even had their pants taken off by an ogre.

Richard read the note several times, then crumpled it into a ball and held it in his hand.


Richard felt a little complicated about the disastrous defeat of the Jingbei Army

Setbacks for the powerful Piaoxue City are not a bad thing for the ambitious Richard.

But the disastrous defeat of the Jingbei Army means that the ogres will be temporarily uncontrollable, and thousands of humans will be destroyed by the ogres and take their lives.

As a human being, Richard did not want to see this scene.

Unfortunately, as humans, no matter how rational we are, our emotions will always affect some decisions.

“Huh” Richard took a deep breath first, as if he had made a decision, and then said:

“Send an order for officers above the metropolitan level to come to Ironwood Castle to discuss matters.”

“Yes, sir.”



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