Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 558: Snowfield Conquest 8




At this time, Keshid’s eyes were red from the killing, and his body was covered with blood. The hand holding the sword was trembling slightly. It was obvious that he had been exhausted. The only thing that was certain was that he was not injured. The blood on his body All from Snow Giant.

The outstanding swordsmen following him were all covered in blood at this time, and even turned completely red. Compared to Keshid, they were less particular and even enjoyed the feeling of having their enemies covered in blood. , often deliberately letting the enemy’s blood spill on themselves. Under the iron helmet, they didn’t know how many times they had licked the blood around their mouths.

Compared to Keshid, their consumption is slightly smaller, because the main pressure is still on Keshid, but their fighting spirit has basically been exhausted, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as before.

However, these are not important anymore. Under the killings of Keshid and the elite swordsmen, the snow giants that were originally besieged from all sides were directly killed in two directions. The soldiers guarding the defensive position took the opportunity to take back their positions. , and quickly rearranged traps and blocked horses, making the Snow Giant’s previous actions in vain.

The snow giants attacking from the other two sides saw that the humans actually launched a counterattack and defeated the friendly forces on both sides. They did not dare to continue the attack, but quietly retreated to conserve their strength.

This is also the biggest problem of the tribal coalition. Although several tribes were tricked by Severo into taking the lead, they themselves were not in the same opinion. Several tribes attacked Snowfield City separately. direction, when the battle goes well, it’s okay, and they can barely work together, but once the battle is frustrated, each has its own considerations.

At this time, Keshid was exhausted, and his team of outstanding swordsmen were almost exhausted. After all, none of the snow giants were soft persimmons, and they were much more tiring than fighting the orcs.

The giant dragon in the sky could no longer breathe out its dragon breath for a short time. Even the holy dragon had to swoop down directly in the end and crush the snow giant with its body.

If at this moment, the other two tribes could seize the opportunity and continue the attack, in order to avoid casualties, Keshid could only lead his outstanding swordsmen back to the city in despair.

Not to mention conquering Snowfield City, it is possible to at least destroy most of the defenders’ positions on the outside, paving the way for the subsequent attack.

As soon as they retreated, the originally suppressed defenders immediately rushed out and used every second to repair the outer defensive fortifications. When the Snow Giant attacks again next time, they will have to face another large swarm of horse and horse resistance. Densely pricked.

“The snow giant retreats!”

“The snow giant retreats!”



The failure of the Snow Giant’s attack not only caused a low morale for itself, but also greatly boosted the morale of the defenders. Especially some soldiers who had not participated in the last battle with the Snow Giant were still a little uneasy. Now seeing that the large-scale attack by the Snow Giants was repelled, their confidence was boosted.

The defenders on the city wall let out waves of cheers.

“Lord Richard! Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!”

Amidst the cheers of the soldiers, Keshid led a team of outstanding swordsmen back to Snowfield City. The cheering soldiers around him spontaneously made way for them, looking at them with admiration in their eyes. I wonder how powerful these warriors exuding a strong **** aura were. Most of them could see clearly on the city wall just now.

“Thank you for your hard work! Take the outstanding swordsman down first to have a good rest and try to restore your physical strength and fighting spirit.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Keshid did not refuse. Just now he killed at least hundreds of snow giant warriors with one sword and one man, many of whom were elites of the earth level. In order to defeat the snow giant, Keshid himself consumed a huge amount of money. It takes at least a day or two to recover.

The outstanding swordsmen who followed him in the battle were also exhausted. For the next day, they would not join the battle for the time being.

However, Richard is not worried. Although the Snow Giant has not tried its best, Richard still has a lot of cards in his hand that he has not yet played.

“Order the troops to clear the battlefield quickly. If the horses are not enough, ask Miracle City to send some more, and arrange for the wounded to be returned to Snowfield City as soon as possible.”

“Replace the troops that have suffered excessive losses, rest and replenish them, and let the Silver Wing Corps prepare for the war in Miracle City and bring in two more legions!”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

The officer on standby immediately conveyed the order according to Richard’s wishes.

After this battle, although the Snow Giants suffered heavy losses, the casualties of the human soldiers were also not small. The Snow Giants lost two to three thousand corpses under the snowfield city, and the human casualties were at least six or seven times that of the Snow Giants. This is still There were casualties caused by the situation where Keshid led the superb swordsmen and the dragon in the sky assisted in the battle.

Among the battles fought by the entire Northland Army, the one with the most casualties was probably the battle with the Snow Giant.

On the outer defense line, in order to hold back the Snow Giants, many entire teams of defenders who were stationed behind horse-rejecting walls and ground spike traps were killed. More than 20,000 casualties were incurred. This casualty rate was already close to 10%. .

That is to say, the troops in the Northland can still maintain high morale. Fortunately, there are strategic-level channels like the teleportation array, so we can continuously replenish supplies and rotate troops, so that the defenders are always in the best condition.

“Lord Richard, if the Snow Giant attacks next time, without Lord Keshid taking action, the city wall may be in danger.”

Although Christian became a senior general of the Northland Army as soon as he was recruited, he spent more time in charge of special units such as the Divine Power Catapult, and he had only known Richard for a shorter period of time. It’s not known how many trump cards Richard has in his hand. After seeing the snow giant’s combat power intuitively, he is a little worried about the next battle.

“We also have the champion knight, the unicorn holy beast, the snake girl, the giants who have not been dispatched, and me…”

“When the snow giant attacks next time, send some people to meet it head-on, and I will lead some people to use teleportation…”

Richard still has a lot of unused power. If he only has the card of Keshid, how can he have the confidence to complete the idea of ​​conquering the snowfield? Races like the Snow Giants are already considered the only ones in the snowfield. The top race next to the dragon.

In addition to some high-level system warriors who have not yet been deployed in the city, Snowfield City itself has an unused energy shield. Once used, it will not only divide the Snow Giant’s forces, but also buy another day of buffer time for Snowfield City.

The most important thing is that Richard still has the Ice and Snow Key in his hand that has not been used. He is very much looking forward to how much effect he can have on the snow giant after transforming into the Ice Giant King.


While Richard and Christine were discussing the next defensive arrangements, there was already a quarrel on the Snow Giant side.

First, Geul, who supervised the battle, came to hold the deserters responsible and wanted to take them away and execute them. However, with Qavi’s efforts, he could only take away a few deserters who were identified as leading the escape, and executed a few typical ones. Give each other face.

Then there were internal quarrels among several tribes.

“It’s the Yukikaze tribe again! If your Yukikaze tribe hadn’t fled, the battle wouldn’t have ended like this!”

“Hmph! Those humans were the first to counterattack from the direction of our Yukikaze Department! Another holy leader is here, who of you can stop him?”

“What about my support? You just watch them continue to counterattack and won’t you support me?”

“A flight is a flight, what excuse are you looking for!”

A post-war meeting gradually turned into blame-shifting and quarrels. Several tribal leaders kept arguing, and Kawei, who was in charge of commanding the battle, looked increasingly gloomy.

Although nominally, he is the commander sent by the royal court, in fact he can only act as the glue for several tribes. On the actual battlefield, only the soldiers under the command of the tribal leaders can fight. Wei’s words don’t have much effect.

When Keshid led the superb swordsman to counterattack just now, Kawei realized that something was wrong and dispatched soldiers from the other two tribes to support him. Unexpectedly, after his order was given, the troops had to wait for the leader’s order. After several delays, Keshid had already defeated the target with his superb swordsmen. Later, he wanted to suppress several tribes and try to continue the attack. However, seeing that the attack failed, each tribe hurriedly withdrew all the warriors and attacked. Carvey’s orders were poorly enforced.

Now seeing the noisy tribal leaders in front of him, Kawei is even thinking that maybe Severo is right. At these critical times, the tribes who only care about preserving their own strength might as well merge them all into the royal court, at least the warriors of the royal court. When fighting, they will not plot against each other.

However, now is not the time to consider these issues.


Kawei interrupted the quarrel between the tribal leaders with a clap of his hands.

“If you have the energy to argue here, why not go to the king to comment on who is responsible.”

As soon as Kawei mentioned Severo, the tribal leaders present fell silent. In this defeat, all tribes suffered some losses. The tribes that retreated later were okay. They were initially chosen by Keshid for the attack. Both tribes in the direction lost four to five hundred warriors. If the fighting continued like this, not many tribes could bear it.

“Lord Kawei, this time another strong man of the holy level has appeared in the human race. If the other party had not appeared of the holy level again, we would never have fought like this.”

“And this time, the Yukikaze Department was the first to be defeated. The responsibility should all be on the Yukikaze Department.”

“Please, Master Kawei, explain the situation to the king and give us some reinforcements.”

The tribes said so much, but they actually meant the same thing. Humanity was too strong this time. They didn’t want to send more troops. Let the royal court take over. They tried their best.

The soldiers of the royal court kept watching the show, which really hurt the morale of the tribes, not to mention that the battle was so difficult.

The correct approach should be to mix the royal court warriors and tribal warriors. The royal court and the tribes will jointly send troops to attack the city together, and then the generals of the royal court will be responsible for the command. Both execution and morale will definitely be better than now. powerful.

But Kawei, who vaguely knew Severo’s thoughts, knew that it would be absolutely useless to beg Severo at this moment. It was even possible that the next step would be for the soldiers of the royal court to force these tribes to continue attacking…

Sure enough, Gul quickly brought Severo’s new order.

All tribes are required to continue the attack. The soldiers of the royal court will strictly supervise the battle. If any tribe does not carry out the order, the leader will be killed immediately. The tribes are together, shoot to death without mercy.



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