Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 559: Snowfield Conquest 9


The royal order brought by Ge’ul caused a huge stir, and several tribal leaders fell out on the spot. According to the unwritten rules of the Snow Giant tribe, Severo’s order was definitely a disorderly order. At the very least, each tribe More than a third of the warriors were lost, and the Yukikaze tribe was even worse. Less than half of the warriors who could fight were already less than half. If they attacked a few more times and lost more warriors, they would probably have to change from a top-notch large tribe to a medium-sized tribe.

But at this moment, Severo was already planning to break his skin, and the order he gave to Geul was also very firm. He was not afraid of killing people, and he would force these tribes to continue fighting.


“Gur, what do you want to do!”

“Who gave you the power to kill a tribal leader?”

Being able to be valued by Severo, Ge’ul is also a ruthless person. He walked forward directly and stabbed the most powerful leader who was clamoring with his ice spear as soon as he came out.

As a senior general of the royal court, although Ge Ur is not at the holy level, he has reached the peak of the sky level. The leaders of some large tribes are not as powerful as him. He is definitely the strongest warrior below the holy level. One of the forces. The snow giant leader he stabbed just now was just a medium-sized tribal leader who had just stepped into the sky level. In addition, Ge Ur’s attack was sudden and he didn’t react at all, so he was stabbed through the heart by Ge Ur.

The snow giant’s powerful vitality prevented the tribal leader who was stabbed through the heart by the ice spear from losing his strength. He actually grabbed the ice spear with one hand and punched Ge Ur with the other hand.



This kind of counterattack is destined to be meaningless. Before the opponent could swing his fist, Ge Ur raised his feet and gasped. The tall snow giant leader flew out from the ice spear and fell to the ground.

When the ice spear was pulled out, half of the blood flowed like a fountain on the ground. Geul fell to the ground as a typical snow giant tribe leader. After struggling for a few times, he lay on the ground twitching slightly and motionless.

The surrounding leaders of the Snow Giant tribe were stunned when they saw Geul’s ruthless methods. After a moment of hesitation, someone pointed at Geul and asked.

It’s just that his speech became a little trembling, and he obviously lost the confidence he had before.

Gur completely ignored the surrounding tribal leaders and shouted to himself:

“Is there anyone in the Qingshuang tribe who can talk to me?”


The Qingshuang tribe is the tribe where the leader who fell to the ground just now belongs. It is a medium-sized tribe that can dispatch hundreds of warriors. Because Ge Ur made a sudden move, no one from the Qingshuang tribe was there until their leader fell. What reaction to make.

Of course, with the surrounding Royal Court warriors watching, the people of the Qingshuang tribe did not dare to do anything drastic, because the Royal Court warriors had already raised their weapons and were ready for battle. Ge Ur’s This is serious. If there is a riot, all the tribes here together will not be enough for the people of the royal court to fight.

“Sir, I am the deputy Qianhu of Qingshuang Department.”

After a while, a snow giant from the Qingshuang tribe came out.

“Who is he to you?”

Gur pointed to the snow giant lying on the ground and asked:

“It’s my brother.”

“Oh, do you want to avenge him?”

“Don’t dare!”

“You don’t want to, right?”

The snow giant who stood up did not respond and remained silent in the face of Gruul’s questions.


Geul chuckled, did not dwell on this issue, and continued:

“If you want revenge, come to me at any time. Let me ask you now, can the Qingshuang Department continue to fight?”

“Yes, I will organize my troops to join the battle immediately.”


Guru doesn’t care about the hatred in the opponent’s heart at all, as long as he can honestly follow his wishes and send troops to fight. If the opponent refuses, he will kill the opponent and find another person to talk to.

After dealing with the leader of the Qingshuang Tribe, the most aggressive tribal leader, Ge Ur turned his head and looked at the other tribal leaders. Several people glared at him but turned their backs on him.

“You asked me just now who gave me the power to kill people? Well, I will tell you now, this is the king’s order! If any tribe dares to disobey the king’s order in the future, I will immediately kill the tribe leader!”


The elites of the surrounding royal court also shouted kills at the right time, which immediately silenced the tribal leaders present. Even the most dissatisfied Xuefeng tribe did not dare to touch Ge Ur’s bad luck again.

“Now, go out and organize an attack immediately. The king is very dissatisfied with your performance just now!”

Under Ge’ul’s forced order, these tribes could only comply with it even if they were full of dissatisfaction. After all, the lessons learned from the Qingshuang tribe were there. What did Ge’ul really want this time? People, and Kawei, who would have tried to dissuade him a few words at first, also remained silent at this time, waiting for everyone to unanimously agree on sending troops, and then silently made battle arrangements.

Although the previous battles had suffered heavy losses, the total strength of this tribal coalition was still large. They once again dispatched more than 3,000 warriors. They were suppressed by Ge Ur and launched a fierce attack around Snowfield City.



“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The cry of killing sounded again, but the intensity of the attack was much worse than before. The defenders could clearly feel the hesitation of the attackers. The snow giants of these tribes were not stupid either. They were obviously from the royal court. Forcing them to die, what kind of morale can be gained from this battle? After approaching the outer defense line, many tribes began to work hard, as if they were attacking, but they did not put much effort into it. The large group of people was still unwilling to approach the city. The attack range of long-range weapons may cause them to retreat as soon as they attack. Anyway, they no longer have the same momentum as when they attacked before. It can be said that the morale of these snow giants who are forced to go to the battlefield again has fallen to the bottom.

That is to say, the soldiers of the Royal Court are now outnumbered, otherwise they would have rebelled long ago.

“The morale of these snow giants is almost gone.”

Of course, Richard could clearly see the situation on the battlefield from the city wall. The tribal alliance came up again. Judging from their performance, they were no different from stragglers. They were not resolute in attacking and were dodging and dodging. That’s it. Performance, if it were not for its size advantage, the soldiers of the Dragon Army and Griffin Army on the position would have launched a counterattack.

Faced with this opportunity, of course Richard would not give up. He immediately ordered all the senior soldiers to prepare for battle.

“General Christian, you will be in charge of the battle in a moment. I will disrupt the Snow Giants’ formation and let the Dragon Army and Griffin Army prepare for a short-distance counterattack.”

“Sir, you can take command, I will lead the troops to counterattack.”

“It’s more appropriate for me to come, and you can just command the army.”

“Yes, sir!”

Christine was hesitant at first, but was stopped by Richard’s firm order in the end. Of course, Christine was worried about the danger of Richard leading his troops deeper, but Richard himself knew his own affairs, and he had never been a show-off. People who dare to lead troops in a counterattack naturally do so because they are fully sure of their own safety.

Soon the army accompanying Richard had gathered, including ten champion knights, twenty unicorn holy beasts, ten snake monsters, two ice giants and titan giants, as well as Natalie and Several archangels were among them.

Although this team is only in their early fifties, their combat power cannot be underestimated.

There was no need to lower the city gate. Richard stood among them and silently recited a spell, and the team instantly appeared behind the snow giant.



Although the coalition of tribal warriors was not determined to fight and had been struggling in the offensive, Richard had no idea of ​​mercy.

When they suddenly appeared behind the Snow Giant army, the Snow Giants, who were slowly attacking, were suddenly attacked from behind before they could even react.


The champion knights who charged first quickly showed their strong strength. Although many of the champion knights were not half as tall as the snow giants, even with their men and horses, this did not prevent them from inserting their lances into the snow with accuracy. Giant’s chest.

The unicorn holy beast has slightly weaker attack power, but it is more flexible. Not only can it dodge the big stick and spear in the hands of the snow giant, it can also release a double-eyed insomnia from time to time to attract more confusion from the snow giant.


Comparatively speaking, only the battle between the Titans, the Frost Giants and the Snow Giants was the most interesting. These giants, who were about the same size, entered into fist-to-flesh hand-to-hand combat.

Before the war, the sky-level Titans, like other units, received status magic bonuses from the Angel Alliance. A prayer improved their three attributes to a certain extent. They were already powerful and could easily defeat them. After suppressing the surrounding snow giants, even four or five snow giants surrounding him were not enough to defeat him.

“What’s going on! Those humans suddenly appeared behind the attacking troops!”

“It’s that situation again, we let them run away like this last time!”

Some snow giant leaders had never seen teleportation before, and they were confused when they saw the enemies suddenly appearing behind them. However, those like Yukikaze who had participated in the previous battle reacted quickly.

“Let the reserve team come up and trap them! We can’t let them continue to attack!”

“Fire flames, kill!”


Here, Richard rushed to the front of the team. After entering the holy level, the characteristics of the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique became more and more obvious. The fighting spirit slash he issued was extremely aggressive. Once he slashed it down, not only He split open the snow giant in front of him, and there were even flames burning at the fracture, which showed the fierceness of his fighting spirit.

Although the Snow Giant’s tribal coalition attacked La Kua, it did not mean that they were willing to be defeated like this. Upon seeing this, Kawei, who was in charge of coordination, immediately sent a reserve team to prepare to stop this small team from sneaking up behind the team.

But how could Richard be so easy to intercept? He had elites in his hands, and there were archangels in the sky and the night angels summoned by Natalies to cooperate in the fight. The chaotic snow giant was simply turned upside down. When the Snow Giant reserve team was preparing to surround the team, Richard led the team to conduct a small-scale teleportation, constantly causing trouble and chaos to the attacking Snow Giants.



“Do not pursue more than one thousand meters! Do not pursue more than one thousand meters! Kill!”

Just when the Snow Giant wanted to concentrate on dealing with Richard who suddenly got behind them, something they didn’t expect happened.

The ants who originally only dared to defend in the position actually came out this time. After a brief mobilization and order from the officers, they took the weapons they used to deal with the snow giant and launched a massive attack…


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